Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Can anybody in Sydney recommend someone for a partial kitchen renovation? I need to compare a quote.

    Congrats to @sitelyhq on the public launch of their sweet free website builder: Whoever coded that is AWESOME. 🙂

    How to Win at Being a Husband: “Are you going to your knitting group? Dinner will be waiting. Oh, should I download Portal for you?” *swoon*

    @liedra Snook was downloading it for me tonight. Will check when I get home. 15 minutes or so…

    @liedra Yikes. Like 4GB.

    @CerealBoy As someone who’s spent the past 3 years working on Joomla and Drupal sites, this one’s way better from what I’ve seen!

    @CerealBoy If you’re on Twitter, you’re a LONG way from the target demographic too…

    @CerealBoy I think it’s for very small businesses. People who can’t afford a custom site but still want something that looks nice!

    @drkknits This episode is killing me. Kurt’s song was beautiful, but everyone’s gonna get shattered, aren’t they? #glee

    This is the saddest #glee ever. WHY IS THERE NO ICE CREAM IN MY HOUSE?

    This morning I put on a blue track jacket that @eileenDCoE bought me as a gift. Snookums called me Sue Sylvester. *sigh*

    @mrs_sockvictim But it’s COLD out there! Better to have a Lindt ball and call it a night. 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim Because of #glee and its dead parents, heartbroken beautiful gay young men, and a curvy girl starving herself. *sigh*

    Ooh, OtherAndrew posted some pics of merchandise INSIDE the Granny Square! (Rav link) Looks gorgeous!

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    @randomknits Gorgeous and lovely!

    Chicken strudel, mashed potato, broccoli and fancy pants purple carrots for my dinner. Courtesy of me.

    @Lauren_lolly_ Nah, got ’em at Eveleigh Farmer’s Markets at @CarriageWorks last weekend. 🙂

    @venks79 Does it count as carbo-loading? 😛 (NO BACKSLIDING, MISTER!)

    Finally pulled the electric heater out of the closet. The cats are regarding it curiously.

    @witty_knitter You forgot dipping it into ranch dressing. *drool* (The only food I miss from the U.S. is the really bad stuff, oddly.)

    @randomknits Outback makes to pretense as to authenticity. In this case, Aussie means “rough & tumble and “giant portions.”

    @randomknits @knitabulous USians also think we all drink Fosters too. Triumph of marketing over reality, really.

    @thepurple8 I know. But we also don’t live like Croc Dundee either, which is image Outback sells. Rough men eat a lot, they think.

    @bhmulder Well, that’s the irony. Outback is American, so it lets them pretend other countries do giant portions too.

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    @bhmulder Thanks. Caffeine and paracetamol work wonders. 🙂

    Just frogged like 6″ of lace. That error was really bugging me though. At least I’ll be able to sleep at night now.

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    @acatinatree Hm. I’m with many of the commenters who think the 2nd version sounds canned, corporate, and kinda lame.

    @miss_reecie You really did sprain it?! Yowch! Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation babe…

    102m / 101m on the rower at Spudds tonight. That’s what I needed this week! Self-confidence: I HAZ IT. Bring on the Half Marathon.

    @toastman Not quite. 🙂 Two 20s intervals with a 10s pause in between. Only got two 100+ goes once before.

    @AusVintageGrrl Very cute! Heels or flats?

    @getupgo You scared me! It’s just a repeat of last Thursday, thank goodness.

    Ow. Woke up with wicked sinus headache. Feel like I’ve been punched in the face.

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    Me, @mrs_sockvictim, and @redambition at the start of the @MDC_walk_run 8K run this morning:

    Me and @venks79 after the @MDC_walk_run 8K today!

    Dr Amy lolls indolently in a patch of sunlight.

    RT @MisterShuffles: I love my mum! She gave me life and she saved my life. She didn’t give up on me, even when everyone else thought I w …

    No #Masterchef for me tonight; Snook and I are going out to actual fancy dinner at! (@getupgo)

    Wake, breakfast, run, knit, eat, knit, nap, go out for dinner. Excellent Sunday.

