Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Attack of the ankles! First me, then @knitterjp, and now @Yarna_. Obviously we should all have Segways.

    @Yarna_ Oh no! At least they look handsome. Hope you’re okay!

    Thinking of buying @miss_reecie’s bicycle. Hmmmmmmm….

    @dooce You really want to bring out the haters? Mention how stupid you think “knitting graffiti” is. Trust me. Been there.

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    Oven has been called in for warranty repair. Waiting to hear back. Sounds like the asplosion may be a Thing That Sometimes Happens.

    @nolim1t I want sharing straight to Google+ as well…

    @imdominating You should be twitpiccing that shit for those of us in Foreign Climes, you know.

    @makarakarn No, it’s an Ariston. The one they use on Masterchef, in fact. 🙁

    Survived Spudds class on my dodgy ankle. Not the smartest move, but man, it felt good. I’ve become one of Those People Who Must Exercise.

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    Just sent Snookums off on a 13K run without me. Stupid ankle. I really, really wanted to go with him. 🙁

    @drkknits You’re gonna look overdressed next to me and the Snook! (In fact, you’re lucky we showered. 😛 )

    @mrs_sockvictim Just SMSed @kunaal84…

    @mrs_sockvictim Sounds like @kunaal84 might want to go! (He’d rather see a play than go for a run, evidently.)

    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @kunaal84 Sweet. We’re in the Playhouse. Meet you there at 4:45! (And dinner after for those who are hungry!)

    @drkknits OI! I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK. (Shit. We really need to get moving.)

    Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #22: Thai Red Prawn Curry, Jasmine Rice, Cucumber Salad, & Papaya Platter. CORIANDER-LICIOUS!

    @drkknits @arwenamin Actually it’s a quote from something I’ve long forgotten that I say fairly regularly. 🙂

    Off to the Opera House for some High Cultcha with Snookums, @mrs_sockvictim, @drkknits, and @kunaal84. Faustus, here we come!

    @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits @kunaal84 In a cab. There in 5.

    Faustus! (@ Sydney Opera House w/ 2 others)

    Oh, crap. That plugin that allowed you to add FB to Google+? Is malware. You should remove it.

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    SONOFA. Halfway thru 1st oven cleaning cycle, inner glass door EXPLODED. WTF. Ariston Service not open wknds. FML.

    @knitness Yes! Very good thing. (I pulled photo in case they get shirty about warranty.)

    So I had a minor ankle sprain Friday (which is still pretty swollen) and an exploding oven on Saturday. I wonder what Sunday will bring…

    @SallyPompom Ahhh, did you figure out why? Was it from heat stress? That’s what we think.

    @Diepdin I tagged you on a Facebook comment. Have you run the cleaning cycle yet? I hope it’s just a random defect with ours!

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    @bellsknits Have you ever seen the Chicken Pincushions I sewed a few years back? Perfect for you! 🙂

    I love it with Past Kris actually saved something that Future Kris ended up needing. Organisation skillz FTW!

    @drkknits Well, it was only Past Kris from One Month Ago. That one I can usually trust. 🙂

    Google+ vs. Facebook has been decided. Snook has actually shared something on Google+, something he has avoided on FB for years. GOOG FTW.

    Walk to the bus was more painful than I expected. I hurt my ankle worse than I first thought. Heading home for ice, bandaging, red wine.

    @witty_knitter Rolled it on a run today. A bit swollen and bruised now.

    @misswired The Douglas Coupland novel? Did they make a film out of it?

    @misswired Interesting. I LOVED Microserfs, but JPod didn’t engage me. (Other than the hugging machine. I want one.) Tell me if it’s good!

    @misswired Not that I know of. Possibly. But I just read the book.

    Ack! @runkeeper won’t let me see my activites on the website. Keeps giving me a big “OH NOES!” error. 🙁

    @eileenDCoE Ooh, good? @kunaal84 were looking at those in a bookstore recently. Maybe after I finish Game of Thrones…

    We are firing up our high-tech oven’s “self-cleaning” feature for 1st time. Snook says to be on alert in case it sets the cabinets on fire!

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    I feel like punching stuff. I suppose the gym is the best outlet, however unsatisfactory.

    @jobonekenobi Are you on dailymile? Best running social site on the internets! I’m “geekgirlrunner” over there. 🙂

    @jobonekenobi Best part is just the encouragement and comments from other runners. A seriously great and welcoming community! 🙂

    @toastman @Illdrinn Interesting. Again I discover that Toastman knows someone I know. He is the lynchpin of the universe.

