Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @dancingman Yep, silly kitties. One will hide, but the other will come say hello. It’s more the fur on everything that is the worry! 🙂

    @Passinthrough @AirForceTed We are GO for a post-race BBQ/meetup at my Mom’s place! Will send you details closer to event. 🙂

    Sewing class part two. It’s my nemesis: ZIPPERS!

    Is that a ZIPPER I see before me??

    @randomknits You will be awesome. Don’t even worry about it!

    @Passinthrough Heh heh. It’s still the same day for me! 🙂

    At tonight’s sewing class, I made a bag thing! With zips! And a pocket! Only slightly wonky!

    @Lauren_lolly_ Huh? Try again. Just worked for me!

    @Lauren_lolly_ Says it’s up!

    @Lauren_lolly_ Is it just the bitly redirect? Can you get to my site directly? I haven’t touched a thing! Maybe your DNS is updating.

    This is so weird! I can get to from home and iPhone but some can’t. Is it a particular ISP?

    @squozen SONOFA. No notification from registrar. Thanks; will fix ASAP.

    Looks like my domain expired. Crap. It’s okay, should still be in grace period. Will fix ASAP. Thanks everybody!

    It’s @squozen for the win, everybody! CC card expired, so auto-renew didn’t work. It’s renewed now. Your DNS should update soon. THANKS!

    @squozen The Register and Owner is listed as my Gmail. Tech and Admin are inexplicably my old Yahoo. Reminders are all at Yahoo. *facepalm*

    @squozen Yep. Done. Also new contact created with Gmail and assigned to domain. Fun way to start the day!

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    @drkknits Are you a fan of the foofy-haired vampire? My R.Pattz-mad cousin sent me this link yesterday:

    @drkknits It’s all gone. Serious Actors in Serious Historical Dramas don’t have swoopy, sticky-uppy hair, it seems.

    @knitterjp Nice! I didn’t know there was a couch. @witty_knitter led me to believe it was all evil, backless stools.

    @kottke Offmaps looks great… but why does it have to be to the right of the built-in App? Strange requirement.

    Just discovered @offmaps. Perfect for our trip to US next month! (I don’t get the bit about putting the icon to the right of Maps though?)

    RT @kcarruthers: OMG: Kids More Likely to Own a Cellphone Than a Book, Study Finds // WTF. DO BETTER, BREEDERS.

    @carbolicious It’s an objective term! Suck it up. And I’m gonna bring your kids a TON of books to OWN when I come visit! 😛

    Good grief. I am a self-referential negative nancy obsessed with numbers and living in the past!

    @zedsains Dude, some Cody Simpson tweets can help with that.

    RT @damana: I’d like to ask all Geek Girls & their supporters to read, comment and support this post:

    Please RT.

    Guess what I’ve been cooking tonight…

    @tytana_ Hahaha, what do you want it for? So you can do sports betting on the couch?! 😛

    @discoknitter Excellent. I would’ve pegged you guys far over on the “Bookish People” side of the bell curve with us anyway. 🙂

    I blogged my homemade Vegetarian Pastitsio tonight. It was Mm Mm GOOOOOD.

    @dancingman @misswired I should mention that we have two stupid cats. In case anyone is allergic to fuzzy, stupid cats

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    RT @BPGlobalPR: OMG This isss ridciulsus. playing a drinking gamee where we drink a shot everytme we seeee an oily birdddd!!! LOL! so …

    @redambition RUN AWAY!

    Do any of you have a membership? I want a single report but $22 is the minimum membership cost. Eek.

    @steven_noble Do all of the online reports get published in the magazines? That’s a definite option if they are!

    @sufrost Thank you! It’s okay; I got the information another way. 🙂

    @dancingman Word is YOU’RE A SPARKY, my friend! I need a rec for an electrician to install my new cooktop. Prev one was $$. Any ideas?

    Ooh, possibility of scoring free tix to see Lou Reed on Friday night? Yes, please!

    Hooray! Got the tickets to Thanks to @Kat13v for hooking us up.

    @alyshajane Castlereagh Street seems ok so far.

    @alyshajane Ah, protest at town hall over Israeli attack. Large police presence. George street apparently not moving!

    @thisismywww Castlereagh is moving, albeit slower than normal.

    I totally have a button necklace just like Maggie Beer’s! #masterchef

    Worst ad ever. Aaron SCREWED UP because he couldn’t see whole recipe on Telstra’s stupid tablet. Then they show a Telstra ad! #masterchef

    @ScottRhodie I installed Click to Flash mainly for the SMH site. It’s usable once you turn off all the stupid Flash banners and popups.

    Had to email Octopus Designs, as my new metal water bottle developed a crack after a single drop: 🙁

    @drkknits Was she flipping off the camera? At least he smiles a lot! 🙂

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    RT @eCitizens: new POV post: “Every geek girl is precious” by @kcarruthers: #digicitz #geekgirls

    @getupgo They’re always using them on Iron Chef. Never ate one though!

    Bopping around the house to Glee Vol. 3 and Power of Madonna CD’s. I AM A MUSICAL THEATER NERD. Wooo!

    @VenessaHunt Heh. You should laugh. It’s pretty funny. I can’t do a proper Total Eclipse of the Heart unless I’m pissed.

