Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @mrs_sockvictim I think they only sent it to Pro users. That sucks!

    @mrs_sockvictim Forwarded to you. Maybe you unsubbed at some point? Or it’s in spam folder?

    Lego Harry Potter Open Day: The question is: will I need a kid to get in? Anyone want to loan me one?!

    Create your Scott Pilgrim avatar.

    @justjussi Selection bias. You’re only going to hear from people who had trouble. Mine took 20min, total breeze. No dramas. (3G or 3GS?)

    I was so absorbed in SimCity on my way home I missed my stop and rode halfway to Newtown. Oops.

    Started the morning with a cup of Obama blend: Now I’m ready to welcome Australia’s 1st female Prime Minister!

    @gilmae Yep. They actually advertise it as “smooth, strong, and articulate” in the cafe. 🙂


    Miller’s Hat for Snook is finished! I know it’s floppy/hipster, but he requested hat that didn’t grip tightly.

    @supercres Or you could, you know, KNIT YOURSELF. 😛 (Is that your missus? I should follow her!)

    @betsybookworm Yeah, it’s herringbone stitch. I knitted it wrong twice before I finally got it. Really cool though!

    It’s over! He’s stood down! Julia is in!

    @sharre One of the girls in the office said she saw it on TV! Sent it around the whole office!

    My happiness at having a female PM is tempered by how many sexist comments (even from male friends) I’m know I’m going to hear today.

    Yep. Less than 5 minutes from the announcement til the first “dyke” crack on Skype. Stay classy, patriarchy.

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    Finally got all Google contacts and calendars updated. For the record, my iOS4 update took less than 15 minutes though…

    @randomknits Hm. So Snook’s 3G update tonight will take a while then.

    iBooks has “Silas Marner” by George Eliot. FINALLY the Snook will know why I occasionally yell “Eppie in the coal hole!”

    @Lauren_lolly_ Are you plugged into iTunes?

    @drkknits @knitabulous @randomknits I can’t stand her, but I draw the line at joining stupid Facebook groups. 🙂

    Alfred Medical Imaging in Newtown screwed me TWICE today. Wasted 4 bus trips and 1 hour in the rain when I am sick. Nearly was in tears.

    Ice cream could be considered medicinal when you’re feverish, right? Paging Drs Ben and Jerry…

    @thepurple8 They have a store in Manly, and some delis carry the pints. I got mine in Newtown. 🙂

    @dancingman Missed your email somehow! Rodd is replying now…

    Snook and @dancingman about to turn off all power to our house. There it goes! Spooky.

    @witty_knitter Preparations to install the new cooktop and oven on Saturday. Yayyyyy!!!!! 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim That’s because you updated your phone! They emailed to say not to update til new RK update was out.

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    @MetalheadMick You are making me even more bitter that they didn’t hire the Snook back in January! 🙁

    @dancingman @Roceal It’s picking up. The sun is shining! I can’t be a grouch when it’s sunny out. And @zedsains got me a hot chocolate. 🙂

    Woooo! Just heard that our new cooktop and oven are at the warehouse!

    @Kimchiboy0208 Oppa! Your picture is awesome – when did you change it? Very handsome. Go Korea! 🙂

    @Kimchiboy0208 I wish I could go to Korea! Rodd and I are going to USA for 3wks next month to see my family. Should be a good holiday…

    @knitabulous @Fiestywenchyone I believe you had real Libby’s CANNED pumpkin pie at Halloween last year! I should bring some back from US. 🙂

    @redambition I have mushrooms. I have frozen French fries. Please explain how to make this happen at my house.

    Last night’s poor sleep may have been a harbinger. I am coughing. My head feels hot and dizzy. Thought I was going to escape this!! 🙁

    @Fiestywenchyone DJ’s in Sydney have it! That’s where I got mine. Costs a fair bit though.

    @Fiestywenchyone Or try They usually have it

    Wretched. Retiring to bed with a hacking cough. I think I still have some dregs of codeine around here…

    @venks79 Uh oh… You’ve got it too!

    @SMinney I’m downloading now too!

    iOS4 installed and rockin’. Looks good so far!