    @toastman @Illdrinn Who enjoy Korean food. We need a gang sign for GOCHUJANG.

    @codepo8 Did I ever tell you I met Kim & Kelley Deal 5 yrs ago when I was working in the yarn shop? The Deals are wicked crafty.

    RT @steven_noble: User experience testing with a user who has never used a computer before:

    If anyone is curious, I worked out that this is the hipster bar Bourdain took them to on Masterchef last night:

    OH DEAR LORD. That bar? Is trying to import PBR. Sydney, the apocalypse is upon you.

    @redambition @gilmae One of the shittiest. Reclaimed by hipsters to be ironic.

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    @_brigita_ My friend Stephen said alumni should face ND outwards; that puts the shield closest to your heart?

    @imdominating I get your point, but some of us are married to weirdos who have issues about talking on the phone. It’s my cross to bear.

    On the plus side, no mind control waves getting through this! (@ Travis George Hair Lounge) [pic]:

    RT @randomknits: WWOOOOOOOHHHOOOOOOO! Welcome back, Billy!!

    @AusVintageGrrl Got my hair done. Blondie. Now watching Masterchef and knitting.

    @Kat13v @AusVintageGrrl So thrilled Billy’s dish turned out well! #teambilly

    @higdonmarathon Tomorrow? I’m seeing it as $17.99 in AU app store now. 🙁

    @jobonekenobi Nice! Which one did you do, Gold Coast? I just ran #myfirstmarathon last month!

    @jobonekenobi Macleay River Mara in Southwest Rocks, in torrential rainfall that caused flooding. Still had a blast!

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    RT @Illdrinn: Guest blog post from @Katsbud on #GGDSydney @Google RT @googledownunder: Girl Geek Dinner: Pink Optional

    @redambition Thanks for the reminder! Signing up now for our office. 🙂

    Crossing my fingers for #teambilly…

    If the Casey Anthony verdict means stories about it will stop filling up my Flipboard News channel, I’m all for it.

    Domers: found my ND class ring and decided to wear it. Is there a rule for facing in/out? Or am I confusing with claddagh ring?

    Note to self: post that carbon tax support post card to Plibersek tonight. It’s the right thing to do, & it makes @richbuggy’s head asplode.

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    Sydney: can anybody recommend a garden consultant? I want somebody to tell me what will actually grow in our space.

    RT @GGDSydney: Great write up about our Google GGD last Thursday by @codemiller

    @imdominating I’ve been to that! GOOD GOD, that was like 12 years ago! It’s still going??

    @kunaal84 Vikings don’t mind the cold. PHWOAR!!

    It appears @venks79 has announced our secret: I’m now “BA/Project Coordinator” for @mobileembrace. More skillz to learn! Wish me luck…

    @drkknits @kunaal84 Hahaha, indeed. I would rather be at Fangtasia than Winterfell though…

    @drkknits @kunaal84 “YOU… ARE… MINE!!” He damn well better. 🙂

    @drkknits @kunaal84 I made him listen to it earlier today. He’s used to it!

    @drkknits @kunaal84 …who goes to Amanda Palmer concerts. Pshaw, right.

    The hatred I felt towards the Nutkin socks has now been completely inverted for the Leyburns. I am LOVING THEM.

    RT @renailemay: Whoah … Amazon just bought the Book Depository:

    @redambition That’ll happen! Just keep moving and it’ll get better. 🙂

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    @SallyPompom @drkknits @Kat13v @witty_knitter I saw it. Classy. Nothing on mine yet, but I also vet all new commenters before they get shown

    @SallyPompom @drkknits @Kat13v @witty_knitter Also, I record IP addresses. So if one does come through, we can find out where it’s from.

    @MiscMarci WTF is a Wawa?

    Jamie’s 30 Min Meal #21: Pork Fillet & Catherine Wheel Sausage, Meaty Mushroom Sauce, Celeriac Smash, Garlicky Beans.

    @hexsteph Bwahaha… I have a feeling that 13yo me would’ve found that style The. Coolest. #suchadork

    Happy 4th of July… and happy birthday to @mrs_sockvictim! (Easiest birthday to remember EVER.)

    @kunaal84 OOOOOooooooOOOOOO. Nice!