Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @lightningdb @AxelMoline Haha, no problem. I was just like, why is this random new Twitter account digging up a very old discussion for their very first tweet? Does Dave have a STALKER? Or yeah, inside joke. Glad it’s the latter. 😂

    Me after 40km bike ride: I feel great! I’m getting so much stronger. No cramping, no leg soreness, awesome!

    Me two days later: WTF SADDLE SORES ARE REAL?! 😩

    @drunkenmadman I definitely need a different bike saddle. I’m actually riding a cruiser, and it’s not suited for long rides at all. It was great while I was just starting out, but I am ready to get a proper bike…

    @drunkenmadman Not sure yet, open to suggestions! I don’t really see myself mountain biking, but there are a fair number of flat gravel/dirt tracks around Munich.

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    @lightningdb @AxelMoline @SydTechLeaders I… didn’t get this at all. What is happening? 😂

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    Just posted a photo @ Munich, Germany

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    @thecolourfool @samjarman We made a giant Tim Tam for a party once and had a big debate on what goes in the filling. The Snook was of the opinion (from some urban legend?) that it was all the crushed up Tim Tams that failed to pass inspection.

    Gosh I hope so…

    I get very excited whenever I manage to have a conversation auf Deutsch with a random person. This nice lady walking past our garden asked me if rents in the area were expensive. 👍 für mein Deutsch; 👎 für die teure Miete.

    @Geek_Manager Hmmm, @jennapederson is in MN… Maybe someone in her network can help?

    @Geek_Manager @jennapederson Not to mention the amazing @lynnlangit…

    Prompted by this tweet, I checked to see how Google Lens interpreted my 20yo Korean tattoo. I am very happy to report that it says exactly what I intended it to say, and no, I’m not sharing the photo. 😂

    Time for the AWS Nürnberg meetup! @dnsmichi kindly offered to give his presentation in English, but I’m going to do my best to understand auf Deutsch…

    @rdrktr Not quite. 😂 (Rodd’s response when I showed him the Google Lens results: “Organize the world’s butts and make them universally accessible and useful.”)

    @jennapederson Nice! We should keep an internal Thought Leaderboard for the AWS folks who’ve played. (There’s me, @cobusbernard… who else?)

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    @msharp They look amazing!!

    Sitting here on a rainy Sunday with the side door open, and this little fella ran right in! I miss Petey Cat. 😿❤️ @ Munich, Germany

    RT @Pinboard: Just add a soccer ball every 5 minutes until someone scores. Why is this hard.

    I’m not even a football fan, but that was an amazing finish. Well played to both sides. ⚽️🇮🇹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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    RT @UnrealBahrain: AWS Game Tech Day MENA is kicking of today at 10:30 AM
    Find out about the MENA game development ecosystem, share ideas,…

    Time to burn off all that pizza and beer! @ Munich, Germany

    My longest ride to date! 37km/23mi through parks and forests and farmland and meadows. ❤️🚴‍♀️ Munich is so beautiful…

    Blog post! All about our recent trip to Heidelberg and Schwetzingen, 27 years after I originally visited as an overly dramatic teenager… ❤️

    RT @BremainInSpain: England were in the euro final back in 2009

    Just not the men.

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    RT @mavi888uy: You should all follow veliswa.
    She will tell you so many cool stories from the African AWS community

    So you can get inspi…

    @MichelePlayfair This spoke to me pretty deeply.

    Lovely thread. Strength and hugs to all my Sydney friends and family… ❤️

    RT @saranormous: 1/ I was today years old when I was advised for the 2nd time in my career to “be less stylish” because l might “intimidate…

    RT @anaskhattar: Missing all the in-person events but ready for tomorrow’s AWS MENA Game Tech Day 2021 🎮👾☁️@AWSomeMENA #SinglePlayer #MENAP…

    RT @InfoSecSherpa: It’s not a second covid vaccine shot, it’s a sequel injection.

    RT @Vel12171: Azubi!!!! Thanks again #azubiafrica for inviting me today – you made my year. Congrats again to everyone who graduated from t…

    @Malarkey @boagworld Um, how late in the year does this run? Because I’ve got a trip to the UK coming in November, and I would 100% be up for that.

    @Malarkey Many years ago I went on this one in the Philippines, where you zipline from the top of a mountain across water to an island. 😍

    TGIF beers at the @Nussbaumpark Biergarten. Loving the DJ tonight… but a bit dubious about the graffiti knitting. 🙃🍻 (2021 Biergarten Count: 10!)

    @HeshamAboElMagd Thanks for the tip! Will definitely check it out.

    The best pizza I have had in a very long time! ❤️🍕 #truffles @ Osteria Il Ritrovo

    LOOOOL. I somehow missed that the Snook’s larrikin shitposting ran smack into the German sense of humour a while back… 😂😂😂

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    @lucykbain @gerardsans Morris and Sons. (Actually I started when it was still Tapestry Craft!) Of course, I didn’t get too far from web dev – ended up completely rebuilding their e-commerce site. 😜 Only went back to tech for the 💰 when we bought our house.

    @lucykbain I didn’t start going to @GGDSydney until I was back in tech a few years later. My first ever GGD talk was about geeky knitting! 😂

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    Interestingly, you only have to tweak this advice a little bit to make it just as applicable for contacting people you don’t know in the tech industry. (The one about *getting to the ask* is my biggest pet peeve. That and tagging me on LinkedIn posts hoping for a signal boost…)

    @gerardsans Worked as a supermarket checkout chick all through high school. Later when I hit burnout in tech, spent nearly 4 years helping manage a craft shop, helping customers, teaching classes, hiring staff, sweeping the floor…

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    RT @supercoco9: Next week we are running a Data & Analytics #awsdevday with 5 hands-on sessions on serverless analytics, automating workfl…

    @ButlerMaurice @slace @sinedied Ah, yeah, we moved away from IFTTT entirely. Eventually @the_snook set up Home Assistant running on a Raspberry Pi, and we used that to control stuff:

    @ButlerMaurice @slace @sinedied @the_snook He’s just pinged me to add, “Integrating HA with Google requires either a cloud account or setting up your own test project in GCP.”

    @gilmae That too was a consideration. 🙂

    @noopkat This relevant to my interests. The NARS one I have, the lid pops off all the time and spills shavings everywhere.

    @noopkat @k__mahar That’s the one I have too where the lid pops off! 😂