Category: Twitter Post

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    Me and Kurt at school!

    Gave a talk on Roald Dahl at my nephew’s school. Nothing deflates the ego faster than being corrected by 100 3rd graders in unison.

    @drkknits Family resemblance. Kurt’s his nephew. 🙂

    @laimelde I am glad my humiliation cheered you up. 😛

    On the bus. The children gave me flowers.

    @goldfishgeorge How old he was when he died. I KNEW they were going to catch me out on something…

    My sacrifice to the marathon gods is now complete: right big toenail is 95% gone. I AM A MONSTER.

    @jenwburn Oh crap! He emailed that was going to be on and I forgot to record it. Wonder if I can watch online…

    @jenwburn Haha, don’t try to hide it! You’re a closet Renovators fan, AREN’T YOU? 🙂

    I made cornbread for @kunaal84. It appears to be smiling at me.

    @kunaal84 Least I could do considering how I am forever spilling secrets. 😛

    @codepo8 What shutdown? Snook pleads ignorance.

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    @drkknits @kunaal84 Don’t give him ideas! (He doesn’t have a window, so he uses mine.)

    @crumpet Went to Rose St Markets in Melbs & looked at iPad cover. Dude says w/ sincerity: “And there’s a custom pocket for your Moleskine!”

    @ozgamer The Snook and I totally love that show. And then we argue over which one of us is more Sheldon.

    @janiematts Welcome back!

    @drkknits I was cooking, so Rodd procured. Him: “I think I mixed bundy & bacardi white, on account of not having any golden rum on hand.”

    @drkknits @kunaal84 If I have told you once, I have told you a thousand times. I’m very Important on the Internets. 😛

    Today’s tights: Electric Blue. I feel very Jem & the Holograms.

    @witty_knitter Awesome!

    @toastman I can’t believe I went to your office and you weren’t even there!

    @toastman Meet-n-greet with “Claire”?! Just the usual yada yada, we are awesome, hire us please spiel. 🙂

    Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #30: Steak Sarnie, Crispy New Potatoes, Cheesy Mushrooms, Beetroot Salad. Finished in 29:44!

    Prepping to go talk to 3rd graders about Roald Dahl tomorrow. I get more nervous about talking to them than I do with important clients!

    RT @nolim1t: Instagram 2.0 is here! Better image processing, filters, etc! Grab it from the App Store! #sydney #sydneycommunit http://t. …

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    Ugh. If I’ve unfollowed someone, why does Twitter continue to show me tweets from other people @ that person?

    @richbuggy Nah, not you. I unfollowed A, and I don’t see A’s tweets anymore. However, I do see tweets from B that are @A, which is annoying.

    2.5 hour meetings really make the afternoon fly by.

    Tonight’s Spudds workout went a long way towards erasing yesterday’s feelings of weakness & loserdom. I am fit & strong. Was just a bad day.

    RT @rohetherington: Do you own a Dog or Cat in Australia? If so, please complete the Pet Census: Takes 3 mins, will …

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    Here’s me and the Snook, sweaty but proud post-Race.

    For those not in Sydney, it’s currently 28C (82F) at 10:20am. Hot and hazy. I do not envy the marathoners their task today…

    My race medal has a pretty bitchin’ ‘tache.

    @kdelarue Thanks for the info! No, I haven’t made @hellomista’s acquaintance yet. Nice job on the run! 🙂

    Quick Half-Marathon Race Report over at dailymile…

    On the bus back to the city to meet @knitabulous for lunch! (Ailsa – feel free to grab a table if you beat us there.)

    Refuelling after the race! (@ Heritage Belgian Beer Cafe)

    Snook & I were walking wounded at lunch, but @knitabulous looked like a rockstar. Hair done, slinky dress, platform espadrilles, the works!

    Me: “Ugh. I think today is that stupid Talk Like a Pirate Day.” Snook: “THAT IT BE.” Double ugh.

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    Race prep power food: Epic Steak Sarnie w/ cheesy mushrooms, fried potatoes, & beetroot salad (from Mr Oliver).

    I think I’ll pop ’round the corner and check out my new local fabric store, Fabric Muse! (I love that.)

