Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Why can I not find a single retailer willing to ship a pair of Dansko Marcelles in my size to Australia? Very frustrating.

    YAYAYAY! My new @QueenBeeInc handbag has arrived! (cc @Roceal @lttlrdhn)

    @carbolicious Hahaha… I was actually thinking of sending one to Indie too! Or maybe Race Car Driver Barbie. One of the kickass ones. 🙂

    @chrisgander Well, except when they were $9 for 09/09/09! 😛

    Another day, another eyeball-searing travesty of “advertisement” by the SMH. I’ve accidentally clicked that Harvey Norman link 4 times.

    Which is probably what they want; it makes the click-through numbers look higher. But it just makes me hate both companies even more.

    @that_alison OMG. I need *everything* on that site.

    @that_alison And their stuff isn’t that expensive! I want ALL OF IT. Hm. Maybe time to start up sewing lessons again…

    @that_alison Do you want to combine an order? I am seriously tempted…

    It’s my 15 seconds of fame! I just registered for Your Name in Lights at #sydfest. You should too!

    Waiting for the mortgage valuation guy. Interesting way to start the day.

    What the heck? This real estate valuer looks to be about 20 years old.

    Boring grown-up mortgage stuff done. Now heading in to work…

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    RT @ebertchicago: Let’s clear this up once and all: I didn’t review “Scott Pilgrim” cause I didn’t see it… // I did wonder.

    @TitusAtticus You shoulda checked w-g. I was huddled on the couch with the cat, suffering through my 12th hour of headache. 🙁

    Yes, I am wearing Crocs out in public. That is precisely how crappy I feel. My head has been hurting for 24 hours. 🙁

    Paracetamol + massage + sleeping pill = the Headache Monster has been 95% vanquished. Back to the daily grind…

    I’m seriously considering taking advantage of exchange rate and pre-ordering Computer Engineer Barbie. Yes, really.

    @drkknits Obviously I’d have to fashion her a new wardrobe with some Threadless tees. 🙂

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    @chrisgander It’s going to be on TV too.

    Stomach starting to hurt in that “ulcer hell” kind of way. At least it gives my misery a focus.

    Actually, stomach is okay. More problematic is the headache that’s been sending shooting pains up the side of my face all night. No sleep.

    @kunaal84 Better now. On my way in!

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    Finished my #WWFOR 10K in 69:22. (Missed my PR by 13s!) Thanks to @JayDub and @kunaal84 for pacing me!

    Homemade Jaeger Schnitzel with peas and (IKEA) rosti. Discovery: when I cook mushrooms, I actually like them!

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    Having a hard time deciding what to buy from the US since the exchange rate is so good. That

    That’s probably a sign that I don’t really need to buy anything.

    @venks79 Nope. You’ll just be sad you missed out on the ice cream. 🙂

    Having breakfast and mentally preparing for the Worldwide Festival of Races today. Cool + rainy will be good for my 10K time! #WWFOR

    @kunaal84 GET A MOVE ON! 🙂

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    Best. Friday. Ever. Thanks @BenAndJerryOz! #FreeScoopFridays

    Too. Full. Can’t. Eat. Anymore. Ice Cream. @BenAndJerryOz coma is imminent…

    @VenessaHunt It’s my food baby and I love it.

    @AusVintageGrrl Nope! Kelly, Emma, Alesha.

    @mrs_sockvictim WTF. Want to share a order tonight? 🙂

    Rather disappointed that no one in my office commented on my awesome ThinkGeek Marie Curie shirt. It had polonium and radium on it!

    My 2nd-to-last Saturday morning spent preparing for a Guild meeting. Yay!

    @witty_knitter Did you guys want me to bring my laptop, or are you all set for that?

    @Gin_ev_ra No worries. Noted! Thanks for that.

    @kunaal84 Best of luck!

    @witty_knitter I reckon you’ll be fine. I’ll just bring a couple connectors in case you need them.

    @drkknits I’m on my way now, should be there in 10min to open doors and start setting up!

