Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @mathiasverraes: I’m reviewing submissions for a conference I’m somewhat involved it, so here’s some advice. 1/n

    Me: “I think with Germany out, I’m going to cheer for Denmark now in the football.”

    Rodd: “Because of Aussie Mary?”

    Me: “Yep. Because of Aussie Mary.”

    ❤️🇦🇺🇩🇰 #Euro2020

    RT @videosmithery: Tetris knit animation

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    It’s been a few weeks – back to knitting! Join me live at … 🧶🧦

    “I put the cherries on the side,” he said, “for the Insta.” 😂🍒🥧 @ Munich, Germany

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    This is where we buy our groceries every week. 😂💃

    Blog post! Finally documented our day on the Chiemsee a few weeks back. ⛵️

    Supposed to rain all day tomorrow, so we took advantage of the lovely night for dinner at Das Bad. Everything was great, especially the Weissbier Tiramisu! (2021 Biergarten Count: 9) @ Das Bad

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    @gilmae My first inclination was to go with the Durrie imagery, so more weary than enforcer. 😂

    Aww, bless their Bavarian hearts. It’s not exactly Bondi, is it? 😂❤️🏝 @ Theresienwiese

    In case it’s not obvious, the city has dumped a load of sand in the Theriesenwiese and set up a volleyball court next to some very confused palm trees. 😂

    RT @ohtumblroh:

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    Me to other @SydTechLeaders organisers: Anybody else going to watch our Nemeses’ stream tonight?

    @gilmae: Which one? *cracks knuckles and proceeds to rattle off a list of enemies*

    Me: The one we actually like! #SydCSS, of course. ❤️🤖

    RT @awsdevelopers: Hello, world!
    Welcome to the new #AWSDevelopers Twitter handle! 🚀 🚀 We’re here to connect developers with AWS experts, s…

    @mobywhale I tried to take one when you were on screen, but it’s still morning here and I had massive bedhead. 😂

    Wow! I just gave a talk literally yesterday to a customer team where I talked about the LP’s, and how they hadn’t changed for a few years… Guess it’s time to revise my slide deck!

    Ooh, @linda_mhmd is one of my favourite community folks, and you should definitely give this a listen! 🎧

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    @mattstratton Must’ve been the blessing of Saint Dolly!

    I literally drew a tombstone for Google Reader last night in #DevOpsPartyGames, along with a bottle “pouring one out.” Come on, @DrJosh9000. Be the hero we need.

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    Well that’s disappointing. I was hoping to get to visit our family in Australia in the summer, especially as we’ll be fully vaccinated by August. 🙁

    RT @deekob: I recently had fun recording a new AWS AppSync workshop by @BricePelle and @electricste – You can check out the workshop here…

    @Squozen_EU There’s have been some mentions of proposals for vaccinated Australians to be able to quarantine at home, etc. But I’m guessing this outbreak will kill that idea.


    Our @awscloud Women in Cloud Germany event is about to start!

    YESSSSS. ❤️

    @americanozmom OMG DID YOU SEE THIS

    @melpemone_ Mine are delayed until September. 😰

    RT @phrawzty: 👋 It’s nearly time for another round of mirth and merriment at @devopspartygame! Join us tonight at 20:00 (Paris). https://t.…

    It appears that Germany have lost the match with England, and I am about to extend our losing streak with my #DevOpsPartyGames performance. Tut mir leid, Deutschland. Time to cry into the beer… 😭🍺 #traurig

    Hey, I finished in the top half of #DevOpsPartyGames tonight! I still think my answer of “Elon’s kids” for this one was GENIUS. 😂 #Drawful2

    @rchrdbyd Hey @darkosubotica, I have a brilliant idea for our next 1:1. It’s like this, except CURRYWURST.

    @Vel12171 LOLLLLLL I did a lot better I’ll have you know! 😂😂😂

    @americanozmom Yes. I think we killed Neil’s website. 😂 But apparently he and Terry planned the sequel before the first book was even published, but just never got around to it. They used some parts (Gabriel, etc) in the series. I REALLY HOPE IT ENDS WITH A COTTAGE IN THE SOUTH DOWNS. 😍

    RT @jennapederson: Remember that CloudFormation template I built last week to provision an EC2 instance? Here’s how you add a database to t…

    @americanozmom How did I miss that Neil himself retweeted your original tweet?! Obviously he approves of your lockdown plan. 😂

    @americanozmom That’s lovely. I’m glad you had that small ray of happiness!

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    @americanozmom If you want any fanfic recommendations, just say the word. I’ve literally read hundreds. 🙃

    @i386 Between the ‘tache and the chest, he’s looking very 80’s Tom Selleck, AND I HEARTILY APPROVE. 😍 Happy birthday, David!

    @damovisa @github WAAAAIIIT a minute! Did I know this?! Congrats!! 🎉

    @SydCSS I’m going to try to dial in from my morning in Germany! Miss seeing you all. ❤️ @msharp @mobywhale

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    @aussiemusicfan @minxdragon Good lord, I was there one year later in summer of ‘94, and I have the same set of photos. 😂 Here’s Rodd with the wine barrel yesterday…

    @aussiemusicfan @minxdragon …which I just realised was on my original tweet. (I just woke up.)

    “I now see the attraction of the gooseneck pourer.” Look at this effing hipster. (He’s in his happy place.) ❤️☕️

    @bmusedbystandr Yup. Fancy copper filter thing.

    Was für ein schöner Tag. ❤️☀️🎶🎸 @ Philosophenweg

    Fun at Schloß Schwetzingen. When I came here in 1994, I thought it was the most beautiful garden I’d ever seen. It’s still right up there… ❤️🌳🌹🌺🌼

    I’m still pretty new to the DB @_DiningCar, but that warm ham-and-cheese sandwich was better than it had any right to be. 😋 #headinghome

    Home again in Munich. Forgot to mention that this trip was also a celebration – I’ve hit 3 years at @awscloud, and I’ve also graduated as a Bar Raiser (a recognition of my skill and experience as an interviewer). Pretty proud of that… 😊

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    You know, I think this is the first time I’ve ever ridden in a proper train compartment! 🚄 @ München Hauptbahnhof

    When there’s a restaurant with your name on it, you have to eat there. 😂🍻 #schnookeloch #snookyhole

    Back in Heidelberg for the first time in 27 years… ❤️🏰

    @abertrotzdem We’ve been trying to translate it. Seems to be a slang term for jokes?

    There we were, sitting in a brewhouse in Heidelberg, Germany, and the Sydney lockdown made the international news.