Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @lemon_lime Pretty damn good! In an ice bath right now. πŸ™‚ How’s Melbs??

    @Opheli8 I was in a crappy production of that once. I was Princess #12 who gets rejected right at the start.

    @Opheli8 Did they give her a rubber chicken? I got a rubber chicken.

    @Alex_Manchester What colour are the Billies?

    @Alex_Manchester Ahh, nevermind then. Our Billy is all the “birch” wood.

    Have successfully managed to play my way through “Creep.” How’s that sound, @drkknits? (Theme of my uke song choices: OFFENSIVE SWEARING.)

    @kunaal84 Well, I will never say neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…..

    Was blogging about our 10th anniversary dinner on Friday when I suddenly realised it was actually 11th. #marriedmathfail

    @knitabulous Not a half – I’m doing the full 42K!

    @ptinutz I have 4 dresses from them now and they’re all flattering and pretty!

    @squozen You got one? Nice! Was it reserve & pickup?

    @squozen Nevermind. Just saw your previous tweet. πŸ™‚

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    Cardigan totally finished. I’m not really very happy with it. It wasn’t a satisfying knit, and the fit is weird. But whatev, it’s going.

    Knitting projects all safely deposited at Easter Show! (cc @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits)

    @ptinutz Cute!

    Taking a break from the Jamie recipes this week… Instead we ordered a pizza. NOM.

    The Snook introduced me to “Don’s Party” tonight. Yowza.

    It’s 5:45 and I’m up getting ready for the long run. My stomach has been funny all weekend; I hope it settles down quick!

    Halfway point – 10 miles finished! At home for a quick pitstop with a SMILE on my face. πŸ™‚

    @laimelde @kunaal84 I’m on schedule! Still aiming to be at Lang Road gate at 10am. Hope to see you there!

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    Just officially registered for Macleay River Marathon 2011. No backing out now. 72 days til the race…

    @krisalis I’m excited too! Well one part of my brain is. The rest is SCARED! But oddly still kinda confident. I’m all over the place. πŸ™‚

    What fun! I’m playing a ukulele song with @drkknits, and SHE ISN’T EVEN HERE! πŸ˜›

    @drkknits I’m going to do you a recording. The pace is good, our keys are just a little off.

    @drkknits My phone thinks it’s emailing *something* to you. See if you can play that format. πŸ™‚

    @drkknits Converted to mp3. Have a listen. πŸ™‚

    Ouch. My fingers.

    I’m a super hero.

    I just unlocked the “Healthy Crane” badge on @foursquare!

    Waiting for Snook in packed out PorteΓ±o. Decided to have a glass of Malbec since @steverunner is always raving about it!

    @witty_knitter @sandrahw Looks yummy! You’re very lucky. πŸ™‚

    @lemon_lime No way! Who did you have to kneecap? πŸ™‚ Congrats, that’s awesome news. Have fun in Melbs!!

    RT @codepo8: To all the ladies going crazy about the royal wedding – if you want someone ginger and of German heritage I am here…

    So full. I feel coated in lamb fat. Of course, it was the best lamb I’ve ever had in my life, so I’m happy. “F**kin’ amazing,” indeed.

    @Kat13v Nah, PorteΓ±o in Surry Hills. SMH called the lamb f**kin’ amazing, and they weren’t wrong!

    Sleeves sewn in! Just buttons to be added. Also reblocking shoulders since they went a bit pointy.

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    @zephyrama Funnily enough, friend in the US’s daughter had to make an Aussie snack for pre-school. We advised fairy bread. It was huge hit!

    American burgers FTW!! (@ Jazz City Diner)

    LAST ROW. There is a light at the end of this tunnel!

    Knitting is FINISHED! Now just have to cast off 408 stitches. #fml

    Okay, which of you jerks told me to use a sewn cast-off? This is going to take HOURS!!

    @ptinutz Not a shawl! Man’s cardigan with big shawl collar. πŸ™‚

    Off the needles! That is the massivest collar ever. Now it’s in a quick soak.

    Cardy is now blocking. Tomorrow I sew in sleeves and add buttons. Thank goodness I took the day off! #finalpush

    RT @FakeAPStylebook: While it’s tempting to call them “baristi” because of the Italian roots, the plural of “barista” is “journalism maj …

    1st of the month, so I got to balance our monthly budget and calculate our expenditures. Yay! #nerdvana

    @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits Cardy is blocking. Still needs sleeves and buttons! Mine will definitely be going over at last minute tomorrow…

    Speed blocking. Dehumidifier AND fan going full blast. Now to the button shop!

    @Epaulette Oh, Paul. You had me for maybe half a second there. πŸ™‚

    Buttons procured – vintage 60’s men’s buttons. +10 Hipster Authenticity Points!

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    Spudds made me box continuously for two minutes. I can barely lift my arms now. HOW AM I GOING TO FINISH THAT STUPID CARDY?!

