Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Looks like we’ll be running a bit late to the knitterly lunch today. But we WILL be there!

    Happy birthday @witty_knitter! The candles have been blown out. πŸ™‚

    She REALLY liked our gift! @knitabulous @randomknits @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits @Yarna_ (cc @witty_knitter)

    @mrs_sockvictim COME ON! We want to know where you’re going!!!

    OH man, I think @carbolicious would be ALL OVER today’s shirt. (cc @imdominating) (I am wondering – what is in the bag??)

    Tonight’s Jamie meal: Pork Fillet, Catherine Wheel Sausage, Meaty Mushroom Sauce, Celeriac Smash, Garlicky Beans.

    Whoa! The bits of garlic left over from “Garlicky Beans” turned BLUE in the pan! Turns out this is a thing: Who knew?!

    @drkknits Was it Theon Greyjoy? Because man, right now I loathe that dude. πŸ™‚

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    @zephyrama We tried a couple times yesterday. Non of the non google addresses got the emails.

    So today’s the big day, huh? Is anybody actually going to court? I’m looking forward to getting some closure on this… (cc @witty_knitter)

    @zephyrama *GASP* The mystery of our age. Is it?

    @drkknits @witty_knitter I didn’t see it! Still at work. Are the avatar photos actually of her, or did she lift ’em?

    RT @witty_knitter: Hope everyone interested in Nora aka Black Dog Designs was watching 10 News. There is no doubt now she is the fake dr …

    @witty_knitter @drkknits So was there a sentence handed down?

    @zephyrama It was on the news, and various people have confirmed it’s definitely her. (Plus some knitters were there in the court.)

    @witty_knitter @knitdra @drkknits WTF. People are asking me about a rumor she’s pregnant.

    @zephyrama WTF. Given that she’s apparently 47, I highly doubt it!

    @katejf No idea!

    RT @witty_knitter: A link to the video of Nora at court (thanks @jenwren) (Fake doctor faces jail)

    @jenwburn @witty_knitter @knitdra @drkknits At 47???

    @witty_knitter Linked.

    @bellsknits But the concept of a witch hunt is you’re trying to find a scapegoat, right? I don’t think it’s really equivalent.

    @bellsknits But yeah, schadenfreude is not nice. But sometimes it’s tiring always taking the high road, especially when others don’t. πŸ™

    @bellsknits Yeah, I agree with you there. I can see where those personally affected would need to vent a bit tho.

    In happier news, got some new responsibilities at work today! Hoping I can live up to @venks79 and @VenessaHunt’s high expectations…

    Another fake doctor! This one scratched up my leg, and I don’t think she’s as young as she claims either.

    RT @knittingnews: Question – Is sanctioned knit graffiti still graffiti? Fascinating article: // I know it still SUCKS.

    @betsybookworm @liedra I’m in the “anti” camp. In month view, if I have 2+ events on a day, I have to click a link to see them. That sucks.

    @lisawilliams @codepo8 Hear, hear. I want to extend it to knitters as well. My biggest circle on Google+ right now is Knitters!

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    @codepo8 Hey… Maybe you could try this out for me? πŸ™‚

    RT @LLBrandenburg: An Agile Functional Specification #baot // Excellent. Just what @venks79 & I have been discussing!

    Thank you @henrytapia for my Google+ invite! πŸ™‚

    All the @mobileembrace geeks are thanking @henrytapia for hooking us up with Google+. Amirite, @kunaal84 @lemon_lime @rajsingh2505? πŸ™‚

    @thisismywww I can send to Daniel, @henrytapia. No worries.

    I am totes claiming credit for spreading Google+ to the Sydney knitters via @thisismywww… πŸ˜›

    @witty_knitter It’s their new anti-Facebook Facebook. Just trying it out.

    @witty_knitter It’s invite only, but it appears that the # of invitations is not restricted. You have a google account?

    @witty_knitter Well, send it to me and I’ll invite you! πŸ™‚

    @Epaulette I need your Gmail address. πŸ™‚

    Looking forward to tonight’s Geek Girl Dinner at Google! Who else is going? #ggdsyd

    @Epaulette Done!

    Trying somewhere new! (@ Cafe Olivetti)

    Can anyone still send Google+ invites? My link to it has disappeared. Wondering if I hit some sort of cap…

    If you’ve got Google+ open with the invite link showing, DON’T REFRESH YOUR BROWSER. It’ll go away!

