Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Holy crap. Pressure cooker has arrived from Amazon. I ordered it 6 days ago. Half the cost of same unit in Australia. Globalisation FTW.

    @mpesce ROTI! Are you going to the one in Chinatown or the new one in Glebe?

    @tinkabel I’m so sorry. Hugs to you and Bex.

    Veggie box is HUGE this week! Kale, Chinese brocc, cos, tomatoes, zucc, taters, mushies, chilis, nanners, & more!

    @eileenDCoE OOOHHHH, I’ve wanted to try one for ages. Let us know how it goes!

    Me: “Can I wear these boots with this dress?” Snook: “YES. But you kinda need a riding crop to complete the look.”

    RT @carbolicious: Getting increasingly dissatisfied with customer service at @FlatRate_Moving. You’d think they’d care to help a family …

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    @venks79 What a good Dad! 🙂

    RT @Epaulette: Congrats! @VenessaHunt – Channel Eleven iPhone App! ‘HE11O’

    @Opheli8 We’re seeing @amandapalmer at the Opera House (with @neilhimself).

    RT @codinghorror: want to feel old today? “What are the Windows a:\ and b:\ drives used for?”

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    For some reason, I think this site is right up @imdominating’s alley:

    @mpesce @stufromoz He just made it to my street. “Australian Power & Gas”. Told him not interested, and that he was mentioned on Twitter. 🙂

    @Kat13v You know there’s a Max Brenner on Broadway now too, right? 🙂

    @Kat13v I go to Partners Hair Glebe ( I like everything about them but the price. Ask for Desiree!

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    @carbolicious Pretty much. Especially when you link to it with the word “RELOAD”.

    @VenessaHunt Their existence is only half the problem. I still can’t walk in ’em! 🙂

    @eileenDCoE Hooray! Hope it went well. 🙂

    @eileenDCoE Did you record it on RunKeeper? I don’t think I have you on my Street Team…

    Soda Stream machine purchased! Bottles of water are chilling. How excitement.

    @misswired They use the ones we were already using to carbonate the Snook’s homebrew kegs. So win-win there. 🙂

    @dean_bean Yep, Soda Stream. KMart had “Stream” model, which isn’t on their site. But it’s same as Jet: $60 all up.

    @eileenDCoE @dean_bean just got promoted to my “Family” list. I was missing his tweets in the general flow. YOU BOTH = VIPS, BABY.

    Just blogged my hectic time trial tonight making Jamie Oliver’s 30-Minute Chicken Pie: Spoiler: YUMMY BUT STRESSFUL.

    @witty_knitter @Gin_ev_ra Chiswick quoted us 50% more than Lee Thomson. Highly recommend Lee; he was ace.

    @Fifikins I used Robert Ullrey’s back in the day:

    @Fifikins What’s your username? I’ll add you to my street team.

    Upside: I have the day off. Downsite: I have a doctor’s visit with blood test and a dentist appointment.

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    Lovely casual Guild meeting today. Well done @AusVintageGrrl! And thanks to @drkknits, @randomknits, @knitabulous and RoseRed for lunch…

    @eileenDCoE Best of luck RT! You’ll do awesome!

    @carbolicious Odd. I’m not seeing any mudslinging on the international news, just depressing stuff about the tragedy.

    @carbolicious Reading MeFi now and seeing some of it. Ahhh. Palin. She brings out the worst in people.

    @carbolicious Agreed. But if it turns out he was influenced by violent rhetoric by people who should know better… things need to change.

    @carbolicious I agree… but crosshairs on a map are pretty friggin’ explicit, don’t you agree? Not a lot of wiggle room on that one.

    RT @BernardKeane: Impressively stupid of Palin to clean up her website and tweets – it immediately validates criticism of her comments h …

    @carbolicious I hope a coincidence. But srsly, you can’t think Snooki is worse than imagery of shooting people you disagree with?!

    Time to burn outrage on a run. Oh right, Palin thinks exercise and healthy food is evil liberal nanny state agenda. More reason to do it!

    @Bells_G She’s been taking aim at First Lady’s campaign against childhood obesity: Courting the “fat vote” I guess.

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    Snook and I used Xmas money to order a pressure cooker & canning set from Amazon. (Sorry, Gerry.) Please send favorite recipe resources!

    @richapplefool No idea. Rodd is good at jam making. Would like to properly can some of that. Maybe fruit? Tomatoes? Pickles? Anything!

    @richapplefool Still need to get jars & lids. Kit comes with everything else, I think. We’ll have to go out to Flem. Markets & buy BUSHELS!