    Fabric Muse is cute! Small but eclectic range aims to inspire. Some genuine designer fabrics too. Proprietor is friendly fash design student

    Sample of Fabric Muse’s range, including Burberry and Chanel:

    Thanks for the well wishes everybody! Heading to bed now. @knitabulous – will look for you at the back of C group! LET’S BE AWESOME.

    4:30. I’m up. Let’s do this.

    Before the race! (Just proving I haven’t list my iPhone. Yet.)

    My slowest HM ever due to heat and cramping. Fun to run with Snookums tho!!

    @knitabulous We are under a tree near baggage pickup…

    I saw a giant photo of me and @randomknits at 16km! Nearly fell over laughing. Thanks Donna!! 🙂

    We are the champions my friends… Way to go @knitabulous!

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    @witty_knitter I just replied. Yes, you can… but not in Gmail.

    @KathrynElliott I’m well! Such a small world. @FlavourCrusader is the brainchild of my good friend Sharon. 🙂

    @acatinatree I am still disappointed that Snook’s old company declined to name porny mobile site “Mobile Funbags”. #tittalk

    @acatinatree Nah, previous G word (Glassonion), I believe. #tittalk

    Don’t forget: I’m running the Half-Marathon Sunday; pleaseleave me a message of support! My bib number is C06839 at

    @drkknits Poo. Sorry; I hadn’t tried it out yet myself. 🙁

    I am starting to feel about Facebook “Happy Birthday” posts the same way Jerry Seinfeld did about kissing his neighbours hello.

    @that_alison Sadly, I often find myself knitting with cat hair whether I like it or not. Shit gets *everywhere*. 🙂

    RT @imdominating: @web_goddess PURRRRFECTION! Thank you! Just in time for the crazy drop in temp.

    @gilmae I believe the correct spelling in that case is “asplodes.”

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    Stopped in at the Grace to see my knitting buddies. So much fun! Needed after a long and busy day…

    @mrs_sockvictim Super cute and groovy! Love it.

    @witty_knitter I realised today that I actually own TWO Barbies. Right now. As a grown-ass woman. I can’t decide if that is good or bad.

    @drkknits Bwahahaha… (The horror.)

    @grabyourfork What the–? I JUST left the Grace! We were upstairs in the Bar! Like ships passing in the night, you and me…

    @KathrynElliott @flavourcrusader Hey, I know Kathryn, I think! Hello, long lost buddy! 🙂

    @drkknits @witty_knitter One is a “graduation” Barbie (cap and gown); the other is a Computer Engineer. Not bad as Barbie careers go. 🙂

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    @miftik Thanks! Heartbreaker Fashion: 🙂

    @witty_knitter You know the rule. Where’s the photo?

    @witty_knitter Sorry, was at the gym! You look awesome! Like a wood sprite. 🙂 The green & orange works surprisingly well…

    @dancingman Hahaha, before I even clicked on it, I thought: “I bet it’s another damn clarinet.” 😀

    @zephyrama Sydney CBD? Or Newcastle?

    @lemon_lime Hahaha, you cheaterhead! On GoogleReader you said you got 1500. 😛

    @drkknits @witty_knitter I randomly got followed by Wynstan with a Y (from the advert for blinds). Favorite follower EVER.

    @drkknits @witty_knitter Also, a Sydney-based swingers club. Rodd’s like, “WHAT WERE YOU TWEETING ABOUT?!” No idea.

    @AusVintageGrrl What the heck is a “dry knit”?

    @zephyrama You need to get yourself over to Surry Hills to Tessuti’s! That’s my fave. There’s a new one in Chippo too:

    @drkknits Hahaha… Today I came into possession – randomly – of Shannon Ponton’s email address. 🙂

    @drkknits I’m very big on the Internet.

    @drkknits Hot pink tights are probably some sort of coded signal! No wonder they’re after me.

    RT @brown_note: The Cult of Done Manifseto #pmot #baot // I’m a huge fan of this too. Perfect is the enemy of good!

    @witty_knitter @Tash2point0 Love it. So much cleverer than a wonky piece of badly knitted garter stitch wrapped on a pole.

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    @imdominating SWEEET! I figured they’d get there soon. Do they fit? They will keep you toasty come winter time!

