@titus_atticus I’m annoyed with them. The branding and all is great, but really, it’s just pizza. They make it seem like it should be more.
@titus_atticus It’s mostly hipster wank, is what I’m saying.
@titus_atticus You think? I’ve had better. There’s a place in Darlo that does certified Neopolitan-style.
Just because I might be depressed doesn’t mean shit doesn’t objectively suck. So frustrated. I’m going to bed.
@witty_knitter Just wrestling with technology for 16 hours a day when none of it does what it’s supposed to do is really draining. 🙁
Being interviewed on the Runners Round Table podcast with @JayDubRunning RIGHT NOW!
@kunaal84 VOIP. Man, VOIP sucks.
@drkknits I haven’t looked yet, but I’m usually underwhelmed by the new Knitty.
It’s amazing what a coffee at 6am can do to your outlook. And having the Britney episode of Glee to look forward to tonight. 🙂
@kunaal84 Well, one anyway. 🙂
@AusVintageGrrl Huh. I still haven’t even checked. I am stubbornly loyal to Tweetdeck.
Got my $10 refunded this morning at the Chinese grocery. Yes! Kris: 2; Universe: 0 so far today. 🙂
Just saw ad for “Dr Zhivago – A New Musical.” Immediately thought of “Oh, Streetcar!” from The Simpsons. Heh.
WAIT. Glee was last night? And I missed it due to my rage blackout over a mis-purchased calling card? GAH. Thank heavens for MythTV.