Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Me, Rose, and Geraldine at our last Guild meeting in charge of the Inner City group. It’s been fun everyone!

    @knitdra New line up is: Tia, (@AusVintageGrrl), Kelly, and Jane (RoseRed). Yay!

    @AusVintageGrrl The Snook says that a smooth transition of power is the mark of a good dictatorship. 😀

    @ReverseGarbage Granny Square knitting shop in Newtown has brilliant row of old theater seats they said they got from you!

    @ReverseGarbage Will do next time I’m in there…

    Phew. Home from Guild; had a beer; sent some emails; time to relax….

    SONOFA. This sock won’t fit over the Snook’s ankle; only just fits over mine. Frogged. Sigh.

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    @miss_reecie I would need to change careers to something more hip to pull that off. Social media or graphic design? 🙂

    @swandives Oh! I misread your tweet. I thought you were complaining they’d used eg instead of ex. 🙂

    @carbolicious TBB??

    My inbox suddenly became awesome. Thanks @knitabulous!

    @knitabulous Those are some damn fine looking hooters, I have to say.

    Note to self: full skirt + William St wind tunnel = BAD combination.

    Snook is making us an orange-poppyseed cake for Guild tomorrow. I am making snickerdoodles.

    “Booze! That’s what I should’ve put in this!” Snook just said. He regrets that his orange-poppyseed cake is non-fortified.

    @misswired Cheers. I have been adjusting to the fringe all week. I feel like I’m wearing a wig.

    @toastman Those people are *wrong*.

    @toastman Snook says: “I always refer to my snickerdoodles as a sugar cookie.” And then he snorted. I think it was meant to be rude.

    Four dozen snickerdoodles cooling in the kitchen…

    @SallyPompom It’s a traditional American cookie. Mainly sugar and cinnamon! Nobody doesn’t like snickerdoodles. 🙂

    @carbolicious Oh! HAHAHAHA. Yeah, pretty much.

    David Chang is starting a restaurant in Sydney! AWESOME.

    @drkknits We miss you!

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    Moomin Candy makes me happy.

    W00t! Thanks to @kunaal84 for ordering tickets to Amanda Palmer (with @neilhimself) at the Opera House for Australia Day!

    @laimelde I’m a definite Neil fan. (Snook and I went to the House on the Rock in August!) Have never heard Amanda, but looking forward to it

    @Roceal That would be awesome! We’re in the circle, 3rd row back towards the center.

    Look at this offing hipster. (My new dress.)

    Obviously, I need some retro sunnies.

    “Offing”?! Stupid iPhone auto-correct.

    Har Har. @venks79 just came by to ask me to take his order. 🙂

    @swandives But “eg” means “for example”:

    SMH FAIL! Photo 19 is NOT Sir Ian McKellan. Poor John Hurt. He gets no credit.

    Attention @smh_news. Ian McKellen and John Hurt are actually two separate people.

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    RT @Epaulette: Ok Go’s New Video + 2,430 pieces of toast @OkGo

    I just unlocked the “Animal House” badge on @foursquare!

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    My hand friggin’ hurts. You know, the one I took a chunk out of when I crashed onto the pavement this morning. 🙁

    @drkknits Yep. Sign me up for Remedial Walking. It should be conducted in a swimming pool so I don’t further injure myself re-learning.

    Whipped up an 18-page spec on very short notice. @VenessaHunt is going to be my best friend now. 🙂

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    Sharing pumpkin pie at work. My Monday is improving.

    @imdominating I once watched Mansfield Park TWICE on the same plane flight just to see JLM in period costume.

    Any QA people looking for work? We have a position going. DM me if you’re interested.

    I hate storms! Poor cats are hiding. They do too.

    Anybody have Vogue Knitting Winter 2009/2010? My conquest of the Easter Show depends on it!

    @miss_reecie Sweet! Can you look up something for me? Making hipster cardy for Snook. What are the sizes?

    @miss_reecie So that’s the finished size? With garment closed?

