Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Awesome: today’s Guild meeting. Not Awesome: waiting 15 minutes for a Newtown bus NEXT TO AN ACCORDION-PLAYING BUSKER. (Headache.)

    I think a fruit bat just pooped on me. And now I’m drinking merlot spritzer out of a plastic cup. Banner Saturday night!

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    Baker’s Delight Mocha Hot Cross Bun – should be evil, but may actually be the best HC bun I’ve had EVER. Thanks, BD chick for recommending!

    People are queueing early to meet Biggest Loser trainer Michelle at Coles Broadway. Beware if you’re headed that way!

    Waiting for a cab. Too much to carry to Guild meeting!

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    @morgancarpenter I’m interested! Trying to talk the Snook into it. 🙂

    Nearly left my knitting at work! Off to M&S…

    @gusseting I’m annoyed she’s so painfully thin. Where is Joan’s Va-Va-Voom?!

    @tytana_ @Opheli8 Definitely. Let’s try less food poisoning this time!

    Watching too much Jeeves and Wooster. Feel the urge to use phrases like “Toodle-pip!” and “What ho, Fink-Nottle?” in everyday conversation.

    RT @crowderband: Palindrome of the day: Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog.

    @toastman I was going to send you that link today. I am still marvelling that “Dervla” is a common name in East Cork. Who knew?

    @randomknits Not I, said the cat (and me).

    Can’t wait til next Thursday, when the Snook and I will be seeing “Kick-Ass” with Q&A with the director:

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    It took me 15 months, but I finally got 2 x 100m/20s on the rowing machine. Not many girls do, apparently. I feel like I can do anything. 🙂

    Five meetings in one day. I think that’s a personal record.

    Alas, poor Magic Pudding, I knew him well!

    @liedra That’s not the app; it’s likely the best your monitor does! Can’t get more than that, usually. What’s the thing you’re capturing?

    @rhagern I haven’t spotted us in any of them yet. Hilarious that we were both there. Would’ve been funny to meet that way! 🙂

    @rhagern I haven’t been able to spot us in any of the pics yet, sadly. Yours was great!

    @rhagern Nah, we only did the outside bit. We had to go to work!

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    @Opheli8 Can I be the meeting Princess?

    @randomknits Grafted and everything? Did you use the written-out instructions available online?

    @randomknits Just google “rogue hood grafting” if you want to pull it back and be completely Hermione about it. 🙂

    @lukerides Maybe median is more meaningful than average? Put it in the middle of the bell curve. (Not that $150K could be psbly be median.)

    Heading to #IIBA talk with @venks79. Work stuff + alcohol is always fun.

    @venks79 Seriously. I saw you tweeting during the speech! Naughty.

    @drkknits I need to get caught up on that. Snook and I are massive Boston Rob and Ambah fans. 🙂

    @kunaal84 Congrats on your last day! Looking forward to welcoming you aboard next week. 🙂

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    11am and I am heading into my 3rd meeting of the day. GRAR.

    Don’t forget to count dead people for me, Tweeps! I have a feeling I’m going to need the tiebreaker this year…

    @_brigita_ I am not a fan of the mop top. No, sir.

    I’ve seen loads of pics of Diane Kruger, but WHERE IS PACEY? With Clooney’s mop top, I need some stabilizing Pacey hotness.

    @kevincmurphy You’re still in there…

    Snook: “I reverse engineered your Oscars site to create a histogram of user success.” Then dumped me a bunch of code. I love him.

    RT @miftik: – Trying to stay awake for @web_goddess but it is going to be tough. // YOU ARE THE BEST. THE BEST!

    I will need a backup dead person count, as I think @imdominating is crying too hard.

    @miftik That matches what @imdominating got. Thanks to the both of you! You are awesome. 🙂

    @Opheli8 You’re a cheater head! I don’t see no James Taylor on your monitor… 🙂

    @traveller0112 Huh. Not seeing much commentary on that, other than from Ebert and you!

    Whoa! @realtimshady has a real chance here…

    @thisismywww Mine is working, over on William Street…

    @thisismywww 3G. I got Twitter and everything.

    And it’s over! A 14-way tie for 1st place in the W-G Oscar Contest… and then a 2-way tie after tiebreaker… comes down to order of entry.

    The W-G Oscar Contest winner of the Sparkly Emo Vampire Sockmonkey Playset is Jonathan Wells. Way to go, Jonathan!

    RT @mayorofnewtown: Extended bus zones on King St Newtown in preparation for bendy busses (Metrobus 30) (pdf)

    @witty_knitter Judging by the email address, I don’t think so. 🙂

    2nd go at Magic Pudding face: much better! Nearly got it. Just need to finetune the nose placement.

    @carbolicious I think in most places in the world, every day is Men’s Day.

    First hot cross bun of the year. Yum.

    @carbolicious The question was stupid, like asking why there’s no Int’l White Person’s Day. Because they’re not an oppressed minority!

    @carbolicious Actually, apologies. There is one, and 2 seconds worth of Googling found it:

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    First long run in ages. Did 4:1 run/walk ratio. Foot felt sore towards the end, but manageable. Just had a well-earned ice bath.

