Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Good grief. Has anyone heard if Stitches & Craft Melbs is cancelled? It’s “urgent.”

    Correction! Wondering about Craft Show in Sydney in August. Anybody know anything?

    @witty_knitter @randomknits Emailed you both… πŸ™‚

    Ha! Mom gave me my Xmas present 7 months late: some pretty awesome PJs! (The Aussies probably won’t get it.)

    @squozen Well, this girl gets COLD in the winter! And Ralphie PJs are made of WIN. πŸ™‚

    Knitters: spotted thus street sign in Goshen and made Mom stop for a photo. O, to live on Purl Street!

    Cooled off post-run in the pool.

    @imdominating @carbolicious AHHHHH. IF HE WEARS A WIFEBEATER, I WILL NEED PICS!!!

    Visited Ewe-Nique Knits in Goshen today!

    Shibui Sock – so pretty. I got the orange in the middle.

    @imdominating WHEATOOOOONNNNN!

    Hey @imdominating! Tell Wil Wheaton I have a message for him. #wesleycrushers

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    Safely made it to our hotel in Chicago. Here, at last, is real summer heat. The Midwestern humidity appeals to me on a cellular level.

    Also, Best Western O’Hare has complimentary wifi. Sweeeeeeeet.

    I keep looking the wrong way at intersections. This could make driving out of Chicago today interesting…

    Good morning USA! This was actually one of the SMALLER breakfasts on the menu. (Yes, it’s all one meal.)

    Made it my Mom’s house in Indiana!

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    @mrs_sockvictim very pretty, miss fee!

    @sharre I know exactly how you feel. After 3wks, I bought a pair of Kumfs. (Ugly shoes FTW.) Hang in there! You’ll be awesome. πŸ™‚

    Me and Rodd at the coldest softball game I’ve ever been to. (What is UP, NoCal?!) Go the might JalapeΓ±os!

    Just said a teary goodbye to @carbolicious and the kids. Now waiting for the bus to SFO and our flight to Chicago…

    W00t. Bus has free wi-fi.

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    @DianneKing Awww, man! We fly to Chicago on Wednesday. My sister might go though! Thanks…

    The Aussies aren’t so sure about these Northern California “beaches.”

    @stufromoz @AusVintageGrrl It WAS cold! Hot & sunny in Petaluma, but foggy and freezing on the beach. Brrrrrr!

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    Day 2 of vacation. Current tally: Naps taken – 2. Books read – 1. Mangoes eaten – 1. Miles run – 5. Inadvertent swears in front of kids – 1.

    Took the kids to the park. Missed the Ice Cream Man by 2 minutes. My grin masks my sadness.

    @Lauren_lolly_ Apparently I sound exactly like my mother. I am trying not to dwell on that. πŸ™‚

    @Kimchiboy0208 We’re not there yet! Four days in California with my sister’s family…

    @knitdra No! Rodd actually remarked that this one played something different. I think it varies regionally.

    Games of Settlers of Catan played: 2. Overall score: Snook 2, everybody else 0.

    @drkknits @knitabulous I blame Geraldine, really. πŸ™‚

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    Look at this ff’ng hipster. Snookums drinks an IPA out of a jar at the Lagunitas Brewery beer garden in Petaluma.

    @lotsofco I haven’t really planned. Probably FB + Twitter. (I don’t like posting every update to FB, but most will be.)

    Back at the house. Anchor Steam Beer with Buster…

    I seem to be REALLY enjoying my first toasted marshmallow in, like, 10 years.

    @supercres Our vote is yes! Nice family-friendly beer garden, food, music…

    @YarnChic_Knity It was molten in the middle and golden outside, just how I like them. I don’t like burnt ones!

    Heading out for my long run. Used #runkeeper to find a route nearby in Petaluma!

    RT @MisterShuffles: I can’t sleep. I’m worried. My mum & dad weren’t born here. What happens to me if they get sent back to where they c …

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    In the cab. Crotchety old man driving. Ahhhh, Sydney.

    Thanks everybody! Especially @redambition, who is on house- and cat-sitting duty for 3 weeks. Wave to her on CouchCam! πŸ™‚

    Do I look stressed?! I am obsessively checking everything. How did we not forget anything? That’s unpossible!

    We are checked in and waiting! Didn’t forget anything; which makes me more anxious that if we did, really. But all good so far.

    Well, except that we aren’t seated together. We’re going to plead at the gate. Fingers crossed for an upgrade?!

    Nah, bad luck. Have to sit a few rows apart. Not the end of the world, really.

    @mrs_sockvictim Best of luck with the move!!

    Plane is boarding! Here we go!!

    Safe and sound at the Carbo house in Petaluma. Really tired though…

    @redambition That was quick! He must have remembered you. Glad to hear it’s going well!

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    @sharre Congrats! That’s awesome!

    @gilmae Sent you a Gmail….