    RT @knitabulous: thank you to kumaal and @gilmae for my google+ invite. // Heh. @kunaal84

    RT @GGDSydney: We know that there wasn’t enough room 4 everyone so we have live streaming for Google GGD tonight @ 6pm EST http://bit.l …

    @thisismywww I don’t think it works. I tried your method for @Kat13v; it told me email invites were disabled.

    @bellsknits I believe you’ll find it’s from Snoop Dogg, circa like 10+ years ago. So not hipster.

    RT @venks79: My team members’ productivity just halved with the release of google+. Grrr. Must mention in performance review.

    RT @Offbeatceremony: 87 years married, their marriage secrets are: remembering that everyone who plants a seed and harvests the crop… …

    Heading off to @GGDSydney! See you all at Google where we can gossip about Google+ while we drink their booze. #GGDSydney

    Awesome swag bag with SWEET Geek Girl Google coffee mug! Unexpected. Thanks, sponsors! #GGDSydney

    Our tower was doomed to lose the #GGDSydney contest: we were the Internet Explorer team!

    Yes, there are a few dudes at #GGDSydney. They’re allowed! They’re honorary geek girls. πŸ™‚

    We get REAL food? Best. #GGDSydney. Ever.

    Snook is so friggin’ old school. He’s trying to find irc client for iPhone so he can #GGDSydney chat without twitter. WHATEVER, GRANDPA.

    My Mom should be at #GGDSydney. She’s a girl geek (web dev, in fact), and she’s my hero.

    @GGDSydney I wish! She’s in the U.S. If a visit ever coincides, she will definitely come.

    @zennith I switched to Telstra recently. I’ve got full reception at ggd. Go for it!

    Ada Initiative email sign-up is here: #GGDSydney

    I asked @adainitiative if we women need to be assholes to succeed in open source. Happily, the answer is no. Change culture, not women.

    RT @gusseting: there was this expectation that i’d be permanently “nice” and “bubbly” and so forth at work in IT. not happening. #GGDSydney

    I asked @adainitiative if women need to be assholes to succeed in open source. Happily, the answer is no. Change the culture! #GGDSydney

    Google’s women’s toilets: free tampons, flossers, hair dryer, straight iron, AND a technical newsletter in each stall. #GGDSydney #jealous

    Do Aussie women have to pay upfront for courses? Thought everybody had HECS? #confusedYank #GGDSydney

    @makarakarn Ahhh, that makes more sense. Just still can’t figure out why course cost is more a consideration for women than men. #GGDSydney

    RT @MXYZ_: Can-tus. Lulz. #ggdsydney

    I haz Google+. In fact, this geek girl was the one that hooked up all the dudes in the office with invites. πŸ™‚ #GGDSydney

    @witty_knitter We heard talk that course cost is a factor in women not doing hard sciences/computers as undergrad. Don’t get why?

    What I would have given for NCSS or Girls Programming Network in high school… Role models are CRUCIAL. #GGDSydney

    ZOMG. I WON COMPUTER ENGINEER BARBIE. I actually WANTED one of these!! #GGDSydney

    As we were leaving Google, the Yahoo decided it was finally time to troll.

    @aimee_maree Totally agree. Met some awesome ladies from Sun Corp tonight at #GGDSydney!

    @redambition I quote: “Oh, totally!” He’ll do it. πŸ™‚

    RT @Illdrinn: Having @web_goddess run at me squealing when I told her she’d won a Computer Engineer Barbie was totally uplifting #ggdsydney

    Look! I really did blog about Computer Engineer Barbie like 18 months ago. πŸ™‚ #GGDSydney @Illdrinn

    RT @GGDSydney: Thursday 8 September, next girl geek dinner sponsored by Atlassian. Put it in the diary!

    @Jinkeez They turned em off. But DM me your google name and I’ll try in the morning! (Somebody else will probably get you by then…)

    @Illdrinn Seriously. I also took a photo of newsletter about refactoring. Because hey, that’s AWESOME. I want geekery in our work toilet…

    RT @Illdrinn: Thanks to all who helped tonight and a special nod to @sundress and @sprongify for all their hard work Hope you enjoyed #g …

    @Jinkeez Whoops. Rectified. πŸ™‚

    Video from last night’s #GGDSydney is on YouTube: I asked a question at the 26:00 mark. (Thank you @adainitiative!)