    We sold our heater to Rodd’s Korean co-worker, and his wife brought us a present: homemade kimbap! VERY good…

    @bellsknits Nice. Three Sheets? That’s my favorite. Snook prefers the Nelson’s Blood.

    @drkknits I love that movie. I own the DVD. My dad instilled a love of disaster movies in me. Plus OJ and Bobby Brady! What’s not to love?

    @redambition I have been on a mission to try poutine for years. Is bocconcini an acceptable curd substitute??

    The sewing-up of St. Brigid has begun.

    Hey, it’s a shoulder! With a saddle!

    @venks79 So weird. I haven’t had any bad GPS since I deleted and reinstalled. Is your route, like, in a parking garage? 😛

    Albert the Knitted Magic Pudding is only 1/3 done and it’s already CRACKING ME UP. Funniest thing I’ve knitted, ever.

    @venks79 Weird! Good run tho – but you need to start increasing the distance if you’re gonna do the Half…

    Less than 3 hours to get your picks in for the 8th Annual w-g Oscar Contest: Win sparkly emo vampire sockmonkeys!

    @ebertchicago I think my Oscar contest prize is one of a kind: handmade sparkly vampire sockmonkeys. You should enter!

    I have officially signed up for the Sydney Half Marathon: Bring it on!

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    Apologies for radio silence re: #kgagm. We were forbidden to tweet. Yes, really. Time for special speaker.

    Everybody welcome @miss_reecie to Twitter and follow her! She’s enjoying her first #kgagm.

    We survived. Many folks now having a well-deserved beer.

    Told Snook that Standards convenor accused me of sowing discord. “There goes your ribbon at the Show.” BUGGER! Didn’t think of that. 🙂

    @janiematts MISS JANE! Welcome aboard. 🙂

    @drkknits @randomknits I sent through a report via email. Kylie, are you on it?

    @justjussi Noooooo, not at all. That was just Rodd’s conjecture, and it kinda cracked me up. I doubt she’s even judging.

    Should clarify that the quote was from Snook, speculating. No threats were made. Just random bitching.

    After more than a year, my iMac G5 is back from the dead. Massive huge THANK YOU to @stufromoz for his advice!

    @stufromoz It’s brilliant. I’ve missed having a desktop! If you want anything knitted this winter, just let me know. I owe you one. 🙂

    @miss_reecie I was planning to donate my Sweater Design in Plain English to IC Group, so you can borrow if you want!

    @bellsknits except they don’t open til 10am on Sunday…

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    Brainstorming with @AusVintageGrrl for official Guild hashtag for tomorrow. #guildagm? #kgnswagm? #zomgdrama? #batshitinsane? Undecided.

    More possibilities: #idratherbeazombie #knitvomit #knittingforevil.

    @missamanda I had the same debate six months ago. They are much improved now. Just can’t justify spending 10x the price for salon!

    St. Brigid is blocking…

    @SallyPompom Hahaha, no, I mean my office at the house. 🙂

    @Kat13v You think that’s subversive? I think my UOTO laptop wallpaper might be projected during the meeting… accidentally.

    Less than 70 hours til the Oscars start! Don’t forget to make your predictions for the 8th Annual W-G Oscar Contest:

    I have become a person who has lots of meetings at work. This is somewhat new.

    @venks79 Yes, but somehow lately I’ve ended up being the one who has to take notes and WORK through the meeting! No fair!

    My Macbook has new wallpaper: The colour is, of course, Barbie Vag Pink. #spite #kgagm

    @sharre If I actually see you eating popcorn, I am going to LOSE IT! 🙂

    Guild presentations all ready to go. My selfish goal is just to avoid being hassled as much as possible. No drama llamaz for me!

    @pinkarwensocks You can pull things out! Just click and drag the ones you don’t want and they’ll go POOF. (Just icon, not app.)

    @pinkarwensocks You can also add stuff. Just drag icons from Finder onto it. There’s also setting to change how big dock is.

    All set up and ready to go! Bring it on. #kgagm

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    AHA! Google retired @GmailMuzzle, so now I see chat status again. This sucks. Is it because of Buzz? I want my minimalist chat window back.

    @witty_knitter WTF? I don’t get it. There’s only one person in that photo. Is that supposed to be the painting?

    @witty_knitter Ohhhh, nevermind. This is the painting:

    It’s very difficult to stay out of drama when it’s all around you. I always mean to, but then get sucked in. (Not just knitting guild.)

    I’ll be 33 in 11 days. Maybe then I’ll be a grown-up?

    @TimBags Your bus isn’t prepay only after work?

    @venks79 Wow, congrats! See, there’s an upside to having a couple of crappy no-eating days. 🙂

    @venks79 No no, but on stressful days, people usually eat less! And frustration burns calories, right?

    Good run! Still slow, but heart rate was more consistent and – HUZZAH – my foot barely hurt at all. Getting there…

    @steven_noble Is that in Snow Leopard? I just tried it on my MacBook in 10.5 but it doesn’t work. 🙁

    RT @DDsD: RT @RichendaG: Old, Rich and educated = Linkedin. Great demographic info <- Shame the graph colours aren …