Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Met some friends in Moominvalley this week… ❤️ @MoominOfficial

    Greeeeeat. So the chances of us getting home to visit the Snook’s parents anytime in the next year just got even slimmer… 🤬

    The Snook looked rather askance at my Hattifattener eclair. 😂 (It tasted great though!) #nothingsuss @ Eriskummallinen Kahvila Ja Teehuone

    @gerardsans I did a whole interview with @foobar_codes with tips for this process!

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    Fun! We accidentally locked our luggage in the @vikingline_fi terminal in Turku. Didn’t realise they close the terminal for most of the day. I guess we’ll be making an extra trip back later tonight. 🙃

    Honestly, I cried a bit. ❤️ @moominofficial @ Muumimaailma – Moominworld

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    We crossed into Sweden on a train that went over a very long bridge! 🇸🇪🚅 @ Øresund Bridge

    RT @femtechconf: We’re so excited for @web_goddess’s talk at #FemTechConf

    Kris will speak on “Where’s my delivery? Building a web app with…

    Pre-ordered lunch on the 11:04am SJ534 from Mälmo to Stockholm. Really excellent! Both the food and the views… @_DiningCar @SJ_AB 🇸🇪🚅

    @jbenedictbrown Yes. We are currently on a train to Stockholm, and at the station in Mälmo, I saw only a handful of people wearing masks. No one on the train is. It’s just mind-blowing to me after how strict we’ve been in Germany.

    It has just occurred to me that I haven’t been on a boat this big in 23 years, and I have no idea if I’ll be seasick or not. 😳

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    RT @CarlaSchroder: “It didn’t have to be like this”

    Hello Denmark! 🚅 @ Denmark

    Copenhagen – this is s beautiful city, but why is no one wearing a damn mask?! 🤯

    Me: “We’re supposed to go to this place called War Pigs.”
    Him: “Oh, I know War Pigs!”
    Me: “How do you know War Pigs??”
    Him: “It was on an episode of F*ck That’s Delicious!” 😂 @ Warpigs

    @KaiPMDH Inside. In the Hauptbahnhof, walking around restaurants, etc.

    RT @misi: AWS Community Builders Fall 2021 cohort applications are opening on August 16th! Come and join this amazing group!…

    Copenhagen is stunning. Definitely will be back in the future for a proper visit with Princess Mary and the Little Mermaid and the architecture museum… ❤️🇩🇰👸🏻🧜🏻‍♀️🏰

    @jessitron @honeycombio Whaaaat, congrats!! 👏👏👏

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    @buzzyNZ I could only get tickets at 10:30pm, and the place was PACKED until well after midnight. I’m still kind of staggered.

    Brekkie in Hamburg. Note there are actual green things and vegetables involved! 🤯 @ Cafe melt

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    Heading off on our biggest adventure yet! 🚅 (Fun trivia: German for “I have a hangover” is “Ich habe einen Kater” – “I have a tomcat.”) 😂🐈 @ Munich, Germany

    Hello Hamburg! We had dinner at the Dom fun fair. 😂 (Me: “Wait, you’ve given me two sausages but I only ordered one.” Server: “Ma’am, you ordered the half-meter bratwurst. I had to cut it in half to get it on the bun.” 😳🌭)

    @jonoabroad I think so? @dtraub can confirm. 😂

    Everyone said we had to go to Miniature Wunderland, the world’s biggest model railway. The Snook was skeptical. Two hours later, we were overwhelmed. This place is NUTS. 😳🚃🚂🛬🛫

    @_Ryan_Ellis More pics and videos on Insta. It was really over the top! The lights cycled through a full day every 15 minutes. 😂

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    @minxdragon Haha, of course! I was doing a rewatch while crocheting. 😂

    @johnallsopp I got some Minnesota buddies in @lynnlangit and @jennapederson! Need something in particular?

    @mmastertheone I hadn’t! I knew he was a knitter, but that’s amazing. ❤️ SO CUTE!

