Category: Twitter Post

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    Hahaha, how did I miss that clip of Abbott fumbling with a power drill? Ha! Funniest thing since Howard’s bowling attempt.

    ARGH. Spent the last hour packing clothes to take to Salvos. Just discovered Salvos not open on Sunday.

    @crumpet @squozen @expat_erin IIRC for me it was 4 years. I can’t find any proof of that on the stupid website now though…

    @zephyrama The Herald is saying Labor are definitely in front…

    @kunaal84 Yikes! You guys are having a slump? 🙁

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    Proudly voted for my friend and neighbor Tony Hickey. #ausvotes

    @henrytapia We’re here! But where are you?

    Incongruity. I feel more outrage towards this chick in Newtown wearing stirrup pants than I do about the election. Bad Kris.

    @theadrianflores Actually, you’re not quite there yet. When the recount lasts a month and gets decided by courts, then you’ll know. 🙁

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    @knitdra Possibly… if I did them on a regular basis. 🙂

    I tell you what, the ongoing mod issues in AK make me even less inclined to put my hand up for Guild Camp. All volunteers get crapped on.

    @witty_knitter I know. I’m beyond caring about their opinions. But I also don’t need the hassle of dealing with bitchiness either.

    @Lauren_lolly_ Nah, just talking about it w/ someone. Reminded me that for every person who wants to help, there are 5 waiting to bitch.

    @gusseting But cows are awesome. 🙂

    A few beers after work and I turn into Liz Taylor in “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” I am the EARTH MOTHER, and you are all FLOPS. Right?

    @AusVintageGrrl Sessions. And then some Rock Band. 🙂

    @codepo8 I stage-managed that play in uni. I love it. But yeah. If Martha played Guitar Hero and tweeted, that’s me right now. 🙂

    There reaches a point in the evening where there’s nothing left to do but strap on your guitar and play The Killers.

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    “Chomped my chicken” is totally going into my vocabularly TOUT SUITE.

    @henrytapia I like saying it like Kath Day-Night. 🙂

    I am so much more productive when everybody else in the office is GONE.

    Oh, David Stratton. Scott Pilgrim is decidedly NOT for “young people.” It’s for 25-40 year olds. Younger ppl wouldn’t get the references!

    @AusVintageGrrl 🙁 Teenagers suck.

    @gilmae Nah, DS explicitly said that people over 20 wouldn’t find much in it. They didn’t get video game references AT ALL.

    Okay, I’m trying the left-handed mousing again. I’ve got to do something different. Two weeks back and my right arm is killing again. 🙁

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    Man. I always forget how far north Sydney goes. Wahroonga feels like the Ends of the Earth to this Inner City girl.

    All done! Year 4 girls wanted to hear about his Dahl’s sordid divorce. Year 3 girls more interested in diseases that killed him. Huh.

    OH FFS. Just saw the post. I am pro-wooshing. I think woosh-wussies should GET OVER THEMSELVES.

    I’m just sick of the idea that to be nice and polite, we have to let anything go. Because god forbid we ask people to follow a simple rule!

    Enjoying @VenessaHunt’s #kilrush preso. She’s doing great!

    Hey! I think @VenessaHunt just disparaged “techies”. I resemble that remark. #kilrush

    @Opheli8 We all know I’m still a techie at heart… 🙂

    @kunaal84 Oh no!

    Ran past two hot guys making out on Missenden Road in Newtown this morning. Best. Run. Ever. You rock, sexy gay men!

    Soundtrack of my morning: Justin Bieber slowed down 800%. Awesomely haunting and listenable. (Hat tip @titus_atticus)

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    @redambition I feel that way after every Guild meeting. 🙂

    Okay, so I wasn’t quite as recovered as I thought. *yawn* Going to bed…

    Today I get to talk to a bunch of 3rd and 4th grade girls about Roald Dahl. No, really.

    @stufromoz Oh, I know Oswald. This is my site: I’m the Dahl expert of the Southern Hemisphere. 🙂

    @DDsD The 60’s were a weird time, man…

    @bellsknits Pretty! Shiny!

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    I haz a cuddle.

    @spycoredotnet She’s definitely mellowed… except for around Petey. She hates him!

    @codepo8 Also, she has a half-tail. She’s basically a mutant. But the softest, fluffiest mutant cat ever! 🙂

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    Wicked sinus headache and pulled muscle in my neck. Paracetamol not budging it. Haven’t left the couch all day. 🙁

    I really like not being an AK mod anymore. Thanks to @Lauren_lolly_ and others for taking on the burden! 🙂

    Self: This is your last day of jetlag and illness. Look at that sun! It’s time to come back to life.

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    @drkknits Hahaha… Thanks! 🙂

    Great meeting! Knitting rockstar Liz Gemmell w/ rapt audience: She’s a force of nature!

    @drkknits Oh no. I KNEW I shouldn’t have mentioned it. Seriously, I need you guys to talk me OUT OF IT. Me = stress glutton.

    @drkknits Don’t feed the ego! ARGH! Now you’re tempting me. Seriously. Do not need. Bad Dr K! Bad!

    @drkknits I know of one person who’s thinking of putting her hand up…

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    @squozen My camera app works! But yeah, it’s not a huge leap ahead. Screen is nice, and Facetime would be sweet if I needed it…

    I hope all you leggings-wearers are happy. I just saw a girl in stirrup pants. STIRRUP PANTS! The Apocalypse is upon us.

    @anatyt The ones with elastic at the bottom that goes under the foot. One of the worst fashion offenses of the 80s.

    You guys. Seriously. “Hey Jealousy” was a really good song.

    @redambition Yes. Definitely still is.

    Scott Pilgrim! Woooo! (@ Event Cinemas George Street w/ 3 others)

    Scott Pilgrim was precisely as awesome and epic as I’d hoped. Now I want to dye my hair green.

    Any last minute apologies for today’s Guild meeting? Let me know…

    Wish I could skip the meeting. I feel like crap too! But the show must go on. #knittingmartyr #whaaaambulance