    Second half of #GGDSydney talks are here: Excellent work from the organisers; best GGD yet!

    Wow. I think @ebertchicago’s twitter account got hacked.

    @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim I sent them to both of you yesterday! That’s what you get for not sitting in front of a PC 10 hours a day…

    @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits I was pretty sure I did; same time I sent it to Matt I think.

    I was going to be on time today. And then George Street happened.

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    Reading: “Requirements as Inventory” Metaphor.

    Interesting. A particular blogspot blog that was showing three days ago… now isn’t. I WONDER WHY.

    @witty_knitter The Pinterest site is still up. The one where the Google cache shows her surname:

    @bellsknits Did you see M-H’s blog? Went from weird to scary for me. πŸ™

    I’m tired. Bone tired. Post-marathon funk? Just trying to get motivated or excited about anything. Failing. #existentialcrisis

    @toastman Bay Run, City 2 Surf, Blackmore’s Half-Marathon, and then World Wide Festival of Races Half-Marathon. Yikes. Now I’m even tireder.

    New experiment for July: No Internet after 9pm. I may READ A BOOK or even SLEEP. I wonder if I can make it the whole month…

    RT @drkknits: Oh look, a new show on the abc called #crownies. That looks interesting. And so well designed too. // HEAR HEAR!

    @bellsknits Okay… I am closing the laptop. Any second now. I swear.

    @bellsknits Practically! And no time like the present. Good night! πŸ™‚

    This Oxford comma business is the most unsettling thing I’ve heard all day. This pedant won’t be changing a damn thing! #oxfordcomma4life

    @toastman Have you tried @healthmonth yet? Best health experiment I’ve done in the past 6 months. New cycle starts tomorrow!

    They’re putting in a Mad Mex at Central?! Goodbye low-carb; hello burritos!

    @stufromoz I know! I was tweeting as the bus rolled past it. πŸ™‚

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    Nothing like an implied threat from a straight-up crazy person to get the adrenaline flowing!

    @toastman I mean crazy in the sense of “being sentenced for actual crimes” and calling people’s bosses and claiming harrassment and CRAZY!

    @toastman Eh, she hasn’t attacked me yet. Just a friend. But I blogged about her too (since deleted).

    Jamie’s 30Min Meal #20: Chicken Pie, French-style Peas, Carrot Smash, and Berry Trifle: Just right for a winter night!

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    You don’t have to send it to me; I saw it already. Snook suggested I switch to something less trendy. “Like a harp.”

    @witty_knitter I’m at work! I don’t bring ukuleles to work! Though I’ve been tempted!

    @drkknits @witty_knitter @janek85 More like, “Can I have your autograph? You guys rock!” AMIRITE?

    RT @redditflipboard: Browsers: #reddit #flipboard

    @codepo8 God bless America. (I prefer deep-fried Oreos.)

    It appears last week’s driver update did zilch. Bamboo tablet not accepting two-finger scroll. I still blame Windows.

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    @brockleyboyo Nah, this was a local group doing a one-off. If you google though, similar events have been done around the world.

    @imdominating You would have LOVED it. Just wish there had been some hot Han Solo and/or Lando action. Ladies are lovely, but so are dudes!

    @witty_knitter WHOA!

    @witty_knitter On her Pinterest, she used to list her name as Nora Zakardis. (Goog cache: Now she hides her surname!

    @witty_knitter And that’s definitely her; the account uses same avatar as her Flickr:

    @witty_knitter So if it’s not her, she just happens to have the exact same name as the person in the news story. COINCIDENCE, I’M SURE.

    @witty_knitter If you search her blog, she talks about her “internship” at the hospital. Wisely doesn’t include specifics.

    @Kat13v Even speedier than you know! Susan and I actually put it up right after the meeting ended, down in the CH lobby. πŸ™‚

    RT @FlavourCrusader: Snook & @web_goddess prepping for their 30min JO meal

    Thanks to @FlavourCrusader for coming over to dinner tonight! She got to witness our Jamie’s 30 Minute Meal MAYHEM in action. πŸ™‚

    Tonight’s Jamie meal: Chicken Pie w/ Carrot Smash, French Peas, Berries w/ Chantilly Cream. Time fail tho: 39:56!

    @Diepdin I started to read that post but couldnt finish. How awful. This is why it must be legal.

    @sthcrft Degree in Film & Theater; have worked in IT pretty much ever since.

