Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Just finally came up for air. Crazy busy day so far.

    I just ousted @hackjack as the mayor of Guzman Y Gomez on @foursquare!

    @blakkat Jealous. How’s the Three Sheets today?

    Finding inspiration to finish the Snook’s hipster cardy from this photo of Daniel Craig wearing one: Hummina.

    @imdominating Oh dear god. Take lots of photos for me, will you?

    @imdominating Damn you and your transcontinental booty calls!

    @squozen What about those seriously considering getting up at 1am to preorder? #sheepish

    Slight detour on the way to #webblastsyd to hit the one-day GAP 30% off sale. Yay for affordable chinos!

    @lemon_lime @kunaal84 If you’re making a bar run, we’d like a beer and a red wine. There in 5. 🙂

    Too. Much. Wine. #webblastsyd

    My 20yo self knew enough not to drink 4 glasses of wine on an empty stomach. Conclusion: I am officially getting dumber as I get older.

    @lemon_lime Hungover Morning Kris HATES Fun Drunky Night Kris.

    Stuck in traffic on George St for 10 minutes now. What’s going on?

    @randomknits It can’t be. I’ve heard there’s a queue, but they can’t actually be blocking traffic, can they?!

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    @lemon_lime I know, but I mostly use touch pad and I have no idea how to simulate a mouse wheel click on that! 😀

    Felt strong going into Spudds workout today, and consequently kicked some ass. 102m and 100m on the rower. 🙂

    RT @VenessaHunt: Our Mobile Advertising campaign for McDonalds went live today! Woohoo! (not our site) just our banners and placement! 🙂

    Tony: I don’t believe in god or marriage but I go to weddings. You know why? Because I’m a polite person. THAT’S WHAT WE DO.

    RT @witty_knitter: And anyway, she’s there to REPRESENT THE COUNTRY. Her personal beliefs DON’T MATTER any more than his do. // Hell yeah!

    @rajsingh2505 Haha, I think you were the only other one to get one! #kunaaliscookiemonster

    “I am the EARTH MOTHER, and you are all flops.” Goodnight Martha. Sad, sad, sad. (R.I.P. Liz Taylor. You were a legend.)

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    @DDsD I assume it’s because you don’t want to open the door when the frontloader is going, but it’s fine on a toploader.

    I love having my ability to do my job passive-aggressively challenged.

    The light at the end of the tunnel keeps moving. STOP MOVING.

    @drkknits Patience is wearing extremely thin… (Oh, the stories I’ll tell at Knitting Camp!)

    @ptinutz Ooh, I thought that pattern was unavailable! It’s so cute; well done. 🙂

    You guys. I’m kind of a genius. #morethanmeetstheeye (cc @kunaal84 since they’re for his birthday!)

    There are Tim Tams INSIDE the choc chip cookies. Like I said: GENIUS. They are SO GOOD. (@imdominating @carbolicious)

    Tim Tam (and Oreo!) Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies: @kunaal84 is gonna be one happy boy tomorrow!

    @drkknits Lucky YOU! I think I need to make these for Camp… 🙂

    Just sent what is hopefully my LAST EVER Knitters Guild sub-committee report. #retirement

    @LivingSocial Sent! Would be good if you could get it fixed. Very frustrating.

    Just updated to Firefox 4. Is it just me, or does this look a LOT like Google Chrome? At least Chrome doesn’t do variable width tabs.

    Firefox 4 has reordered the right-click menu options. Keep opening links in new windows instead of tabs. Curse my muscle memory!

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    Fighting urge to just say: “You know, this is why nobody likes you.” (Hat tip to @lotsofco, who pointed out it’s the meanest thing EVER.)

    Equinox. Aren’t I meant to be able to stand an egg on end or something? I seem to remember doing that in elementary school.

    RT @lotsofco: @supercres Belated but sincere congrats on the nuptials!!! // SAME FROM ME TOO! Congrats!!!

    I think I just found a typo in the BABOK! What do I do? I feel like a siren should be going off. Is there someone to email?

    @imdominating YES. I recently witnessed someone piling them up on a table to “throw away after.” I was totally grossed out.

    @wheelyweb Heh. Was hoping for something a little more specific. I *did* look on the website!

    @wheelyweb Heh. You weren’t the only one. 😛

    @innerwestlive In general I think they are way less energy efficient. We researched last year and ended up getting 2 stacking separates.

