Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @stufromoz I’ve never seen any there. I’m trying to find any reference online, but they’re not shown on any maps…

    A strange feeling is coming over me. I think I’m going to knit something.

    @TitusAtticus No, but it *is* for someone in the office…

    @ozgamer @TitusAtticus More like… someone about to be in the office. WHEN THEY’RE BORN. Silly. 😛

    @carbolicious I’m a big fan of Cotton Fleece. Cotton with a little bit of wool for softness. Not fuzzy; great colors!

    @TitusAtticus @ozgamer Oh FFS you guys are obtuse. KEVIN is having a baby. I am knitting a thing for his baby.

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    Team lunch to celebrate the launch of!

    I see a Guild discussion happening. But I have had too many beers at this point to get involved in a meaningful way. 🙂

    @ozgamer @venks79 I was being edgy! And angular! (And I think I turned HDR off.) 🙂

    Rang Sydney Botanic Gardens to ask about having a BBQ there. Woman answered and said NO, no fire allowed, and was really snotty about it. 🙁

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    @getupgo Hahaha… The concept of a “food baby” always makes me laugh.

    @imdominating I’ve not seen it, but I have it to watch. Is JGL totes adorable in it? Should I make Snook suffer through it? 🙂

    Snookums is telling me about Stephen Bradbury’s inspirational talk at Yahoo today. Sounds like an awesome guy!

    @mrs_sockvictim No fair! You know I’m hopeless with secrets! Spill! 🙂

    @kunaal84 Yowch! Isn’t that why y’all wear pads?

    What the heck, Sydney? George St is a parking lot. Been sitting on bus outside 3 Monkeys for like 10 minutes.

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    @L4Designs I have never forgiven him for that whole browser upgrade initiative thing 9 years ago:

    Anybody else going to the Granny Square grand opening tonight?

    @kunaal84 Yep. Grand opening of my friend’s knitting shop in Newtown!

    @kunaal84 Nope. Those are overseas pretties, hence their highly prized status in Oz.

    @Yarna_ @knitterjp Yikes, that sucks. Hope you’re back to normal soon…

    @miss_reecie Remember, moss grows on the north side of the trees! Oh shit, wait. Is that reversed in this hemisphere? #nohelpatall

    Fun at the Granny Square grand opening tonight:

    Attack of the Bieber Knitters! (@mrs_sockvictim @knitterjp)

    @witty_knitter You’re lucky I didn’t get you guys too!

    @TitusAtticus Nah, that’s Albie. He’s not Indian; he’s Jewish! Sydney entrepreneur extraordinaire and local knitting magnate.

    For the curious, the shwoopy teen hairstyling was courtesy of BieberHair (, the Best. App. Ever. (Thanks @kunaal84!)

    @randomknits Hahahaha… I know, awesome, right?! 🙂

    @randomknits BIEBERBUNNY. Cuteness x 10.

    @chrisgander Ew! I like Lea Michele, but she looks like a cheap sex doll in those photos. 🙁

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    Writing my first HTML at work in, oh, 2 years. Feels good.

    @wcritchie You’re right. Just hard to look on the bright side when you’re standing in the rain waiting for a bus knowing you’ll be late!

    @L4Designs When I write HTML, it’s like it’s still 1999. *sigh*

    A day that started bad turned out good in the end. Productive work, relaxing run, nice dinner, and project success. More tomorrow…

    @L4Designs Not a Zeldman fan. 🙂 (I write plenty of HTML and PHP and SQL in my spare time. It was just novel to get to do it at work!)

    Dear Internet: is live. I’ve been living and breathing this site for 5 months. The day is finally here!

    Hooray for @carbolicious, who has offered to play international courier for me. Looks like I’ll get my Dansko Marcelles after all. 🙂

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    Massive thanks to @kunaal84 for saving my life today with a half-pint of @BenAndJerryOz’s Chunky Monkey.

    A terrible night’s sleep followed by a morning downpour and a headache. It’s going to be That Sort of day.

    @DDsD Hammer + nail + phone book is how I did it last time. That worked.

    Early start negated by complete failure of any Domain buses to turn up for 15 minutes. I’ve seen like a dozen 470’s though.

    @Opheli8 I gave up at 20 minutes. Caught a 431 and will walk from Town Hall. STUPID BUSES.

    RT @voicework: Well, waddayaknow! US President Barack Obama 2 appear on Mythbusters #mythbusters This will be inter …

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    @_brigita_ Any team that beats Ohio State is a friend of mine. Go Badgers!

    My first ever homemade scones are baking! Cheddar & Apple! Recipe is from Smitten Kitchen:

    @that_alison Can’t type. Too busy eating. SOOOOO GOOOOOOD.

    I blogged today’s cooking experiments: Stamppot and scones!

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    Sometimes he loves me. (It’s the bare feet – both pairs – that make me smile.)

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    RT @Opheli8: Love watching people coming and taking the peanut butter cookies that @web_goddess baked and bought into work. They have su …

    Friday pizza lunch! (@ Il Vicoletto)

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    I just RSVPed to the official Granny Square grand opening party! Can’t wait to celebrate all the hard work Other Andrew has done. 🙂

    @YarnChic_Knity It’s a new knitting shop that’s opened up here in Sydney. 🙂

    @stufromoz Haha, yeah, that’s how I “met” you, remember? I saw you helping him with something Mac-related. 🙂

    @Opheli8 Much appreciated. 🙂

    My house smells of peanut butter cookies. (Dear coworkers: You better be nice to me tomorrow!)

    @chrisgander If you come to William Street, I’ll save you one. 🙂

    Stuck on George St. Going to be late. But fear not, coworkers! The peanut butter cookies are with me.