    RT @lucyj_ford: i am so warmed by tom daley knitting himself a little pouch for his olympic medal

    @lynnlangit You and Rodd have the same birthday. ❤️ Many happy returns, friend!

    RT @HenningBrauer: Don’t mix this up

    RT @annie_parker: We are all Beverly Crusher

    Happy birthday to this absolute SNACK, my best friend, and the most interesting person I know. ❤️ @ Restaurant Showroom

    Four hours later… after 7 courses, 7 wines, 3 amuse-bouche, and one G&T… (still one dessert to go). 😵‍💫 @ Restaurant Showroom

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    It’s 7am and I’m wearing red lippie, so it must be nearly time for my session at #NDCMelbourne! You can watch me talk about knitting and machine learning live here in 15min. 😃

    Special shoutout and thank you to @minxdragon for allowing me to highlight their amazing artwork! Check it out online:

    @minxdragon Here’s a link to the article about AlphaFold and the protein structure predictions they’re releasing: #NDCMelbourne

    And here’s the Neural Inverse Knitting paper I cited if you want to read through the methodology (and calculus): 🧶 #NDCMelbourne

    Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels demo app so you can demo and test your models: (Just remember to turn them off when you’re not using them for inference!) 🧶 #NDCMelbourne

    @minxdragon Awww, thank you dear! Was hoping to visit this summer, but I suspect it’ll be a little longer… ❤️

    @msharp Niiiice. I LOVED tiled backgrounds. I thought I had one on mine… maybe it didn’t get archived. (Javascript clock still works though! 😂)

    @wobster @msharp It’s quite possible we did. 😂

    I remember back at @canva several years ago we used to name our releases alphabetically. I remember Cheeses of the World was followed by Mythical Creatures (mostly so we could say “Release the Kraken!”). 😂

    @gabehollombe @aileengemma I immediately posted that to my brother’s Facebook telling him I was sorry for his loss. (It was the family joke how much my brother loved “made for TV” unitasker junk from those infomercials!)

    @yaazamAus Wait, what? You were in Germany, Tiah? But *I’m* in Germany!!

    Does it destroy our foodie cred that nearly everything on the lunch table is Gut & Gunstig store brand? 😂❤️ #lecker @ Munich, Germany

    Attempt #2, this time with a complete square! Still a bit wonky, but I don’t think the bebe will mind… 🧶 #crochetkris

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    RT @darkosubotica: We are looking for a Senior Developer Advocate to cover the MENA (Middle East And North Africa) region! 📣

    If interested…

    The reality of the fact that I’m presenting at 7am tomorrow Germany time has just smacked me in the face. @larsklint and @meliss_houghton are lucky I like them. 😩☕ #NDCMelbourne

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    @liviainberlin A German friend recently told me he thinks that strong data privacy laws are also part of the cause. If you don’t put information online, you don’t risk breaking any of these laws.

    Night Kris spends an hour manually trying different algorithms and colour patterns to plan out blanket for Greatest Baby Ever. 😩

    Morning Kris spends two minutes repurposing an existing Granny Square colour generator to create the design. 😎

    Sometimes technology doesn’t suck!

    @malynmawby No hidden code. Just trying to arrange 10 colours + white in a random yet pleasing way. Will be crochet, but I’m not actually doing granny squares. It’s a motif on background, so this approximates it well enough. Generator:

    Attending my first @PyDataHamburg and @pydataberlin meetup tonight! Really friendly and fun group, and they’ve already given me some tips on visiting Hamburg next weekend. ❤️ You can watch online!

    I’m lucky in that I had @the_snook for conversational and emotional support, but otherwise a lot of this is spot on with my experience moving from Sydney to Munich in the middle of the pandemic…

    3 down, 117 to go. 😳 I can’t believe I’m CROCHETING in cotton. (You’ll find that square on your End Times Bingo Card, right between “Plague of Locusts” and “Kris Knits a Lace Shawl”.)