    @bakevin Thanks. It’s just a tiny typo, and I only noticed it because I happened to highlight that passage. Will email you. 🙂

    Hang on, Barry. You’re only cutting monthly fares? Where’s MY bribe? I guess he only wants votes from suburbanite train commuters.

    @henrytapia No. As @gilmae points out, I’m an Inner West commie greens supporter. Sometimes I even WALK to work. So un-Australian, I guess.

    There’s a first! Bus driver turned away idiots without prepay tickets who were blocking the queue and making us all wait in the rain.

    @lemon_lime Zshuzsh your hair forward and tell then you’re Bieber’s older brother!!

    @brown_note Yep, he already emailed me. @bakevin is on the ball! I knew if I put up the BABOK signal, he’d see it. 🙂

    @redambition Whoops! They did? They didn’t tell me!

    Hmm. @livingsocial just sent me an email with no way to unsub. Unsub link actually goes to sign up on their site. SPAM ACT?!

    Someone must have used my email address on @livingsocial. No way to remove it that I can see. Why would I care about deals in Portland?!

    Tried password reset on @livingsocial. Told me I didn’t have an account yet, would have to sign up. How is this not spam? Reporting it.

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    Heading to Circ Quay for an impromptu meetup with @crumpet!

    @redambition @stufromoz But iPad 2 isn’t out here for a few more days, right? I thought the 25th. Or you going for – *shudder* – old model?

    When will these sleeves ever end? I AM LOSING IT. SO SICK OF SLEEVELAND. SLEEVELAND SUCKS.

    @knitterjp @that_alison Oh, I’m trying to avoid thinking about my trip to the Kingdom of the Shawl Collar when I depart Sleeveland…

    Our 9th meal from Jamie’s 30 Min Meals: Green Curry, Crispy Chicken, Kimchee Slaw, & Rice Noodles. Really tasty chook!

    @venks79 Yeah, to get my size the only ones they had in stock were for dudes! But I kinda like them. They’re very Incredible Hulk.

    @Alex_Manchester Nice one! Good luck. I was tempted but doesn’t fit in with my training sched for June marathon. New course looks good tho!

    @kcarruthers With Android, whether or not you even get OS updates is in the hands of the carriers. I don’t like or trust carriers.

    @Alex_Manchester It’s the Macleay River Marathon on June 11. It’s in Southwest Rocks. My first full one!

    @kunaal84 If it weren’t your first day back I’d have chucked a sickie! I HATE this weather.

    @kunaal84 @lemon_lime And me threatening to kick a 461 driver’s ass… Same old, same old!

    Portrait of a Miserable, Soaking Wet Runner Who Nevertheless Just Finished Five Miles.

    @drkknits AMR file, huh? I’ll let my tech support have a crack at it tonight. 🙂

    Just received Mophie Juice Pack Air from eBay! That solves iPhone power problem on my long runs. (4 hrs seemed to be about the limit…)

    @Anthony_Mills Sorry I missed you today! Snuck over to say hi just after you left, I think. 🙂

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    Went to in Edgecliff and came out with new Mizuno Wave Rider 14s! #hightech

    I could’ve told you it was going to pour rain: there are FIVE mattresses standing out on Grafton St. Downpour every time.

    @drkknits Have successfully managed to play along with the real song twice now! WE’RE GONNA BE AWESOME.

    @drkknits How do you feel about Paul Kelly’s “To Her Door”? I got some nice chords happening here.

    Yum! Tonight’s Jamie dinner: Green Curry, Crispy Chicken, Kimchee Slaw & Rice Noodles. Sneak preview:

    @crumpet Wait, just realized you’re in Sydney. Dork! Why didn’t you tell me? We’ve got a guest room with your name on it…

    @crumpet You heading back over this side of the Harbour at all? We’re not doing anything today.

    @crumpet We’re not far from Central, if you want to stop off for a quick meetup! We can come meet you. (Did you get my SMS?)

    @crumpet Yep. Ends in 757. Obviously the one I had for you is either old or wrong! Whooops. 🙂

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    @FlavourCrusader Your blog post on alt.milk got linked on FoodConnect’s FB page! Nicely done. 🙂

    Can anyone recommend a strata management company in Sydney that DOESN’T completely suck? Because ours sucks.

    @sharre I have “Mr Darcy Takes a Wife,” If you like your P&P with a side of pr0n…

    @gilmae I just realised you have a blog. I did not know that.

