Category: Twitter Post

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    So this whole colored tights thing is really happening, huh? Saw a lady today with red on front, black on back. She looked like a jester.

    @DDsD Yep, credit where credit is due. @Opheli8 totally started this whole thing. She’s the only one that can pull it off though!

    @witty_knitter Hm. Have you ordered yet? I could use some new plain tights myself…

    @witty_knitter Oh darn. Looks like a useful site though anyway. Thank you!

    Wondering if a buxom lass might be able to talk one of those neckbeards in the queue at Harvey Norman to pick up a $98 TouchPad for her…

    @henrytapia @toastman Rodos was amused by the idea, but his innate laziness won out and I have no TouchPad to use as an ironic coaster. 🙁

    @knitterjp Ok, want to combine then? I’ll jump on this bandwagon! 🙂

    @Lauren_lolly_ @knitabulous @tjlethal No, wrong! We have a big La Creuset enameled cast iron pot and it works fantastic.

    @knitabulous Induction is the shit. Seriously. Snook was hesitant too until he cooked on one. Come over! You can try it out.

    @knitabulous It boils water *as fast as the kettle*. And when you turn down the heat? Instant responsiveness. We love it.

    @knitabulous Gets so hot I set oil vapor on fire the first time I cooked stir fry. And goes so low you can melt choc without a double boiler

    @Lauren_lolly_ @knitabulous @tjlethal Anything that’s magnetic will work. That leaves out glass, aluminium, some stainless…

    @GeorgieKnits We love our induction. IT’S FROM THE FUTURE. 🙂

    Jamie’s 30Min Meals #28: Fish Tray-Bake w/ Potatoes, Spinach Salad, Salsa Verde, and Cheat’s Banoffee Pie. Verdict=MEH

    @TJLethal @lauren_lolly_ @knitabulous Nope, we use a cheap Chinatown flat-bottomed wok on ours just fine. Used it tonight, in fact!

    @Ezzles Hahahaha. Yes. I don’t want to spoil you, but I spent most of that book cursing Theon effing Greyjoy.

    @TJLethal @lauren_lolly_ @knitabulous We’ve even put a flat roasting tray down on it to make gravy from pan drippings. Worked great!

    @Ezzles Incidentally, I didn’t actually like Clash of Kings that much. If that describes you, hang in there. I liked book 3 a LOT more.

    @TJLethal Not enough of an expert wok cook to say. But I have definitely spontaneously ignited oil in the wok on induction, it was so hot.

    @TJLethal We don’t do a great deal of wok cooking though. It’s better than our old electric stove was, that’s for sure.

    @TJLethal Interestingly, pan will still heat when held an inch or two above the induction spot. So you can toss a bit without losing heat.

    @TJLethal We bought this place and it was either drop $3K to get gas put in or drop $3K on induction. We tried the induction and got hooked!

    @TJLethal Huh, didn’t know that. Rodd insisted on cooking a steak on one before he’d commit. And we needed new pots anyway. 🙂

    @knitterjp Ok, will email you a list!

    RT @Theon_Greyjoy: @web_goddess I prefer women to scream my name rather than curse it, but I take what I can get. // AHHHHHHHH! @drkknits

    @knitabulous @tjlethal @lauren_lolly_ Yeah, induction was only comparable for us because we’d have to get the gas line put in anyway.

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    Holy crap. In a queue at Costco all the way into the parking garage.

    @misswired Yep, that was it. By the time we left at noon, cops had blocked off the entrance. It was craziness!

    Home from Costco. If nothing else, giant jar of Vlasic dill pickles for $4.79 = VERY HAPPY KRIS.

    Ugh. Watching a documentary on planned obsolescence and consumerism right after a trip to Costco? Total shame spiral. #nevershoppingagain

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    @mrs_sockvictim We just signed up, and we’re going tomorrow morning! You seriously want me to get you some? 🙂

    Diet Cheat Day: deep fried mac&cheese, Philly cheesesteaks, beers, bliss. (@ Abercrombie Hotel) [pic]:

    My first ever deep-fried Mac & Cheese ball. It was YUMMY. @ Abercrombie Hotel

    Jamie’s Fish Tray Bake & Banoffee Pie. Fish = good; pie = MEH. I’m as surprised as you.

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    Thinking of going to Costco tomorrow. Who’s been? Is it worth membership fee? Anybody want to take me as guest? @redambition @AusVintageGrrl

    @redambition @ausvintagegrrl Ooh. If it’s refundable, I might go for it. We have ABN too so we can get $5 off on business membership. 🙂

    Dear Sydney: You need to read this. Next golf umbrella I see gets an Eyeroll of Death!

    RT @venks79: Pls take a minute to vote for Aussie Home Loans m site for the 2011 Mobies. Proudly brought to you by @mobileembrace http:/ …

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    @redambition Nah, it’s not on my actual eyeball. Right below my eye. Just a little cheloid scar that I scratched while scrubbing my face.

    @nolim1t Thanks! @kunaal84 and I managed to get in. Will let the others know about the waitlist. 🙂

    Time to be a grown-up – another fancy-pants off-site client meeting! Wish me luck…

    @randomknits Did you say Calico & Ivy has a bias binding maker thingy?

