Category: Twitter Post

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    @steven_noble I just mean that coughing “bullshit!” while someone is speaking is rude too, but it goes for anybody. Meow is gendered.

    @knitness I’d seen that. Original and interesting! I reserve the right to change my mind if it’s a brainless “trend” 5 years from now tho πŸ™‚

    Wondering if Appliances Online has an EOFY sale… @DDsD?

    Just listened to co-worker call person who won a smartphone. Gave them a choice of like 6. Person picked iPhone4. We were not surprised.

    @brodrigu Hahahaha, no. This was a drawing, an actual contest. πŸ™‚

    @drkknits What do you mean? It’s still there.

    @drkknits You might have to “show all” rather than “show updated”. Maybe reader has hidden it because you’ve already viewed it.

    @drkknits Your Viking vampire porn wish is my command.

    Me: “Would you still call a single bar of Twix a Twix? Are Twix fractal?” Snook: “I think a single bar is actually a unix.” HA.

    @toastman He disagrees. “But the packet just says Twix. Not “Twix double pack” or any such.”

    @henrytapia Is it the Twix thing? Sorry. Yeah, that was my choc-o-late.

    @toastman He’s going off on a tangent now about the whole deviled egg paradox, and sandwiches, and now I’m all kinds of hungry.

    No knitting for me tonight. Instead I’m going to Broadway so a little old Asian masseuse man can beat my legs to a pulp. *bliss*

    Wow. Ravelry got hacked. Time to change passwords!

    My hair is just long enough to go into plaits again. Happy day!

    I posted about the Ravelry hack in the Australian Knitters forum, just in case folks didn’t see the news.

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    Anyone done a training course with IRM or SoftEd? Trying to decide which’d be better. Advice from fellow BA’s most welcome… (@brown_note)

    @brown_note Thanks. Both look equivalent to me: Just trying to come up with a differentiator…

    @brown_note Just to formalise what I’ve been learning on the job for 2.5 years, identify any gaps, and do my job better, really!

    @brown_note Excellent. Thanks a lot for your advice! I appreciate it. πŸ™‚

    @imdominating Good god, it looks like a broken ankle waiting to happen. (For this clumsy giraffe, anyway.)

    @imdominating Meet @kunaal84. I told him to follow you (since he’s watching your GoT rips). He likes all the same shit we like.

    @imdominating @kunaal84 Except for R.Pattz.

    RT @mumbrella: Breaking: Billboard company reinstates safe gay sex campaign after homophobia backlash

    RT @betsybookworm: Well said, Penny Wong. Just another reminder that she is fantastic.

    Hey @SenatorBushby. Being “sorry that you were offended” is a classic NON-apology. I’m sorry you’re a jerk.

    @steven_noble General rudeness is at least egalitarian. #meow is sexist, and even worse, it’s dumb & unimaginative.

    RedmineApp for iPhone via @redmineapp. // $8 for the privilege of working on the bus?! @venks79, can I expense it?

    @randomknits Get @gilmae to install mythtv for you! Time shifting is the shit. πŸ™‚

    @venks79 Seems to work great! I’m in. But I thought I’d need to be on the VPN to access?

    @randomknits Ah, I thought it was unusual that you didn’t have something!

    @prestoprontoapp Please don’t spam people about your app.

    I declare today as “Movie Star Thursday.” No autographs, please.

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    @thisismywww @redambition Cycling is up 60%. Victoria Road is always gonna suck though. Bad design.

    Scurrying out for a run between downpours. And what is that yellow light in the sky? Vitamin D, here I come!

    A yahoo-who-shall-not-be-named said you should register to win an iPad, and that the app “will be great.”

    @mumbrella Interesting. I’ve been to Grand Rapids (dated a guy from there). Dying? It’s full of all the rich folks who left Detroit.

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    WHOA, big lightning outside our building. Storm is getting closer.

    I’m with Cate. Sooner or later, we’re going to have to pay a price for climate change. #imwithCate

    @thisismywww What issue? You mean the one where people attacked Cate Blanchett for being rich? Because that’s what I’m talking about.

    @redambition @thisismywww Besides, it was a stupid promise that shouldn’t have been made. I’d rather they break it.

    @blakkat The question is, is your desk under water? πŸ™‚

    @thisismywww It won’t be coming back to me. I’m happy to pay. Electricity is too cheap here anyway; there’s no impetus to conserve.

    @thisismywww What, just ask corporations nicely to stop polluting? I don’t think that’s gonna work. Economic sanctions are going to happen.

    @thisismywww If we don’t impose them ourselves, the EU will do it for us. Qantas flights are already being penalised. (Check the SMH story)

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    RT @wpostmagazine: A wrinkle in time: Twenty years after β€˜The Beauty Myth,’ Naomi Wolf addresses The Aging Myth

    @knitabulous Great job!!

    Jamie’s 30Min Meal #17: Pork Chops & Crispy Crackling, Smashed Potatoes, Minty Cabbage, Peaches N Cream: Eh, okay.