    @SMinney 3GS. Rodd’s 3G, but he’s waiting til tonight to do his. We’re not quite sure what will/won’t work on his yet.

    @SMinney Went pretty flawlessly. Downloaded the update, ran a last backup, then installed.

    Hm. Found a glitch. My Address Book is empty. Must have unexpectedly synced with wrong source.

    I use Google for Contacts, and they’re all still in there. I think it’s still just updating them.

    I think it’s Google’s fault. is giving server error! Must be everybody adding their Google accounts at once. 🙂

    Yep. Google’s fault for laggy iPhone syncing this morning:

    I’m up to 100 of my Google Contacts now. They’re just coming in very, very slowly.

    @Kat13v I’m sorry about sending you that snippy email yesterday! Hope you realised it wasn’t you I was pissed at. 🙂

    Coughing isn’t too bad today, but head is woozy and temp is slightly elevated. Going to quarantine myself at home.

    @DDsD Huh? The update took me like 15 minutes, start-to-finish. Getting all my Google stuff synced is taking way longer though.

    iPhone users: if you use Google calendars, those might take a while to sync too. Hit your Calendar app to get it started.

    @MetalheadMick Me too. Like 15 minutes tops. The Google stuff is taking forever to sync, but phone is totally usable in the meantime.

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    @kunaal84 Cool! I’m guessing you’ll be out there a while yet?

    Good grief. 4 minutes of Up makes me weep like a baby:

    Made it to Moore Park on my run, just in time to see @kunaal84 at bat in his cricket match! He’s at 25 not out…

    Is that Sachin Tendulkar? No, it’s just @kunaal84! (I think his teammates thought I was a WAG at first…)

    Ah, cricket. The only sport where its not that surprising to see a bowler come off the pitch and light up a smoke between overs.

    Enjoying the sun. Guess I better finish this run already.

    @gusseting Simple explanation, really. @knitterjp buys it all! 😀

    @DDsD Interesting… but I’m going to be shutting the hell up about them for the time being. 🙂

    @drkknits It’s been a few years… but I remember that speech actually being about suicide. DON’T DO IT, DR K!

    An awful night’s sleep followed by a rainy late start. Oh, and I have heaps to do at work. This does not bode well.

    I’m supposed to be teaching a dozen Aussies how to play American football at lunch. Don’t think that’s happening.

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    @mrs_sockvictim Lovely cardi… But are those Jean Greenhowe dolls I see before me? ACK!

    DEAR GOD. Scored a free “Monster Ripper Energy Juice” on Oxford St and just tried it. WORST THING EVER. LIKE EVIL COUGH SYRUP. SO SO BAD.

    @witty_knitter It just says “50% juice” without specifying. I suspect ASS or possibly EVIL.

    Oof. Spent the whole day knitting a cabled hat in 10ply cotton. Bad idea. I feel like I have arthritis now.

    @toastman Since it’s for Mr. Snook, it will have a beard, in that he already has one on his face.


    Red card for Kewell! That’s harsh.

    That was totally the game for us right there. See? That’s why I don’t watch this sport.

    Between that bogus red card and the vuvuzelas, I think that’s enough soccer for another four years. I’m going to bed.

    @venks79 @anatyt Ha! I wondered if Venks or Allan would be first to respond. Bad job strategy to barrack against Socceroos, T! 😀

    @kunaal84 Where at Moore Park are you playing? I might head that way on my run.

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    @BartholomewD Just emailed you. Let me know if you have any q’s! Best company I’ve worked for in Sydney. 🙂

    I’m attending WebBlast 2010 – June Edition —

    Sorry Boston. It was close. I was cheering for you. Stupid Lakers.

    RT @brodrigu: Shout out to all the Laker haters on twitter, thanks for making this extra sweet! // BAH! Lakers are pure evil. 😛

    @DDsD @opheli8 Cutest. Imagery. Ever. I wish I had roses!! Congrats to you both. 🙂

    Stupid injection finally procured. Also doc wants me to get ultrasound on injured foot. This beer will be much deserved.

