Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Sydney Park. Snook flies kite while Eileen and Dean struggle with the Expandable Object.

    Eileen managed to get the Expandable Object aloft! Also, I am cold.

    Peter from Masterchef is here! Eating 7ft away!! (@ Spice I Am)

    Snook actually said “Love your work” to Peter from #masterchef tonight. I faux-whispered “GO MARION!” behind his back.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS FEE! @mrs_sockvictim

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    Buggy visited the office today! @venks79 @kunaal84

    @mrs_sockvictim Hahaha, you’re not expected to know. Just a guy who used to work with the three of us. πŸ™‚

    I thought oatmeal was supposed to fill you up. But every time I have it for breakfast, I’m STARVING by 11am.

    @Alegrya Congrats! Glad you’re not going anywhere. *gasp* NOW WE CAN GO SEE TWILIGHT! πŸ™‚

    @imdominating Oh, it is ON.

    Upstairs = nudity. I had no idea. (@ Australian Youth Hotel)

    Very enjoyable evening with @eileenDCoE and her gentleman friend, who are visiting us from Melbourne!

    Huge, huge thanks to @threadless and @threadhelp for their awesome customer service. Missing shirts are on their way!

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    Vuvuzelas for BP: That is brilliant. Can’t wait to see the video.

    Check out the Celebrity Profile “Cody Simpson” I found at #GetUpGo

    Tonight’s experiment with the new oven: homemade pizza!

    @seanchadwick It will be… but there’s not much to share! πŸ˜€

    @bhmulder It was very good! No control group, as we didn’t think to cook a last one in the old oven before we pulled it out… πŸ™‚

    3 out of 14 shirts missing from my @threadless order. πŸ™ Just sent an email to Customer Service. Not happy.

    @bellsknits I would! But in Canberra, you’ve got more of a real winter than most Aussies. πŸ™‚

    Let’s play Words With Friends on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad! My username is ‘web-goddess’.

    @thepurple8 Well, half were for me and half for Snook. I feel bad that the missing @threadless shirts were all his!

    The Snook sends me tweets as SMS, complete with hashtags and everything. I told him to just get a friggin’ account already!

    ANOTHER glaring defect in iPhones? *sigh* This happens to me all the time. DAMN YOU TO HELL, STEVE JOBS!

    Are they going to build a tunnel under our house? (@steven_noble @InnerWestNews)

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    Did anyone else get an SMS from the ATO this morning? Just reminding me that it’s tax time. Helpful, if a little creepy…

    My right wrist is hurting today, so @Opheli8 suggested I move the mouse to my left hand. So far it’s really weird and awkward.

    Left-hand mousing sucks. It’s not the movement; it’s the button-clicking. I keep clicking it accidentally. Photoshop is impossible.

    Site is down again. Come on, Quadrahosting. What is the problem?!

    @redambition The boob thing? Yeah, I just saw that myself.

    @wheelyweb I just can’t bring myself to change hosts AGAIN. I’m always disappointed.

    Site is back up. QH replied that “server is under attack”?! Yikes.

    @wheelyweb I just got problem resolved in 8 minutes, which is good. Appears to be some sort of DDOS attack. Not really their fault then…

    @codepo8 I saw that yesterday. They put a notification in my old feed. Did you want them to just redirect?

    @codepo8 I see your point. I don’t use it for code, just for RSS reader.

    The Silly Knitted Hat Brigade waits for the bus. It is cold.

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    @drkknits Lightweight. I’m lucky to get it under 1000. (Metafilter contributes a lot of that though!)

    @L4Designs Hahaha, no way. @venks79 got me in at Mobileactive 18months ago, and we pulled in @kunaal84 3months ago. Way better!

    Apple’s website shows my repair as finished… but they haven’t actually called or emailed. Can I just turn up and get it, I wonder?

    @stufromoz I did. AppleCare dude confirmed it’s ready. Oddly, then got call from Service 2min later. Maybe AC called them out for slacking?

    MacBook with new hard drive and trackpad is home, and Snook is doing his magic!

    Migration from old dying hard drive is proceeding… slowly. (Snook scoffs at Apple Genius who said he’d never get anything off it.)

    MacBook is completely back to normal. Moral of the story: Always, ALWAYS get AppleCare for your laptop. Well worth it.

    @codepo8 Snook had 2nd interview today! Met with Sebastian. Seems to be going well… πŸ™‚

    @squozen I don’t think you would’ve had as easy a time finding and installing a new trackpad. I didn’t say the repair was ONLY the HD… πŸ™‚

    @squozen And yes, yes, MOM. I don’t have anything critical on here; it was mostly just to save time. Time Machine backups commencing.

    @squozen I’ll concede you are exception to AC rule. But 90%+ of people – inc me – don’t want or care to DIY computers. That’s what $ is for!

    @DDsD ThinkGeek, of course. (Or if you can find the dots, you can commission me to knit you some.)

    @squozen So would Snook. But that sounds like work to me, time/attention/effort I’d rather not spend if I can avoid!

    Yes, I know my site isn’t working properly. DB is refusing connections. Waiting for QuadraHosting to restart Apache…

    Sites are back up. Thank you Quadrahosting!

    Yesterday’s 15min head start has turned into 15min behind today. Are trains down? Everyone’s cramming on slow-moving buses.

    @Opheli8 The very best day of the week!

    8-Bit Twilight Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Game: AWESOME. Way better than the movie will be, even for haters.

