Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Just had great FaceTime chat with my Mom. iPhone is gateway drug; whole family is Switching now! Free video chat is very “tomorrow.”

    @SusieQTE1 Blocking and reporting you for spam.

    Schnitzel and beer on a rainy day! @ Tommy’s Beer Cafe

    Crap. Throat is officially sore. Tomorrow’s long run *may* have to be postponed til Tuesday. (cc @laimelde @kunaal84 @mrs_sockvictim)

    I am eating a dark chocolate Easter Bunny from Sweetness the Patisserie. It is the BEST. THING. EVER.

    I have learned another ukulele song: “Leaving on a Jet Plane.” THIS IS FUN. (cc @drkknits)

    @missamanda I’ve had desensitisation to dust mites and grass. For like the last 5 years.

    @missamanda I used to take a Zyrtec every single day to survive. I’m down to maybe 1/wk or less now. So it’s helped a lot.

    @missamanda The stuff was like $150 maybe every 9 months? And then the cost of getting all the shots. Medicare pays some of it.

    @missamanda Shots were every 2 wks for first few months, then gradually stretched out to every month as dosage increased.

    @missamanda It’s a bit voodoo though. Drs aren’t quite sure how or why it works. And it doesn’t cure totally; just helps mitigate a bit.

    @missamanda I only stopped because I was burnt out on going to the doc every single month. You have to commit to that to get any benefits.

    @drkknits Go to YouTube and look up John Denver version. That’s the key I’m doing it in!

    @knitabulous @drkknits Sadly, yes. But John’s is best!

    @drkknits iTunes has heaps. Even Sinatra covered it!

    Tonight’s Jamie meal: Wonky Summer Pasta, Herby Salad, Pear Drop Tartlets. Fastest one yet: 33:26!!

    Longest run ever tomorrow. I could not be better prepared… with the exception of this stupid cold. Now to try and sleep.

    It’s the buttcrack of dawn. Coffee, bagel with peanut butter. Hydrating. I am going to rock this run.

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    @toastman I am disappointed that’s a fake site, frankly.

    No breakfast in the house. We planned to go to Eveleigh Markets. But it’s pissing down, as it always does in Sydney on Easter break. 🙁

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    @laimelde I emailed you with my schedule. Should be 10:30 ish?

    @laimelde And yay!

    @imdominating Oooh. I read the book. I SOBBED AND SOBBED. I can only imagine that I’d sob even more if Viggo was involved.

    Yay! @carbolicious got the Easter package I sent. Video of kids opening it is CUTEST THING EVER. Love Indie’s GASPS! 🙂

    Aww, Red Cross just rang me to personally thank me for donating! That was nice. Makes up for the vicious bruise I’ve had for over a week.

    Sometimes the most important thing to do in your day is cheer up a friend who needs it!

    @gizo Nuh. Works fine for me!

    RT @MisterShuffles: I don’t know who this Jesus guy is, but he sure has made lots of you happy by getting you days off work!

    RT @runasand: (1) Apple is not collecting data, (2) Hidden file is neither new nor secret, (3) “Discovery” published months ago: http:// …

    I thought I was coming down with a cold, and then I had a couple glasses of wine, and now I feel fiiiiiiiine. 🙂

    @gizo Don’t be a sad! For I haz friended you.

    @redambition Avoid the Long Island Iced Tea. They’re very good. But… BADNESS. ASK ME HOW I KNOW.

    @kunaal84 AWESOME. Was it good???

    @devvyleys May well be the case! She did a great job, but I still have massive purple splotch on my arm.

    @lemon_lime HAVE FUN! Say Bon Voyage from me to Jamie too!

    @SallyPompom Very! Please take photos. We miss her. And you! 🙂

    Giant sleepy cat resting on my legs. Hot coffee. Knitting. Molly Ringworld marathon. Nice start to the weekend.

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    What the hell. Facebook has started emailing me about comments. It looks like my notification permissions have all changed. *sigh*

    @fictillius It’s the principle of the thing!

    @squozen But then I never get to see photos of my nieces or nephews. All my relatives without websites just use FB now. It’s a trap.

    @squozen Then I’ll never see pics. My dictating which sites other people can use is not a very good solution.

    @squozen I don’t mind it. And I don’t wanna be this guy:

    @innerwestlive I don’t get it. Is there any more to the story than that? It’s shorter than a tweet!

    Me and Spudds after today’s workout. 101m and 99m on the rower!

