Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @knitabulous Dye and acid in, quick stir, then jumper, IIRC. Maybe I didn’t dissolve it well enough?

    @knitabulous Sure. Not terribly worried; just wondering if that was expected behaviour or if I did something wrong. I’ve got more dye. 🙂

    @lahondaknitter Pre-soaked for about 6 hours, in fact.

    @henrytapia Good, up until the point where the cheese baby we ate started getting revenge in our bellies. Bleccchhhhh.

    Just registered for City2Surf – and to my surprise, Snook and I qualified for green start group! GO US!

    @AusVintageGrrl I still haven’t finished the damn Nutkins.

    @jenbishopsydney RICE: rest ice compression elevation. Was it you? Hope it’s not too painful!

    @Ezzles Yikes! iPhone or android? Delete and reinstall fixed RK when I had issues.

    @kunaal84 @AusVintageGrrl If you’re lucky, she’ll hold up a sign for you: “KUNAAL – DON’T POOP YOUR PANTS!”

    Hm. Cardy has been rinsed… and results are odd. How in the world did I do THAT? Colour is (mostly) good tho.

    @knitabulous @mrs_sockvictim @gusseting Just posted photo. It’s odd. I think I invented knitted tie-dye. How the eff did I get that square??

    @drkknits @knitabulous I think perhaps my pot was a bit small. It didn’t have a lot of room to expand in there…

    @chrisgander Hey, I think Spudds is supposed to be on this TV show thursday: He was filming in Melbs yesterday!

    @randomknits CARDIES ARE COOL, DONNA.

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    Cheese is happening!

    We made a mozzarella cheese baby!

    @FlavourCrusader Mozzarella, then ricotta!

    @Lauren_lolly_ We’re in a class, so yep.

    Eagerly awaiting our lunch of homemade pizza with from-scratch mozzarella!

    Uccccchhhh. The cheesemaking class was great, but now I have a garlic cheese baby punching me in the guts…

    Home again, and now to dyeing. There’s a cardigan in there!

    RT @mayorofnewtown: “@brishmoe: @mayorofnewtown bob gould died 🙁” sad news re Newtown identity and bookshop owner

    Nearly there. Does “exhausting” the dye mean the water is totally, crystal clear? (cc @knitabulous @gusseting)

    @Lauren_lolly_ Cream. Blecccch!

    @knitabulous Ha! Actually, I went for an evening run too. Great minds think alike. 🙂

    @gusseting All good. It’s pretty darn clear! @knitabulous said to leave it in the pot overnight; I’m in no hurry so I’m doing that. 🙂

    I finally got around to properly documenting the Snook’s Hipster Cardy:

    Jamie’s 30 Min Meal #16: Tasty Crusted Cod, Mashy Peas, Warm Salad, & Tartare Sauce. 10/10 and only 32 minutes!!

    Very busy weekend. Pretty much got everything done I wanted to… except for sleep. Off to rectify that now.

    The cardy seems to have taken up the dye very unevenly. I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing yet. Was my pot too small, @knitabulous?

    @indefensible Eh. I passed one of those women tottering up Broadway like a dainty pony this morning. Blew past her in my sensible shoes. 🙂

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    @imdominating Wait, the wedding is DRY? Oh lordy. I didn’t know that. HAVE FUN.

    @imdominating You should slip @carbolicious some cash to work a little alcomahol into the cake frosting or something. LIVEN IT UP!

    Picnic for my nephew Kurt’s birthday! (@ Victoria Park)

    Going to dye my Feb Lady Sweater. Anybody have experience with Jacquard dyes? Just got some from Granny Square. Tips & advice welcome!

    @lahondaknitter Knit up. It’s this: Alpaca/wool blend. I just don’t wear cream cardigans!

    @lahondaknitter Thanks for pointing me to @cloudynatknit! Got good tutorial link to adapt. Will use Snook’s big homebrew pot.

    @drkknits Ooh, that’s different from what I was planning. I was going to use vinegar and cook it in a pot?

    @drkknits But it’s a whole cardy. Not even sure I have a microwave container big enough!

    @drkknits Will email you and Ailsa now… 🙂

    It’s 6:03pm and the Snook and I are still here. Not a big surprise. On the plus side, we get to go to our CHEESE-MAKING class tomorrow!

    @Opheli8 Once I am indoctrinated into the ways of the cheese, I will be spreading cheesy joy to all my friends. Unless I eat it first.