    Trying their new selection of microbrews! (@ Harts Pub)

    @VenessaHunt It was a pressie from his boss for all the late nights recently. Very, very good! Lots of wine. 🙂

    I got to the bus stop 10 minutes early today. Which of course meant no 461, 480, or 483s for 12 minutes so far…

    A bright spot on my Monday: I bought new Campers on the weekend. 🙂 More functional than sexy, but I like ’em.

    @witty_knitter Thanks! The Monday morning 461 crowd are all pretty much zombies, so no one noticed. 🙂

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    Still trying to get home from Guild meeting. Traffic is nuts. No trains running. No buses in sight. About to scream!

    My frustration greases the wheels of the universe, apparently. Bus has arrived.

    RT @knitterjp: Judy’s magic cast on lesson over. Heading home to T. Didn’t go too bad for a big group In a small space // Response = GREAT!

    Nice easy run through Newtown just to shake the legs out before tomorrow morning’s race. Can’t wait to meet Team GGR in person!

    RT @AusVintageGrrl: Why I Love Being in a Guild: I had a Knitters Guild meeting today… // AWW, LOVE IT!

    @drkknits You mean Freddie. FREDDDDDDDDIE, DAMMIT.

    @mrs_sockvictim Soon?! I just got up! You mean in one hour. 🙂

    GGR runners! I am in stupid long queue. The Snook is at the fountain. If all else fails, meet at fountain after the race!

    Timing chip procured. Off to meeting place and out of this craziness.

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    Colleague just unboxed pristine refurbed rare top-loading NES with a bunch of games. I nearly swooned.

    @chrisgander Jake. Off some guy on eBay. Less than $100! Marble Madness, Ninja Gaiden, AHHHHHHHH!

    @Roceal Ooh, interesting. I’ve never done any dyeing before. It’s Cleckheaton Alpaca Wool. Guessing I should I knit some samples to start?

    @mrs_sockvictim That’s fantastic! Hooray! We need the whole story, STAT.

    RT @AusVintageGrrl: Even Doozers Knit!: *LOVE* // LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT

    RT @MattsCravat: RT @getupgo: leaked #Masterchef episode – Michel Roux Snr & Tony Bilson???

    Trying some new craft brews with the Snook at the Local Taphouse on South Dowling. “It’s like sucking a hop lollipop!”

    That is some dark, dark, evil ale.

    @Lauren_lolly_ Prepping notes for a Guild meeting sobers one up pretty quickly! 😛

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    I finally figured out exactly why I dislike my February Lady Sweater in cream. It looks/feels like a bed jacket. I really do need to dye it.

    @wooliewombat I think it’s mostly the combination of “3/4-sleeves” + lace + cream that’s doing it. Cream is easiest to change!

    @drkknits Just finished it. LOVED IT! If the full version of “Like a Prayer” is on the album, I just might have to get it.

    I need a gay best friend. Watching #Glee tonight, I LOST IT when Sue referred to Kurt as “future center square.” The Snook didn’t get it. 🙁

    @Lauren_lolly_ We should take up a collection and send you a VCR. 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim Which place is this? If you get it, are we going to be neighbours?! (Good luck!)

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    Happiness is a tidy whiteboard.

    Who knew sausage rolls would be such a cause of concern? #masterchef – KH

    Special Cinco de Mayo $5 burritos for dinner tonight. @mad_max for the WIN!

    The only downside to Rice Krispie Treats is having leftover Rice Bubbles. Least filling cereal ever. Feel like I ate a bowl of air.

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    The lacy triangle bit of Juno Regina is finished! Now just 4ft of simple 2-row eyelet pattern. This lace business is EASY. #famouslastwords

    Cheating Snook just played “ae” in Words With Friends. THAT SHOULD NOT BE NOT A WORD. SCRABBLE GAMEPLAY FAIL.

    @gilmae Don’t say the H-word. I’m still traumatized. Besides, Glee never took itself that seriously, so there’s not as far to fall!

    @miss_reecie You are dead to me. Wait, but it’s Noro. That may cancel out the Crochet Cooties. Will have to give it more thought.