    @redambition I beg to differ! You can always run home if you forget something… πŸ™‚

    Trying unsuccessfully to checkin for tomorrow’s Qantas flight online. Site says it should work but I just get errors. BOO. @qftravelinsider

    Twitter: I saw a photoshop of Kim Jong-il with Bieber’s hair, and now I can’t find it. WHERE IS IT?

    @witty_knitter Yeah, I have no idea why. Giving a cryptic error. Guess we’ll just have to do it on the day.

    @stufromoz IT WAS BREATHTAKING, DAMMIT. Bieber’s hair makes everything better. πŸ™‚

    @Kimchiboy0208 hahaha, not any of those, oppa! It was just in the past 2 weeks I saw it…

    @witty_knitter 12:50pm. We’ll get there about 2hr before. Just means more waiting around. πŸ™

    Work is done! Heading home to finish cleaning and packing. Less than 24 hours til we go!

    @mrs_sockvictim Good luck with your move! And don’t you dare have housewarming without me! πŸ˜›

    @mrs_sockvictim August 7th…

    @Lauren_lolly_ Just to the US for a visit with the family…

    Only acceptable time to visit Kmart is 7.30am. Totally empty. And with self-serve checkout, no human interaction required! πŸ™‚

    @brodrigu Nope. They have Kmart here. Just picking up last minute supplies. But we’ll be in Cali in about, oh, 16 hours!

    90 minutes til the taxi. Time to finish putting stuff in suitcases! EEEEEEK!

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    iPhone4 performance in Oz: Yep. I’m still getting one.

    Anybody who wants a postcard from the House on the Rock needs to email me their address! (@drkknits @kunaal84)

    @_brigita_ Only 3 days. Driving from Indiana, then a full day for HotR and Taliesin, then driving back to Chicago the next…

    @_brigita_ I plan to eat my weight in fried cheese curds, yes indeedy. (@lotsofco recommended The Old Fashioned in Madison.)

    @_brigita_ Wait, wait. How did I miss that you’re IN Madison? WE HAVE TO MEET UP! Will email you details. πŸ™‚

    @_brigita_ He just went there on vacation 2 weeks ago! Posted all about it on FB. Even sent me specific menu recommendations. πŸ™‚ @lotsofco

    @_brigita_ I fully expect it to suck balls. But we both read American Gods, so it’s kind of a Gaiman pilgrimage too. Email sent…

    @_brigita_ It features quite heavily in @neilhimself’s “American Gods.” He’s actually going there for Halloween!

    @Justacogitating @imdominating Either of you got Aunt Deb’s email? Trying to plan where we’re crashing in Indiana…

    @_brigita_ DAMN! Bad timing all around, indeed. πŸ™

    @redambition And now that’s in my head. I think I actually prefer the #glee version too! πŸ™‚

    @mrs_sockvictim Hoooooorayyyyy! Congratulations!

    @Warlach Total strawman. I’m surprised Hitler wasn’t invoked as well. (Huh. The filter =Australia’s own Godwin’s Law?)

    Check out the Blog “Which Pop Star are YOU! Take our funny quiz!” I found at #GetUpGo

    @dancingman I can’t! Have a doctor’s appointment. πŸ™

    The Snook has just finished his last official day with Photon! Now he has a month’s holiday before starting his new job… as a Yahoo. πŸ™‚

    @DDsD YES. I don’t want to say anything else til his final paycheck is deposited though, as I’m sure you can appreciate. πŸ™‚

    Proof that our cheapass wok works great on induction! Best stir-fry we’ve cooked in YEARS…

    Celebrated Snook’s new job with a Band Hero session tonight. Fun! The Bosstones were my favorite…

    @dancingman Sure! We had GH4 + 5 before, but we only got BH just recently.

    @IronBrandon The Impression That I Get is surprisingly fun to play on the (fake) bass! πŸ™‚

    @DDsD You can. Google “chess boxing.” πŸ™‚

    @mrs_sockvictim I would totally do that.

    @redambition You are spending more time packing than I am!!

    RT @Epaulette: hillarious > – TOO GOOOD! reminds me of my melbourne years

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    For the record, I’m not a social media expert. I’m just a woman who drives pretty damn well.

    @thisismywww @redambition Every single iPhone user I know has a case, which means antenna issue will matter exactly ZERO. I’m getting one!

    Caramel flair. My hair colours set TRENDS, BABY!

    3hr meeting to go through 60pg spec complete. Went really well! Stress is gone. I’m even a little proud. I think I did a pretty good job. πŸ™‚

    @captain_beef @stufromoz Thank you! It’s nice to feel good at your job every now and then. πŸ™‚

    @redambition @knitness Haha, just realized that you’re counting down too! πŸ˜›

    Enjoying all the #bendigo tweets. Have fun, everybody! I’m already polishing my tiara for next year… πŸ™‚