    @randomknits Because according to Lincraft’s site, theirs costs $119.

    @drkknits THAT’S JUST THE BOX! We want to see the SHOES.

    @drkknits OH! I did a double-take. Very cute. 🙂

    View from the meeting room I was in this arvo. It was hard to turn away!

    @randomknits Lincraft’s is some sort of “machine.” I might need to run to Balmain this weekend, sounds like!

    @msgusset Yeah, I’ve researched it. I’m just trying to go for the lazier option first. 🙂

    @knitabulous Ooh, that’s one we haven’t done yet! Tips?

    @knitabulous Hahaha… I meant for the cauliflower bake. 🙂

    @knittydotcom I’m with you. Instead I just get 50 scattered wiry grey hairs that stick up straight off my head. Not nearly as nice.


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    It’s funny how helpful people suddenly become when they realise no one thinks they’re indispensible anymore.

    @knitabulous Bonus points for HIPSTER black frames!

    @chrisgander Your cards are… vertical? That’s different.

    @witty_knitter Just noticed a certain name popping up quite a bit on my recent Google searches: Imagine yours is same.

    @witty_knitter You’re actually ranked higher than me on the search…

    @witty_knitter According to Analytics, I had 43 hits from it in the past month. Only slightly more than effing graffiti knitting. 😀

    Think I need to get those blood tests after all. Lymph nodes definitely still swollen. I REALLY don’t want to have glandular fever…

    Scratched my eye, bloodied my finger, and failed to get a blood test. Stellar start to the morning.

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    Supporting the Snook’s porter at Brewshare homebrewing night. Only girl here so far… (@ The Local Taphouse)

    Mr Snook presents his homebrew porter to the masses. @ The Local Taphouse

    @heathergracious @sarahhazelton Interesting! Hello! There aren’t many women here. Who is this Jez person? (I’m on beer #5…)

    @sarahhazelton @heathergracious @jezfletcher Ha! And I just introduced myself to Jez. Small world!!

    @sarahhazelton This was my (reluctant) first. I’m having fun tho! You should come next time and we can sit in the corner and tweet snark. 🙂

    @sarahhazelton Jez gets to finish off the night. Very nice beer!!

    @sarahhazelton He’s into the big Taste-Off!!!

    @heathergracious Wait, what?! You’ll have to forgive me; I’m the Worst Person Ever with names. And you have no photo! Remind me…

    @heathergracious Ha! I’ll take your word for it then. I think I left in 2007? It isn’t TC anymore these days; barely recognise it.

    Hm. Trying NINE different porters on a Tuesday night was maybe not the best idea ever.

    @sarahhazelton @jezfletcher Awesome, congrats! We had to bail; it was just too much for a Tuesday…

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    @redambition Nice job!

    First Spudds class in nearly 2 weeks. I can barely lift my arms to tweet now.

    RT @knitterjp: joining @knitdra wishing @drkknits all the best for today // Me three!

    Dear @imdominating, This is for you.

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    @kunaal84 We’ve been there and gone! Sorry to miss you. Got very cold after we finished!

    City2Surf! Race went exactly as planned. 1:48:21 is unofficial time.

    Getting my post-C2S reward in the form of some exquisite muscular torture! (@ Massage Link Health Centre)

    Well, crap. I had hoped to wow my office with Whoopie Pie Cupcakes tomorrow… but WHOOPIE PIE FAIL. Just choc cupcakes now. 🙁 #cupcakeday

    Cupcake Day for the RSPCA! My Whoopie Pie cupcakes didn’t turn out so bad after all.

    @imdominating I think it was a flawed recipe. They didn’t puff up; they spread out flat and thin. And my fake fluff filling oozed all over..

    @imdominating However, I’m still serving them to my co-workers. They won’t know the difference. 🙂

    @blakkat Half of mine did. Rodd convinced me to bring the rest in anyway. 🙂

    @VenessaHunt Where are they? Hurry up! 🙂 #cupcakeday #rspca

    @witty_knitter We did it in our office 2 years ago, but missed it last year. I saw somebody mention on Twitter. Should’ve promoted it more!

    Rodd: “I imagine this is how you’d look in the same situation.” Me: “I’m taller, but YES.” #viking #vampire #god

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    @sixandahalfst Ahh, I didn’t know you knew @jenwburn! So we’re all running tomorrow, right? Will be fun!

    Guild today was great. Lots of new faces, and @knitterjp did a fantastic job leading the meeting!

    @jenwburn @sixandahalfst Haha, nope. Last 2 weeks have sucked w/ injury & illness, so will be taking it very slow! Aiming for ~110 min…

    @sixandahalfst @jenwburn Meeting up with some of the dailymile runners afterwards at meeting point D…

    Carb-loading for tomorrow’s City2Surf with Jamie’s Spaghetti Puttanesca, Crunchy Salad & Garlic Bread. 29:49 FTW!

    @jenwburn After my horrific marathon, rain will never be a fear factor for me. 🙂 Do you best, and I’ll see you at Bondi!