Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Jamie’s 30Min Meals #32: Tomato Soup w/ Chunky Croutons, Crunchy Veg & Guacamole, Sticky Prune Sponge Puddings. WINNER!

    Sending out some fun and long-awaited emails! Yay!

    @drkknits Lots of planning happened this weekend too. It’s all coming together!

    @drkknits Oh, I think you’ll find that we’re going pretty much the complete opposite this year… 😉

    @drkknits Hahahaha… Yeah, that’s not happening. I need more SPARKLE. Also, I’m totes too pretty to be Jane Eyre. 😛

    @witty_knitter @SandraHW This is a fun site for ideas! 🙂

    Do people actually *like* RSVPing on Facebook? Trying to decide if I should use it for Halloween. I mostly ignore that stuff on FB myself…

    @witty_knitter I take it that’s an RSVP for you two, then? 🙂

    Knitters: I am destashing some interesting wools at low, low, GARAGE SALE style prices. Help me reclaim my closet!

    @msgusset 4 balls of it gone so far! Don’t deliberate too long… 🙂

    @witty_knitter NO WAY, I WORE THE ORANGE TOOOOOO!

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    @goldfishgeorge Pretty good! I won’t need to buy cat food or toilet paper for the next 6 months, that’s for sure. 🙂

    @DebTeakle Ooh, I didn’t see the choc chips! Will have to look next time…

    Hoping that @mrs_sockvictim is having a good time at camp!

    @danivv DM me your email address and I’ll send it tomorrow. 🙂

    New Arrested Development series AND movie? Best news ever.

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    RT @redditflipboard: Don’t judge me, lamp! [r/pics] #reddit #flipboard

    I found Jiffy mix at Broadway Reject Shop and FREAKED OUT. Never seen it in Oz before!

    @danivv Nah, we didn’t see any cornbread. Cornbread is pretty easy though! I can email you a recipe if you like. 🙂

    @bezthomas Probably the same section where Snook claims to have seen Marshmallow Fluff before. Not there anymore! 🙁

    @bezthomas Haha. Bostonians like @eileenDCoE would be horrified: It’s Fluffer Nutters! NutterFluffers somehow sound *ruder*. 🙂

    Buy our stuff! Wii drum set: BBQ + gas bottle:

    Retail therapy on a rainy day! (@ Costco)

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    I think maybe @dooce explained why I’ve been off lately. The September blues explains a lot…

    SELF: Wallowing in emo music isn’t going to make you feel any better. Time to put on some Lenny Kravitz and kick this mood in the nuts.

    Gurgle Worthington will HAUNT MY DREAMS.

    @drkknits @kunaal84 I actually saw BS do Caesar on my 1st trip to Sydney in 2001! I think I’ll pass on this one.

    @Opheli8 Dr Amy’s favourite trick is to hide ours beneath her fluffy butt.

    @gilmae And yet I’m allowed to donate and willing, and my stupid veins are letting me down. Fail all around.

    RT @rainnwilson: Steven Malkmus of Pavement on REM. #RipREM

    @mrs_sockvictim I hear you. Are you still doing the sock club?

    At Toby’s Broadway, the coffee degustation comes with an iPad loaded with tasting notes. #hipsterheaven

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    @Soma377 That pretty much goes everywhere. You have to answer that question here too.

    @Soma377 I think the US may ban me for living in the UK for 2 years, actually. Even though Mad Cow was well over by then…

    I dropped a lolly. And now I can’t find it. It’s not on the floor; it’s not on my chair. WHERE DID IT GO?

    @drkknits Ooh, that sounds creepy. I ended up finding the lolly on the floor 5 feet away. Less exciting.

    @drkknits I actually went to the toilet to make sure it didn’t worm itself down my pants. I discovered it on the floor on my way back. 🙂

    @imdominating Be sure the tweet the webcam URL if you GET MARRIED, DRUNKY. 😛

    @fictillius I was shocked when I read it too! But glad to know it wasn’t GoGet members ripping off the company.

    @BendalongMorgan Heh. I did check. I later found it on the floor though. 🙂

    @jannism The sad thing is, I was actually wondering.

    Feeling weird and out-of-sorts. Disconnected from my friends. How did this happen? Feel like I haven’t seen you guys in aaaages…

    @bookchellef @Lackadazy “Not available to customers in Australia.” Arbitrary geographic content restrictions on digital goods SUCK.

    Woke up to the news that one of our good friends from our time in London has died. We miss you, Ciaran. I still can’t believe it.

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    Lonely nerds in fedoras. Ahem.

    Handyman is meant to fix our front gate. He just rang to say that he’s TAKING OUR GATE AWAY to fix and will bring it back tomorrow. WTF.

    What the–? There’s a giant net suspended over the street at Town Hall. Anybody know what that’s for?