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    Playing with Instagram for iPhone. I kinda like it! Allows us hipster-filter fanatics to share photos. Add me as krishoward if you’re there.

    @ozgamer I used it to take my DRAMATIC new avatar photo. 🙂

    @TitusAtticus I thought you asked me dumb questions and then I introduced scope creep?

    @ozgamer I just added you! Look in your “news” tab.

    Frick. Updated @runkeeper but turns out there’s a bug. Don’t update if you haven’t already!

    @discoknitter Great news! Glad to hear it.

    @ozgamer It was crashing on startup. I actually deleted the app and reinstalled and it seems to be okay now.

    @witty_knitter I am one of the ones who hasn’t. Just no time/energy this week. I am looking forward to the talk/demo though!

    @NHM_London Oh, that’s CRAP, Germaine. I have cats & care about biodiversity. THEY DON’T GO OUTSIDE & THEY DON’T REPRODUCE. Problem solved.

    Discovery: Gap and Old Navy now deliver internationally. And the exchange rate is practically 1:1. SWEEEEEET.

    RT @VenessaHunt: Excited! @BenAndJerryOz is delivering free dairylicious to … @mobile_active offices this afternoon! // YAY! THAT’S US!

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    I am really starting to wonder if I’m the only person from my HS class without kids. Or is Facebook just showing confirmation bias?

    @imdominating Hi five? You can have an effing BEER, my friend.

    Sonofa… Just realised I’ve been using 55c stamps for some time. I guess stuff went through anyway because it didn’t get returned?

    Chicken cordon bleu, tomato garlic couscous, broccoli, and glazed carrots. Why yes, I AM a Domestic Goddess.

    @stufromoz Well, I cheated on the difficult bit. The chicken’s from Lenard’s. 🙂

    Stuck in traffic on George St. Optus 3G is major fail. Is this hell? I think it’s hell.

    @redambition @AusVintageGrrl @kunaal84 Bah. Who uses recurring alarms? I set them each night so I can maximize sleep-in time. 🙂

    I have #newtwitter. It suggests I follow Bill Bailey. I am going back to Tweetdeck. Let us never speak of this again.

    I know. I know! I want to love Bill Bailey! I love Dylan Moran. But Bill on his own… like on QI or doing standup… Just not my style.

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    @carbolicious Did you seriously recite that from memory? Because that’s a little scary.

    @squozen Hilariously, I had to quote that song to a “designer” last week as example of why surname fields needed to accept 2-letter names.

    @squozen It was over IM, so no. But coincidentally, my iPhone JUST started playing it. So I’m singing and dancing now!

    @carbolicious Ooh, nice. I’ve only got it on a combo DVD with “Garden State”. (Total emo double pack!) No extras though.

    Just sent an apology to IC email list. I did a stuff-up today. GAH. I feel bad.

    @lemon_lime My hubby likes Internode best. Says if you don’t want contract, most places will just have a signup fee. IINet, TPG good too.

    @lemon_lime Ooh, don’t forget to bring your gym gear if you want to go to circuit training with us at lunchtime!

    @sharre Heh. Thanks. I think it’s more that I pride myself on being organised, so this irks more than drama or scandal!

    @kunaal84 Inner City. Knitting group. Referring to my extravagant colour copy charge from today…

    Eek! @kunaal84 was the Possum Whisperer after work today: (Wildlife frightens me.)

    @kunaal84 @VenessaHunt HDR, baby! 😀

    No, it isn’t giant slices of brain. It’s 2 massive slabs of Welsh Rarebit, courtesy of Snook: Mm, cheesy bread.

    Curtains and art! Oh my!

    So wait. I had to turn on Flashblock to AVOID stupid videos on SMH site, and now they want me to pay $2.50/month to see them on my iPhone?!

    @squozen Let me know when you want back in. There’s some Scroll the Snook can send you? I am a WoW enabler.

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    @lemon_lime Drive! We’re in a car share; you guys should check it out: Much cheaper than buying a car! I am total EVANGELIST.