    Another power “blackout” – except this time it was us overloading power with too many heaters! Good thing @dancingman put in that switch…

    @dancingman You put in a breaker on our main switch. Good thing too; I’d have had to run out to the main box in the rain!

    I bought some awesome new sunglasses yesterday. Just in case you’re wondering why it’s pouring rain.

    As requested, my new sunnies. And Sydney’s crappy weather.

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    Knitters – anybody going to SSK today? Thinking of heading over to Newtown this arvo…

    @lemon_lime @kunaal84 Sure, will email you guys…

    Just got phone call from a friend who is now a Thermomix rep! Anybody interested in going to a demo? Can put you in touch…

    @stufromoz Google it. Like a blender that also gets hot? They use em on Masterchef sometimes, Heston Blumenthal, etc. Fancy foody gadget.

    @stufromoz They don’t sell them in shops, only via parties. I think they’re expensive too. @mrs_sockvictim went to one…

    Whoa! Power just went out for a second in Chippo. Anybody else??

    Tonight’s Jamie meal: Pork Chops w/ Crackling, Smashed Potato, Minty Cabbage, Peaches cooked in 33min BY ME!

    @venks79 Huh. This was our first ever. Just darkness for 1-2 sec, then back. Doesn’t seem to have affected anybody else. Maybe just us??

    @knitabulous Yay! Good luck!! You’ll be AWESOME.

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    I wore the dyed orange cardy. I like it! May still paint to even out few spots, but it’s much better than cream.

    @SMinney Yeah, everybody at work seems to like it. They all thought the blotchiness was intentional!

    @squozen Hahahaha, I was gonna say…

    @SMinney Addictive. I had to leave it at home today lest I get distracted at work. πŸ™‚

    @SMinney I was already using my iPhone for a lot of crafty things; this just gives me more screen room!

    @mrs_sockvictim Hahahaha, that was quick! How’d you get it??

    RT @venks79: Seen a dark blue sedan involved in an accident at corner of Centennial Ave & Elizabeth Pde, Lane Cove at 3pm, 26th May? Msg …

    @knitdra @mrs_sockvictim She sold it to me! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    @drkknits I know. Rodd sent me a link about it ages ago. I think I shared it on Reader…

    @drkknits Hahaha. It helps that I am apparently the person that everyone in the world sends their wacky ukulele links to.

    Our end-of-month beers tonight featured a blatant Sam Adams rip-off. Seriously? “John Boston”? So bad it’s funny.

    @brodrigu 4X is a fairly well known Australian beer from Queensland. It’s piss, but I don’t think its a knockoff.

    @supercres After I shared it, I found a MeFi thread with a link to an essay from the author. I read the book myself and was repulsed.

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    @Linda_Moore Ha, @devvyleys sent me that link this morning. πŸ™‚

    Hahaha… that’s THREE people who have now sent me the link to the knitted ukulele cover. My interests are just that obvious. πŸ™‚

    RT @mpesce: They’ve finally figured out why Americans are so fat: RECOMMENDED

    @toastman This is for you:

    RT @redditflipboard: Why Bing Lost and Google Won: #reddit #flipboard

    @knitabulous @AusVintageGrrl GAHHHH. That’s 4 people today. πŸ™‚

    Reading the morning news on an iPad while drinking coffee feels civilized and tomorrow, like reading a newspaper from the future. #douchebag

    I have been out-hipstered. There are TWO dudes sitting together on this bus, both with iPads. (Not @stufromoz either; I checked.)

    Just discovered the “Send to Twitter” option in Google Reader. Annoyingly, it doesn’t work.

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    I am probably the only person in Sydney who loves paying her mortgage. I just love seeing that number go down every time.

    @crumpet @squozen I use a Mac app called MoneyWell that has an iPhone app that syncs. I am in love with it.

    @squozen It costs a bit, but they have a big fancy new version about to drop. Took me a little while to get my head around. I get it now!

    @squozen It’d be nice. But as a fellow crackmonkey, I like logging into my bank every other day anyway. πŸ™‚

    RT @drkknits: international yarn bombing day? oh FFS. // Word.

    @squozen We’re mostly just tracking; don’t stick to concrete budget yet. But the “envelope” idea is powerful once you get your head round it

    @drkknits You’re such an artistic snob. Don’t you realise your shawl would be so much more PUNK RAWK and AUTHENTIC wrapped around a pole?

    @squozen We also have a shared Google spreadsheet where we track overall monthly spending in accordance with Balanced Money Formula. πŸ™‚

    @drkknits I suppose it’s better to be a shit-stirrer than a shit-knitter? πŸ™‚

    @drkknits Obviously, so they can say the “This isn’t your Grandma’s knitting!” stupidity for millionth time. Tatting, say, isn’t as funny.

    @thisismywww Every damn day is Geek Pride Day in my house. πŸ™‚

    @Ezzles The house is good because I can compare to how much it’s worth and feel like I’m not in the hole. Little by little!

