Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @gemma747 Ha, no swimmers for me either!

    On my way to Central for knitting camp. Anybody know if the Wollongong trains are in the big main country terminal or suburban below?

    @mrs_sockvictim Nice one! Are you training it tomorrow or did you get a lift??

    Made it to the train! Knitting Camp, here we come. 🙂

    A yummy dinner, and now the knitting and drinks begin!

    We’ve just been informed there’s a 2m tiger snake that likes to lie on the path in the morning. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! #knittingcamp

    It’s @bellsknits having her very first Peep. She liked it! #peephorror #knittingcamp

    @SMinney Optus FTW, apparently!

    @mrs_sockvictim I am knitting lace. ME. LACE. Craziness. Socks are popular. 🙂

    @bellsknits Oh good. Very little sleep for me too. Makes me feel slightly better that I’m not the only insomniac!

    Me, @randomknits, @knitterjp, @drkknits, and others knitting outside and waiting for the caffeine to kick in.

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    RT @Opheli8: MobileActive acquires horse racing specialists: (Exciting times here at MBA)

    @FryingPan Yep. Along with @venks79… and @kunaal84… One big happy family! 🙂

    Should I make Rice Krispie Treats for knitting camp? Decisions, decisions…

    @Gin_ev_ra @bellsknits That’s the awesome part: no baking in Rice Krispie Treats! 🙂

    Spent 15min buzzing wrong entrance at Margarita’s place. Note to self: Sometimes Google Maps LIES.

    HOLY CRAP. I got Easter Show feedback from the judges in the post tonight! Anybody else??

    My actual judges’ feedback: “Knitting well done. Neck not sitting properly.” That’s it. Small enough for a tweet. *sigh*

    @randomknits It’s only for the Aran. Maybe they only did certain categories? I didn’t specifically request it. I posted on Rav…

    There was a… slight problem… with the Rice Krispie Treats. But I think they’re okay. Just maybe slightly… odd.

    I made the Treats, then went back to cooking dinner… and couldn’t find the spoon. The spoon I’d been stirring the curry with. Oops.

    But hey, Rice Bubbles? Good. Marshmallow? Good. Curry? Gooooooood.

    @Gin_ev_ra I’m Optus, and I had service last year. Even 3G when the wind was blowing the right way!

    I successfully fed Snookums a Rice Krispie Treat without him detecting the “secret ingredient.” So I think we’re all good. 🙂

    All packed up for knitting camp. Just waiting for the iPhone to sync up before I head in to work…

    @drkknits But he’s so cute! And his hair goes all SWOOPY FORWARD and stuff! (And he’s coming to Sydney this weekend.) 🙂

    @jannism It’s my fault for grabbing all those free Lonely Planet apps the other day. They’re pretty big.

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    @randomknits I might recycle the bridesmaid’s dress from my sister’s wedding. I could have donated it! But instead it’s just in the closet.

    I’m live-tweeting #masterchef again over at @getupgo. More details on our site!

    RT @kcarruthers: LOL ‘Glee’ Gleeks vs. Justin Bieber Beliebers: Twitter War! // Attn @getupgo!

    Channel 10: Your website sucks. The Glee page does not say WHEN THE NEXT EPISODE IS ON. You have no email address. YOU FAIL AT THE INTERNET.

    @toastman Actually I need to know for work, so not really a whitewhine. Still definitely a #firstworldproblem though. 🙂

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    @Roceal Ours died last yr. Do you need a recommendation to replace it? Thomson Plumbing was cheapest and best we found:

    Went to visit @SallyPompom in hospital but had to leave early. Fear I may have finally caught Snook’s cold. Bleurgh.

    Nope, not feeling good at all. Doing that Elaine Benes thing where I SHRIEK at fellow commuters in my head. MOOOOVE! MOOOOOOOOVE!

    I am live-tweeting #masterchef over at @getupgo with a couple friends from work!

    HAHA! Did you see the look on Jonathan’s face when Jimmy’s name was announced? I think he threw up in his mouth a little! #masterchef – KH

    @Epaulette *sob* I don’t have any pink pants! But I could tie a jaunty scarf round my neck…

    @randomknits Hahahah… Okay, Milk Duds are the antithesis of Peeps. Milk Duds are gooooood. I’m glad you’re trying a worthy American candy!

    @randomknits @gilmae Your next target: Sugar Daddy. Seriously.