    @sharre I think I’ve also got the “Lost Sex Scenes of Jane Austen” or something like that. (I sound like a total Regency perv!)

    Wonder Woman MAC mascara procured! A reward for last week’s long run. 🙂

    @gadgetgirl70 Wonder Woman’s not girlie! She’s an Amazon! ROWR!!

    Ewan McGregor in a peacoat and tweed hat riding a bike with a puppy in the basket. You’re welcome.

    She’s a big girl now, but she still kneads my leg like a little kitten. #mamacat

    @stufromoz Hadn’t planned on it. I’m trying to meet an insane knitting deadline (Easter Show) and I need every minute!

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    I bought “brain-boosting chewing gum.” I’m not sure it’s working. Also, it tastes like ass.

    Dear @optus. I’m in Telstra shop right now. New plan will be same cost as my old $39 plan, w/ double data and free tethering. Good riddance.

    Happy St. Paddy’s Day! (@ Australian Youth Hotel)

    Number ported to Telstra & working. Yay! Even got a deal so I’m paying $5 LESS than @Optus for more value. Already tested tethering too. 🙂

    @Diepdin Happy Birthday Emily the Car!! 🙂

    @ptinutz Didn’t quite believe it myself. But I don’t make a lot of calls, so he gave me un-advertised $29 cap plan.

    Heh. Woke up to a text from a drunken mate who spent the night in Chippo and doesn’t know how to get to work from here. #stpaddysday

    RT @katereardon: Japanese nuclear worker on the news: “I am prepared to die to avoid meltdown.” Say it with me–I will not complain abou …

    @sharre @redambition I can’t figure out if they’ll look good over my jeggings or not… 😛

    Switched to @Telstra last night and I’m loving it. Had fast 3G all the way to work this morning through CBD!

    Freaked out when I saw “HEALTHY HOOKUPS PTY” on credit card statement. Turns out it’s @gnclivewellaus. FUNNY JOKE GUYS.

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    Soreness from Sunday’s long run is totally gone! Looking forward to doing some punching at Spudds today…

    Ha. Ha. Just discovered that “Map of Tasmania” only has two chords. There’s another one for knitting camp, @drkknits! 😀

    @imdominating Damn you! *shakes fist* Not available here. 🙁

    @drkknits I saw it linked somewhere today. I’ll watch it at home tonight! 🙂

    @imdominating You are just tormenting me at every turn today!

    Whoa, major uke progress tonight! My two songs are recognisable! Just have to get down the strumming rhythm and coordination. cc @drkknits

    @TimBags When you got a mortgage? Has that tendency. 🙂

    @drkknits @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim @knitabulous Ahhh, but my iPhone has a ukelele tuner app (not kidding!) so I have to have it. 🙂

    @eileenDCoE Tuesday Morning! Queuing it up on the iPhone now… 🙂

    Suddenly I realised I forgot to eat breakfast. Been fuelled by caffeine, annoyance, and frustration, I guess.

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    @thezedmiester @Opheli8 Hahahaha… Got my GetUpGo birthday credits this morning. It’s like a shuffling zombie that Will Not Die! 😀

    Birthday burger! (@ Grill’d)

    RT @mindykaling: Jesus and Ramona #HigherStakesChildrensBooks // Heh.

    Just be quiet and count the days…

    Somewhat annoyed that Foursquare doesn’t have a “Sexual Harassment” badge.

    Off to Bentley Bar for my hot birthday date with the Snook…

    G&T. Red lippie. Classy. (@ Bentley Restaurant and Bar) [pic]:

    .@drkknits BRING IT ON. I am all about the agar agar tonight!

    Bless him. He got me a flower. 🙂

    2 courses in, Bentley Bar = EPIC WIN.

    He brought me my favorite flower.

    Thank you to everybody for birthday well-wishes. It was a great day!

    Slowly coming back to life. Slowly. Good food offers too much temptation to drink a lot of good wine, too. 🙂

    @DDsD Whoa. What-what-what? “Pork Belly Baklava”?!?! Where is this place? Spill, please.

    @AusVintageGrrl Ooh, thanks! Will check it out at my next practice session. 🙂

    @drkknits @AusVintageGrrl Unfortunately I have a much more pressing knitting deadline… 🙁

    @drkknits It’s pretty simple actually, just 3 chords. Just need to practice strumming. More about mechanics and lack of finger calluses!