Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @zedsains Ah, it’s restricted by IP address to the office. Maybe @venks79 can help?

    Having lunch at a lookout over Mittagong. Left @redambition at our place; halfway to @bellsknits’s place!

    @randomknits Hey, we’re going tomorrow too! What time you guys getting in the queue?

    @randomknits Look for us there. We’re aiming for closer to 8 and we’re bringing chairs. 🙂


    @bellsknits We just pulled in! Fee is on her way.

    @NatGalleryAus So for tomorrow, we’re better off going later in the day? That would be nice!

    Hm. @NatGalleryAus says current Q is 40min, & open til 9pm all weekend. Perhaps best NOT to Q up 1st thing tomorrow!!

    @randomknits @Kat13v Theyre open til 9 this weekend! Q looks shorter later in day, so we may pass on morning lineup.

    Looking towards Parliament House on the shores of Lake Burley-Griffin at sunset.

    Cozy & slight pissed in Canberra. Earlier tonight sunset on Lake Burley Griffin looking towards Parliament House:

    Going to bed, and I miss the stupid cats. Give ’em a cuddle, @redambition. 🙂

    4am. Awake. Very comfy bed but I cannot sleep.

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    Omid smiles as he destroys my spec.

    @gusseting Hurry up your moseying! The adoring public awaits your arrival. 🙂

    Happy 10th anniversary to the Snook. Getting to spend a decade with your best friend is a wonderful thing.

    Snookums is playing with his new espresso machine. Very strange and scary sounds are coming from the kitchen…

  • Shared today on Twitter – Beautiful pink and blue sunset over Sydney tonight. Autumn is in the air. #TiltShiftGen

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    @grabyourfork Thanks for that. Now I am obsessed with the idea of having four ovens. FOUR OVENS!

    @gusseting Hm. I really like Teva’s designs. It may be enough to finally get me aboard the lace train!

    Like @witty_knitter, I’m looking forward to the Easter Show Arts Preview tonight. Trying hard not to get my hopes up. 🙂 #RASartspreview

    @danivv Thanks for that! Hadn’t heard of her. I’ve actually had this pattern queued for years: Even bought the chair!

    Wow, it’s not often I get smirked at as a female geek and a knitter in the space of the same 5 minutes. Bah.

    Not to be crude, but I can’t be the only one that sees, uh, other things in some of these polymer beads, right?

    Knitters: please feel free to spoil me for #RASartspreview. I need to be prepared. (Probably won’t get there til after 7.)

    @mrs_sockvictim Woohoo! Congrats and well done. 🙂

    Still on the train. No word from #RASartspreview. Appears I am destined to remain unappreciated in my own time.

    The pudding’s expression mimics my own. No prizes for me this year.

    @Ascasewwen A goddamn clown. And second place was Mrs Claus. *puke*

    If you can’t win a ribbon, you can still toast the naked marquetry.

    I think @miss_reecie and @mrs_sockvictim tied for “Worst Item Display”, sadly enough.

    Have just done a massive Rav post with photos of stuff from @randomknits @mrs_sockvictim @Roceal @frillseekerjen @Kat13v etc…

    And here is the excellent group photo of 23 Ravelers, courtesy of Mr. Snook:

    @Ezzles Plenty of fishing line. Also – by @SallyPompom’s count – 17% less entries than last year. Total suckage.

    @gusseting They never give feedback. They suck. (I’m trying to work out a subtle way of putting a middle finger on next year’s entry.)

    @bellsknits Yay! Thank you so much – again! Looking forward to exploring Canberra. 🙂

    @randomknits @KTunravels I was gonna say her too, actually. Good call.

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    RT @venks79: Way to go Tony Abbott on finishing the IronMan Triathlon! though that’s probably the only positive thing I can say about you.

    @thisismywww Yes, fingers crossed for @AusVintageGrrl! Wish I could be there too. 🙂

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    Heading out for a 16K (that’s 10mi) training run. In the heat. Eep.

    Bathroom break 1/2way thru long run. Feeling good, except for some stomach cramps. It’s hot out here.

    Frogged my Absinthe socks completely. They were just too small! Adding 8 add’l stitches and extra length.

    @venks79 It’s an epidemic of fail!

    @KTunravels I blogged about that this morning. I loathe the guy, but no way I’d begrudge him 10hrs exercise a week.

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    It’s like watching Nancy Pelosi in action. Change is happening! (It’s ugly though, as politics always is.)

    Have bailed early, as headache is bothering me. Very pleased with what I saw tho!

    @Caffinara Thanks! The foot is definitely feeling better. We’ll see how I go on a ten-miler tomorrow though… eek!

    @ozgamer You took an early mark yesterday and mocked those of us stuck at work. Boooooooo! 😛

    Eeek! Nearly forgot about Earth Hour. Trying to finish dinner preparations before the deadline…

    Curry by candlelight. #earthhour

    @venks79 I’m guessing some GPS issues there, but good job!

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    RT @Kat13v: Batman, walking the streets of Sydney city. // @Warlach is that you??

    Happy birthday to @VenessaHunt! And thanks for the birthday lunch invite… 🙂

    Hey @dancingman, want to earn $1500 knitting in an advert? DM me your email address. I got an opportunity for you!

    @dancingman Nothin’! Did you send to my gmail? kris.howard AT gmail…

    @ozgamer BOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

    @tytana_ Only if you can knit on camera! 🙂

    Ick. Have suddenly come down with chills and sweatiness and headache. Bugger.

    Paracetamol and peanut butter sandwiches make everything better.

    Off to first Guild Exec meeting of new regime. This should be interesting.

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    RT @InsideRetailing: Gap finally hits Aussie shores // YES! I CAN BUY NOT-TOO-EXPENSIVE NEW JEANS THAT DON’T SUCK!

    @toastman Well, yes, I agree. But they’re owned by the same company. Maybe Old Navy would follow??

    On our way to #webblast…

    Thanks to @balsamiq for sponsoring #webblast!

    @Kat13v I guess I really should stop sending it to her then, huh? (NOTE: I AM JOKING, GUILD SPIES.)

    It took two grown humans two days to outsmart (and flea treat) one small cat.

    Spotted on William St. I wonder what the treatment REALLY is. *shudder*

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Just realised that the Easter Show Judging for knitting is happening today. Fingers crossed for everybody who entered!

    @VenessaHunt Yep. My entries: 🙂

    @thisismywww You want Drupal horror stories? I’ll give you Drupal horror stories. Not as bad as Joomla, though…

    Hey look! I’m on a landing page! Hahahahahaha…. 🙂

    @thisismywww We use it on GetUpGo: IM me tomorrow for more details.

    The cure for stress: getting some exercise and saying NO to meetings. I feel much better today.

    @Offbeatceremony Way to go! It feels great to hit those milestones. Well done. 🙂

    @DDsD I would’ve said the former a year ago, but I had a boss who used “mobile site” a lot. So I see the value in distinguishing.