Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Heh. Wil Anderson getting rapped for tweeting the #Logies reminds me of the Knitters Guild AGM. NO TWEETING!

    Are you sitting down? Geek Girl Runner Ep 6 is FINALLY available! I KNOW! Amazing. 🙂

    @venks79 This is why I’m not a manager. It’d be like high school procrastination every single week! 😛

    @venks79 My all-time favorite running sign is the first one on this page: hahahahahahahahaha

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    Let’s go run a half-marathon, shall we?

    Halfway through 14-miler. You can follow me live here:

    Going to Broadway for a much-needed – and DESERVED! – massage. Otherwise I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.

    @getupgo I vote Adam! I’d totally order that meatball burger in a restaurant. Looked yummy!

    @randomknits I *loathe* Jonathan. They are definitely giving him the “inept evil genius” edit.

    @theadrianflores Totally agree, except for the 5 sec of Keyboard Cat. 🙂

    @drkknits Oh no! That sucks… All the best people are breaking bones lately, right @SallyPompom?

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    Huh. If you put in stitch markers, you don’t have to rip your lace back every five rows when you bugger it up. WHO KNEW?!

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    I’m entering @Crust_Pizza #CrustFreePizzaFriday because I’m going out tonight and I can’t be bothered cooking afterwards.

    Tsukasa man told us that their lease is expiring and they’ll be gone as of June. NOOOOO! THEY BE TAKIN’ MY SUSHI! @toastman

    @knitness Hey Ness – what yarn brands did they have? Anything good?

    Scope Creep is ever so much easier to take when the dev takes you to the pub and pours two beers down your throat first.

    Waiting for my @crust_pizza. HUNGRY!

    @tinkabel Of course not. We paid for it. 🙂

    Selling point of the day at Eveleigh Markets (spotted on several signs): “As seen on Masterchef last night!”

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    You guys are MISSING OUT on the beautiful “Hello” duet the Snook and I are doing right now. Time for MORE WINE! #Glee

    Syd Ravellers: I got a sneak peek inside the Granny Square fitout tonight: It’s looking pretty good!

    RT @Opheli8: The top traded stock yesterday was MobileActive -yes, the one I work for! // Woohoo! Me too!

    @yankinoz The price more than doubled. (We announced an acquisition.) That’s a good thing, right?

    @frillseekerjen Finally! I recorded every episode last month looking for you guys. I’ll get Rodd to record tonight’s. 🙂

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    RT @miss_reecie: this should really be called “Birds Are Awesome and Will F*ck You Up”: // I don’t like birds!

    @tinkabel OHDEARGOD. Was it me? Big bloaty me with pigtails? That was from yeeeears ago…

    @tinkabel Yeah, that was 2005. There were only 5 knitters there; the rest were production people faking it!

    Dear World: The button on my jacket is not Justin Bieber; it is Liza Minnelli. One is a gay icon, and the other just looks like a lesbian.

    @redambition The GoFugYourself post on it was especially hilarious. GP really is wearing racehorse socks!

    @drkknits Well, Liza kinda does too, to be honest… 🙂

    @thisismywww A baby-faced popstar from Canada. Also, our new Overlord.

    @gilmae Quite frankly I wondered how you do it. The 15min bus ride I have from Chippo does me in on most days.

    Do I even need to say it? Go Team White Spectacles! #masterchef – KH

    Wait, she’s pregnant AGAIN? She had to postpone her dream for her kids already, and now another? That seems… illogical. #masterchef

    @mrs_sockvictim Some chick on Masterchef who draws on her eyebrows, you silly drunky! 😛

    @mrs_sockvictim OH! Congratulations! Nice one. Now move to Chippendale and we’ll REALLY celebrate. 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim Sadly, the Snook has not ventured into moonshine just yet. 😛

    @shanea Sounds good. Text me details when you know where you’re going!

