Well that’s disappointing. I was hoping to get to visit our family in Australia in the summer, especially as we’ll be fully vaccinated by August. 🙁 https://t.co/HCbvWThLeI
RT @deekob: I recently had fun recording a new AWS AppSync workshop by @BricePelle and @electricste – You can check out the workshop here…
@Squozen_EU There’s have been some mentions of proposals for vaccinated Australians to be able to quarantine at home, etc. But I’m guessing this outbreak will kill that idea.
Our @awscloud Women in Cloud Germany event is about to start! https://t.co/HPAtLlFmFR https://t.co/cfQ2T1nxX7
YESSSSS. ❤️ https://t.co/JRuj9Bm0Y8
@americanozmom OMG DID YOU SEE THIS https://t.co/4mUvkTxYf6
@melpemone_ Mine are delayed until September. 😰
RT @phrawzty: 👋 It’s nearly time for another round of mirth and merriment at @devopspartygame! Join us tonight at 20:00 (Paris). https://t.…
It appears that Germany have lost the match with England, and I am about to extend our losing streak with my #DevOpsPartyGames performance. Tut mir leid, Deutschland. Time to cry into the beer… 😭🍺 #traurig https://t.co/wSMKx6buJ0
Hey, I finished in the top half of #DevOpsPartyGames tonight! I still think my answer of “Elon’s kids” for this one was GENIUS. 😂 https://t.co/ubLCyOApms #Drawful2 https://t.co/TU5kLoKfww
@rchrdbyd Hey @darkosubotica, I have a brilliant idea for our next 1:1. It’s like this, except CURRYWURST.
@Vel12171 LOLLLLLL I did a lot better I’ll have you know! 😂😂😂
@americanozmom Yes. I think we killed Neil’s website. 😂 But apparently he and Terry planned the sequel before the first book was even published, but just never got around to it. They used some parts (Gabriel, etc) in the series. I REALLY HOPE IT ENDS WITH A COTTAGE IN THE SOUTH DOWNS. 😍
RT @jennapederson: Remember that CloudFormation template I built last week to provision an EC2 instance? Here’s how you add a database to t…
@americanozmom How did I miss that Neil himself retweeted your original tweet?! Obviously he approves of your lockdown plan. 😂
@americanozmom That’s lovely. I’m glad you had that small ray of happiness!