    @knitness NO WAY. I love that jumper. Wasn’t it all in Cashmerino? That’s what put me off the pattern…

    @knitness That’s awesome. Can’t wait to see it!

    Anybody around/willing/able to run with me on Easter Sunday as part of my super long run? (@laimelde @mrs_sockvictim @redambition)

    I don’t know if you know this, but Stacy’s Mom has it going on.

    @randomknits @drkknits I have hit up actual Indians for advice/supplies on my outfit. I’M GONNA LOOK AWESOME. (cc @kunaal84 @rajsingh2505)

    For the curious, this is some of what the Snook has been doing at Yahoo7 for the past six months:

    I knitted a little Easter cardy for my friend Fei’s newborn daughter. Finished just in time! I hope they like it.

    @randomknits Thanks! Will look better in natural light. My first go at deliberately mismatched buttons. 🙂

    @redambition I gave up on Myer CBD years ago. Worst service ever. DJs was lovely to me, so they get my business.

    Uh oh. Trying to edit today’s @healthmonth turn and the application keeps crashing. Any ideas, @busterbenson?

    RT @innerwestlive: Ultimo Data Centre expansion put on hold: // Much better article!

    @busterbenson Yep. webgoddess. Just saw again trying to edit next month rules. Earlier was trying to edit today’s turn (eventually worked).

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    The Snook on a tiny planet.

    Since I started playing @healthmonth, I’ve taken lunch to work 19 times. That’s roughly $200 saved!

    @venks79 I just wish ppl knew to configure their servers properly so sites worked without it. Aussie sysadmins are frequent offenders!

    @emmainsydney Great! It’s a brilliant site. Add me as a friend on there. 🙂

    Dear world: Please stop talking about the Game of Thrones show until I finish the book. Because if I get spoiled, I’M GONNA LOSE IT.

    @drkknits I reckon. Everybody told me I need to. If I can finish it by Camp, I’ll lend it to you!

    “Do you have a paperclip? I need to swap iPhone SIM cards.” “No but I have an iPhone SIM opening tool in my wallet.” Total geek validation!

    @VanHaskett2071 Blocking and reporting you for spam.

    @TerraGutierrex3 Blocking you and reporting for spam.

    @DomesticJules Did you get an answer? Definitely soft brown.

    @gilmae SHHHHH. Btw – any chance you could burn me a DVD? 🙂

    @DomesticJules *thumbs up*

    @gilmae I am just indulging Snook’s laziness. We could download. Only one has aired, yeah?

    @gilmae If it’s not a PITA, that would be awesome. We are meeting at the Show Monday? I shall buy you your preferred cheese on a stick!

    @gilmae Ah, thought @randomknits hinted there were 3 of youse coming. And you have mistaken me for a Discworld fan. Only 1 in this house!

    @gilmae Oh! You meant @randomknits goes in for the unironic deep fried food on a stick. I’m with her. 🙂

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    @chrisgander I go nice and slow, 1:1 run/walk. You should try it sometime. You could probably go a lot farther!

    RT @gilmae: My mum decided to buy a Flip a day before Cisco shut it down. I’m making a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for her to bu …

    @chrisgander I’m reading the book first. 🙂

    @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim Mine’s going to be the reward for finishing the marathon in June. 🙂

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    @jenwburn I’m already taking the 2 biggest Pratchett fans I know! 🙂 But thanks for the offer…

    RT @jenwburn: @web_goddess Hi Kris – I have a spare ticket to Terry Pratchett tonight. Do you know anyone that might want one? Many thanks.

    Uke practice. I am ROCKIN’ the Patsy Cline, I tell you. I really enjoy ripping into the last verse of “Walkin’ After Midnight.”

    @misswired Gimme a few more weeks! I’m just now getting to where I can change chords without breaking the rhythm. Need finger agility. 🙂

    @LashellKostelec Blocking you and reporting for spam.

    Gave up on bus and hopped a cab. Terry Pratchett is waiting!!

    Waiting for Terry Pratchett! (@ Sydney Opera House w/ @ezzles)

    @stufromoz We’re up in the circle, towards the rightish (looking at the stage).

    @Illdrinn Heh. I noticed that too. Between that and the Amanda Palmer concert, I’ve been out with every Twitterer in Sydney, I think.

    Great job on the lights tonight, @Kat13v!

    @sharre Best thing I ever did. Well worth it to never have them ache again! Just take iPod and stay calm. And don’t use straws afterwards!

    @sharre Chair. General was expensive, and I wanted to be brave. Blogged if you’re up to it:

    @sharre I didn’t have all four though. We did two at a time, one side and then the other a month later. You can do it though!

    Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals: Liver & Bacon, Onion Gravy, Smash Potato, Dressed Greens, Berry & Custard Ripple. Meh. *shrug*

    @chrisgander Training plan has me doing 37K this Sunday. My longest ever! Let me know if you want to join me for part; I could use company.

    RT @wheelyweb: proof, it that is what you need, that taking cars out of the city centre is good for your health:

    RT @AusVintageGrrl: @knitterjp Have a great first day!!! // DITTO!

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    Tonight’s Jamie Oliver dinner: Liver & Bacon with Onion Gravy, Smashed Potato, and Dressed Greens. Hm. I do NOT like elderflower cordial.

    @gingerthomas Both. It went into the dessert, and I mixed/drank some. I didn’t care much for the drink.

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    @AusVintageGrrl Aww, thanks. I’ll see what doc says first. May not be sinus at all.

    @chewxy You HAVE to give us details. Please! Maybe photos too? 🙂

    Still waiting, 35 minutes after my scheduled doctor’s appointment. She just called in somebody else. #fml

    Finally saw doc. Definitely not sinus. Maybe infected salivary gland?! Got antibiotics and referral for ultrasound.

    Crap. I missed a call and accidentally deleted the voice mail. If it was you, please call back!

    @squozen Not yet. Blog says they’re working on it.

    @chrisgander @kevinferry Bah. I just record my runs on dailymile and use the shame of having a big fat zero showing there to motivate me!

    Morning Kris is very grateful that Evening Kris baked Zucchini Bread in preparation for Diet Cheat Day. LOVE YOU, EVENING KRIS!

    @AusVintageGrrl It’s easy to be cute when your belly’s full of fresh zucchini bread! 🙂

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    RT @FlavourCrusader: hullo kris. i am using your sardine post as an example for my @openideo challenge – facing real food. // AWESOME!

    @Alacaeriel Ahhh, but we need you to gripe, because otherwise it’s just us being bitter losers! You can objectively complain. 🙂

    @Alacaeriel Complete lack of any published criteria for judging? Bad display? Inconsistent judging in other categories? THE HORROR CLOWNS?!

    @gingerthomas @witty_knitter Wow. I really like that effect! It’ll make my doggies look GREAT! 🙂

    Amused that Guild keeps asking me to teach at Camp instead of all the prize-winning knitters. Am I that good a teacher? Or just a sucker?

    @ozgamer Awww! Nah, it’s because I’m a sucker. I turned them down. I’ve done enough for them over the years.

    @drkknits Except for me, right? Because I love you (in spite of your crap knitting in non-traditional colours). 😛

    @witty_knitter @gingerthomas I love than a random joke has turned into an actual learning experience. 🙂

    @drkknits There’s a song in that.

    @witty_knitter @drkknits I remember when M-H was as virulently anti-socks as I am anti-shawl. Crap. I better not be knitting shawls in 8yrs!

    @knitterjp I turned them down. I think it’s more the “sucker” thing, and I’m through being the tall poppy that gets whacked!

    @knitterjp @drkknits The hipster part will come when it gets used as the soundtrack in an Apple advert.

    RT @FlavourCrusader: @web_goddess hai u r faaaaaaamous love that photo btw // HAHAHA… Thanks! Love it too. 🙂

    @Kat13v Maybe doing a new class? Just seems pointless to ask me to repeat. Lack of imagination. Same folks always go so what’s the point?

    @Alacaeriel So in order to defeat the clowns… we must all become one with the clowns? NO. NO! THE HORROR!

    @AusVintageGrrl So if I swing by, I can pay you for the Folca??!

    Figured out why I feel awful. Mysterious cheek infection has returned. Back to antibiotics. 🙁

    Sinus headache entering 3rd day. Paracetamol not making a dent. Yes, I’ll be going to the doctor today.

    @knitterjp @drkknits I’m not stuffed up at all. I think this is infection in actual sinus cavity. Cheek is sore, nausea, headache, pressure.

    @SMinney This is the 3rd time in 1.5yr in exactly the same place. Antibiotics must not be killing it. Need something STRONG this time!

    Doctor booked in at midday (earliest I could get). Now to sit without moving my head for three hours.

    Okay, this is weird. Skyping with my sister, who had a salivary gland infection recently… in same spot I have pain. Another possibility?

    @redambition I don’t have any of those hippie things in my house! 🙂

    @HypnosisTips4u Banned and reporting you for spamming.