Category: Twitter Post

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    It’s gotten to the point where Snarky Bitching about the Easter Show is as much a seasonal tradition as hot cross buns and chocolate.

    Paracetamol, Zyrtec, and Diet Coke are my bestest friends today. #feelingbetter

    @HealthyLife_101 Banning you and reporting for spam.

    @redambition Rav has the highlights, I guess. Otherwise scroll through @knitterjp’s tweets from last night; she had most of them!

    Good lord. The Easter Show actually charges $2.49 for the iPhone app! You pay $34 to get in & they won’t give you a free promo planning app.

    @MiguelinaLubman Banning you and reporting for spam.

    @toastman Yep, according to the website. They also call it “one of the best bargains around.” *snort*

    The actual Easter Show app: Maps, timetables, planner, and “great offers.” And a comp to win a wristband. #fail

    We officially booked in for the cheesemaking class. It’s going to be fun.

    @imdominating Whereas for me, if there is ever something that I *can* hit my head on, I will. Dryer doors, airplane ceilings, cabinets, etc.

    In bed by 9pm. Couple glasses of box red wine plus a Zyrtec. Let’s just all agree that today didn’t happen, right? Zzzzz….

    Also, I DEFIED the Snook and plugged in the electric heater. Before ANZAC Day. I’m a rebel, I am. (A warm one.)

    Aw, thanks @misswired. Just killer combo of allergy attack, post-bloodletting lethargy and lack of sleep (due to yowling cat).

    Once again ten hours of sleep makes everything better.

    I’ve decided on my entry for next year’s Easter Show.

    @drkknits @witty_knitter I’m pretty sure it needs an intarsia kitten and/or puppy on it somewhere. I need to work that in. In faux fur.

    @witty_knitter I don’t want it to be too ostentatious!

    @witty_knitter I know we’re only joking, but you are FREAKING ME OUT. πŸ˜›

    @witty_knitter Don’t challenge me. I’m a sucker for reverse psychology. πŸ™‚

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    @tinkabel I’ve donated in the US and UK before, but not in the last 10 years. My Hb level was 139, IIRC. Right in the middle.

    @tinkabel I’ve never been paid for it anywhere. Just always donate at the Red Cross.

    @knitterjp No fishing line? I’ll call that a win. πŸ™‚ Thanks!

    RT @knitterjp: A third for @mrs_sockvictim // Yay, congrats Fee!!

    My Hipster Cardy didn’t win the Show. Once again I am too AVANTE GARDE for the judges! πŸ™‚ (Thanks @knitterjp for pic)

    RT @knitterjp: Reccie’s shawl!! @miss_reecie

    @knitterjp Intarsia waratahs? INTARSIA WARATAHS? Tell me that Asa’s actually pretty design won a ribbon.

    RT @knitterjp: Send in the clowns // So much FAIL in one photo. It’s a wonder anybody takes up knitting these days.


    @drkknits I think we need to write a uke song about scourge of insipid clowns and the valiant-but-misunderstood knitters who oppose them.

    @knitterjp There are no words.

    @knitterjp GASP! He didn’t win? I do like the meerkat.

    @knitdra @knitterjp He’s there every year. As god is my witness, one day I will own some naked marquetry.

    @Kat13v Awww, thanks. πŸ™‚

    Playing Patsy Cline on the ukelele. @imdominating would be pissing herself.

    @Kat13v Wait, WHAT? No 1st in my class? Okay, that’s friggin’ annoying.

    @AusVintageGrrl Awww, thanks. I suppose the garment would’ve lost all Hipster Cred if it had a ribbon. Losing is more “authentic.” πŸ™‚

    @stufromoz I think you’ve done all the ones I know!

    @steven_noble Isn’t there a parliament of owls? I always liked that one.

    RT @eileenDCoE: Cures not cuts! #protectresearch

    @knitabulous Nah, Walkin’ After Midnight. I’m not up to crooning yet. πŸ™‚

    100 Awesome Husband Points: secretly getting your wife a Jane Austen comic book as a surprise gift.

    @knitabulous I didn’t keep it as secret as I should. It was listed on Rav for ages. Oh well, winning would have tarnished my indie cred. πŸ˜›

    The wicked bruise on my arm is the perfect counterpart to my wicked allergy attack, wicked sinus headache, and wicked bad mood.

    @gingerthomas Yeah, I bruise pretty easily. It’s gnarly; looks like I got attacked by a vampire. Not Red Cross lady’s fault, she was good!

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    @PhilKeoghan ACK. How about those of us in Australia? Going to have to hide your tweets!

    This office is an ice box. My fingertips are actually going numb.

    Was inspired to book in for blood donation tomorrow. I know too many folks who can’t donate; figure I’d better step up in their place!

    @Yarna_ The cutoff on that seems to be ’96 for Australian donations. Luckily I didn’t live in England til ’98, so I’m okay!

    @carbolicious Just thinking about that makes me wince.

