Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Attention Sydney drivers: The Snook has purchased a bicycle and is driving it home from Stanmore. Please do not squish him!

    @thisismywww Driving, riding, same difference! 😛

    @witty_knitter No, thank goodness! But he got one that he wanted, so everyone is happy. 🙂

    I’m happy to report the Snook survived the ride home from Stanmore on his new bike! I think his legs are going to fall off though.

    Just saw Black Swan with Snook, @kunaal84, and @lemon_lime. Holy. Crap. LOVED IT.

    Shur’tugal is making me shur’vomit. When will these damn socks ever be finished?!

    @crumpet Yup. Mom, sister, etc.

    The Snook is doing a test run of his bicycle commute. I’m going to go for a run so I don’t obsess about him getting squished.

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    @thisismywww @AusVintageGrrl It’s even better on a T-shirt.

    Draco Malfoy’s got nothin’ on me.

    Homemade curry and gelato waiting for me at home. COME ON, BUS!

    Parked on our street. I want to be friends with this person. @ Chippendale

    @Kat13v @redambition Hang in there, you guys. And while we love you taking the high road all the time, feel free to get mean if warranted.

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    Anyone have a Magimix food processor? Are they good?

    @Ezzles EEEEK indeed! Okay.

    @DDsD Wow, hope it’s for something good! Congrats.

    @eileenDCoE Again?! You’re a bona fide tennis nut now!

    @randomknits Awesome! Complete with yorkie puds? We just got the book today. Now to pick what to make next…

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    @witty_knitter Seems okay!

    @Kat13v Constitutional crisis?

    Thinking of ordering some more dresses from Anybody want to combine on shipping?

    @Opheli8 Okay! I bought two a few months ago and they’re very nice. Not too expensive either!

    @Ezzles Maybe tonight? @Opheli8 is going to have a look later today as well.

    Woo! Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals just arrived from Doubleday. HALF the cost of Oz bookstores and free shipping: RIPPER.

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    Lunchtime run last Friday with Harbour Bridge. @ Royal Botanic Gardens

    I CANNOT STOP LISTENING TO KATY PERRY. Is this a symptom of something?

    Bubble O’Bill FTW.

    Does teaching an observant Muslim about gambling mean I’m going to hell? #myjobisweirdsometimes

    RT @DDsD: RT @Illdrinn KITTEN MITTENS ^.^ // I am TOTES knitting those for the Easter Show this year!

    @toastman Sesame Street, of course. (You’ve met my friend @mrs_sockvictim before. She used to be the designer on Playschool!)

    @toastman Hmmm. Okay, then it’s probably Mr Roger’s Neighbourhood. That’s the closest.

    @drkknits I’ve knitted a couple Cookie’s… and attempted more… and I disagree vehemently. 😛

    @witty_knitter I was amused to see OTF discredit homeopathy in the past 2 days That gave me hope for humanity.

    @jenbishopsydney Were we in the same class?!

    @eileenDCoE Fun! We have to go some year…

    @jenbishopsydney HAHA, yes! Damn, should’ve said hello. 🙂

    Post workout burger and beer. 🙂 (@ Lansdowne Hotel)

    @jenbishopsydney WHOA! No, I was at Spudds in Woolloomooloo. But I did wear a pink shirt! I wondered how I missed you in a class of 12… 🙂

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    @TitusAtticus @lemon_lime No, but if I didn’t realise I needed to turn it on, there must be zillions of others looking at shitty fonts too.

    I just unlocked the “Fresh Brew” badge on @foursquare!

    RT @kunaal84: Timely message from a good friend: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

    I am so sick of Shur’tugal and I’m less than halfway done with the foot. NEVERENDING ANNOYING SOCK PATTERN.

    @drkknits @bells_g @randomknits I get this perverse thing where I MUST defeat these patterns tho. Frogging would be conceding my victory!

    @DianneKing It’s a nice pattern, really. I just find small cables repeated over and over really tedious to knit!