    Just talked to chef friend at Neil Perry’s restaurant who works with #masterchef Matthew! No good goss for @getupgo though. 🙁

    @getupgo Nothing to report there either! I struck out. Will keep digging. 🙂

    @anatyt Spice Temple. Have you been? I really need to go.

    Trying to decide if it’s worth going to the craft fair. I don’t really need any wool. Ooh, I wonder if any stalls have sewing patterns?!

    The view of my lap right now.

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    Does anybody know where Rocket Science is playing? The SMH review sounds great, but I can’t find it in any theaters!

    Nevermind. Found it at the Verona.

    Apparently tonight’s Masterchef evictee got linked by the North Shore Times. Who is it? Anybody get that paper??

    Off for my last sewing class. I get to finish my skirt! YAY!

    @AusVintageGrrl Nah, I’ll get it later. It’s no rush. 🙂

    All that’s left is the hem. EEEEEEEK!

    It fits! It fits!

    My 1st ever finished sewn skirt!! (I actually kind of love it with the Docs. Dare me to tomorrow?)

    @bellsknits A machine is a useful thing to have. And when the Revolution comes, we’ll know how to clothe ourselves! 😀

    @kunaal84 But did you win??

    @kunaal84 Ugh, seriously? I hope you told her to eff off in perfect English. 🙂

    If the Internet told me to jump off a bridge, I’d probably do that too.

    @AirForceTed Yep! Just finished it last night. 🙂

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    @codepo8 GAH. Was going to DM you but you’re not following me! Where is the love, fellow Netdecider? 😛

    @mrs_sockvictim I will require a photo of the wall of Jitterbug so I can make a selection. 😛

    @mrs_sockvictim I will pass, thank you! Snook will kill me if I don’t finish the hat I started for him before buying more wool. 😛

    This week just gets weirder and weirder. Tomorrow an asteroid will probably fall on my head. 🙂

    @witty_knitter You totally are. Every time I see a thread and I’m tempted to post, you always beat me to it!

    @redambition I had to look it up. What an ass.

    Wow. My blog got linked on @mumbrella. About 100 hits so far…

    Guild members: May Exec Meeting Minutes and June Convenors’ letter now posted on the site.

    Mah dinner: steak with truffle butter, silverbeet sauteed with garlic, honey-glazed carrots and parsnips. NOM NOM

    @anatyt I can help you!

    Geek Girl Runner Episode 8 is now available! Our weighty topic (HAR HAR) is Sports Bras. Thanks to all who contributed!

    @ozgamer Ha. Didn’t quite DM me there. 🙂 Yeah, I saw that last night. For the record, I didn’t write that headline!!!

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    @Opheli8 I have a vague feeling this has something to do with a sporting competition. That’s as much as I care to know.

    @drkknits So soft and warm looking! Lovely. 🙂

    The end of an annoying and stressful day. I’m not worried; it’ll all work out in the end. I hope.

    @anatyt @Opheli8 Wait! Burrito Day is back?? When?!

    @anatyt Poo! I’m not in GUG meeting anymore. (I escaped.) And I really need to punch things at Spudds… 🙁

    Hooray! @twitter finally fixed spelling of Australia on World Cup page: Now we fade back to irrelevance.

    Mysterious “heavy cylindrical object” received in the post this morning. Snook has it. Wonder what it is??

    @SG Ahhh, just noticed myself. Thanks for that! We aren’t going to achieve much this WC; at least we can be spelled correctly. 🙂

    Mysterious parcel no longer mysterious. A tin of “Barnes Castlemaine Rock” as a thank you from a fellow knitter. Thanks Sarah!

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    Appliance shopping makes us hungry. (@ Bourke Street Bakery w/ 2 others)

    Cooktop and oven purchased! Now the fun of planning what to cook now that we’ll have good equipment… 🙂

    @witty_knitter Love?!

    @chenchaoyi0333 Yep. Blanco BI63. Can’t wait to get it!!

    Happy birthday @imdominating! May all your R.Pattz dreams come true. 🙂

    @imdominating I think the rule is that as long as Facebook is telling people it’s your birthday, it’s your birthday.

    @sharre A friend of mine is using the Bang Bang Diet iPhone app. He likes it. I’m just tracking with WeightBot.