    Oh, it’s Art! Connected to Art & About and Powerhouse Lace exhibit. Neat. (Hat tip @sixandahalfst)

    Trying to decide whether I prefer waiting at salon or blood bank. Salon gives me wine, but blood bank gives me COOKIES.

    @knitterjp I did schedule! Just always seem to be last in the queue…

    Dear Everyone in the World: Yes. It’s Art. I figured that out and tweeted it like 15 minutes ago. But thank you. 🙂

    @sharre That’s definitely weird. It was 34 minutes ago. I did CC someone whose acct is protected. Maybe that’s why?

    Apologies. My tweet about Art was inadvertently a reply to a protected user, so you may not have seen it. Carry on as you were.

    Finally made it into the chair for my 2nd attempt at plasma donation… #crossfingers

    Fail. Stuck again in both arms, and neither good enough for plasma. My second visit with nothing donated. Oddly feel like crying.

    At least I got to see the net all lit up. It’s very pretty.

    @drkknits Something wants me to waste hours of my time and pain and get stuck and bruised all for nothing. I just wanted to help people. 🙁

    @drkknits Nah, haven’t been able to because of failed plasma attempts. Going back to plain blood tho. Better than nothing.

    Okay, who has Community on DVD? Because the entire Internet is telling me that it should be our favourite show.

    @gilmae Oh, I like Mad Men too. But I can only take so much nihilism and girdles. I need funny nerds being funny.

    @kunaal84 SWEEEEEET.

    @imdominating Leaving town things?

    I ate 2 cookies while waiting at the blood bank, and now I’m RAVENOUS. Even after eating a perfectly good dinner. God I hate you carbs.

    @imdominating Awesome! Are you hauling him back to the good ol’ Midwest?

    Stuck in traffic on an awful gray day when all I want is to go back to bed…

    @eileenDCoE Oh, RT, I’m sorry! Been having a rough couple of days and totally forgot the questions. Still need me to review??

    @chrisgander @kcarruthers Har har. (I am famously anti-knit graffiti. However, that’s much better than most of it. Thumbs up to whoever!)

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    Just performed successful iPhone tech support for CEO. *fistpump*

    Fluorescent light in the office is flickering. Right at 2 o’clock in my field of vision. GOING INSA.E

    The little Brody in my head: “You’re gonna need a bigger whiteboard.”

    First girl to get 3 consecutive 100+ meters in 20 seconds on the rower at Spudds. I’m very happy, but man, my lungs hurt.

    Just got an email asking about advertising on my blog… from a plastic surgery website. SPOILER: I SAID NO. (Also, I’m kind of insulted.)

    Jamie’s 30Min Meal #31: Sticky Pan-Fried Scallops, Sweet Chilli Rice, Dressed Greens, and Quick Brownies. BRILLIANT.

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    @witty_knitter Work stuff. On a Sunday. Shoot me now.

    @witty_knitter I think it’s okay now. Just spent 2 hours tearing my hair and taking out my frustrations on the Snook. Poor guy. 🙁

    @blakkat If you watched six, you watched too many. Star Wars stopped in 1983. Trust me.

    @goldfishgeorge As a fan, I would have been happier NOT seeing them. Ewan McGregor is the only redeeming factor.

    RT @crisdeal: Brilliant piece by @KKeneally on homosexuality and faith. It’ll make you want to go hug a Catholic.

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    @purple_velvet Hey, that’s where the lighthouse is that we stayed!

    @drkknits @kunaal84 I believe you mean: GoT:CoK. 🙂

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    @witty_knitter AWESOME. You will all be kimchee-assimilated into a better, garlic-infused future. 🙂

    SEO for Non-dicks: I could not approve of this post more.

    Fake it til you make it, right?

    @witty_knitter New responsibilities at work. Being optimistic to avoid getting stressed. 🙂

    Amy Farrah Fowler is my HOMEGIRL. Love her! (cc @drkknits)

    @drkknits In the same subject, neuroscience! She’s awesome. I saw her at DisneyWorld in Jr High and was starstruck. 🙂

    @drkknits Yep. She got to jump the queue on Big Thunder Mountain. That was my idea of the Dizzy Heights of Super Stardom.

    @jannism Yep. I wanted to be her when I was 13, and now I want to be her again 20 years later. 🙂

    @jannism And there’s the fact that I actually married Sheldon…. 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim *sigh* If I have to, I can help out, Miss Fee. But you should know I don’t get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day.

    @jannism Only in real life. Huh. That would make a pretty easy Halloween costume. Filing that away mentally for future use…

    @jannism I tend to go with no nose for the plain smiley or frown, but somehow I think the tongue face needs one. 😛 vs 😛

    I am not normally a bus panicker, but I suspect I’m trapped in the back of a packed Newtown bus. Halp!