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    @Kimchiboy0208 Sydney is very, very cold today!

    RT @_mel_: Woah. Stop the presses! Ed Westwick AKA Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl is in Syd tomorrow! (via @pedestrian …

    I have been craving laksa ever since @redambition mentioned it last week. Denied again. Today Best Thai “ran out of noodles”?!

    @redambition I know! Noodles are a Thai restaurant’s whole raison d’Γͺtre.

    @randomknits I really agree. They were “Adequate Thai” at best today.

    @gilmae That’s what I had instead of the desired laksa. It was suboptimal. Didn’t even have peanuts on it!

    Had to make @venks79 physically remove the iPad from my desk. It’s too enticing! Childlike sense of wonder is a powerful (distracting) drug.

    @steven_noble No leaflets received at our house tonight…

    @venks79 I think we will probably get one to put on the coffee table, but we’ll wait til the 2nd gen I think.

    Sydney drivers can’t drive in the cold, apparently. My 15min headstart to work has evaporated. Come ON, already!

    Bettina Arndt sucks. That is all.

    @L4designs Good morning… πŸ™‚

    @mrs_sockvictim Oh Miss Fee. I love you, so I will pretend not to have read that.

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    Heading to the CBD. Goals: take MacBook for investigation of bad hard drive; buy new cookware that will work on induction!

    @stufromoz Ha! Heading there myself for same reason. Maybe see you there!

    @stufromoz just walk in! Red jumper

    @redambition Oops. You missed out. We gave old scanpan to @dancingman yesterday… πŸ™‚

    @redambition Joke is on me! Scanpan Fusion 5 is suited for induction, and we just bought a big set! πŸ™‚

    MacBook verdict: imminent hard drive death. New HD and trackpad being installed as we speak. AppleCare FTW!

    FYI: both Myer and Vic’s Basement have EOFY sales on. VB has better discounts on exact same brands tho! Just have to fight crowds.

    @jaguardata I took mine to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store. No point in messing around if they can just fix it for free!

    The new oven reaches 180C *before* I finish making the banana bread batter. WE ARE LIVING IN THE FUTURE, PEOPLE!

    @bellsknits I will be when this banana bread comes out! πŸ™‚

    Shiny shiny pots.

    @twelveeyes Our reward for nearly 9 years with cheapo Kmart pans. Makes me happy. πŸ™‚

    @redambition Yeah, they have several different lines we found out. Some copper, some stainless steel, some ceramic. The Fusion 5 are SS.

    @brodrigu Nah, Scanpan “Fusion 5”.

    @gilmae It got really cold in Indiana. We had central heating and we drank a lot.

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    New cooktop and oven are coming! Frantically cleaning kitchen in preparation. Before shot (from when we moved in):

    The old cooktop and oven are out! Wow, there was a lot of gunk under there.

    Delivery dude said he’d be here in an hour… 90 minutes ago. Grrrr.

    @kunaal84 Ah, survived the farewell, I see! How was it? Why aren’t there photos on FB yet! I demand vicarious debauchery! πŸ™‚

    They’re here!!!

    @Roceal Don’t envy them yet; they’re not quite in place! @dancingman has the power hooked up though. πŸ™‚

    Finally! Oven is doing initial cleaning cycle. Cooktop boils water in < 3min. LOVING IT. Thanks @dancingman!

    @misswired Pyrolytic. Heats really high and turns any food stuck inside to ash. Labor-saving + danger = WIN.

    Spent whole day working on the kitchen and it turned out great. Full blog post tomorrow. And I promise to stop tweeting about whitegoods! πŸ™‚

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    @kunaal84 If you hadn’t been busy at lunchtime, we could’ve gotten laksa! GAH! And now I must have laksa regret as well.

    @toastman Sounds more like a baptism. Repent! Do you accept the power of Unix with all your soul?? *sploosh*

    Jazushi in Surry Hills FTW. Beautiful food – Camembert tempura was my fave – and cool jazz. Much less wanky than I feared. πŸ™‚

    @AusVintageGrrl It was an older lady tonight with a pianist. She was great…

    @acatinatree I would give my right arm for one of their Chicken Caesar sandwiches… *reverie*

    Coffee and bacon rolls. How civilized. (@ Eveleigh Markets w/ 3 others)

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    RT @renailemay: PLEASE CONFIRM: Will Julia Gillard’s male partner be supporting only Australian fashion designers? #spill

    I kind of want the photo from the story ( on a T-shirt. #spill

    RT @kunaal84: Welcome to the 21st century Australia.Don’t understand the hype though.Every country in the sub continent has had a female …

    RT @scenariogirl: I will always have the utmost respect For Kevin Rudd ousting Howard, one of the greatest gifts he gave Australia. Alwa …

    Time to order that “Deliberately Barren” T-shirt. πŸ™‚

    @witty_knitter (love)

    @dhgarske Do you mean something new today? Or what’s been happening since last week?

    @Opheli8 Did you at least find a place to live? Put us out of our misery!

    Fun night at @webblastsyd with @kunaal84, @shanea, @TimBags, @Steffi_83, @misswired, @Alegrya, @toastman, and more… Good to see you all!

    @kunaal84 OH NO! Was it bad? I tried to stop you!!

    @venks79 Yikes! Hope all is well. πŸ™

    Just remembered visiting Parliament House last Oct. and seeing portraits of all the PMs. So great that a woman will now join them!