    Mmmm, just had my first ever bite of moon cake! Thanks Fei…

    Heading to Surry Hills to meet @knitterjp and collect my long-awaited coloured tights. MY LEGS SHALL BE MUNDANE NO MORE! (cc @Opheli8)

    @Opheli8 Coloured tight solidarity, of course.

    @zephyrama Awesome! Are the kitchen walls blue yet? Your hands? It’ll happen. 🙂

    So many knitters I know need this:

    @VenessaHunt I have successfully managed to deter @kunaal84 from it 2 days now with a container full of nuts. Such unhealthy people!

    RT @guardian: How well do you know Roald Dahl? Test … with this quiz: // 10-10! But then, I made 🙂

    Loving my new tights from @welovecolors! First ever that are actually long enough. Now just need bravery enough to wear hot pink in public.

    @toastman Yes. But she got all skinny and lollipop-head, so I can’t take her seriously as a chef. Sophie, that is.

    Look at this effing hipster. (It’s not a camera. It’s an iPhone cover. SO AWESOME.)

    @witty_knitter I got fuchsia, teal, burnt orange, black. But what to wear them with?? I need a stylist! Paging @mrs_sockvictim…

    @toastman I did like that she did the voices they used on the official website. She made a good Miss Honey.

    @VenessaHunt Hard to say. I am of jealous sort, so probably pissed. Snook, not so much. I hang out with dudes all the time, right @kunaal84?

    @witty_knitter SMH says we should clash to be in style:

    @redambition Ahem. Why did you see fit to remind ME of that and not, say, @witty_knitter? What am I, the Lindsay Lohan of Knitting Guild?!

    @drkknits Whoever we are, we’re probably the Mean Girls. Maybe I can make “fetch” happen…

    @drkknits I will tomorrow, when I post a pic of me in my TOTES FETCH tights. 🙂

    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim Noooo. I have caved to fashion on the colored tights issue, but I will fight formal shorts TO THE DEATH.

    @witty_knitter You totally made me throw up in my mouth a little there. I do not envy your proximity to uni student fashion.

    Sunny, with periodic outbreaks of the 1960’s…

    That was a pic of me in my new hot pink tights, in case you missed it.

    @zephyrama Figured I couldn’t mess up too badly with a black wiggle dress. Actual colour coordination is probably beyond me…

    @zephyrama It is! I got the XL, but I think next time I’ll just get the L. Should order again from them while the dollar is still good… 🙂

    @Anthony_Mills Congrats on finding a place! Kogarah, huh? Is that far? (10 yrs in Sydney & I still have no clue. Comes of not having a car.)

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    @witty_knitter I gasped. Amazing work.

    Thrilled that I now have a local fabric store! Website not up yet tho. (Hat tip to @randomknits.)

    I’m running the SRF Half-Marathon Sunday; make sure you leave me a message of support! My bib number is C06839 at

    @knitterjp OOOH, YAY! I could walk over to your office at lunch, maybe?

    @imdominating I will admit to muttering, “God I hate you Sookie” several times during Ep11. But I cheered when Eric drank from the heart. 🙂

    @knitterjp Oh, in the evening? Sure, if you like. They’re pretty big binders so I don’t think either of us wants to carry them to/from work.

    @knitterjp Binders with hand and cat for scale. (I’m happy to bring them over tomorrow if you like!)

    @knitterjp Okay, I’ll bring ’em in tomorrow. Just message me where/when to meet you! I’m in Westfield Towers at bottom of Crown.

    @knitterjp You’re gonna laugh when you see them, btw. V printed out every email sent during her reign. 🙂

    Jamie’s 30Min Meals #29: Catherine Wheel Sausage, Horseradish Mash, Apple Salad, Sage&Leek Gravy, Stuffed Apples. YUM!

    Ooh, Fabric Muse’s (aka my new local fabric store) website is up!

    @randomknits That’s very nice of you. Whole situation gives me flashbacks to dumb decisions I made in uni. No hospital tho (sheer luck).

    RT @Mark_Sisson: The Primal Blueprint 30-Day Challenge begins today! Get in the best shape of your life and win cool prizes along the way.

    @goldfishgeorge Ooh, I didn’t, thanks. FM is only like 2 blocks from my house though! Loving that. 🙂