Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @fanniebay: G’day from Down Under @tedcruz. Thanks for your interest in the Territory. I’m the Chief Minister. Below are a few facts abo…

    @marksbirch I’d write something about preying on the desperate with dreams of a big payout, to the point where they work themselves to death… but, you know, NDAs and such. 😜

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    @BronwenZ Similar to the other one of his we visited, he ran out of money before it was done. But what they managed to finish (throne room, king’s apartment, music room) was opulent and stunning.

    @BronwenZ They don’t let you take photos inside though. 🙁

    Watching the Sun clear the mountains before our tour of Hohenschwangau castle. 🌄🍂🏰 @ Schloss Hohenschwangau

    “It is a beautiful day in the castle, and you are a horrible swan.” 😂🦢🏰 @ Schloss Hohenschwangau

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    RT @DeichCruiser: Ich bin geimpft. Zeige bei Bedarf gerne den Nachweis vor. Maske tragen finde ich nicht dramatisch da wo es nötig ist. Stö…

    Current view. 🏔🏰 #neuschwanstein @ Alpseee Rundweg

    Today we hiked around the Alpsee and then up to Neuschwanstein for a tour inside. Perfect Bavarian day… ❤️🏔🏰🍂

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    He told me I looked cute in the hat and bought it for me as a present… and not five minutes later referred to me as “Boober Fraggle.” 🤣 @ Füssen im Allgäu

    RT @skorfmann: Gonna talk about CDK for Terraform and the general idea of what I actually mean by Cloud Driven Development @AWSCommunityDE…

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    @Erdbeervogel Eh, it’s fine. I think it definitely focuses more on the “engineering” part, as you don’t really see much details of how they make the cake parts each time.

    @randomknits What did you see??

    @randomknits OOH, nice! How was it? I ❤️ Awkwafina.

    My first blog post in AGES! Lots of photos from my summer of cycling in Munich, as well as details about my new bike and the harrowing tale of my first ever saddle sore. 😳🚴‍♀️

    @Vel12171 @vuyo_mhlotshane @tinydata42 @awsdevelopers YES! I know about this. I was on a call about it this morning. Two seconds…

    @Vel12171 @vuyo_mhlotshane @tinydata42 @awsdevelopers Okay! The CFP is here, and they are looking for 20 min talks: The event will be streamed on Nov. 19:

    Ladies! AWS She Builds are holding our first ever global online Summit, and we’re looking for technical and career talks (20min sessions). The CFP is open only until Oct. 20, so get in there! Actual event streamed on Nov. 19:

    Off on another mini-adventure! 🏰🏔 (That last pic is the view out our hotel room window!)

    Füssen is pretty charming. @ Füssen im Allgäu

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    @yow_conf Don’t hold your breath. 😂

    RT @mekkaokereke: 💯

    If you believe that soft skills are natural, intuitive, not quantifiable, and purely subjective, then you let yourself…

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Did you see that we’re having another meetup next Thursday, October 21? Join us for a virtual beer, slice of Hawaiian p…

    RT @mavi888uy: Join me at the AWS Dev Day for Modern Application Development on Oct 20h. I will show you how to do build a web app with geo…

    @hexsteph My partner vacillates between “plastic milk crate with a giant tangle of a million cables chucked in there,” and occasional bouts of energy where he separates some out, winds them into coils, and stuffs them into toilet paper tubes for safekeeping.

    @dtraub @linda_mhmd @andreas_ruetten I AM!!

    THEY’RE SO CUTE! And the raspberry dress ring/circuit mechanism was super clever. #bakingimpossible

    RT @DemsAbroadES: US Taxation is a problem for every single American living abroad.

    Join Democrats Abroad Toulouse as they host Carmelan…

    RT @madscienceskill: Mae Jemison was the first person to both go to space and be on #StarTrek send tweet.

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    @gilmae I hadn’t checked yet. Still 86 pages of “POV John Watson” to get through. 😂

    @yow_conf AWWW, YOU! 😍 (And how much do I love the YouTube preview image for that talk? The single greatest slide animation I ever created.)

    RT @yow_conf: This is another favourite (& super fun) talk by 1 of our fave humans: @web_goddess’s ‘Knit One, Compute One’. Open your eyes…

    RT @pgarbe: We’re starting in 2 hours with the kickoff event. #awscommunity @AWSCommunityDE

    @annie_parker I never enjoyed it while I was doing it, but now that I can’t (crappy knees) I miss it.

    @FuckboisOfLit Gahhhh, I’m so sad I didn’t get to contribute to the Dahl series! I have Opinions. 😂 (I’m also @RoaldDahlFans.)

    RT @timClicks: Why is it harder to make a website in 2021 than it was in 1996?

    @girlgerms Yeah, was pretty much one a day there for a while. Seems to have died down now. (I’ve got my Aussie number parked with a service that forwards to email.)

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    @mmastertheone Yeah, Rodd showed me yesterday. I remain very, very skeptical about this.

    @HeshamAboElMagd And a beautiful day for it too! So many people out and about.

    RT @GunnarGrosch: Join us at AWS Resilience and Chaos Engineering Day to dive into six technical sessions focused on building confidence in…

    🏎️ START YOUR ENGINES! 🏎️ There will be a Deep Racer race as part of the AWS DACH Community Day next week, so if you’ve ever wanted to try programming an autonomous car, here’s your chance! Kickoff event happening TOMORROW and race on 19th: @AWSCommunityDE

    @johnallsopp Thanks for that, John! Shared with some of my colleagues. Now I want to hear your thoughts on live coding… Is it the “live” part that’s the problem?

    @randomknits LOOOOOL that is the derpiest face the lovely Bonnie has ever made 😂

    @hannahcancode That looks amazing!!

    @mavi888uy I often listen to videogame music on Spotify when I’m trying to Get Things Done. Unfortunately it means sometimes those songs get recommended into my normal playlists, which… no.

    RT @jesslynnrose: I’ve been contacted by a lot of recruiters around devrel roles recently.

    I know devrel roles are a beast to recruit for…

    @jennapederson Did you see how a BIRD flew into my head on Friday? Hard not to see that one as an ill omen. 😂

    RT @alex_casalboni: AWS Lambda Power Tuning v4.1.0 is out 🎉 It comes with support for functions powered by Graviton2 (Arm) processors! Now…

    Watching “Baking Impossible” on Netflix where bakers and engineers have to solve challenges. My favourite bits are the grumpy old engineer who craps on all the failed designs, and the wonder that is Cindy and Taylor’s partnership. (I’m shipping them SO HARD.) 🤖🍰

    @stevenbeeckman It’s actually kind of fun! But I HATE the term “bakineers”. 🤮

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    @damana I played Helena in high school and got to say that line on stage about my friend Kelly. ❤️

    Knitting with Kris – It feels like Autumn in Germany, so back to knitting! 🧶

    26km ride today past Nymphenburg, through Olympiapark, into the Englischer Garten Nord and all the way south to the city, through Marienplatz and the Altstadt to Sendlinger Tor and then home… Pretty much the greatest hits of Munich! 🚴‍♀️🍂

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    RT @darkosubotica: Hey hey! Look at me – I get to talk about Lightsail object storage! 😍