    Received hilariously mismatched job opp from Gemteq HR spammer. I’m not a team lead or dev, & I know zero .NET. Do they even read linkedin?

    @Justacogitating Aussie rules ban those who spent 6 months in UK prior to ’96. So we’re clear by two years, thankfully!

    Just finished breakfast (leftover meatloaf and zucchini) and now I’m pounding water. All preparation for giving blood in an hour!

    Hemoglobin checked, iron levels all good. Ready to get stuck!

    Needle is in and I am being drained. New Town Hall Red Cross centre is brilliant. Comfy high-tech recliners and big TVs!

    Who wants to see me and my blood? (Not gross; I swear.)

    All done! Now just chillin’ til I get my cookie. That was best blood donation experience ever. Practically painless, very professional.

    @knitterjp It’s those folks, but the whole center has moved to Town Hall. New place is great!

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    @stufromoz @ellymc I used to work at Morris and Sons. Great range, biggest in Sydney. Not cheap though!

    @stufromoz @ellymc That’s A Coffee and a Yarn. Nice cafe, not a big yarn range though.

    Catching up on Biggest Loser. Okay, Lara’s Dad made me cry.

    @Shiloh834 You appear to be a spammer of some kind. No thanks.

    @XXFRha Please stop begging. You’re ruining the game.

    @healthmonth Another spammer! β€œ@XXFRha: hi:)) i see you play healthmonth would you mind to help me to sponsoring my acc? please”

    Jamie’s recipe #11: Grilled Sardines, Crispy Halloumi, Salad, Figs, and Choc Mousse. Our first 10/10 rating! SO GOOD.

    Practically empty 480 just blew past Broadway without even slowing. Why do I even bother waving? @131500buses

    @betsybookworm @madradish It’s mostly because that bus stop at Broadway gets so backed up. They need to split it into two stops.

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    Beautiful day! Decided to walk to Knitters Guid meeting.

    @devvyleys Are you serious? That’s AWESOME! Thank you.

    Commando sighting! In pink! Was within 3 feet of me!

    Overheard: “Oh, there’s nothing worse than wonky Habu!” #knittersguild

    Today’s Jamie meal: Grilled Sardines. The one I was most afraid of; the one I enjoyed the most! Seriously, so good!

    @misswired No potatoes! You mean the golden things? That’s sesame-encrusted haloumi. πŸ™‚

    My licorice education has progressed to @DarrellLea_USA’s soft eating licorice. YUM! I’m actually enjoying it! (cc @squozen)

    @likeomg SO CUTE! Does s/he have a name yet?

    @misswired Ooh, your recipe looks yummy. I have a good slow-cooker recipe for lamb shanks too; I’ll send to you.

    DailyMile meetup with running buddies! (@ Darling Harbour)

    Waiting for fireworks in Darling Harbour with running buddies…

    Darling Harbour at night is so gorgeous.


    @thisismywww Whaaat? Seriously? That sucks!

    @imdominating It’ll get blogged today!

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    @witty_knitter Probably the same little shits that killed the swan.

    @witty_knitter Well, not really. But the same in the sense that all those anti-social misfits are the same.

    @Bells_G The SMH prompted me to install AdBlock Plus and Flashblock. Best thing I ever did.

    @Bells_G Most places don’t require admin access for browser add-ons. I was able to do it even tho we’re locked down.

    On the plus side, @lemon_lime is helping me out with a photo project. On the minus side, my lunch is getting cold.

    Beware the workplace psychopath: That’s all I’m gonna say about that.

    @Kat13v Yay! We’re going that that. πŸ™‚

    @imdominating @carbolicious I have no idea what you’re on about. It sounds awesome though…

    @ptinutz Great job! Trust the plan; it’ll get you there. And remember to rest on your rest days! πŸ™‚

    You’re all being social butterflies out on the town. Me, I was struggling not to head to bed at 7:30. I made it to 8:30. #sotired

    RT @virtualpete: oh @ashermoses just blatantly sexist. via @smh_news // Totally agree. My husband is not an idiot.

    @bowenvale321 It was more the generalization that all men are incompetent at shopping that annoyed me. Gender role fail!

    @randomknits No worries! See you in a few weeks… πŸ™‚

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    @Bells_G I am commenting right now. Another one who doesn’t understand why women have to be the one to change. I never considered it.

    @Bells_G I like the lady who says she’ll be happy for daughters to marry and change their names… but no mention of sons. EXACTLY MY POINT.

    For the record, Snook and I debated on changing both our names to something new, but SNOWARD didn’t sound very good.

    @AusVintageGrrl I hope I’m not contributing to feeling bad. Didn’t mean to attack you. There are legit reasons for it. Just not all, for me.

    @Bells_G @AusVintageGrrl Marriages are fine. It’s most WEDDINGS that I think are a giant, patriarchal crock. But that’s for another day. πŸ™‚

    @witty_knitter Haha, Westward is brilliant! I’m going to start calling you the Madames Westward now. πŸ˜›

    @witty_knitter I don’t speak your funny frog talk! I’m a MERKIN; it’s in the Constitution!