    @makarakarn Heh. I’ll just pop some muscle relaxers and go to work. Cardy might turn out a bit surreal though… πŸ™‚

    @DDsD Where did THAT come from? BOM forecast this morning was totally clear. I made the Snook ride his bike to work! Eeek.

    @redambition Oh, dear god. I felt ready to vomit after two. Three would’ve killed me!

    @laimelde Storm! Pretty apocalyptic looking clouds from where I’m sitting.

    My desk neighbour lent me a Bieber remix CD. OH YEAH, WHO’S DANCING NOW?

    @imdominating Why you gotta hate? Even Tina Fey said she wanted to give him a bath. πŸ™‚

    Now I’m dancing to Kee-dollar sign-ha. Yes, I’d judge me too.

    Crossing all my fingers and all my toes…


    For the record, I’m barracking for India tonight in the cricket… mostly because @kunaal84, @venks79, & @rajsingh2505 will yell if I don’t!

    @kunaal84 No news. Hope your stress levels pay off better than mine!!

    @SallyPompom Oh Sally, I’m so sorry for your Mother. I hope your flight goes smoothly and you’re with her soon..,

    @jasony Me! Me! Wait… Damn.

    RT @rajsingh2505: Sydney buses, I HATE YOU // This made me laugh. (It helps if you know Raj is one of the nicest people in the world.)

    I love the News Quiz, but I HATE the Now Show. Seriously, it’s worse than Good News Week. Why do I keep downloading it?

    @knitterjp I have discovered that the collar of this thing is, like, 25% of the knitting. I’m still going. Coming down to the wire!

    @knitterjp Of course, this means I’ll most likely only have ONE out of my three entries actually ready to submit. HUBRIS STRIKES AGAIN!

    I wore my red lippie today. @seanchadwick just referred to me as “Hot Lips Houlihan.” HA!

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    Popcorn Taxi have added a 2nd showing of “Paul” with Pegg & Frost if you missed out on tix to the first!

    @anatyt $150 cap and 30MB of data, which is puny. But I got them to remove that $5 data and add 1GB for $10, so $34 in total for $150 + 1GB

    RT @AirForceTed: #notredame wbb goes to the final four! First time EVER beating Tennassee … Go IRISH!!!!!!

    One Man Lord of the Rings = HILARIOUS. (@ Sydney Opera House)

    Man, traffic on George St sucks. The Snook guesses Barry’s probably up there tearing out the bike lanes. By hand.

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    All dressed to go for a run, and then the rain started pouring again. I hate the rain.

    Hm. Updating iOS this morning locked my SIM, and I had to call Telstra for a PUK code. Be warned, fellow iPhoners.

    @redambition 4.3.1.

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    Made the mistake of putting menthol stuff on my sore hip. Amy Cat is going absolutely ape-shit.

    On the Captain Trips Express Bus to work. I swear there are 10 people on here sniffling, sneezing, and coughing. I need a hazmat suit.

    @SassieQ No way. I’d totally support him doing that. In fact, I’d go train with him!

    @SassieQ Fair enough. It’s difficult. I know a lot of runners/athletes and family balance is the hardest part.

    @anatyt I just switched 2 weeks ago. Got an unadvertised $29 cap, which was GREAT. Actually less than I paid on Optus!

    @Opheli8 Optarse wanted to make me upgrade to more expensive plan to get tethering. Bollocks to that!

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    Bought a tap, breakfast at Bourke St. Bakery, installed the tap, voted, did the grocery shopping, switched Snook to @Telstra. Phew. Tired.

    Mocha hot cross buns are now out at Baker’s Delight. Screw your Cadbury eggs and your Peeps; these are the BEST part of Easter.

    @drstip I know Peeps. I HATE Peeps. *shudder* Mocha hot cross buns forever!

    Sayonara, Sleeve Town! And hello to the Collar Continent.

    408 stitches casted on. #fml

    @toastman Me too! I got to meet her when I got my citizenship. I was thrilled that she wore a choker.

    Tonight’s Jamie recipe: Beef Hash, Jacket Potato, Salad & Butter Beans & Bacon. Much more satisfying than the election.

    @goldfishgeorge Hipster cardigan for Rodd with a shawl collar.

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    @sharre @SallyPompom Ooh, does that mean what I think it means?

    @SallyPompom @sharre FANTASTIC. Another win for the good guys! πŸ™‚

    Just saw Caitlin from last year’s Biggest Loser on William Street. Still a big girl, but she’s definitely lost a fair bit…

    Hey, people at the Apple Store. Can one of y’all pick me up a 32GB Wi-Fi model? I’m good for it.

    @nolim1t I thought I saw a tweet that it had sold out?

    It’s Diet Cheat Day, so I’m having cookies for breakfast. This makes me very happy.

    Went to Bunnings to get a new kitchen faucet. Old and busted: New hotness: