Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @carbolicious As Blair Waldorf told us all: leggings are not pants! Not even ones faked-up to look like jeans.

    Heading home for a date with a cute young man… my nephew Kurt! Much fun to be had. 🙂

    We introduced our 10yo nephew to The Goonies. He liked it. 🙂

    @lemon_lime Did I tell you we went to the House on the Rock in August? I really need to post my pics. 🙂

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    Once again I think the squeaky wheel is going to get the grease. Or the office, as it were in this case. *sigh* I’ll be in my corner.

    @knitness Sweet! I was thinking about it. What are you talking on?

    Can anybody recommend a nice fancy restaurant in Sydney open between Christmas and New Year’s? Or are they all closed?

    @AusVintageGrrl Yeah, a lot of them.

    Fibre Optic Santa stares into my soul.

    @Opheli8 I’ve actually tried maple-bacon lollipops, just not caffeinated. Another life goal set.

    Got told I was “rockin’ the biker chick look today.” My first time ever for that particular compliment, but I’ll take it!

    @Lauren_lolly_ Game Center is awesome! I’m webgoddess if you want to friend me on there. 🙂

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    The universe does not want me to play World of Warcraft. This is not necessarily a bad thing.

    @AusVintageGrrl Couldn’t get the damn game to load. Had to repair permissions, all kind of stuff. Finally got it working but it’s bedtime!

    Snook set the bread machine on timer last night. The smell of freshly baked bread actually woke me up this morning. Best wake-up ever!

    @Opheli8 The Summer of Mija comes to a halt before it even really started! 🙁

    @AusVintageGrrl I just did a re-sync and it fixed itself. It was still there; just the front-end somehow got messed up.

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    Should’ve gone for that run after all. Stress is making my shoulder creep up towards my ears.

    I turned down pub lunch because of a meeting… which later got cancelled because people were at the pub lunch. FML.

    @redambition But that would destroy my sense of self-righteousness! 😛

    Just remembered I have homemade bulgogi and kimchi marinating in the fridge at home. KOREAN FEAST AHOY.

    My homemade bulgogi and cucumber kimchi. Will blog recipe tomorrow!

    Do you live in the electorate of Sydney? Please fill out Tanya Plibersek’s survey on marriage equality:

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    In the car with @venessahunt

    The things we do for love.

    @carbolicious Ha! Doesn’t even frost here. I’m even weaker.

    Totally chickened out on running in the rain this morning. Hopefully it’ll stop by lunchtime?

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    Me: “I’m knitting a sock, listening to the cricket, & watching the Notre Dame game all at the same time.” Him: “You’re a renaissance woman.”

    @Kat13v Are you kidding? The Aussies of course. I was a cricket tragic before I was even an official Aussie!

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    @sedroknits It’s got a motion sensor and a timer. Doesn’t sweep until 10 minutes after kitty has done his business.

    Where can I get a pull-out concealed waste sorting system? IKEA doesn’t have their Rationell slide-out drawer thing listed anymore. 🙁

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    @Opheli8 Holy crap. The rural reporter in question is a friend of mine. She’s in my knitting group.

    @voicework The day after Thanksgiving starts holiday shopping. Has come to be associated with crazy sales, ppl getting trampled, etc.

    @venks79 ahh, Critical Mass! Just saw them heading up Park St.

    @randomknits We pay $70 every 2 weeks.

    @randomknits I want them to come weekly but Snook won’t let me!

    Gaga Meat Dress graffiti in Chippo

    @AusVintageGrrl Int’l travel is stressful. No way I could fit in everyone on our visit to US. Even missed some family! Prob not intentional.

    @RadhikaR @damana @Opheli8 I got to meet him once! His name is Maxy.

    Spring cleaning! Anybody want a robotic LitterMaid self-cleaning cat litter box? $50 or best offer; pick up in Chippendale. Works fine!

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    Just booked in for Christmas WebBlast on December 9: #webblastsyd

    I just ousted Jason C. as the mayor of Toby’s Estate Espresso Bar on @foursquare!

    Thanksgiving in Sydney. Beautiful, sunny, and 80F. Not bad.

    @venks79 TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!1111!!!1! 😛 (cc @thezedmiester)

    @thisismywww “TiltShiftGen”. I like it.

    Thanksgiving dinner: homemade turkey burgers with camembert and cranberry, washed down by beer, followed by ice cream sandwiches!

    @jannism I have just noticed that you haven’t aged in ten years. What’s up with that?

    @_brigita_ Yep! Called TiltShiftGen.

    @kunaal84 Congrats! Well done. How are the feet?

    @Bells_G It can be a traditional side dish if you make it from scratch. The boxed convenience stuff came way, way after.

    I have now worn a skirt or dress for 5 of the last 8 days. This is a record, and one that would probably shock many of you.

    @brodrigu Jealous! Is that a can-shaped slice of cranberry sauce I spy?

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    @carbolicious I am currently reading “Storyteller”, the authorised bio of Roald Dahl. The print version weighs like 10 pounds. 🙁

    @carbolicious Serious recommendation: “Cloud Atlas” by David Mitchell. I gave my copy to @eileenDCoE. It was awesome.

    @SallyPompom I clicked agree, of course. I was going to make the same point myself but I’m a broken record on that topic. 🙂

    @SallyPompom Nope. Either nobody told me or I forgot, which is unlikely since I’ve been asking for that for years! I made a big reply. 🙂

    @99Games Thank you! That explains it. Didn’t realise WordsWorth Clubs fed into the same ranking system. Will do that instead. 🙂

    @gilmae White ones with red wheels? I’ve got a pair in my closet right now. 🙂

    I am thankful we were able to chase Petey into a bathroom last night at 3:30am and lock him in so we could salvage a few hours sleep. *yawn*

    Had to dart into traffic between stopped buses to flag down a 480 at Broadway. Risked my life and I’m STILL going to be late. (@131500buses)

    I was okay missing Thanksgiving til my Mom just IMed me with the menu for their feast. Damn.

    @drkknits We’ve done it twice in Australia, but it’s just too darn hot here to roast a turkey. Maybe turkey sandwiches tonight? 🙂