    @toastman I thought Pomodoro was 25 minutes? That’s the way I do it, anyway. (goes to check PDF…)

    @sthcrft Well, a lot of the skills I learned doing theater stage management are actually applicable to being a BA, oddly enough. It helped.

    RT @jwongjk: Why SEO Companies Are A Waste Of Time RT @Adam_Pedley

    @sharre I did a beading class once. I think they told us to put clear nail polish on it?

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    ZOMG. I finished my Nutkins. And yes, that is *exactly* the face I made.

    @lemon_lime Socks. Socks that I hate. Socks that I only finished out of perverse spite because I hate them so.

    Thrilled to report that I no longer receive webmaster@ emails for the Guild! @SallyPompom @redambition @Kat13v

    @Opheli8 We’ll be there too!!

    Star Wars Burlesque time! (Yes, seriously.) (@ The Vanguard)

    The people you meet in queues outside Star Wars events… @DDsD @Opheli8 @chewxy

    @chewxy @DDsD Should’ve introduced you. Upstairs, corner. Look for the hat.

    Fantastic dinner at Vanguard. Now just waiting for pole-dancing Boba Fett. (Sadly, probably not. I don’t see a pole.)

    Paging @Opheli8! Heading to the ladies’…

    Cantina Band. This is already the Best Thing Ever.

    @Opheli8 A bit, eh?

    Holy crap. Sexy Slave Leia swung on a chain over our table. Also gave Snook a lap dance in audience. NOT KIDDING.

    I think the Sexy Tusken Raider (again, not kidding) was my favourite though.

    @chewxy Snook called it early. I thought the chain was just decorative, but he had a suspicion it was practical.

    @chewxy We referred to her as Lee Lin Chin throughout the night. Her date was David Tennant. They were pretty quiet.

    Sexy Jedi vs Sexy Dark Lord of the Sith.

    @brockleyboyo I wouldn’t have believed it either. Under all the robes, sort of a burlap bikini. Writhing around in pile of sand.

    @brockleyboyo Now that I think about it, she gets extra credit for having the most uncomfortable act of them all!

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    Hm. @instagram isn’t working. No photos showing from past 6 days; no news; can’t search for friends I know exist. Even after restarting. πŸ™

    @instagram What the-? You’re right; 3G works fine. Appears to be Wifi issue. Is it a known issue, or likely something specific to my router?

    Hey SMH! Since when is “cruel” a verb? I bet a good sub-editor would have caught that.

    @makarakarn But I can’t find that actual quote in the article anywhere. Did the president use that word?

    @gilmae OH! It’s Aussie slang?? No way. I’ve never heard anyone use it here that way in ten years. How delightfully obscure!

    @toastman Yes. How will I know how many coffees my hipster friends are drinking otherwise? *sigh* #firstworldproblems

    @makarakarn My friend @gilmae is suggesting it’s actually Aussie slang: I’ve never heard it in 10 years though.

    @instagram I tracked it down. For some reason DNS settings on my network weren’t being picked up correctly. All fixed now! Sorry to bother.

    @bezthomas Somebody else sent me that. But I maintain that in ten years of living here, I’ve NEVER heard it used that way.

    Perhaps there’s a light at the end of the Guild tunnel after all! It’s like trying to coax a very skittish squirrel…

    Heh. @kunaal84 is perplexed by his iced green tea cappuccino. As are we. #ichibanboshi

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    @SallyPompom @redambition Which reminds me: Do I need to send a report for Saturday, even though I’m not supposed to be Webmaster anymore?

    @SallyPompom @redambition Considering Susan has dropped off the earth, and she hasn’t said she’s going to the meeting either. πŸ™

    @redambition @sallypompom Will try and write up something at lunch…

    “That looks like Kings Cross!” – office manager referring to coworker’s spilled soup all over the carpet near my desk.

    @knitabulous Yikes! But congrats on joining the rest of us faceplanters. It’s an elite group. πŸ™‚

    @imdominating Which one? Mine is: “I’m wondering – what is in the bag?” We say that one all. the. time.

    Well, if I’m crying over breakfast, @imdominating and @carbolicious should be too.

    RT @DeathStarPR: A Jedi walks into a bar and cuts off a few people’s arms for no reason. #JediHumour #StarWars

    @indefensible @squozen Fairey falsified evidence though, didn’t he? Surely didn’t help his case.

    @henrytapia Is it an American thing? I just thought it was a web thing, not specific to a given country.