Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @Warlach I asked MeFi about cats and Sydney landlords 4yr ago: We ended up buying a place of our own. 🙁

    @riozwhlva4 I block spammers.

    Holy crap. Sword & Sworcery is on sale just for today. iPhone/iPad owners: get this! Engrossing, beautiful, weird…

    @squozen There are sites that help you if you get stuck.

    How “agile” is important to Business Analysts: Yes. I have more to offer than being a waiter between business & IT!

    @ScottRhodie Actually it’s not the app you need; that just shows you a map. You need to set up a Find my iPhone ACCOUNT for it to work.

    Damn! Got excited thinking I won @FoodConnectSyd’s weekly contest, but my carrot isn’t kinky enough. Yes, really.

    @bezthomas In the papers here, Pauline was claiming she was Palin’s actual inspiration for it.

    HA! Finally some actual creative, funny “yarn bombing”: Strap that to a tree, “guerrilla” knitters. I dare you.

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    Nice essay on being childless by choice: Resonates with me. I like kids and parents, but right now it’s not for me!

    @witty_knitter @mrs_sockvictim Hahaha… there’s a comment from a “Kris” in there about knitting a jumper. NOT FROM ME, I SWEAR! 🙂

    GOOD GRIEF, Pascall swirl marshmallows are an ABOMINATION. I am going to have to bring @kunaal84 some good ones from…

    Just got a hug from @chrisgander! That was unexpected. He smelled nice.

    This bus stop is bad enough without me having to stare at the Castlereagh Club’s spelling mistakes.

    Current musical obsession: The Whitlams’ “Buy Now Pay Later.” Five more repeats and I’ll qualify as clinically depressed, YET I CAN’T STOP.

    @twelveeyes I will remember that the next time I moan about a bad day at my job. Hope you’re okay…

    @mrs_sockvictim LOVE!!!

    @mrs_sockvictim They remind me of my favorite ad ever as a kid:

    Attn @knitness – one of the (many) reasons I told you to watch True Blood: (cc @imdominating, who will appreciate)

    Finally changed iPhone to use British spellings. My brain now uses “-ise”, and I’m tired of autocorrect changing to “-ize.” #assimilated

    I hate Windows. I have to restart my work PC every 2 days or my Bamboo tablet forgets how to scroll.

    @gilmae Keyboards -> International -> Add English U.K. Then delete the plain English. Better than nothing!

    @squozen Hahaha… Windows XP, dude.

    @squozen Am I missing something? The Download Here text on that page isn’t an actual link.

    @squozen It’s all so confusing. I have a CTT-460, but serial number ends in /K (not /K(A)). THIS IS WHY I LIKE MY MACBOOK BETTER.

    @squozen I’m getting the 2nd most recent. Most recent is only for /K(A)’s, it says.

    @squozen I’ve never had to install a driver for a Mac peripheral. They all just work, at least the ones I’ve plugged in. 🙁

    @squozen Fair enough. Problem is this is much the same as my prev 15yrs Windows experience. New one might be good, but I’m already burned.

    @squozen And now I have to restart. *sigh*

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    Missed out on tomorrow’s “BA in an Agile World” IIBA event due to last week’s holiday. Sold out now. Anybody got a ticket they’re not using?

    RT @mrs_sockvictim: 14th July Crownies on air – you can see what I have been doing when not knitting // YAY! Everybody set PVRs now!!

    Jamie’s 30Min Meals #19: Chicken Skewers, Amazing Satay Sauce, Fiery Noodle Salad, Fruit & Mint Sugar. Fresh & ZINGY!

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    @imdominating @carbolicious Why aren’t you guys reading Game of Thrones with the rest of us nerds? 🙂

    Somebody’s got a bad case of the Mondays. Spoiler: It’s me.

    @carbolicious @imdominating It’s not multiple POVs really; just each chapter follows diff person. And the show really dumbs down the plot!

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    On my way to the city for a top secret pre-WWKIP mission. I wonder what it could be?

    @knitterjp Mmm, I’m feeling hungry. You?

    Subterfuge does whet the appetite.

    @knitterjp Do you think she’s figured it out yet? 🙂

    Nearly there! Picked up some more conspirators…

    Well, I’ll be! Look who we found!

    Secret birthday yum cha! (@ Sky Phoenix Chinese Restaurant)

    Red Velvet Cupcake Nose @ Sky Phoenix Chinese Restuarant

    Happy birthday @randomknits! #bestvideoever

    Worldwide Knitting in Public Day! (@ Customs House)

    @drkknits @knitterjp A royal summons! But I wanna win a SCROBBLING KIT…..

