Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    New shoes! Purple. I’m a little unsure about the double-tongues though…

    @getupgo Bristol Palin? 😀

    @venks79 You’re gonna kill @kunaal84 at this rate! 😛

    @kunaal84 Yep, I got it. He’s coming over in a bit to pick it up. 🙂

    Proof of crochet:

    @tinkabel Nah, I’ve tried to get my head around crochet for years. I find knitting MUCH easier.

    @gusseting Zigzag afghan. It’s just folded around in that pic. I just figured out my chain was too tight though. Debating frogging.

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    I’m off to visit the 3rd graders at Willoughby Public School and tell them all about Roald Dahl. Fun!

    RT @seanchadwick: Good news for GetUpGo:

    Fellow Knit Campers: Any of you get some of that purple Shadow Tweed you’re willing to part with? My afghan is growing….

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    Phew. Survived my performance appraisal with @venks79. Such a taskmaster! 😛

    @kunaal84 Well, *I’ll* be there. I’m not so sure about *you*. 🙂

    Anyone else wanna see Savion Glover @ the Opera House? (Time to break out my CD of Bring in Da Noise Bring in Da Funk.)

    Snook made me watch The Guild. Even after years of him playing Warcraft, I still only understood like half of it.

    Crochet is happening, people. IT’S HAPPENING!

    I don’t mean “it’s happening” in the sense that it’s, like, cool or anything. I just mean it’s OCCURRING. I’m not that crazy.

    Look who I ran into on the bus! It’s @Opheli8! Fun. She’s a sorta-neighbor now…

    It would have been cooler if I’d attached the photo of me and @Opheli8…

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    @knitterjp I did! Thank you…

    @sharre And @kunaal84, but I don’t think you’ve met him yet…

    Going to see Joss Whedon. Snook’s decided to wear red Sheldon pants and Three Keyboard Cat Moon shirt. “Nerds – they’re my people!” he says.

    @Opheli8 SupaCenta is like level 5 of Inception.

    Swarm? Come on mah nerds! (@ Sydney Opera House w/ @daniellewarby)

    @Kat13v @EclecticRose1 @sharre I’m up for that!! Say the word…

    Joss was great! But man, some serious nerds in that audience. I mean, yeah, we like Buffy, but we can still FUNCTION in SOCIETY. o_O

    Thanks to everyone who offered washing machine advice. We ordered the F&P frontload washer and condensing dryer stacking combo!

    Holy hell. I’m crocheting.

    @thisismywww I’ve lost my knitting mojo. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

    @drkknits All I want is for my laundry room ceiling not to get moldy! Everything else is just a bonus. Including fries. 😛

    @mrs_sockvictim Couldn’t muster any knitting enthusiasm. Decided to see if I could figure out a crochet pattern. 😛

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    Any members? Need advice on washing machines/dryers… (Will pay cookies in return!)

    This is as friendly as they get.

    Introducing Snook to “To Kill A Mockingbird” via audiobook. I love this story. I’ll probably cry.

    Who’s got a front-loading washing machine? Care to comment on its pros/cons? (cross-posted from GGR account)

    Looking at separate stacking FL washer & condensing dryer. Considering LG and Fisher & Paykel. Any strong brand preferences?

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    @henrytapia @toastman Snootchie Bootchies? Who the fuck talks like that? That is fucking baby talk.

    @henrytapia Heh. Take that one up with his uni buddies; I didn’t come up with that appellation. 😛

    Iconic Photos takes on the Australian election and “36 Faceless Men” today:

    @sharre We’re going too! See you there… 🙂

    @Opheli8 Oh great. Like I need to go someplace that would make me feel like more of a giant!

    @tinkabel Heard it, and done it! Got it enabled yesterday. 🙂

    Seconding @Opheli8. Our @anatyt will be missed, especially at lunchtime Mexican. All the best!

    My new running shoes arrived! Wow, that’s fast. Three days from Amazon!

