Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @larsklint: Join us for #ndcmelbourne this Thursday with @shanselman and @web_goddess and many others. It’s free!…

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    Freiburger Frühstück. 🥐🥚☕️ @ Sams Cafe

    We spent the morning swimming at thermal mineral baths(!), so it’s time for a final refuel before heading home. 🍻 (2021 Biergarten Count: 12) @ Hausbrauerei Feierling

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    Freiburg ist schön! ❤️💐

    Wow! Driving back to Freiburg, we got caught in the antifa protest! Cops are re-routing all the traffic around. 😳

    Really amazing meal tonight at @zurlindefreiburg! Everything was delicious. 🍷 #sofull @ Gasthaus Zur Linde

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    RT @meliss_houghton: Getting excited to host @NDC_Conferences, #NDCMelbourne 🎉 Our hoodies have arrived, and we have an awesome lineup incl…

    @meliss_houghton @NDC_Conferences @shanselman @MishManners Gahhhh I miss swag! ❤️

    Thanks @venturelab_ch for inviting me to speak next Wednesday about the importance of hiring diverse teams in startups! Free to attend, and hey, it’s also at an ANZ-friendly time. 🙂 Hope to see some of you there!

    @laimelde WHAT? I clicked on it expecting to feel sad that they were going under, not to see that they were fighting their own workers. 🙁

    Here we go again! 🚅 @ Munich, Germany

    RT @JanelleCShane: I decided to experiment with a deliberately ambiguous image-generation prompt: “A gothic wardrobe”

    With some careful pr…

    RT @darkosubotica: Hey hey! Something new coming up!🚀

    I will be hosting a live stream today with @rbzhu on @AWSonAir !🤩

    Join us later on…

    Made it to Freiburg and found Scott! Time to hydrate… 🍻🍷 @ Freiburg im Breisgau

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    RT @GunnarGrosch: That’s not all! We’re also looking for an experienced, committed, and innovative community manager to own and program man…

    @evanderkoogh Jesus. Good on @rebekahzambesi for telling the story… 😡

    RT @WaltrautDunz: #Merkel auf die Frage, ob Frauen anders Politik machen als Männer: „Tendenziell gibt es bei Frauen eine gewisse Sehnsucht…

    I ❤️ the EU attitude towards work/life balance. I was talking to @andreas_ruetten recently about an upcoming German tech event and wondered why it was happening on a workday instead of the weekend. “Because,” he said patiently, “we like to do weekend things on the weekend.”

    The taste of summer! Ratatouille homemade by me; soda bread baked by the Snook. 😍 @ Munich, Germany

    @BlaineSundrud I haaaaaate those. Looks like I missed this particular one. 😅

    🇩🇪 Germany phrase of the week: “die Sau rauslassen” – to let the sow (female pig) out. It means to let it all hang loose, whoop it up, party hard. 🐷🍺🎉 (TIL Germans love pork-based slang!)

    Hilariously, I came across this phrase when scrolling through Schitt’s Creek episodes on @PrimeVideo (which is set to German-language). It’s the one where Ted gets drunk at a party – “…lässt die Sau raus!”

    Fantastic opportunity for a Program Manager to design and roll out the inaugural Amazon Women in Technology Conference (WITC). I really want to attend this event, so please help us find someone amazing to plan it!

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    RT @computerfact:

    RT @jasontaylordev: Amazing lineup of speakers for #NDCMelbourne! Amazing ticket price too – free. I just need to get the day off. ❤ https:…

    RT @Vel12171: It’s today!!! I’ll be at @awsugmalta later for this talk on #chaosengineering #aws #awsfis . See you there!…

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    @msharp Ha! I actually rode past the Tierpark (Zoo) a little while later. There are several crossings that all look the same TBH. (And hello @beantrees! Nice to meet you!)

    Remembering when we launched the @canva iPhone app *five years ago today* and all dressed up like Steve Jobs to celebrate. 😂📱 @nicwinton @TheRealBnut @MelanieCanva @icosahebron @kouky @themaninblue @cliffobrecht

    @dtraub Pretty sure I bought that stupid turtleneck just for this and never wore it again. 😂

    RT @femtechconf: Q: Why do you wish to attend #FemTechConf?

    A: “Lineup looks incredible. Excited to see return of @sfaatz + @leichteckig f…

    RT @dtraub: [German 🇩🇪] Eigentlich war es erst für später geplant aber mein heutiges Interview mit Britta Tilsner, Botschafterin des AWS Ge…

    @joneaves @seedycat I’ve been streaming knitting since the start of the year, off and on. It’s fun! (I don’t really crochet, but I’m sure there’d be an audience.)

    It’s always fun to attend the @BerlinAWSUG! First speaker is @_jan_schulte_ from @epsagon talking observability. #o11y

    @ReneGoretzka @dtraub @BerlinAWSUG @_jan_schulte_ @epsagon Nice, welcome! I like it because I’m not fluent in German so I always learn more from the talks in English. 🙂

    Second speaker at @BerlinAWSUG is @cherep213 from @deliveryherocom talking Lambda optimisation. He gave a nice shoutout to @alex_casalboni for Lambda Power Tuning!

    @darkosubotica Lame. I tweeted once using only my *voice*. 😜

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    Ooh, you can now download the list of all 2580 classification labels & 239 bounding box labels supported by Amazon Rekognition. Interestingly, KNITTING and WEAVING are both included, but CROCHET is not. I’m going to have to run some experiments. 😃🧶

    @damana I’m a 3-er, but I’ve come across 4-ers in the past.

    You may have heard about the devastating floods in Germany and other countries recently. Thankfully we are not affected, but I did ride to the Isar today to see the difference. On the top: last October. Bottom: today. 😳🌊

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    @annie_parker Lovesick was excellent too if you haven’t seen it yet!

    @annie_parker It gave me lovely memories of being a young person living in the UK. ❤️

    I learned a new German expression from The Little Mermaid, of all things: “08/15”. No really, it’s a thing. Ursula says it! It means, like, normal and boring in an insulting way. (I reckon it’s actually very close to how Aussies use “average.”)

    @Exceliton Haha, you caught it at least! 😂👍

    Sun came out so we went for a wander. We’re debating whether this counts as a true biergarten, but they call it that on the signage so I’m going with it. 🍻 (2021 Biergarten count: 11) @ Winkelstüberl München

    @094459 So it’s another band playing the music of the Smiths? That would be fun. Love their music, but not a huge fan of Moz these days.

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    @the_nathanjones Arse was okay actually – bought some padded shorts! #mawil I think my saddle irritated my leg, maybe infected a little cut where it rubbed. Nearly healed now thankfully.

    @AshleyAitken I watched it, and I really enjoyed it.

    @AshleyAitken Ahhh, I didn’t realise there was a new series! Watching the first ep now…

    Denk nur an die Kokosnuss! 🥥 TIL that Moana is called Vaiana in Europe. I had no idea!