    Finally our table scored! @knitdra won a prize…

    @drkknits Jane said to get your John Brown to you-know-what… (WTF?)

    Made it to the balcony. Can somebody inside please tweet the raffle numbers? @knitdra @knitterjp

    @knitdra @knitterjp YAY! Victory for our table!!

    Come on AB 019…

    Anyone who’s anyone is knitting on the balcony…

    @knitterjp @drkknits @randomknits @knitdra Where are you guys? THIRSTY!

    Dry WWKIP is over; it’s time for beer. (@ Quay Bar w/ @arwenamin) [pic]:

    RT @knitdra: Knitters+ww red lippy+drinks=

    @dancingman You made the right choice, I’d say. 🙂

    @dancingman It was okay. Nice venue, though not very public. Lots of prizes. No booze.

    @mrs_sockvictim Alison got a kit, Jane got some wool, Jody got massive prize w/ $100 M&S voucher, etc. I got shit all. (I blame @drkknits.)

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    Attempted to call the parentals in an effort to delay going for my first post-marathon run. No answer. Guess I’m going to have to run.

    Awesome. Just made plans with @gadgetgirl70 to see Dolly Parton in Sydney in November. Our tour of the Great Gay Icons continues…

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    @drkknits so it is! We are going through there. Snook thinks nundle rd might be closed tho.

    @sthcrft Stuck at in-laws on mid north coast. Trying to get back to Sydney and Pac Highway is closed…

    After 3hrs drive, made it through Dorrigo and safely to Armidale. Sun is shining here! Lunch, then 6hr drive home… (cc @knitness)

    HEY, there’s a Big Guitar in Tamworth, right? Another Big Thing to add to my collection!

    Nice little cafe/diner! Hit the spot.

    Beardy Street in Armidale. Appropriate.

    Big Golden Guitar. HELLS YEAH!

    Pee and coffee break!

    @thisismywww Yeah, inability to get to Taree is why we were on NE Highway. 🙂

    Snook has a bladder the size of a teacup. Nearly home…

    So nice to be home. And @knitness made spaghetti! Housesitter WIN.

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    @drkknits Don’t think we can get to it. We’re cut off in both directions, I think! At least it’s not raining right now. Maybe it’ll drain.

    Eungai Creek has receded a little. Yesterday it was flowing over the bridge. Now it’s just below it.

    @lemon_lime Tell me about it. They evacuated like 400ppl last night from the towns along the marathon route. Highway is closed too!

    Just what I wanted to do on my vacation: spend hours doing Knitters Guild stuff for a volunteer position I’m not supposed to have anymore.

    @drkknits My replacement is kind of MIA right now.

    @witty_knitter In English, that translates to You Are a Very Big Sucker. 🙂

    Looking increasingly likely that we’re going to be stranded here another night! What an adventure this holiday is turning out to be.

    RT @abcnewsNSW: Thousands isolated in NSW flood crisis // Including us! We might have a plan though…

    RT @DeathStarPR: An Open Letter to Beloved Academy Award Winning Hollywood Actress Natalie Portman:

    We think we can get through Dorrigo Rd to New England Highway. Will add 3hrs to the trip. Plus side: I get to see Armidale?

    @lemon_lime Going to try an alternate (50% longer) route. Still hoping to get home tonight…

    @drkknits Nah, no Tamworth. Not going up that far north.

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    We made it through. RSI out of SW Rocks was hardest I’ve ever seen. Eungai Creek took out bridge so we went the long way. Safe and dry now.

    @sharre Bah. Kitties sleep 20 hrs a day. Our little fuzzball was fine with us both working full time. Better yet – get two kitties!

    @michelle_falzon Neat! We’re near the bridge, and the creek is up over right now. Had to go the long way around!

    RT @redditflipboard: All the single ladies!: #reddit #flipboard

    RT @Alex_Manchester: “RT: @Wootanga: Bunchball going after the Enterprise – Bunchball raises $6.5M for gamification expansion | VentureB …

    Yikes! Kempsey is being evacuated. Hope the highway doesn’t get cut off. We could still get stuck up here!

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    Rainy. Blustery. Like a Gothic novel. (@ Smoky Cape Lighthouse) [pic]:

    Still pouring. Recovering with a pot of tea. (@ Trial Bay Kiosk) [pic]:

    I plan on wearing the medal for at least a week.

    Theme of the whole damn weekend: wet and muddy.

    Adventure! Need to get from South West Rocks to Eungai; called the cops to check road closures. We *think* we can get through. #endlessrain