Category: Twitter Post

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    My Shur’tugals so far: Stupid pooling is pissing me off.

    Gah. Spotted error near end of 2nd repeat on sock. Frogged more than half of them. #setback

    @mrs_sockvictim Whoa! Didn’t get that bad here in the CBD. A couple of large CRACKS! but no power or Internet failure, thank goodness!

    Snook had a go at Jamie’s 30min Roast Dinner tonight: Pork fillet instead of beef. Really, really tasty and good!

    @knitterjp I’d have been there if I didn’t have to frog half of both of them back! GAHHHHH.

    @redambition I’m out of bed and dressed… but that’s as far as I’ve gotten. Let’s motivate each other! How far are you planning to go?

    Sydney knitters: just posted on Rav about this year’s Opera in the Domain. 29th Jan. Bizet’s “Carmen.” Who’s up for a day-long KIP fest?

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    Only just casting on Shur’tugal now. On plus side, chores are all done. That was your head start! Here comes Knitting Robot from the Future!

    @drkknits depends. Divide total stitches by 23 then multiply by 10cm and see how the size will work out.

    @drkknits @knitterjp I am having the opposite problem with Hipster Cardy. Swatch is just slightly too big! But Snook likes generous ease.

    Ugh. I thought Shur’tugal was a Pern reference, but it turns out it’s an Eragon reference. GAH. NOW MY SOCKS ARE TAINTED.

    Sydneysiders: What beach should I visit that *isn’t* Bondi or Manly or Coogee?

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    @laimelde 1100km in 2011 works out to 21.1km a week… 🙂

    Crap crap crap. Four out of our five dinner guests have now piked on dinner tonight. I’ll just have to eat all this Nuts & Bolts myself!

    @mpesce We’re going with cabbage. Anything green that looks like money counts! 🙂

    @eileenDCoE Yay!

    Listening to Snook and @kunaal84 talk Warcraft. Need more alcomohol.

    It’s all happening here… @kunaal84

    @dhgarske Nice! Snook’s family’s from up there. You too?

    S62011 wool has been selected and wound ready to go for midnight! Beautiful orange/red Shibui is the go. 🙂

    @tinkabel @nahashon HEY! We stopped well before midnight… 🙂

    Happy New Year!!

    Was that Nessun Dorma at the end?! Weird choice for a fireworks finale!

    @kunaal84 And to you! Thanks for everything this year, especially for putting up with the bad parts. Here’s to a much better 2011… 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim @knitterjp @Bells_G Hang on – I’ll start too! Just as soon as I manage to get out of bed. 🙂

    @eileenDCoE Was it that dangerous looking thing from Facebook? EEK!

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    @AusVintageGrrl Super cute!

    Hipster Cardy swatch knitted and now soaking. Cotton Baby Blanky in the washing machine. It’s all happening here.

    @drkknits Shelter. Man, this shit GROWS. Seriously. I may actually have to use the needle specified in the pattern. UNHEARD OF for me!

    Making plans to finally use the fondue set @carbolicious gave us for tomorrow night. We need some sort of gel fuel?! Any ideas where to get?

    @pcalcado Ooh, that place is good! Save room for the pineapple. 🙂

    2nd Hipster Cardy swatch STILL too big w/ actual recommended needle. Hm. Don’t think I’ll go any smaller. Aggressive blocking is the answer.

    Except wait. You can only block things bigger, not smaller. GAH. WHATEVER, MATH, IT’S TOO LATE.

    @carbolicious We seem to remember carrying it back from a visit w/ you? Like somebody gave it to you originally?

    This is it. Last day of 2010 and I’ve got 2.63km to go. The Snook and I are heading out to the park right now. WOOOO, I WIN!

    That’s it! 1000km in 2010. (Snook will upload video soon.) Who wants to join me in my goal to run 1100km in 2011? We can do it together!

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    Tooth is repaired. Anesthetic has numbed whole right side of jaw though. Feel like I’m going to accidentally gnaw my own tongue…

    @ScottRhodie I’m in the thame thituation.

    @ScottRhodie Mine finally wore off. Now I can properly enunciate. 🙂

    NYE plans are firming up…

    @Justacogitating Eeek! I think your PC might have a virus. I just got a very dodgy looking email from you…

    A nap?! Where did THAT come from?!

    I think I have glucose in my hair. #homemade #icecream

    @Justacogitating I got it on my iPhone and deleted it… and now I can’t find it! Gah. Sorry. Will doublecheck.

    @Justacogitating Rodd thinks it’s more likely your hotmail password got hacked. (Apparently Yahoo’s been getting hit lately too.)

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    Lovely impromptu knitting lunch w/ @drkknits, @mrs_sockvictim, @knitterjp, and @knitabulous!

    Dragged Snook over to Broadway to get ourselves a present in the sales: Ice cream ahoy!

    @AusVintageGrrl Banana ice cream is first on the list, since I have some ripe ones to use!

    @thezedmiester Sometimes it works out… 🙂

    I have CONQUERED the Scalloped Crochet Edging. BOOYA.

    Waiting at the dentist to see if they can fix my broken tooth. Ugh.

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    @jannism Ashes? Come on, let us moan. WE SUCK AND YOU POMMIES ARE AWESOME, OKAY?

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    @SallyPompom Eh, I was just killing time til the cricket came on. No worries. 🙂

    Crocheting 10ply cotton is WRECKING MY HANDS.

    @lemon_lime Oh god. It’s so, so funny. The story about the bricks is my favorite part. 🙂

    Dear Crocheters – what’s your favorite way of joining squares together? Is there some way of crocheting a thick border between them?

    Ha! Solution to problem of joining crochet squares is so simple: KNITTING. Going to play to my strengths.

    @sharre Is Lincraft open? I need some buttons.

    CRAP. Just bit down and broke off a bit of tooth near a filling. And HCF is closed for the public holiday. CRAP.

    Thanks for dentist advice. It doesn’t hurt; just feels weird & jagged & I can’t stop poking it with tongue. Will try HCF again tomorrow.

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    @Justacogitating Hahaha… Tell him it’s a special type called a Hoop Pine. It’s meant to look like that. 🙂 And Merry Christmas!!

    Out for a run with Rodd on a beautiful, hot sunny Christmas Day. @ Victoria Park

    Crochet, G&T, and La Boheme on telly. This is a SOPHISTICATED Christmas.

    We made a gingerbread house!

    @devvyleys Mine all mistakenly thought Oz was 8 hours *ahead*, so I had a lot of missed messages at 2 in the morning. 🙂

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    Survived our trip to Broadway for groceries and booze. With any luck, we won’t need to leave the house for 5 days…

    @AusVintageGrrl The lady at the bottle shop told me the parking was all gone by 9am. Our street’s pretty empty though!

    Sudden inspiration has turned Easter Show project in a new direction. Hint: not using the Shelter on it anymore…

    I sewed another skirt. It’s green with robots on it. Dr. Amy obviously likes it.

    Merry Christmas! Our little Charlie Brown tree.