    @alyshajane Our cats are non-picky. They just get Friskies from the supermarket. I have friends who actually COOK for their cat though.

    @alyshajane They just get dry. We’ve offered them wet before but they don’t like it much. They do get the odd treat of chicken fat 🙂

    I just ousted Mark S. as the mayor of Strand Hotel on @foursquare!

    @thezedmiester NO WAY! Didn’t realize I stole Mayor while he’s away. 🙂 Only had 1 beer though…

    @Opheli8 Ooh, I want a review. I’ve only been there for drinks.

    Holy crap. Does Bob Hawke have an office in our building??? I’m 90% sure I walked past him this arvo! @venks79 @kunaal84 @Opheli8

    He was short, tan, shock of white hair. The security guard was deferential, which is what caught my attention. And he looked familiar…

    Any of you have a Sodastream? Does it make nice fizzy water? Trying to come up with cheap dinner alternative that isn’t wine or plain H2O.

    @DomesticJules Interval training! And voice prompts. And no advertising. I love the Pro version, happily paid for it.

    @DomesticJules But you know Pro is free right now, right? You should definitely get it.

    @imdominating So wait, you did 100 of each? 10 x 10? Impressed!

    Heading off to Guild meeting. I am loving the fact that my preparation now takes like 2 minutes. 🙂

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    @FlavourCrusader Tried to leave a comment congratulating you on logo, but getting a 404 on blog comment submit!

    @richapplefool Sweet! Comment submitted. 🙂

    What am I doing? @JayDubRunning has me actually contemplating a marathon. GAHHHHHHH.

    @AirForceTed @JayDubRunning Hmmm, I’ve got 22.5 weeks. Recommendations for a “to finish” training program with running 3-4x / wk?

    @AirForceTed @JayDubRunning Hm, and it’s only 16 weeks so I have a little wiggle room in there. That might be good.

    Jamie’s 30-Minute Dinners. Dymocks AU: $50. Borders AU: $69. Book Depository UK: $38 (w/shipping). WTF. ORDERING OVERSEAS NOW.

    @devvyleys I haven’t actually seen the book yet, but we’re loving the show. Already tried some recipes from the website.

    RT @eileenDCoE: Soapbox: study linking vaccines to austism delcared an “elaborate fraud” …

    Snook SMSed me: “@mathowie sent you a package.” Yay! MeFi T-shirt just in time for casual Friday.

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    @knitness @AusVintageGrrl Yep. We noticed that a few weeks ago. Total danger area though. Both Nando & St. Barney’s burned down nearby!

    RT @kellyinmotion: Congrats to Kris (geekgirlrunner and @web_goddess) who met her goal of 1000km in 2010! // THANK YOU!

    @alyshajane I know Joomla pretty well, and we’ve used both at work. Joomla definitely has more security risks in my experience. 🙁

    Mood vastly improved this arvo thanks to lunchtime run. Was super productive & managed to finish my big spec! Now for a celebratory massage.

    I bought a pomegranate on a whim tonight. I’ve never eaten one in my life (such things being very exotic in Indiana). What do I do with it?

    @kunaal84 But you only eat, like, the SEEDS, right?

    @knitness How do you know when they’re ripe? I have no idea if this one is good or not.

    @chrishodgkins Yes, I considered that. If this is Hell though, I’m okay with that. 🙂

    This pomegranate is fun and good! Plus a single one seems to go a long way. We’re just munching the seeds like popcorn over here.

    @eileenDCoE I just commented. MeFi seemed to HATE season 4 so I stopped at like 3.25. Worth finishing?

    @krisalis Yay! Well done. 🙂

    @eileenDCoE Look! You can rent Baltar’s house on Caprica:

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    RT @toastman: My business cards have “Minor Internet Celebrity” printed on them. #lameclaimtofame // It’s true. I have one on my fridge.

    “Plugin your iPhone and eat some Tums.” Snookums always gives good advice.

    @knitness OI! SHUT IT AND MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! (Just kidding. Some of us are friendly! Hope you’re doing okay. Saw your blog post… 🙁

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    Wow, we all ran today! Way to go @kunaal84, @mrs_sockvictim, @venks79, @redambition! Great start to 2011…

    Just saw Dawn Treader. Pretty good! Liked the first half more, especially truculent Eustace and Lucy getting to kick some ass with a sword.

    Mmm. @MarthaStewart’s Perfect Mac & Cheese, pre-baking.

    Quoth Snook: “It looks like gastrointestinal distress in a pan… but it sure smells good.”

    Amazing Yummy Mac and Cheese from @MarthaStewart.