Category: Twitter Post

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    @drkknits I’m so sorry! @kunaal84 got his. That spotty Internet kid must have intercepted it. I do have a gift from HotR for you though!

    @drkknits Just a small thing. One of the gold tokens you use to trigger the music boxes. πŸ™‚

    I am cyborg no longer. Doc yanked the Implanon – and let me keep it! (That sound? My sis @carbolicious hurling.)

    No, their are no baby-plans afoot. Just didn’t agree with me. Went back to my trusty old injections. πŸ™‚

    @drkknits Pretty neat, I’d say! Not sure how hard it is to drill. Will bring it at next Guild meeting. πŸ™‚

    @twelveeyes The insertion scar was pretty small. He said the cut tonight was about 5mm. I have to keep it bandaged and dry for a week.

    @toastman Because it didn’t work so great for me. I think my system likes higher doses of stuff. πŸ™‚

    De-cyborg-ification process, for anybody who wants the not-so-gory details:

    @titus_atticus It was a little pink from blood on one end, which he rinsed off. I was disappointed. I wanted to see calcified DNA and goo.

    Aha! Just saw poster for “Sydney Statues” as part of Art & About. So that’s what this was about: (cc @kunaal84)

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    @redambition Heh. Snook already commented on that one on Reader. He wants the French Toast Bacon Sandwich. πŸ™‚

    REPLACEMENT IPHONE PROCURED. Our long national nightmare of iPhone-less Kris is over (after 74 hours).

    @that_alison If I’d had to use that Spider-Phone for one more day, I may have invaded another country.

    I saw @knitterjp while I was in the Apple queue this morning. After some frantic miming, she cheered at my return to the flock.

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    I keep hearing iPhone noises in the office. Each time I know that it’s not mine. I feel disconnected. #firstworldproblem

    Aussie friends: Anybody want to split shipping on a Queen Bee order? I need a new handbag!

    @Roceal @tinkabel Now’s the time! The dollar isn’t going to stay this good for long. πŸ™‚

    @carbolicious WTF do those sentences mean? I have no clue what you just said.

    @AusVintageGrrl That would be a really big ask, and probably unhealthy. WW has its members aim for .5kg/wk at most.

    @Roceal Just sent you a Rav mail!

    My Blackmore’s Half-Marathon Race Report is up: (Key themes: foreboding, iPhone, karma, cramping, fortitude, and Buffy)

    On one hand, the Apple store had no stock of 16GB iPhones today. On the other hand, I’m at work 30 minutes early. Yay?

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    On the plus side, I finished the Half-Marathon! On the minus side, SOME JERK STOLE MY IPHONE. Cops, Lost & Found, running around, craziness.

    Seriously. Rang it repeatedly and SMSed and everything. We’re home now. Rang Optus, rang the cops, changed all my passwords…


    I have a ridiculous small hope that someone still might hand it in. But it’s been 6 hours. JERKS!

    @tinkabel I did, and I was supposed to. I dropped it. Someone picked it up. Someone didn’t turn it in. Someone is gonna be sorry!

    Me: *gasp* “They could tick off all my To Do list items!” Snook: “BASTARDS!”

    @kunaal84 It was not. So I changed all the accessible stuff – email, Twitter, FB, etc. Everything else is behind my super password safe.

    @kunaal84 I wondered about that. They can’t get in to it. Anything they try will prompt them to enter it? (It’s not the one I gave you!)

    @kunaal84 Eh, I changed it anyway. Can’t hurt.

    Successfully procured a new SIM card (thanks @optus!). Now locating charger to old dumbphone. I miss my stolen iPhone like a limb. πŸ™

    Official time: 2:58:59. OOF. My worst by FAR. Still, considering my physical and mental state, it was a hard-won victory of sorts.

    WAIT! I was reading it wrong! 2:42:02. That’s much more like I expected. THANK GOD.

    Behold my backup mobile: Spider-Phone. Do I look thrilled? Because I’m not thrilled.

    Claim has been created with GIO. Now I just need to get a new iPhone! (My first insurance claim. I feel like a grown-up.)

    @stufromoz Frankly I’m more worried about queuing at Apple for 2 hours on completely shattered legs!

    @stufromoz That’s how long Snook waited the first time. Is it shorter now? I thought there were still stock shortages? (Might go over today)

    @stufromoz Only 32GB in stock right now. Will have to wait a couple days, I guess!

    @stufromoz They’ve only got a “handful,” and he reckons they’ll be gone by lunchtime. πŸ™

    @@carbolicious GarΓ§on. (Type “garcon” in google. Copy and paste from results. πŸ™‚ )

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    Cleaning out 2000 emails from my Yahoo Inbox wasn’t on the To Do list, but that doesn’t make it feel like any less of an accomplishment.

    My cat is a big bag of fuzzy-wuzzy cuddly-wuddly guts.

    @jyesmith I’m doing the Half. Best of luck!

    @thezedmiester AGAIN?

    4:30am. Actually got a decentish sleep! I’m rarin’ to go! Bring on the race!

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    RT @Opheli8: Happy Birthday @DDsD!

    A friend is looking for a solid web dev for a job w/ eco-related company. Willing to pay! Anybody got a recommendation?

    Knitters: anybody know what the hours are for the button shop in the Rocks?

    Listening to Matthew Sweet still makes me feel like I’m 18.

    RT @Opheli8: @web_goddess We can see you! // I made a pig!

    RT @Opheli8: OMG Party Pig! Made by @web_goddess:

    @pwadams I think my friend would prefer to work with someone local. But thanks!

    @DianneKing Yeah, in Nurses Walk. Not as big as Newtown’s, but still good. Pricey. No website though!

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    Seen in Newtown the other day: Someone’s been reading his Roald Dahl!

    @AusVintageGrrl Oooh, pretty!

    Bus stop at Broadway. Note the number of buses NOT at the stop. Bastards!

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    My To Do list is inching back towards three-digits again. No wonder I feel depressed.

    Sudden urge for Indian food. (@ Little Havelis!)

    My free iPhone4 case arrived tonight! That was a nice surprise. I got tartan plaid: Snook says that makes me a chav.

    I hope @kunaal84 is happy. Taylor Swift addiction swapped for Brandon Flowers. (I did, however, refuse his offer of Linkin Park. *shudder*)

    RT @ebertchicago: Urgent to @SarahPalinUSA: “Reign” and “rein” do not mean the same thing, and neither falls mainly on the plain.

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    @Alex_Manchester I got mine too! Best of luck in the race…

    @Bells_G Well… kinda. (I love Oprah. We used to skip uni & watch her show & CRY! Every episode she’d change. somebody’s. life!) πŸ™‚

    Lovely dinner tonight with Snook and @dancingman, who offered to trade me some Yarntini for our old dryer. SOLD!

    Half-empty 461 driver just blew past Broadway without even slowing, completely ignoring my wild waving. LIVID.

    Steve Jobs carries ninja throwing stars? That. Is. Awesome.

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    Stupid banks. Stressing me out.

    Wasted half my night waiting for stupid guy to come buy our washer, and he never turned up. GAH.

    @AusVintageGrrl I wasn’t a huge fan of the movie though. Kiki Dunst as Marion Davies? Ick, no.