    @drkknits If you mock us, I won’t share any of my fancy artisanal organic Chippendale Cheese with you! 🙂

    @drkknits THINK OF THE CARBON FOOTPRINT, YOU BOURGEOISE NITWIT! (I had to google how to spell “bourgeoise.” Rather ruins the outrage.)

    @drkknits Oh, you’re gonna get another visit from our Red Scare bot friend…

    Actually, we’ll learn to make mozzarella, ricotta, and “labne”. The hipster part will be because we’re wearing hats and carrying iPhones.

    @drkknits Like they could KEEP ME from blogging it. 😛

    @kunaal84 All the people you know are Hindus and atheists. What did you expect? 🙂

    @drkknits @kunaal84 I spent an hour last night working out how to play “Makin’ Whoopie” on the ukulele. #hipstercentral

    Going to try a “rally car” strategy for tonight’s Jamie meal. Snook will cook while I shout out instructions and take photographs…

    He says: “If a man’s not makin’ a mess, he’s not makin’ anything.”

    Post-Rapture WIN! Tonight’s Jamie meal: Crusty Cod, Mashy Peas, Warm Salad. 32 minutes and 10/10!!

    Normally our bedtime, but we’re headed to an Enmore pub to wish @henrytapia a happy birthday! #hardlyhipsters #sleepynerds

    @drkknits Holy crap, you are so far ahead of me on that book! No more chatting about it til I finish…

    @imdominating You haven’t been to Manly Beach yet. God is clearly from New South Wales, Australia. 🙂

    RIP Bill Hunter. “You can’t stop progress!”

    @imdominating Gorgeous!!

    Heading off to Cheesemaking Class! Sadly, the Snook rejected my suggestion to wear a beret.

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    @randomknits Totally getting deja vu from that. 🙂

    My new foam roller has arrived! @seanchadwick immediately had to try “planking” on it.

    @AusVintageGrrl @randomknits There’s nothing much to get. I’ve just heard her make that specific rant a couple times in the past few wks 🙂

    @MiscMarci You love me! (I actually made Rodd watch that movie recently, as he’d never seen it the whole way through.)

    @FlavourCrusader THAT’S AWESOME! Was it the photo of me and the fish? Because I can eat some more fish if that’ll help. 🙂

    If you’re gonna break your diet, break it HARD. #nachos #beer #happiness

    The Snook is raiding on WoW in another room. Me: “Did you just tell someone ‘Take your pants off?!” Him: “Actually, yes. It’s a tank thing.”

    “Not only did you miss your pre-rapture orgy window, you spent your last night on earth playing Warcraft. I hope it was fun!” #actuallysaid

    Matching Starmores at the Farmers’ Market @ Eveleigh Markets

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    @knitabulous If it’s not on Runkeeper, I DON’T BELIEVE IT HAPPENED. 🙂

    Massive spec that’s been in the works in one form or another for, oh, A YEAR just got signed off. HUZZAH, good to get monkey off my back.

    @Opheli8 Hahahahaha, no, that sucker is dead and buried.

    Working on a gift for a friend. Not bad for a night’s work!

    is personally bringing the oversized 80s jumper back into fashion. You can all thank me later.

    @randomknits I think Jesus is like Santa Claus, in that he follows the time zones.

    @witty_knitter This is like an episode of The Amazing Race!

    @bellsknits You didn’t see R.Pattz in the Harry Potter films? At any rate, he uses a Yank accent in Twilight.

    @NylaSwander9882 Blocking you and reporting for spam.

    @bellsknits Goodness. I thought the only folks who didn’t like HP were homeschooling fundamentalists! You should see/read them; they’re good

    @drkknits @bellsknits Actually I’m not a big R.Pattz fan, and I could leave the movies. The books made me feel icky.

    @knitterjp @drkknits Totes my new imaginary boyfriend!

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    @steven_noble His post is all I know about it. Will try to find out more details tonight when I pick up our veggie box from him.

    @lemon_lime Damn. Can’t see it from my CBD bus stop. Curse your beautiful commute! 🙂

    @gilmae As long as they don’t ask you to kill cockroaches in the basement, you’re okay. (You don’t have a red stapler, do you?)

    The day I forget my headphones is the day the guy behind me on the bus decides to loudly relate the plot of “Human Centipede” to his friend.

    @jannism Come now. You’ve met *some* of us. 🙂

    RT @ljc: Hey … there is a Zooey Deschanel show coming to FOX! // @toastman will be very excited!