    @shanea Oh crap. What did they do wrong?!

    Thanks to @mrs_sockvictim and the S.V. for a lovely dinner with good food and wine and fire and cats and everything nice!

    @redambition Just sent you an email! Need a small favor at the Exec meeting… 🙂

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    @miftik Fixed! Validator didn’t like the umlaut in Bjork. (I suck at character-encoding stuff.)

    @acatinatree When I tried it, there’s a little account balance showing. I’ve only got 10c. You have to add more to call int’l, I think.

    @witty_knitter Just bookmark this:

    @mpesce My partner just heard your talk, said you’re moving to Chippo. Welcome! Check out; say hi to @steven_noble. 🙂

    RT @Glebe2037: UI/UX folks: have potential lead for you, big company looking for assistance/guidance, DM your deets // Attn @henrytapia!

    @mpesce Yep! Also check out Michael’s blog, which focuses on neighbourhood sustainability:

    New (repaired) oven is being put to good use: Snook’s got a gratin goin’!

    @toastman Beetroot, potatoes, and garlic-thyme-infused cream. YUM.

    Running late. Attempt to shave legs with cheap razor led to bloody mess, necessitating last-minute wardrobe change. 🙁

    Unexpected benefit of iPhone 4 front-facing camera: seeing if I have black texta smudged on my nose from my takeaway coffee.

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    @randomknits @Lauren_lolly_ I got married in Vegas to my Aussie! But what? Passport office won’t recognise what?! Oh, name change?

    @randomknits @Lauren_lolly_ I didn’t change mine. One of the many traditions of marriage we rejected. 😛

    @gilmae @randomknits We thought of picking a new one for the both of us, but SNOOK + HOWARD doesn’t spell anything cool. 🙁

    Fantastic! The oven is getting fixed tomorrow. Snickerdoodles, here I come…

    Hooray for repairman Leon! The oven is on and it seems to be working!

    GGR Episode 9 is now available! Should be appearing in your iTunes. Thanks for hanging in there!

    RT @DDsD: RT @thomasediting: Dyed-in-the-wool = steadfast. Died-in-the-wool = freak knitting accident.

    This is why we don’t let our cats out at night. 🙁

    I’d love to call my family in the US via Gmail. Too bad it’s not available to us furriners yet. 🙁

    I take it back! Upon installing the Voice/Video plugin, I now have “Call Phone” in Gmail! Sweeeeeeet.

    I just tried it by calling a friend’s cell in the U.S. Worked great! Decent quality. Now how can I get it on my iPhone…?

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    @Ezzles Hm. I think I found your 2kg on my trip to the US! 🙂

    Trying out a WACOM Bamboo tablet. Maybe this will help with my wrist issues?

    @mrs_sockvictim Cool! What’d you do with your old bike?

    @Lauren_lolly_ WOWZA!

    @lscassar I use Toodledo, which syncs web<->iPhone. There’s a 3rd party Outlook sync app for it:

    @mrs_sockvictim Hmm. I dreamed about bikes last night. We’ll talk on Friday. 🙂

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    I’ve got Thomas Keller’s Slow-Cooker Cassoulet in the crockpot at home: My house is gonna smell AMAZING tonight!

    @DDsD @ScottRhodie Yep. Like us. Two car spaces, no cars. So we rent both of them out.

    @rhagern I don’t have a $400 slow cooker, so I made it on the stove and then poured it in. Will blog the results! 🙂

    Should be going for a run right now… but woke up with a massive allergy attack. My eyes are streaming. ARGH.

    I think my chubby knees are ADORABLE, but I do worry that this skirt makes me look like a Hummel figurine. Snook is no help, of course.

    Let’s play Words With Friends on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad! My username is ‘web-goddess’.

    @venks79 I sent that on the bus! All my games have petered out. 🙁

    @AusVintageGrrl Awww, poor Roh! Hope all is well now.