    @getupgo Nah, nothing that exotic. I’d sure as heck try one though!

    @Alacaeriel Have you knitted Jaywalkers before? I had trouble with sizing on mine. It’s not a very stretchy pattern.

    @chrisgander Heaven! PopCap is my favorite game company by far. 🙂

    @surry_hills Redfern goat man? No way. Maxie is the goat of Chippendale! (He lives in Chippo.) I met him one day:

    @surry_hills No wait! I’m wrong. He does live in Redfern. He’s often in Chippo though:

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    RT @codepo8: Find the IT guy: // HAHAHAHA! Who knew RMS was into real estate?

    Keep Calm and Carry On. My new red water bottle makes me happy.

    @Lauren_lolly_ I’ve blogged more this weekend than I have in a long time. Even finished an actual knitting project! 🙂

    My Absinthe Socks are finally finished! Five months for socks?! I told you I’ve been busy. *sigh*

    Is anyone else freezing? I’m freezing. Even in my new woolen socks. Brrrr.

    Front door was open! I am an idiot.

    Guess what, folks? Geek Girl Runner Episode 7 is uploaded and waiting for you!

    RT @mediaexperience: 10 … Ways to Increase Wife Acceptance … for Your Gadgets // *sigh* Sexism. I like gadgets too.

    RT @ebertchicago: Today: Del Toro is off “The Hobbit.” Last week: Del Toro announced he wouldn’t film it in 3D.

    @ebertchicago If it’s in 3D, this LotR fan won’t be going to see it, ever.

    Many happy returns of the day, @randomknits! (You couldn’t wish for this rain to go away, could you?)

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    Sunshine and rain at the same time. On the bus to Newtown to try out a new dentist…

    I’m not working on M&S site this year, but Albert says they’re having technical difficulties today. He says sorry everybody!

    Hmm. $500 at dentist may have convinced me to get Extras cover again…

    @miss_reecie For the two of us. Cleaning, checkups, and Xrays. And we both have to go back for fillings! Yowch.

    Wow. HCF have waived our waiting periods, so we’re going back with our tails between our legs. Thanks HCF! And huzzah for cheap dentistry.

    My podcast got a mention in The Buffalo News! I guess that means I should record another episode. 🙂

    Catching a ferry to Manly so we can celebrate @gadgetgirl70’s birthday!

    Made the ferry with 2 minutes to spare. Gee, Sydney’s pretty at night…

    Sydney Opera House… in leopard print. There’s something you don’t see every day.

    Ben and Jerry’s and matching Starmore Arans. HELL YEAH.

    Good grief. 9:45?? I am a SLUG-A-BED. I hope this means I’m finally caught up on my sleep debt from last week.

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    I just became a fan of Elvis Presely on #GetUpGo. Who’s with me?

    @bellsknits That we ourselves actually bought? Hm. I have a feeling it might have been The Bangles’ “Different Light”. #firstalbum

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    Whoa! M&S have finally had their long awaited lighting upgrade:

    @SallyPompom I think you took over from me. I have this way of talking people into taking my unwanted burdens. 😛

    @chrisgander The Ars Technica review was good too: Definitely thinking about getting it!

    Woohoo! Time for sewing class.

    Sewing is happening! Hermione Granger is in the house!

    1st sewing class finished. I made a bag. With butterflies!

    Congrats to @Lauren_lolly_ , AK’s newest mod. Long may she reign! 😛

    @witty_knitter Ha. You’re really taking this “new Aussie” thing to heart. 🙂

    RT @Glebe2037: @DDsD “The BJ Apple Store is sexy.” <- I did not read that as Bondi Junction // HAHAHAHAHAHA! Me too.

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    Pulling the plug. Feels nice. Now to iron the fabric for my sewing class tomorrow. Yay for new hobbies and skills! (Such a school nerd.)

    @misswired @damana Thanks! I’ve done quilting and toys, but never really sewn garments. Skirts and shirts and frocks ahoy!

    Up half the night with acid reflux. No Tums in the house. Feel like I got about 4 hours sleep. 🙁

    Bus is broken down at Broadway. Other buses are going around and NOT picking people up at the actual stop. Great.

    @AirForceTed Really? I haven’t noticed it helping. We often get Chia bread but I’ve had this issue for years. 🙁

    @AirForceTed Ahhhh. Okay, will pick some up next time I’m at GNC and give it a try. Thanks for the tip!

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    There is no mood so bad it can’t be alleviated by The Pogues’ “Tuesday Morning.”

    Chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes. Even in Sydney I can still pretend I’m Amish.

    @twelveeyes Under the noodles. The Amish are the masters of doubling up on the carbs. Perfect for cold winter nights. 🙂

    @drkknits Haven’t watched that season, and can’t figure out how in the world anyone would EVER want Parvati to win anything!

    @bellsknits @SallyPompom @witty_knitter Suffering n00bs is one of the prices you pay to be on the Internet. Ignore and be happy!

    Trying to come up w/ tweet to summarise knitting cliques & “us vs. them” & techno-snobbery & tribalism… and it’s just too depressing.

    RT @squozen: BEST. THING. EVER. // I really agree!