Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @TheRealBnut @mmastertheone OH GOOD GRIEF. Well spotted!

    RT @anildash: “[N]o single company has ever failed at something this badly, for this long, with this many different products.” Phew. https:…

    RT @gabehollombe: We’re looking for mid & senior full stack developers to help us build apps/tools/platforms to help streamline & scale how…

    @rchrdbyd Hmm. Depends. If it’s a complete rando, I’d probably ask [x] first if they were cool with me looping them in. If we’re all colleagues, then I’d just CC them in. (Did that today, in fact.)

    One year ago we boarded the plane for Germany. Today I actually considered wearing socks and Birkenstocks outside the home. 😳🇩🇪

    @rchrdbyd In that case CC, and I voted as such. 👍

    Almost at the end of NGE. Asuka having a breakdown while being on her period and alternating between zombie depression and yelling that she hates everybody… didn’t NOT make me identify with her. 🙃

    RT @Vel12171: First AWS Serverless hero from Africa 🎉🎉🎉- congratulations @atehrosius 🇨🇲🇨🇲 , so well-deserved! Well done to all the heroes.…

    Congrats to @adv4000 on being named an AWS Hero! If you’re looking to learn about AWS in the Russian language, you should check out his videos. 👏👏👏

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    @DVDBits The fact that I immediately related to Asuka always yelling at dumb boys like ineffectual Shinji who keeps getting praised despite him not even wanting this challenge they’ve been given… probably says a lot.

    @crankymate @lemon_lime I was hoping with the last few days slowing down that maybe things were turning around. 🙁

    Anybody in Munich know what the deal is with the little cars?? We saw them on the weekend and then again tonight! 🚗🚗🚗🚗

    @alexcg @hxiao @JinaAI_ Oh fun! If they haven’t locked us down and the biergartens are open, happy to catch up for a beer if you like.

    RT @alex_casalboni: ⚡ New feature ⚡ AWS Lambda Power Tuning now allows you to compare 2 tuning results on the same chart 📈

    For example, he…

    @mmastertheone I think you might be right! Maybe it’s these folks:

    @HamoDonk Whaaaaat. Congrats!!

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    Came to the office today and realised it’s probably been at least 18 months since I did a lift selfie! 🤯 @ Munich, Germany

    @kaydo That was the only thing that cheered me up on a cool, rainy day – getting to wear my lovely new raincoat. ☺️

    @TheRealBnut @hannahcancode Agree! Really cute 😀

    Me, watching Neon Genesis Evangelion for 1st time:

    Eps 1-18: I get it. It’s, like, Pacific Rim but with some random Bible stuff layered in. Asuka rules.


    Ep 20: 😳 I did NOT need that closing bedroom convo.

    Ep 21: 🤯 “Old hag”?!?!


    @DVDBits Rodd did warn me (he’s seen it before) that this would likely be me at some point, and I shouldn’t hold it against him.

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    Should’ve known better than to watch that during the break in my German class. Going to have to explain my tears when the teacher comes back on Zoom… 😢

    RT @devseccon: 🚨 Our CFP is open!🚨 DevSecCon London October 20-21
    #DSCLDN is a vendor-neutral, community-driven conf that connects devs, s…

    RT @Karina_Natt: Incredible. @Craig_Foster again says it best: “This is what Australia should be every day”.

    @gerardsans Back in my frontend dev days, one of the business folks came over to ask me a question once. I pulled off my headphones to talk to her, and she looked surprised to hear music coming from them. “What did you think I was listening to??” I asked. “Uh… code?” she said. 😂

    @gerardsans “Yes, I’m directly jacked into the Matrix,” I should’ve replied. 😛

    I can’t decide what delights me more: that my #NDCMelbourne talk on knitting and ML has had over 1K views already(!), or that in the comments some dude points out that using ML to identify knitting stitches is “kind of a useless application.” 😂 #duh

    @ASpittel We had one for moving to Europe a year ago. Sadly, Covid meant that I never got to move the “Throw a big f**king bon voyage party” card to Done. 🙁

    RT @jennapederson: Join me at the #AWS Summit Online on Wednesday, August 25, for live, hands-on workshops led by AWS practitioners. Find a…

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    @BugHunterSam Hang in there, Sam. ❤️

    RT @femtechconf: Q: Why do you wish to attend #FemTechConf?

    A: “Here to see some amazing speakers that I follow on Twitter, like @web_godd…

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    Saturday brunch in Munich. (Hefeweißbier is sorta like a smoothie if you squint. 😜) @ Gaststätte Großmarkthalle

    RT @devonbl: This is a hypervisor i will not be accepting questions.

    Perfect end to a summer day in München – an early dinner at the Biergarten zum Flaucher. (2021 Biergarten count: 15) 🍻 @ Zum Flaucher – Biergarten

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    @hi_stephen_n What about DevOps girls?

    @JedWatson @sarah_federman @_dte @ScribblingOn As a holder of both passports, was genuinely torn. Ultimately went with “tacky,” as I don’t think I’ve ever willingly said the “car-key” one out loud. I mean, ew.

    @JedWatson @sarah_federman @_dte @ScribblingOn It was bound to happen eventually. Nearly divorced the Snook the day I learned he said “ash-felt” instead of “ass-fault” in the manner of all right-thinking people.

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    @thebeebs I was shocked. One of my favourite QI panelists, definitely. 🙁

    @thebeebs Rodd just made me watch the carrot in a box sketch. 😂

    @justasitsounds Rodd made me watch “Carrot in a Box” tonight. So funny. Such a loss. 🙁

    RT @JoelBurgess: Among Skyrim players, you’ll occasionally see this tip: if you see a wild fox, follow it and you’ll be led to treasure.


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    @starbuxman I’m so sorry to see this! Sending positive thoughts and healing vibes your direction… ❤️

    RT @SpiroAgnewGhost: Florida and Texas now account for FORTY PERCENT of all Covid cases in America. This is absolutely insane and due to tw…

    @alexcg LOL. Just think of it as “fusion” rather than “abomination”. 😜

    RT @GunnarGrosch: Learn about how we use continuous configuration to react to changes in real-time at @amazon from @Werner’s latest blog po…

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    @darthted TED. With Weisswurst you must only have special sweet mustard! (I wish you could visit.)

    Just listened to @kcarruthers and @annie_parker interview @lindamciver on their podcast, and namecheck my wonderful friends @lynnlangit, @MichelePlayfair, and @daveathomas… and now feeling a little sad and far away. (Great episode though!) ❤️

    RT @dtraub: 🚀 Neu im AWS-Podcast 🚀
    In dieser Folge unterhalte ich mich mit @pascal_euhus, DevOps-Engineer bei Reservix, über die Reise in d…

    Today’s @moominofficial tea is called “Go For It!” and supposedly tastes like black tea + blueberry muffins. 🤣🫖🫐

    RT @alex_casalboni: AWS Lambda Power Tuning v4.0.0 is out 🎉
    This new major release supports the upcoming Lambda states expansion (opt-in un…

    @rothgar Advantage of living in Europe – the grocery store is a 5 minute walk from my house!

    @anshumalis My new bike has a BASKET!

    @anshumalis And a windscreen?!?! 🤯

    RT @dtraub: The AWS Community Builder program is open for applications again. Want to know what it is about and how you can apply? Check ou…

    Yes! @linda_mhmd made a swag unboxing video. 😂 Don’t forget to apply for @awscloud #CommunityBuilders in the next two weeks!!