Category: Twitter Post

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    I just unlocked the “Marathon” badge on @foursquare!

    We are starting to worry that we might actually get flooded in up here. If this keeps up, we might not be able to get back to Sydney!

    @drkknits Not right now. I can barely stand. My poor legs…

    This town has ONE gas station, and it’s not open past 6 on a Sunday night. Rural Australia makes rural Indiana look like New York City.

    @drkknits I did have a rain poncho, thankfully. Best $1.50 I ever spent! Still got soaked though.

    Wondering how @knitness has been going with the cats…

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    Making a tour of Snook family homestead. Nice morning! Wish tomorrow would be like this…

    Snookums saw something nasty in the woodshed. And I fed some chickens!

    @stufromoz That quote is a litmus test. You have just proven definitively that you are Our Sort of People. 🙂

    Devonshire tea in a country town. Life is good. (@ Riverbank Cafe)

    Checked in at Smoky Cape Retreat. Clean, warm, dry, hydrating…

    Picked up my race gear. This may well be the lowest bib number I ever have!

    @heritageuvmj7 I report spammers.

    Pouring rain. Snook is consoling me that “every bit that falls today is a bit that won’t fall tomorrow”!

    @knitabulous Forecast is for 10-20mm rain. It’s pouring now. Waiting on pizza guy to deliver spag bol. Early bed, I promise!

    5am. I am super ready, even got some sleep. Rain has been pouring all night. (Might screw up GPS updating.) So if you don’t hear from me…

    Thank you so much to everybody who is cheering me on. I love you guys, and I’m gonna do my best to make you proud today.

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    Making good time! Stopped for lunch. Sun still shining… for now. (@ Red Eye Cafe)

    @Opheli8 Mid North Coast. My marathon is Sunday in South West Rocks.

    Thanks @knitness! And thanks for playing cat-mommy this week too. 🙂

    Clouds are sweeping in. #anxious

    We outran the clouds & made it to Eungai. No rain yet but COLD! Manly cardy-wearing Snook is starting a fire.

    @kunaal84 Aww, I’m gone one day and you’re descending into anarchy!

    @ozgamer I Facebooked it too. You can LIKE it there. 🙂

    @knitabulous THOSE ARE FRIGGIN’ AWESOME. What sort are they??

    Freezing. Damn fire isn’t raising temp fast enough! And no MythTV means *gasp* watching live TV with ads. We’re like cavemen. With wifi.

    @knitabulous It’s a DIY TiVo. Open source media PC thing. We never watch live TV anymore. Ads! Need my fast forward!!

    Found a feather doona in the MIL’s closet. Score! Feet finally getting warm.

    @redambition @knitness It takes a village to raise a socially awkward cat! (Rodd: Everybody loves him tho, cause he makes them work for it.)

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    Fact: You cannot hear the opening trumpet fanfare from TMGB’s “Dr. Worm” without bopping your head and grinning like an idiot.

    @toastman Not. Feeding. The. Troll.

    Woohoo! All my work is done, and I’m shutting down the work computer for a week’s holiday. I’M OFF!

    No #webblastSYD for us tonight! Beer is a temptation I do not need two days before the race. 🙂

    @venks79 Awww, thanks! How was web blast??

    I officially have six hours & twenty minutes of playlist queued up…. so I guess I better finish the damn marathon in less than that, huh?

    Thank you for all the well wishes… but I’ve still got 2 days before the race! So SUSTAIN that positive energy thru to Sunday, please! 🙂

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    Video caption on the @smh_news homepage is wrong. Lip dub is from Grand Rapids, Michigan – not “Rapid Falls.” Watch your own videos, SMH!

    @VenessaHunt Also, the facts that the Internet exists and the Yellow Pages SUCK will kill Yellow Pages spend. Stupid deadtree doorstops.

    @VenessaHunt Nope, don

    @VenessaHunt Nope, don’t watch it. Yellow Pages are just a pet peeve. They’re stupid.

    I need suggestions for my marathon playlist for Sunday. What’s a song that fires you up? Something that will give me a lift after 20 miles..

    @randomknits That was the first one I put on the list. 🙂

    @Opheli8 ARGGHGHGHGH. I can’t get cucumbers to grow in my goddamn garden, and they can grow them in OUTER SPACE? I give up.

    @emmainsydney Ooh, I hadn’t heard of it. Will send to my runner buddies at work.

    RT @henrytapia: @web_goddess 20 miles, sweet lord! I recommend 100 Miles and Runnin’ by NWA. // Well, 26.2 to be exact.

    Thanks to everyone for the great music suggestions. Please keep them coming!

    @creativemercury Hm. I’ll take both and adjust depending on my mood on the day, I guess!