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    I’m at Elizabeth’s Boutique Café (175 Glebe Point Road, St Johns Road, Sydney)

    I’m at Grand Gelato (37 Glebe Point Road, Sydney)

    @redambition Foursquare really needs to add an “I’m on a submarine” badge.

    @lemon_lime Nah, I already did it. Wanted to get it done early in this heat so I stayed close to home. Maybe my next long one…

    If this Shelter had anymore vegetable matter in it, it wouldn’t be yarn. IT’D BE A SALAD. Seriously, worse than Noro.

    Trying to find @tiaramerchgirl at Railway Sq to take her to the MeFi meetup!

    @misswired I’ve been a member for nearly ten years now. We had a small meetup today since a MeFite was down from Brislantis.

    @Diepdin Not far: 4k from Chippo down to Rocks. Used is good, but have to know what you’re looking for! Not much used stock avail now.

    Huh. I didn’t have ClearType turned on. I bet that will help with the eye strain issue I’ve been having.

    @lemon_lime Yeah, I’m used to lovely anti-aliasing on Mac. I just forget that Windows doesn’t necessarily have to look like shit anymore.

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    Heading to Newtown for lunch, shopping, and knitting with the SSK folks. How civilized.

    @witty_knitter We’re upstairs at Barmuda and it’s actually pretty nice up here! We’ve got a breeze.

    Robot skirt and new sneakers. @ Newtown

    @pinkcatknits Especially price. Picked them up at Platypus for $39!

    This M30 bus is clean and roomy and high-tech – BUT NO AIR CON?! We’re all dying here.

    Snookums is looking to buy a bike to commute to work. The one he’s been recommended costs more than my first car. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?

    @gadgetgirl70 I never said it was a GOOD car. 🙂

    @AusVintageGrrl Watching some BBT, are you?

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    @witty_knitter I was taught two spaces when I took “keyboarding” in high school. On actual IBM Selectric typewriters! Don’t do it now tho.

    @randomknits Within 2wks of working retail on my feet, I was wearing the ugliest – but comfiest – shoes ever and loving it. Go practical.

    @drkknits As the article says, it makes sense with monospace fonts… kind of. But yeah, I never bothered on computers.

    Woo! My first trip on one of the fancy new “Free WiFi” buses! I am pathetically excited about that.

    @eileenDCoE These checkin places sound suspiciously like wanky Melbourne bars. DO THEY HAVE A SIGN? DOES EVERYONE HAVE A BEARD?

    @stufromoz It did! Somebody is probably sniffing my Twitter password as we speak. Yay technology.

    @stufromoz I couldn’t see any furtive laptop users, but it was a bendy bus. Who knows? I’m off now. Are iPhones actually at risk?

    @AusVintageGrrl Some of the fancy new Metro Buses. The 30 and the 10 have it so far, I think.

    @drkknits @HoneyBeeMine Nah, I tend to just buy paper books. I can’t read e-books for long novels. 🙁

    @stufromoz I’m trying to figure out if apps are as vulnerable as hitting the site in Safari. Was firing up Tweetdeck a big risk?

    @kunaal84 Uh oh. Not a good night?

    @kunaal84 I’m going to a Metafilter meetup near Broadway on Sunday at 5 if you need an excuse to get out!

    @TimBags Yep. Started last month on new Metro M10 bus! Google it. 🙂

    @AusVintageGrrl Upon further googling, appears to just be on M10 for now as a trial.

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    @gilmae Nah, it would have been pathetic if you’re reported the colour of his trousers.

    @gilmae @drkknits You get bonus 10 points if use a funny word in his presence. “Good afternoon Mr Preston. You’re looking EFFULGENT today!”

    @drkknits @gilmae Bazinga. 😛

    @witty_knitter As they say on the Internet, PICS OR IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

    New pressure cooker is heating for the 1st time, and I – in my vintage pinny – am a little scared!

    @crumpet There is so much awesome in that sentence. Now I really must get down to Melbs soon.

    In case you were wondering, the pressure cooker did not asplode. We survived to eat some yummy, yummy chicken and dumplings. 🙂