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    @ozgamer Nice. My new fave photo apps are TiltShiftGen and ShakeItPhoto. 🙂

    Congrats to @TimBags and @Steffi_83 on their big news! 🙂

    @SallyPompom Hooray! Great to hear it. Still at hospital? Was planning another visit tomorrow evening…

    Eek, I time-shifted and I’m half an hour behind on Masterchef. Hopefully there are enough ads for me to catch up to @getupgo!

    @getupgo My husband referred to it as a Pavlova Hat. 😛

    I just paid off my final student loan payment. Over $40K paid out over 11 years. EPIC. I feel a little dazed.

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    @witty_knitter Cute! He looks like Petey! 🙂

    Nearly at Marigold for yumcha with Steph and Eva!

    Holy crap. Marigold is NUTS.

    YUM CHA!!!

    I just ate my first chicken’s foot. SERIOUSLY. (It was yummy.)

    What’s next after chicken’s feet? TRIPE! It’s a real day of firsts for me.

    My reward for trying new things: a beautiful sunny yellow custard tartlet!

    For @randomknits: Mango Pancake Thing!

    @AusVintageGrrl Good luck! You’ll be awesome!

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    I am apparently closing in on the record for number of bleach foils on one person’s head. #hairsalon

    Behold the Bleach Foil Monster from Beyond!

    @AirForceTed I’ll post a glamour shot at the end! But the intermediate stages are never pretty. 🙂

    Big Red has become the Caramel Goddess. Now for the actual haircut.

    @witty_knitter OI! Only I am allowed to make jokes about my Giant Heed. 🙂

    FOUR HOURS! But the Caramel Bob is done at last.

    @stufromoz I love it. Will put a better pic up later. Full head of foils plus two other dyes to get the red out!

    WHAT THE HELL? I uploaded via Twitpic, and it gave me the link for somebody else’s photo! Will try again.

    And now for the Glamour Shot….

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    Silly Kris. Here I am RATIONING my precious soy sauce for my sushi rolls, when there were two more little plastic fishes hiding in the bag!

    Heaven help us. I have just bought the Glee iPhone app: Knitting camp next weekend is gonna be AUTOTUNED AWESOMENESS.

    RT @venks79: ANZ Bank trials mobile ePOS

    @gilmae Just wait til @randomknits and I start doing iPhone karaoke duets over the Internets. (OMIGOD, IS THIS THE FUTURE OR WHAT?!)

    @gilmae Crap. Must pay off remained of student loan NOW or I’m gonna get screwed.

    @randomknits Holy crap. If St Brigid has one, I’ll lose it too. That’s ridiculously bad!

    @randomknits I was tempted to click Love for you, if only because there’s no EFFING APPALLING button. 🙁

    Dinner: Cincinnati Chili 3-ways. Yum.

    Hairdresser. I feel the need for a drastic change.

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    Runningblog: Week 15. An update on this week’s training, including my longest run in two years!

    @FryingPan Unfortunately not! Not my area of town. Delivery will be difficult though; it’s not as prominent here as in L.A…

    No knitting for me tonight; it’s Strata AGM time. Joy.

    Holy hell. I’ve just been elected chairperson of the strata committee. That was unplanned.

    @knitterjp @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @tinkabel Thanks guys! It wasn’t quite the plan, but I’ll do my best.

    @mrs_sockvictim FATTY-BOOMBA-LATTIES! I don’t think Petey can be more than 4kg!

    @tytana_ The strata is the committee in charge of the building that our unit is in. We had our AGM tonight, and now I’m the boss!

    I weighed Petey this morning: 5.3kg. So heavier than I thought! (Dr Amy came in at 7.1kg.)

    I just unlocked the “Babysitter” badge on @foursquare!

    I just unlocked the “Photogenic” badge on @foursquare!

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    Eagerly awaiting the launch of @sitelyhq. I had a peek at the beta and it looked very slick!

    Flowers for @SallyPompom. Heading off to visit her in the hospital tonight…

    Flowers are here, actually.

    I’ve seen @SallyPompom! She’s doing pretty well. Could definitely use visitors in the coming weeks tho. (She broke her hip! Email for info.)

    @travellersyarn St Vincent’s Public Hospital in Darlinghurst. She should hopefully be able to get online tomorrow!

    Petey’s 5am Loud Adventures are becoming a Big Problem.

    @mrs_sockvictim You have to catch him first, and he’s VERY quick.