Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    The big @canva news was on TV Down Under, and my friend @knitterjp messaged with a screenshot. That’s some old footage! 😂❤️

    Heading home to Munich on a grey, drizzly day. Hey, there’s the Bodensee (aka Lake Constance)! 🚄🌧 @ Bregenz Bodensee

    RT @_Mo_Malaka_: Come hang out with

    🌟 @rjourdan_net
    🌟 @web_goddess
    🌟 @ASpittel
    🌟 @codebeast
    🌟 @mavi888uy

    and learn about the develo…

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    RT @PathsUncovered: In light of the news @canva today, this seems like an ideal teaser of the latest episode!

    Hear about how @web_goddess…

    @saberkite Miss you!! ❤️

    @MichelePlayfair @melissa_loh KEEP ME IN YOUR HEARTS, AUSTRALIA, AND I WILL RETURN.

    RT @unicorn_rentals: Rainbow Day is about to drop, and the demand for unicorns is going to skyrocket in the Nordics vs. Benelux #AWSGameDay…

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    RT @Vel12171: @jeffbarr hold on to it 😊 — also here’s my co-auth on how you can deploy your COBOL code in AWS using #oss…

    @melissa_loh HA! You can never escape. 😂 Miss you all!

    RT @melissa_loh: It’s almost like being at a conference with @web_goddess ! 😆


    @bec_h2o HA! I look like I’m in a Nescafe commercial. 😂❤️

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    RT @graybookmark: what am i most excited to see in #hawkeye? the in-universe production of rogers the musical obviously…

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    @LapTop006 @minxdragon Yeah, but Din Tai Fung are pretty much international now, aren’t they? I’ve seen them all over. So I don’t know if they’re uniquely Sydney…

    @GoldenFennec Ooh. Messina is a very good call, I think.

    Another travel day! After a brief stop in Milan to say hello to @alex_casalboni, we are on a train headed to Switzerland. Next stop Zürich… 🚄

    It appears our journey to Zürich is via Naboo. 😍 @ Lugano, Switzerland

    Me: Bavaria is so pretty. It looks like a fairytale.

    Switzerland: Hold my fondue. 😍🇨🇭 @ Zürich, Switzerland

    Zürich at night time is very pretty! Also, CHOCOLATE. 🍫

    RT @atptour: GOLDEN SLAM for 🇦🇺 @DylanAlcott 🏆🏆🏆🏆🥇

    He becomes the first men’s wheelchair tennis player to achieve this historic feat 👏 #US…

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    They gave us a little souvenir as we left the restaurant! #balsamic @ Osteria Francescana

    Me: They forgot to put the chocolate sprinkle on my cappuccino!

    Rodd, embarrassed: Only Australians do that!! 😂

    Today’s adventure – walking food tour of Modena. We had cappuccino and gnocco fritto for breakfast, visited the covered market, and sampled multiple Parmigiano cheeses and Balsamic vinegars!

    Then a selection of tigelle, followed by several desserts at a traditional pasticceria. Check my Instagram for more photos!

    @gilmae Feeling very very fortunate we were able to do this, and only slightly stressed that it was a foolish thing to do in light of the risk, and in deep denial that we’ll probably be in lockdown all winter. Mixed bag, really. (But it was nice!)

    @bodil I blame you for this ad appearing in my Instagram feed.

    Final meal in Modena was at a trattoria recommended by our tour guide. I had local specialities tortellini in brodo (broth) and beef fillet with balsamic vinegar, while the Snook went with tagliatelle al ragu and roast goat! (He was in heaven.) 🐐

    Inspired by the food tour today, we spent dinner trying to come with the top 5 iconic Sydney food stops. Coffee Alchemy, Batch brewing, Marrickville pork roll were all easy selections. But what else? Fish markets? Meat pie? Chinatown dim sum?

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    @bodil We are. It’s happening in 3 hours. I’ve been waiting a full year for this…

    RT @PathsUncovered: 📢NEW EPISODE📢


    It’s the fabulo…

    RT @GunnarGrosch: On the next episode of AWS Nordics Office Hours, I’m joined by @web_goddess to look at machine learning for non-data scie…

    @chixors @PathsUncovered I hold you don’t mind that I’ve dobbed you in as a potential future guest!! ❤️

    Osteria Francescana. It’s finally time. ❤️😭 @ Osteria Francescana

    OH, 2.5 hrs into lunch: “Onions…. ARE THE BEST.” 🧅❤️😂

    That was epic. Details to come once my brain is online again… ❤️ #osteriafrancescana @ Osteria Francescana

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    @JasonUmiker @buzzyNZ Rodd informs me that they are ubiquitous and showed me a Google image search! 😂

    Off on a very special trip. Have just crossed the Tyrolean Alps en route to Italy. It’s a STUNNING day… ❤️🏔☀️

    @charis I just keep gasping and scrambling for my camera! 😂

    @msharp That was exactly where we were!!

    @dtraub @alex_casalboni We’re having lunch on Sunday!!

    @MelissaKaulfuss I’m trying on Insta, but connection isn’t strong enough…

    @mavi888uy @dtraub @alex_casalboni Well, he’s not coming to the offsite due to that pesky GETTING MARRIED thing… 😂

    Working on a talk, but I keep getting distracted by the view!

    @liviainberlin It’s the EC85 from Munich to Rimini!

    @liviainberlin More info:

    We have a brief stop in Verona, and a rude Italian bit his thumb at me! 😲🖕 #shakespeareaninsults @ Verona, Italy

    Hahaha, I downloaded my @untappd beer history for a data project, and I am cracking up at some of my “beer reviews”:

    “I was enjoying it right up until Rodd pointed out it smells like baked beans.”

    “I like the horse on the label.”


    More gems:

    “A fine ale to accompany my cheese baby.”



    I don’t even remember some of these at all… 😂

    La dolce vita! We are exploring lovely Modena at night… 🇮🇹

    Food was involved, of course. 🍷🍦

    @dev_el_ops Wait until tomorrow!!!

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    RT @therandomswill: @Peter_Fitz Once again, @JulianHillMP didn’t miss. #COVID19Aus #auspol

    Yes, to all of this. (God I miss the heyday of blogs.)

    @StokesXandra @nickj69 100% agree. I was a BA for several years; couldn’t “analyse a business” to save my life. 🙂

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    RT @yow_conf: We’re looking for an Australia-based Community Manager to help us grow!

    Interested, or know someone perfect for the role?…

    RT @ASpittel: 1. Next.js Support
    2. Sign in with Apple
    3. Maps
    4. Multiauth
    5. Environmental variables and secrets
    6. Data explorer
    7. Seed…