Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Geek Girl Runner Episode 4 is now online! Topic: Body Image and Self-Confidence.

    @frillseekerjen WHAT?! That’s fantastic! What does that mean? Are you going to force an election???

    @shanea What’s gonna happen to Quackies??!!

    @tinkabel CONGRATULATIONS! Great pic. 🙂

    Pinned St. Brigid out to Starmore’s measurements & holy crap, this jumper is huge. Will Silkroad stand up to such aggressive blocking?

    @acatinatree We used them from SYD to Alice last Oct. It was fine, really!

    @AusVintageGrrl What action? I don’t even know there’s action that I missed!

    @witty_knitter Oh, I’ll block it to fit me once it’s back from the show. But for now, I wanted to try to stick to the schematic.

    @randomknits Personally, I am intrigued by the Saga of the Yard Boy. We may need a photo. I’m picturing a shirtless 20-something lothario…

    @witty_knitter It’s a good point. I’m such a tight knitter; I think I take good stitch definition for granted. 🙂 Will be on the lookout.

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    @bellsknits Well, not *sick*, but I’ve lost my knitting mojo. It sucks. Usually accompanies feeling blue or run down.

    @imdominating WOSSAMATTA WITH SMUG MARRIED FOLKS, HUH? (We’re only smug because we’re awesome.)

    @shanea Nice! Don’t do too much too soon. It sucks getting injured or sick right before the race!

    Just found out the Chairman of my company was at the #spencertunick photo too. Eeep! Glad I didn’t spot him; would’ve turned bright red!

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    Wooooot! The postman brought me an early birthday present: Sewing party, anyone? @mrs_sockvictim @AusVintageGrrl

    @morgancarpenter Rodd spotted you in the crowd this morning! We were towards the back of the forecourt, closest to steps. Fun, wasn’t it?!

    Melbourne people: what’s the best way for @eileenDCoE to get wireless Internet? New flat is tentatively in Fitzroy. Any preferred providers?

    Reminder: The 8th Annual W-G Oscar Contest is open… and a Sparkly Emo Vampire Sockmonkey Playset could be yours!

    @gusseting Thanks for that! I think internode is what she’s gonna go with…

    My right wrist feels like I have RSI. It’s been coming gradually, but today grabbing the mouse has been agony. THIS SUCKS.

    @beaney Do they put their real name on it? They might not care if they’re easily findable in the White Pages anyway.

    @imdominating But now I refer to him as Fatty Bolger.

    @venks79 Alternatives: Mother’s Day 8K, Bay Run 7K, City 2 Surf 14K…There are a lot of runs coming up. Just commit to one/some/all of ’em!

    @shanea @venks79 If I did it, you guys can. I used Hal Higdon’s novice plan:

    My recap of posing nude for Spencer Tunick this morning is now up on the blog:

    Just realised that Nextbyte have had my iMac for 6 weeks and haven’t even called me to explain the delay. *sigh*

    @SMinney I’ve had issues with Broadway Applecenter (and then Nextbyte) for YEARS. Was hoping this time would be different. 🙁

    @Camee @bellsknits Nah, Glebe Markets are only on Saturday. There’s a Sunday Market at Fox Studios though:

    @SMinney Yeah, I was just being lazy since Broadway is walking distance and I could carry the iMac in myself.

    @chrisgander The world’s tiniest violin is playing a song for you.

    I put Voltarin on my wrist today, and so far it’s feeling much better.

    Called Nextbyte to ask status of my broken iMac – and turns out it’s all done! No idea why they didn’t call to tell me for six weeks.

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    @misswired Ha! Did you shout and wave? I tend to zone out a bit.

    Catching a bus to Circular Quay. Meeting some friends for knitting-related celebration, of a sort.

    Attempt #1 of Magic Pudding knitting resulted in a damn mobius strip. ARGH!

    Taxi booked for 4am. This is ludicrous.

    So this is what 3.30am looks like. Gettin’ naked at the Opera House better be worth it.

    @Warlach Oh good. So my late taxi isn’t going to be an issue.

    Taxi ordered for 4am. Still sitting at home waiting at 4.10. Grrrrr.

    Finally on our way. Turns out taxi was taking OTHER crazy people to Opera House to get naked. #spencertunick

    Finally found end of queue, which was practically at the MCA. Must be couple thousand people! Moving fast tho. #spencertunick

    Waiting in a queue of 1000s to get kit off in public. Am heartened by large range of ages, body shapes. I love you, Sydney! #spencertunick

    I just unlocked the “School Night” badge on @foursquare!

    What the Opera House looks like at 5am.

    Waiting for sunrise at the Opera House so we can get naked. Luckily Snook brought windmill cookies. #spencertunick

    Little cool & windy, but thankfully not raining. Oddly, it’s the naked walk from Bot. Gardens to Opera House I find scariest. #spencertunick

    @ozgamer YOU’RE JOKING. Holy crap. Well, tell me if you spot our bums in the crowd!!