    @VenessaHunt hahahahahahah…. Yes. That is what phone books are for. 🙂

    @thisismywww Nah, I do alternating run/walk so that doesn’t work. Just need motivating anthems, really.

    @kunaal84 That wasn’t Geoffington, was it? 🙂

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    @thisismywww I don’t get it. Are you seeing lots of iOS users talking about jumping ship? Because the reaction I see is universally positive

    @AusVintageGrrl @thisismywww Oh! Well, yeah. Was always going to happen. Just reading speculation that Android will now copy iMessages…

    @thisismywww @AusVintageGrrl This is a good one. Death to SMS! I already use an app to do this with my Mom for free:

    @AusVintageGrrl @thisismywww Encrypted? With media built in too?

    Doggelganger: upload your pic and they match you to a lookalike doggie for adoption. MINE IS CUTE!

    Oh FFS. I know I joke about how much of a hipster I am, but this is too much even for me: VOMIT.

    @missamanda It has to be a satire… right? Because that’s just awful.

    @beaney Did you get one? Ravelry does that on its forums.

    Thanks to @knitness and @kunaal84 for the impromptu dinner party last night!

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    @drkknits @gilmae Whereas I spent the whole lunchtime today retelling the plot of the Twilight books to @kunaal84 and @lemon_lime. I ROCK.

    Nothing like getting a @threadless delivery to cheer up a Monday! Yay for new shirts!

    RT @bruceyeah: woo! Apple’s putting a store in at Broadway

    Live long and prosper. (Sadly, it’ll be covered in cat hair within 30 minutes.)

    @toastman The Snook was just simultaneously dancing to that and laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes.

    @eileenDCoE Eh, I was glad to see him go. There was something… off about him. Plus he couldn’t even follow a recipe without freaking out!

    @mc_peters That annoyed me during the show. I put on lipstick to kick some ass!

    Quel surprise: scandal at both USC and Ohio State. For this ND grad, schadenfreude is sweet…

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    @thisismywww Ha, and dragging down the average age of her team a bit, by the looks of it! 🙂

    Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #18: Rib-Eye Stir-Fry, Dan Dan Noodles, & Chilled Hibiscus Tea. Good concept, and fast to prepare!

    @randomknits Haha, I have that feeling all the time. I’ve decided that being grown up is when you decide to stay quiet.

    If you spot a hipster-shaped mushroom cloud over Chippo tonight, it’s because I’m playing the Moldy Peaches (Juno soundtrack) on my uke.

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    Hey sewing experts: I’m going to be sewing onto a thick elastic belt. Any advice or suggestions? Assuming zigzag stitch, wide length?

    AWESOME. Just hacked my old’n’busted Nike water belt into new super awesome utility water belt. This is what BATMAN wears when he runs…

    Congrats to @imdominating on her move, and to @Justacogitating for being an awesome sister to help her. It’s a Hallmark moment, ladies.

    @witty_knitter Wait, your birthday *there* or your birthday *here*?

    Tonight’s Jamie meal: Rib-Eye Stir-Fry w/ Dan Dan Noodles & Chilled Hibicus Tea in 30:16! Tasty but SPICY.

    @toastman I think we could’ve made it stronger. Only used 2 bags for a big jug, so hibiscus got overpowered by lime a bit.

    @higdonmarathon But it’s Saturday night in Australia, and I’m having a foam roller session before Sunday morning’s run!

    Should be sleeping instead of ranting on email…

    @knitabulous Ahhh, like shabu-shabu. Interesting…

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    I do not understand why I’m paying @Telstra $30/month line rental for a landline I never use, just because they might screw our ADSL over.

    @squozen I have been arguing this for ages with the Snook. Apparently we can’t get naked DSL without the risk of them blocking us completely

    @squozen Has to do with our particular exchange, etc. “It’s not a direct conversion. Have to connect and reconnect, and Telstra can…

    @squozen “…pull a fast one on you while it’s disconnected leaving you unable to reconnect.”

    @Illdrinn I tried to love #WarCraft, really ! Just didn’t get into it. Wanted to so me & Snook could game together. Maybe another game?

    @tragedym Please don’t spam people. My tweet was about NOT playing WoW.

    @toastman @Illdrinn Those are fun, but is banging out a Summer Veg Lasagne the same as taking down the Lich King, in terms of togetherness?

    @witty_knitter I think you meant ‘Allo London. (In a cheeky Cockney voice.) Hope you guys are having fun! We all miss you. 🙂

    @chewxy @richbuggy I’m surprised too! 😛

    @ptinutz Nah, they want passwords. A lot of people use the same password everywhere, so you can get in their email or banking.

    “Oh Margie… You came and you brought me a turkey…” (Damn you, Sean Chadwick.) #earworm

    @venks79 I had to google it. Is it good? Does my favorite actor take his shirt off? 🙂