    Whole office is placing their bets on State of Origin tournaments on I have never understood Rugby League.

    @thisismywww Oh, I like football plenty. Rugby Union all the way. I even enjoy gridiron and AFL. Sports-haters bore me.

    @gilmae @thisismywww When I first asked the Snook to explain the difference, he told me simply: “This is a Rugby Union house.” πŸ™‚

    Castlereagh is like a parking lot. Damn it! @mrs_sockvictim is delivering my iPad and I’M GONNA BE LATE! πŸ™

    @NL_AFFILIATES Thanks, spammer. Blocked and reported.

    I made it home and I have the iPad in my possession! Thanks @mrs_sockvictim. WOOO! NOW SYNC, YOU BASTARD. SYNC!

    This is me and the iPad2, which I named Marmoset. (We have a monkey naming scheme.)

    @jasony It wasn’t really planned as a business/study aid – just a shiny toy! πŸ™‚

    Pressure Cooker Moroccan Lamb Tagine = very good. Eating prunes out of the bag while cooking it = very bad. BAD. *moan*

    @jasony Not yet! Took a long rime to sync. Will get more apps tomorrow. πŸ™‚

    @_brigita_ I have different columns for all my groups. And it can post to Facebook. And it syncs across different machines.

    @jayamyler We went there a fortnight ago. Food was good, but service was way too slow. Maybe just Friday night?

    @jasony Sweet! Awesome tip. Grateful for any more you think of! πŸ™‚

    @_brigita_ You can use them for a search term, or mentions, new followers, whatev. Even FB updates. Lists are the best though.

    @rajsingh2505 Hahaha… Our media box is called “Monkey” and our server is “Bonobo,” so I needed something smaller than those. πŸ™‚

    The only negative to the iPad2 so far is that I can tell how good the retina display on iPhone4 is, and I miss it.

    Oh yes. I am that douchebag tweeting from an iPad on the bus. (Tethered via Wi-Fi to iPhone = extra nerd points!)

    @devvyleys That. Is. AWESOME. Mine came with a canvas gig bag, but that one is so much cooler!

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    Just realised I’ve been tweeting my runs with the WRONG @rajsingh! Sorry, other Raj! I run with @rajsingh2505. πŸ™‚

    @mrs_sockvictim From previous tweet: No idea how the hell I did that.

    @makarakarn Hot. Water. Bottle.

    RT @Y7News: Strauss-Kahn DNA found on maid’s clothes: reports // GROSSSSSSSS.

    @gusseting @knitabulous Well, I have another pot of the dye. Would it do any good to try again in a bigger pot?

    @drkknits If people reckon it would improve it, I guess.

    @knitabulous You’re gonna have to send me another email with all the instructions for that. I like to follow directions.

    @mrs_sockvictim What? Is that yours??

    RT @mrs_sockvictim: ipad for sale // MINE MINE MINE! ALL MINE!

    @gusseting We didn’t bother with phones or sim cards when we were there last time; just used free WiFi when we could get it.

    @gusseting But we were only visiting fam, not doing business or anything…

    @knitabulous There appear to be some videos of people playing it on YouTube. I shall do my best.

    Finally, an AWESOME True Blood series 4 preview: VERY EXCITED.

    @kunaal84 I thought of you as soon as I got on the bus and it started pouring. I’M SORRY!

    Dear Gary Mehigan: This is how you make Shepherd’s Pie, you twit. Love, me and Saint Delia.

    @wen1965 Exactly! Cottage Pie is a fine thing, but no need to go muddling the waters…

    I wonder if Mr Snook is having fun at #brewshare at @localtaphouseDL. IF ONLY HE USED TWITTER HE COULD TELL US ALL RIGHT NOW.

    Baked some special treats for tomorrow. It’s Tanvir’s last day and @rajsingh2505’s birthday!

    @chewxy Ack! What’d he have you to do a poor duck?

    Note to self: when you bake cookies and Snook isn’t around to police you, you will eat the cookies. The trick is to not eat ALL the cookies.

    @codepo8 He is the guardian of my nobler self… the one that doesn’t scarf down still-warm cookies in the kitchen in her sweatpants.

    @bowenvale321 But I tweeted them! Thwarted by my own social networking!

    @AusVintageGrrl These are practically compost cookies. I threw in everything: 4 packs of M&Ms (inc. coconut!), half a pack of Freckles…

    @gusseting Nope. I’m not nearly that cool.

    @altonbrown Well, I am *now*. Too bad I can’t get Vidalias in Australia, I think. πŸ™

    RT @NereadersDigest: Welcome to 2005 RT @arionian: OMIGOD FINALLY WORKS WITHOUT THE WWW!

    @devvyleys Awesome! Congrats to your big little girl! πŸ™‚

    Good grief. Broadway was okay, but the William Street wind tunnel nearly knocked me over. Glad I wore my big coat.