    @miss_reecie Thank you! I’d love to borrow it on Saturday if you’ll loan it to me. 🙂

    About to order $760 worth of Brooklyn Tween wool from the U.S. *gulp* No, it’s not all for me…

    @mirvettium 62 all up. Not all in the Brooklyn Tweed; a couple other randoms in there too. Big joint order for 5 people in total. 🙂

    @jenbishopsydney Great job! What are you doing that’s working so well?

    @witty_knitter Whoa! It’s like an episode of House or something.

    We have hired a new “Chris” in the office who sits 15 feet from me. This is going to be trouble. I keep hearing my name and looking up.

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    Post-race protein loading. Is it too early for beer? (@ Cafe Guilia w/ 2 others)

    @kunaal84 You did awesome! Now go sit in an ice bath. 😀

    Oh, I think it’s PUMPKIN PIE TIME.

    @gadgetgirl70 Fresh! From my ignored jack-o-lantern pumpkin, actually. Recipe:

    RT @carbocommander: @carbolicious your nuts smell great! // SNORT. Ha!

    Count ’em: 1, 2, 3 pumpkin pies! (The middle one is rectangular because I ran out of pie plates!)

    @Alegrya If you’re anywhere near Broadway tonight, let me know and you can come have a piece. 🙂

    @Alegrya Ha. Just realised you were far, far away. I keep forgetting that. Sorry to taunt you with pie!

    I baked three pies… and how I’m hemming curtains. WTF. Who is this be-fringed domestic goddess?

    Homemade pumpkin pie with real whipped cream. So good! I want to eat the whole pie but Snook won’t let me.

    @AusVintageGrrl If you can get here in the next 30 minutes, I’ll pack up a couple pieces for you… 🙂

    GODDAMMIT. Cookie A has screwed me again! Stupid error in the stupid razza frazza pattern… FROGGED. GAH.

    Wow. So “Sock Innovation” has a LOT of errata. That kinda sucks.

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    So I didn’t carve my Halloween pumpkin after all. Instead I’m making it into real, homemade pumpkin pie. My house is gonna smell AWESOME!

    The things we do for beauty. @ Partners Hair Workshop

    I haven’t had a fringe in a really long time! (Yanks: fringe = bangs.)

    Proof of fringe:

    Waiting to see The Social Network. (@ Event Cinemas George Street w/ 6 others)

    @TitusAtticus They sell them at Kmart. We get the Sodastream gas bottles all the time. (Rodd uses then to carbonate his home brew.)

    Run4Fun folks: I’m about 10 rows from the top above meeting point T-Z.

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    Evolution of a Geek ‘Tache: -> -> #movember

    @imdominating He only bathes in asses’ milk. (In reality: probably has more to do with VERY LITTLE SUN EXPOSURE.) 🙂

    @imdominating His answer: “I just keep it covered with a beard most of the time.”

    RT @kunaal84: Happy Diwali every one! // And from me too!

    Wow. Lolita-fashion in the SMH. Wonder what @spycoredotnet has to say about it? 🙂

    Discovered tonight that my masseuse at Broadway now gives health fund rebates. #highlightofmyweek

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    @steven_noble Don’t tell them I ordered off Amazon yesterday because it was way cheaper than local, even w/ shipping. Or wait, DO.

    @steven_noble Just looked online. Dymocks $35, iBooks $34.99 (ridiculous), BD $32.20, Amazon $31.58 (US $) inc shipping.

    Any women interested in learning to program? @damana wants to hear from you.

    @steven_noble You’ll get me blacklisted in all the Australian bookshops! 😛

    Fashion show! “Now, who had the order of home fries?” And slightly more modern:

    The most beautiful jacaranda in Hyde Park

    @that_alison Perfect. Little big in the bust, but expected that since I was between sizes & went for the bigger. Your mailbag is here btw!!

    Poll: Which buttons for my friend’s baby cardy? Dark brown, faux antique copper, or faux pewter?

    @AusVintageGrrl They’re not real metal though…

    Folks seem to like the brown buttons. Here’s a shot of a complete set laid out. Yeah, we like this?

    Brown buttons are the go! Thanks for the advice. 🙂