    @Lackadazy On a night home from the pub, sure. On the morning ride to work when I just had breakfast – NO.

    @sharre Nah. I grew up in Amish country. They’re actually big users of technology; they just can’t own it.

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    @randomknits @HoneyBeeMine I *do* have a set, and I like them! I’ve never had a problem with them popping off or the joins breaking.

    @randomknits @HoneyBeeMine My only complaint with them is the GIANT BOX they came in. I think the new sets are in more portable kits?

    @imdominating I just wish @teefury would have an RSS feed so I could put it in Google Reader and see it every day automagically.

    @randomknits Can you get just the case on its own?

    @HoneyBeeMine I got mine from CR&K, so I think these are the exact ones: Nickel, I think? No issues with catching.

    Sitting here like Elaine Benes on the subway, quiet on the outside but SCREAMING in my head: “STOP COUGHING! JUST STOP IT! STOP ITTTTTTTTT!”

    @Lauren_lolly_ Unfortunately I’m not on a bus or the street. I’m sitting at my desk at work. No escape.

    @HoneyBeeMine I’ve got a couple; not a full set. I prefer the pointiness of the Addis as I, too, am a Very Tight Knitter.

    Supercilious cardy-wearing bearded Inner West hipster appraises your graffiti and snorts, “Derivative.”

    @gusseting Been reading a little about that one. I like Stephen King, but not so much the straight horror ones.

    RT @c41: Only person not staring at a mobile on this bus is reading a book.
    About iphone dev.

    What? The Duck & Swan in Chippo is closing? THAT SUCKS. (cc @steven_noble @innerwestlive @InnerWestNews)

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    Trying to find a house/catsitter for a week next month. @Ezzles? Anybody else willing/able to stay with two very silly cats in Chippo?

    Feeling sidelined and a little annoyed.

    @Ezzles I facebooked you the dates. But I know @knitness is a good cat mama too, so either of you would be fantastic! 🙂

    @knitabulous I think I have post-marathon emotional turmoil. Also, STILL STARVING.

    @knitabulous Maybe that would perk me up? 😛

    @venks79 WOOHOO, AWESOME! That’s a new personal record, yeah? Well done!

    @yankinoz What, twitter? Heh. It says your app is called “Peep.”

    @Alacaeriel Thanks for the offer! I think we’ve got it covered. Will remember you for possible next time. 🙂

    @DavidServille Aww, thanks for the offer! I think we’ve got it sorted.

    @venks79 According to FB buddies, sick feeling will last a few days. Leg soreness is rapidly disappearing though! 🙂

    What’s with the traffic today, Sydney? Only just made it down George Street

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    Holy crap. Running 26.2 miles makes you RAVENOUS. I can’t stop eating!

    Today’s run report! That was 42.25km in 5:55:36. Now for four blessed weeks of taper… 🙂

    @mikeh2bi Given how my legs feel right now, I’m definitely leaning towards “crazy”! 🙂

    Thanks for the support today @knitdra @FlavourCrusader @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits @imdominating @PortugueseChook @jenwburn @laimelde

    @dancingman What, no gift as a thank you for tipping you off? My knitting advice attracts a finder’s fee! 😛

    Jamie’s 30 Min Meals #15: Kinda Sausage Cassoulet, Warm Broccoli Salad, Meringues. UNDER 30 MINUTES, HIGH-FIVE GO US!

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    Holy shit. Now there’s someone I didn’t expect to see at Knitters Guild today.

    @laimelde That’s okay. Good luck with your run!

    Hydrating and trying to stay calm and not freak out over the fact that I am RUNNING A MARATHON TOMORROW. As a training run. *Gulp.*

    It’s taken us 15 weeks… but we *finally* did a Jamie recipe in UNDER 30 MINUTES! Sausage Cassoulet – 28:50!!

    This is where my OCD is both a help and a hindrance. I have a huge checklist of things for tomorrow’s run. BUT WHAT IF I FORGOT SOMETHING?

    Up at 5:20am. Dressed, now having breakfast. And then I’m running a marathon. Still freaking out. About 4 hrs sleep. Pure adrenaline.

    @carbolicious In about 40 minutes!

    Still movin’! Just hit the wrong button when pausing to refill water.

    Back at the house, slightly more than halfway around. Refuelled and ready to go. Feet hurt, but I CAN DO IT. Less than 20km to go.