Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Snook and I made it to IKEA and back in just over 2 hours, setting world IKEA speed record. Tomorrow we will finally have curtains!

    @witty_knitter As opposed to NOTHING! 3 years of frightening the neighbors. 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim Yeah, we figure we averaged nearly $10 a minute in there…

    DIY Psychopath: But yay, I finally got the clock I’ve been wanting for YEARS.

    Also, finally got my fantastic painting by @crumpet up on the wall: Just need some lighting now for it!

    @crumpet Hahahaha… We both thought it was a painting! That’s what you get when you give Art to Philistines. 🙂

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    Buying picture frames. Today we shall have ART! (@ Broadway Shopping Centre w/ 3 others)

    Knitters: Broadway Reject Shop has alphabet mats (good for blocking) for $15.

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    @Opheli8 … is not my emergency. 🙂

    Nearly home. Half the office heard my sexy voiceover work from last week. It was like the Seinfeld with Elaine’s sexy voice on the tape.

    @redambition Damn, just tried to FaceTime you! Same number? 😛

    I can’t wait til @imdominating sees this:

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    Holy crap. Angry Birds just updated, and it’s got Game Center support. IT’S ON.

    But will Facebook Places award me badges for running like @runkeeper does? I think not. I’ll stick with @foursquare for now.

    @rhagern Are on you Game Center?! I don’t think I have you friended. Add “webgoddess” 🙂

    @ozgamer What are you doing there? That’s where my friends sockvictim and @mrs_sockvictim work!

    RT @kunaal84: OMG! Terry Pratchett is coming to Sydney! … . // Paging @redambition & other Pratchett fans! (like Snook)

    @redambition Ha, I must have missed it! Are you telling the costume or is it a surprise?

    @squozen I use mSecure. Mac + iPhone is about $20, I think.

    @squozen I just use the iPhone version; didn’t bother with Mac. It can email encrypted backups. Saved my ass last weekend. 🙁

    @redambition @kunaal84 Rodd is asking me if it’s okay if he goes as Cohen the Barbarian. Opinions? (I am not a Pratchett geek.)

    @Kat13v So wait. I have to PAY $150 so he can walk around in a loincloth? No way.

    @titus_atticus I sent @thezedmiester links to your WoW Armoury pages. You’ll never live it down.

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    @titus_atticus I’m annoyed with them. The branding and all is great, but really, it’s just pizza. They make it seem like it should be more.

    @titus_atticus It’s mostly hipster wank, is what I’m saying.

    @titus_atticus You think? I’ve had better. There’s a place in Darlo that does certified Neopolitan-style.

    Just because I might be depressed doesn’t mean shit doesn’t objectively suck. So frustrated. I’m going to bed.

    @witty_knitter Just wrestling with technology for 16 hours a day when none of it does what it’s supposed to do is really draining. 🙁

    Being interviewed on the Runners Round Table podcast with @JayDubRunning RIGHT NOW!

    @kunaal84 VOIP. Man, VOIP sucks.

    @drkknits I haven’t looked yet, but I’m usually underwhelmed by the new Knitty.

    It’s amazing what a coffee at 6am can do to your outlook. And having the Britney episode of Glee to look forward to tonight. 🙂

    @kunaal84 Well, one anyway. 🙂

    @AusVintageGrrl Huh. I still haven’t even checked. I am stubbornly loyal to Tweetdeck.

    Got my $10 refunded this morning at the Chinese grocery. Yes! Kris: 2; Universe: 0 so far today. 🙂

    Just saw ad for “Dr Zhivago – A New Musical.” Immediately thought of “Oh, Streetcar!” from The Simpsons. Heh.

    WAIT. Glee was last night? And I missed it due to my rage blackout over a mis-purchased calling card? GAH. Thank heavens for MythTV.

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    I am so sore from yoga yesterday. It’s ridiculous how so little movement can make you stiff as a board the next day.

    Being two years behind on popular music allows for fun discoveries. Today’s realisation: Pink’s “Funhouse” is an EXCELLENT album!

    @Opheli8 To brighten my day and make me consider writing TMNT slash fiction, obvs.

    Note to self: when friend asks “What happened to your knees?!” perhaps time to rethink the skirts. 🙁

    @kunaal84 Hahaha… I wasn’t too offended. It could’ve been: “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOUR LEGS?”

    Smooching on the bed with my special little guy before Snook gets home. 🙂

    @kunaal84 So you’re saying that I can tweet @131500buses every time the 461 driver leaves me stranded at Broadway? AWESOME!

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    @redambition That sucks! On the plus side, maybe you’ll get super powers?

    Went to yoga for the 2nd time. I think I, like, strained my groin or something.

    @redambition Action is your only reward! 🙂

    @kunaal84 Somebody on Facebook told @redambition to keep an eye on her uncle. 🙂

    @kunaal84 No! I was the first one to suggest she might get super-powers. I made no predictions as to the longevity of uncles. 🙂

    I really wish I could figure out why all my website cron jobs are failing. They used to work. What did Quadrahosting change? 🙁

    @kunaal84 I’ve already been radioactive once this year. It was underwhelming. I have only very mild superpowers. 🙁

    I just unlocked the “Warm Up” badge on @foursquare!

    @thisismywww It seems to be a problem using php-cli to pull in emails. Worked before, so something has changed.

    @thisismywww They’re not php. They’re shell scripts. Trust me, I had Rodd looking at them all night. It’s not anything that simple!

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    Halfway around on out walk/run today. On the footbridge near Victoria Road, heading for ANZAC Bridge.

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    Magic has been happening in my kitchen today! Magic Crystal Tree: Banana Maple Cake:

    @titus_atticus $2 at the Reject Shop! A mere $2 for SCIENCE!

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    I can hear the bells are ringing joyful and triumphant… #ipodwisdom

    Putting my theater degree to work, doing sexy voiceovers for adult phone services. Hahahaha…

    @gusseting The only payment I required was access to the recordings so I can amuse the Snook with them. 🙂

    @chrisgander You’d have liked it. I did two of them using my Sookie voice.

    @codepo8 If/when it goes live, I’ll totally share the link. 🙂

    @knitabulous I believe it was a white latex nurse’s uniform (in the script, anyway)!

    @carbolicious Dude, remember “perforations”? I retched for like a week.

    @getupgo CODY SIMPSON! #AussieGleeks

    In a cab to #webblast with Cris and @kunaal84…