Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @sixandahalfst Wow. Just wow.

    Nora’s story is now on the Telegraph website: (cc @zephyrama @drkknits @witty_knitter @sixandahalfst)

    @zephyrama Wow. Yeah, she rang M-H’s boss at work. I’ve not had any personal interaction with her, thankfully…

    Very, very interesting week at work.

    @toastman I won’t let you down. *nods briskly*

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    Training course is OVER! Overall very good and I think I got a lot out of it. Not looking forward to my work inbox tomorrow though…

    @AusVintageGrrl I LOVE TOTES. Me and @thezedmiester used to say it ironically at work, but then it… became a habit. Totes addictive. 🙂


    Happy birthday @squozen! I hope someone knitted you something nice. 🙂

    @sixandahalfst Best of luck… Be strong.

    @kir_s_ten Definitely! Will be treating it as a nice slow training run, but I’ll be there. 🙂

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    Training day 2. Going well! Getting good ideas for requirements gathering techniques. Having fun. (My fun is of the nerdy kind.)

    Recipe recommendation: Alton Brown’s Molasses Coffee Marinated Pork Chops. AMAZING.

    @jannism Dude. When did you have such a cute kid? She’s lovely. Clever too, I bet! 🙂

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    Training course going great so far. Teacher is really good! Other attendees all with banks though. Makes my projects seem very trivial.

    Training day 1 is over! Totally rocked my mock client interview. #happy #hermione

    Unexpected lesson: Man, I do NOT want to ever work for the Reserve Bank of Australia.

    @thisismywww Unfortunately it’s all catered, so we’re pretty much on-site the whole time. No chance to meet up!

    Downside of training course: copious amounts of catered carbs and coffee. I’m WIRED. (And alliterative.)

    Filled out our census. Snook tried to get me to quote that bit from Office Space as my job description: “I’M A PEOPLE PERSON!”

    @hexsteph Everyone in or near the city of Boston. 🙂

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    @henrytapia LOVE the wired remote control!

    @GuardedKey Please don’t spam users!

    GAHHHH. Thought I’d get to go to the gym tonight, but it doesn’t look like it…

    You know, if you threaten to quit enough times, eventually we all start mentally cheering for you to GET ON WITH IT ALREADY.

    @Opheli8 I can neither confirm nor deny that rumor. 🙂

    Jamie’s 30Min Meal #26: Spinach & Feta Filo Pie, Cucumber Salad, Tomato Salad, and Coated Ice Cream. SO DAMN GOOD.

    @bellsknits Can I claim the blue Shibui??

    RT @VenessaHunt: Its alive!! #antm Australia’s next top model mobile site! Woohoo! hard work paid off!! // Yes – great job team!!

    Heading into the CBD for a 3-day training course. Change is as good as a holiday, right?

    Training! Requirements Gathering and Specification. How excitement. (@ Christie Corporate)

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    @drkknits Catching a bus over now…

    Finished Storm of Swords. Whoa.

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    @venks79 Haha, there are days when I don’t tweet! Jeez. Somebody once asked if I was sick because I took 3+hrs to reply to email. 🙂

    Anybody want to go to Tessuti’s today? I feel like buying some fabric. @mrs_sockvictim?

    Guess who finished her Leyburn socks? I’M GONNA TOTALLY CATCH UP, YOU GUYS!

    @drkknits It’s the rock star sunnies that make the look.

    Fabric shopping with @mrs_sockvictim is such a double-edged sword. But man, this Liberty Tana Lawn is so PRETTY! 🙂

    @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim Do I need to prewash these fabrics? Tana Lawn and a Japanese cotton…

    GAHHHHH. Just realised why the horizontal braid on my Fox Faces is on the INSIDE instead of the outside. DURRRRR.

    Jamie’s Spinach & Filo Feta Pie. Tasty, but NO WAY you can make in under 30min. I call shenanigans.

    @kunaal84 And in the rain! You get extra Hard Core Runner points for that. Kick some ass!

    @kunaal84 Great job! Very good pace. Now you’ve got a PB for that distance. 🙂

    @imdominating Funnily enough, Willow SINGING makes me cry like a baby. #makeitstop

    Best part of meeting @mathowie last week: “Hey, didn’t you dress up as @donttrythis for Halloween?” Yes, yes I did.

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    @steven_noble Now if you correctly use “begging the question,” I will award you One Million Awesomeness Points.

    I feel like it’s time for a new profile pic…

    @laimelde Darn you. Now I really want/need a massage too.

    I’m off to the MetaFilter meetup to meet @mathowie and the rest of the gang!

    @redambition I learned of it in the newsletter tonight too! Had no idea. Hate to say it, but I feared something like that would happen…

    @redambition I still use it; just do “Pay in Store.” 🙂

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    Pricing flights to Melbourne at the end of the month. About $200 return (Friday-Monday). Is there a trick to getting them any cheaper?

    @toastman Ha, that’s when we’re going! Just visiting @eileenDCoE and getting out of Sydney for a change. 🙂

    @that_alison @bellsknits You’ll have to pry my big TV from my cold, dead, beer-drinkin’ hands…

    @bellsknits @that_alison Mr Darcy on a big TV is nice, but hot Viking vampires are even better.

    @mrs_sockvictim Rodd and I both have viral infection. Doc is making us cancel Bay Run this weekend. 🙁

    @goshling Ooh, that might be fun! We’re staying with a fellow MeFite too: @eileenDCoE!

    @mathowie And yet some of our stupid local politicians want to rip them up because they leave less room for cars. *sigh*

    @eileenDCoE @goshling I fear the Melbourne meetup may pale in comparison to tomorrow’s in Sydney… WITH MATHOWIE. (I know, right?!)

    @hexsteph I use “Toodledo” (work, home, iPhone) and I love it.

    @witty_knitter Say hi to Cate for us! 🙂

    Feels like Spring today! It prompted me to bare my pale legs in a skirt… and 10 min later a nutter has started chatting to me on the bus.

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    Zumbo’s shop in Balmain ransacked! I hope the baddies didn’t get to Calico & Ivy, @randomknits!

    Well, crap. Saw the doctor. Viral infection. No exercising for the rest of the week, and NO BAY RUN. Anybody want my entry? @redambition?

    @witty_knitter @HoneyBeeMine @drkknits @randomknits We got out census form tonight!

    @kunaal84 Single brown dude travelling without luggage? You’re lucky if a “random security screening” was all you got! 🙂

    @rajsingh2505 @kunaal84 He should’ve taken his Victim Card! 😛