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    @redambition YIKES! I could barely bring myself to look. Ouch! Take care of yourself, silly!

    Things I should be doing: recording a podcast, laundry, updating the Guild site. Things I am about to do instead: go to bed.

    @venks79 Late night run?? Nice one!

    @venks79 Excellent. Now just keep it going!

    @imdominating Awww, that’s great! Good for her. 🙂

    @ozgamer Congratulations!

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    My brief write-up and photos from Knitting Camp 2010:

    RT @AusVintageGrrl: Woo! Yarn recieved a HC, shawl won 1st in Class AND Best Exhibit for handspun article!!! // Fantastic! Congratulations!

    @redambition Me too! I think she’s going to be a very popular Halloween costume. 🙂

    Claire’s a knitter? Did anybody else see that photo? Ooh, she’s now my favorite to win. #masterchef

    I’m sorry. I know many of you like it. I know I will be ostracised. But I CANNOT STAND GOODNEWSWEEK. The not-funny makes me BLIND WITH RAGE.

    @gadgetgirl70 I don’t! But it started after Masterchef and Rodd laughed at me as I fumbled for the remote to change it. ARGH.

    Just when I thought I’d cracked the back of this lace – a bloody knot appears. Frogged row. What now, @AusVintageGrrl? Russian join in 2ply?

    I am not so perverse as to watch GNW when I hate it. I only caught 10s after #masterchef. Snook laughed as I frantically tried to change it.

    Me: “Hey, look. You’re on this page.” Snook: “Nice. So I’m like a definitive reference for elbow-licking.”

    @SupFarn I’m not on there. Snook’s on there. (Pic’s from a few years back.) He must have dislocatable shoulders or something.

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    On a hike/run with @mrs_sockvictim. Just made it to Robertson’s Lookout at Mt Keira!

    @gusseting @mrs_sockvictim had a slight GPS fail there. Actual distance was just under 7km. 🙂

    My vote for photo of #knitcamp. Queen @knitabulous is not amused.

    Watched #masterchef masterclass from Friday. Snook was inspired to grill us some steaks. YUM…

    @mrs_sockvictim @bellsknits @georgieknits @randomknits @drkknits @knitabulous @gemma747 @knitterjp Cheers, my dears! Tomorrow def. recovery.

    @knitness We missed you too, Ness! There was a definite lack of true debauchery this year, I think. 🙂

    Home from knitting camp and resting up. What time for Justin Bieber tomorrow, @getupgo? 🙂

    RT @bellsknits: Wollongong Knitting Camp 2010: // Oh dear god. That photo of me made me do a double-take! HAWTNESS.

    Rice Krispy Treats recipe: Missing: the step where you stir marshmallow w/ the chowmein spoon. @bellsknits @drkknits

    @getupgo We’ll see. I’m taking an early mark tonight. I’ll look for you among the screaming Bieberites!

    @Lauren_lolly_ In my defense, they made me drink cherry brandy. That stuff is POTENT. No wonder I’m posing like a hoochie-mama! 🙂

    @SMinney @bellsknits That would have required corsetry. Instead I was wearing jeans and sneakers underneath. 🙂

    @zedsains I just woke up! Phew, glad I didn’t miss anything. Are the tweens on the rampage?

    Slept in this morning only to find that Bieber cancelled his concert when he heard I wasn’t there. Very sweet of him.

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    Baby Felix LOVES The Magic Pudding! Screw the RAS; this is vindication. #knittingcamp

    Lyn is shown how to use a ball winder by @mrs_sockvictim.

    Drinking a beer and triumphantly modeling my St Brigid, which makes me warm and happy.

    Dinner had a costume theme: Op Shop Formal. I wore my vintage frock!

    Miss Fee disapproves as Alison has clearly jumped the gun on the Boobquake.

    Who do those damn knitting princesses think they are?!

    @bellsknits I think it’s a fantastic mumu! By far the best of all possible mumus.