I’ve never been so happy to hear somebody’s getting the sack!
@mrs_sockvictim Do you really have to ask?!
Mammoth 60 page spec delivered. Took me a month to write. I can haz vacation now? #wrungout
Four more sleeps til USA, counting this one. Crap. I am nowhere near ready.
@bellsknits Exactly the same here. I always feel like puking at the airport. Worse than hospitals for me!
RT @misswired: RT @mpesce: Guardian UK: “Alan Moore is done with superheroes” – http://tinyurl.com/26xjwsb
RT @crust_pizza: Need a laugh? Hilarious compilation of female driver madness. http://ow.ly/2avpf // Sexism FAIL. Badly done, Crust.