    @richbuggy Heh. I actually like that one! It looks kinda futuristic. πŸ™‚

    I bought another box of Licorette. I’m actually enjoying its medicinal quality. What’s the next step on the road to Licorice Appreciation?

    @squozen But what type is best? I don’t wanna eat crap licorice.

    @carbolicious Hey stranger! Not a licorice fan? Me neither, but this stuff is strangely addictive. Plus it totally KILLS hunger cravings.

    Massive triple batch of Hearty Pumpkin Chili in the slow cooker at home. I can’t wait to lift that lid tonight…

    @Bells_G I will be posting recipe to Facebook soon. I need y’all to “like” it so I can win some free veggies from Food Connect. πŸ™‚

    @drkknits You LIKE it because you LOVE me. That’s how these popularity contests work. πŸ˜›

    Trying to convince the Snook to go on a CHEESEMAKING COURSE with me: CHEESE!

    RT @VenessaHunt: Another HUGE day – @mobileembrace Signs Exclusive Advertising and Production Agreement with Multi Channel Network (MCN) …

    @Bournetoknit But you’re in France! You don’t need to make cheese; you have AWESOME CHEESE all around you! #jealous

    I bought a new coat at the Gap. Please tell me it looks okay! It was on sale. πŸ™‚

    @witty_knitter Fat Duck! Fat Duck! (Well, it doesn’t hurt to try.)

    Glad you all like the coat! Wanted to canvass opinion in the store, but Westfield CBD has the *worst* phone reception.

    This is the trench I got: Of course, this being Australia and all, I paid twice the US cost. πŸ™

    The Hearty Pumpkin Chili was good. I ate way too much. Ucccchhhhhhh….

    @thezedmiester Yep, still there. It’s good – I cannibalized your desk to make a big ol’ L-shaped office space for myself. πŸ™‚

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    Every time a Bieber song comes up on my iPod, I find myself unexpectedly enjoying it. I can also hear @kunaal84 psychically screaming.

    @HennyArmanda Wow, no. And you really shouldn’t spam people on Twitter.l

    I don’t understand. Grated carrot in my salad = WIN. Sliced carrot in my salad: FOUL WOOD CHIPS OF SATAN.

    I’ve persisted with the foul Licorette, mostly out of a perverse urge to live up to @squozen’s expectations of Real Aussies. It’s improving.

    @squozen They come in an evil-looking little box:

    @healthmonth Hi Buster! I’ve blogged #healthmonth a couple times now: I’m a huge fan. πŸ™‚

    @healthmonth Awww, thanks! Sure, I’m paid up for April but I’ll definitely play again in May. I’m “webgoddess” there.

    Epic, super-productive day. I like working on things for @VenessaHunt because she is always so appreciative and nice!

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    Now that I’ve gone back to low-carb, my previous lobbying of the vending machine guy to stock pretzels has come back to BITE ME IN THE ASS.

    @knitabulous Did you get to keep it??

    Long run exhaustion is finally catching up with me. I feel so. tired.

    @randomknits @knitabulous I was thinking more like Halloween table centerpiece. πŸ˜€

    @knitabulous Ah, I tend to just go for it. My dentist was thrilled when I asked for my wisdom teeth!

    Found another small typo in the BABOK. Already emailed @bakevin. I wonder if I’ll get kicked out of the IIBA for being a nagging pedant? πŸ™‚

    RT @amandapalmer: just did an epic interview with the @NYtimes about the so-called “ukulele renaissance”. preached so hot i even excited …

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    Bought some “LICORETTE” sugar-free licorice pastilles. I hate licorice. Why do I keep buying candy that I KNOW will taste like ass?

    @knitabulous I actually own some of her books. I don’t have a problem with the patterns. Just seeing them EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. at the Show.

    @Opheli8 Sweet! I’m heading out shortly with @kunaal84 to meet Snook at Town Hall. We’ll see you there!

    Excited to see Simon Pegg & Nick Frost (and “Paul”). (@ Event Cinemas Bondi Junction w/ 2 others)

    Whoa! @nickjfrost just said thanks to me when I let him and @simonfrost take our lift! @kunaal84 and Snook were there too!

    Ack! It was @nickjfrost and @simonpegg, of course. Star struck and tweeting is a bad combination. πŸ™‚

    @messicat Whoa! We were right around the corner from you at the lifts! I saw them posing but didn’t know who it was with!

    483 driver just refused to let ppl in at Broadway. Had room for at least 10. On a rainy day. That SUCKS, @131500buses.

    @imdominating Yay! Details – we need details!!

    RT @stephtara: Why I Quit WoW And Started Working Out

    @imdominating That’s not so big! Based on Molly’s photos I worried he was gonna be twice that. πŸ™‚