    RT @ozgamer: @web_goddess have live webcam stream going

    It’s nearly time! They’re giving us instructions. No jewelry, no hats, nothing. Eep! #spencertunick

    @ozgamer Rodd says MAKE A WORD. He’s bored and needs distraction. 🙂

    Final speech time! Signing off for PUBLIC NUDITY. #spencertunick

    Spencer says we have 500 more people than Melbourne. The crowd goes wild! #spencertunick

    Dear Interwebs: I have seen James Mathison naked. HUZZAH! #spencertunick

    That was scary, inspiring, silly, fun, chaotic, cold, liberating, annoying, and giggle-inducing. (Snook says: Serious art!) #spencertunick

    RT @janeslingo: Starting the week naked with 4000 other nudies on the opera house steps certainly ticks a ‘things to do before you die’ …

    Mathison had a mike 10 feet from us talking to a camera, so who knows. We may end up on the 7PM Project tonight! #spencertunick

    @stufromoz Just between you and me and the Twitterverse, it definitely was. 🙂

    @venks79 He was NUUUUUDE! 😀

    @venks79 Two friends! Rodd was there too. 🙂

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    @sharre Oh no! Hope I didn’t give you that feeling. You did a great job. I always stress out too, but somehow things always work out!

    RT @Kat13v: The Innercity group represent at kinokuniya

    I have never crafted anything that looks so much like a merkin as this.

    @redambition Oh, pics are coming. Later today. I just have to finish embroidering a six-pack on a sock monkey. 🙂

    The 8th Annual W-G Oscar Contest is open… and a Sparkly Emo Vampire Sockmonkey Playset could be yours!

    Spent the whole afternoon embroidering sockmonkey six-packs, sewing merkin-like fur wigs, and staging elaborate photo shoots in the garden.

    @sharre They made me laugh and laugh when I was writing the blog post. 🙂

    I hear Mardi Gras fireworks…

    @Opheli8 I wonder why. What browser? Couple other people managed to submit…

    @drkknits @randomknits @knitabulous Did you send cheques? Will send mine tomorrow. I want cub lair too!!

    @chenchaoyi0333 Welcome to twitter! 🙂

    @imdominating Bring on the Twi-hards! I want one of you to win. 🙂

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    Best wishes to @TimBags and anybody else leaving MM (voluntarily or not) today…

    @carbolicious Oh sorry, that’s my OLD company, not the one I work at now. No layoffs here. 🙂

    Chippendale has another fresh food option! SydneyConnect has started up and will be distributing from Michael’s house:

    Beer o’clock is firmly under way…

    Finally home and uncomfortably full of beer and tapas.

    @gilmae What, you mean the Guild thingo? Screw that. The webmaster’s presence will not be required. 🙂

    @gilmae Oh THAT. Yeah, I think I’ll pull up okay. The last 2 beers were actually lemonade. 🙂

    @sharre Thank you again for organising! You’ve done a great job. I’ll stop by in the arvo to visit. 🙂

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    @gilmae I guess the only way it could end, really. I sobbed and sobbed through that book.

    @sharre Don’t leave! I’m on my way to M&S via the library to get the stuff. Be there as soon as I can…

    RT @Ezzles: I am a knitter. I own somewhere in the realm of 10 measuring tapes. It should not take me half an hour to locate one of them.

    Congrats to @chrisgander on his last day at MobileActive! You’ll be missed, buddy.

    RT @DDsD: 3/4 of Android users are male, vs 50/50 for iPhone: // Definitely agrees with my anecdotal experience…

    @thisismywww I wrote a long comment about it on Google Reader. The advertising has basically ensured that I WON’T be getting Android.

    @traceyh I suspect you are being very kind and that the observation was prompted by some of my fellow Yanks. We can be very provincial.

    @uknick50 No problem w/ that, but this female geek was turned off by Android adverts’ use of misogynism to equate female with dumb & pretty.

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    @VenessaHunt @venks79 That’s why our last move was NEXT DOOR. We carried everything we own by hand. 🙂

    @redambition Yay! Ooh, should’ve told you to join the GGR team. We’ve got several folks signed up! Might have a meetup afterwards. 🙂

    Just completed a 2.53 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @VenessaHunt Ha! I hope you called in all the favors that Mark and Sean owe you. 🙂

    Spudds PLUS walking home? Why yes, Virtue *is* my middle name! (However, now I have to cough my brains out.)

    @redambition That sucks! Did you try the delete/reinstall trick? Turn off Wi-Fi during your runs?

    @redambition That fixed it for me completely. Good luck!

    Snook: “So I’m on yet another of the amazing World of Warcraft POOP QUESTS. Except this time, I’m doing the pooping.”

    Insomnia! Time for codeine, I guess.

    Thinking of separating my two twitter accounts and using @geekgirlrunner for all the running stuff. Should I? Or keep all together?

    Okay, I’m officially separating @web_goddess and @geekgirlrunner. Feel free to switch which one you follow if you just want running stuff!

    @Opheli8 I only created it a couple days ago, mostly to keep other people from nabbing it. Then I decided to actually use it. 🙂

    Okay, all my @runkeeper updates are now going to @geekgirlrunner, so the rest of you won’t see them unless you follow that account!

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    We have a new microwave at work. I don’t get it. One button says “POWER / MELODY.” I assume that cooks your food with an 80’s rock ballad.

    @gilmae Oh great. Now I’ve got the creepy little blind girl stuck in my head.

    @kelownagurl Thanks! I’ve heard you mentioned on many other running podcasts… 🙂

    @stufromoz I’m still the last one in the office. Somehow I’m most productive after 4pm. 🙁

    Officially welcoming @eileenDCoE Down Under! If you’re in Melbs and want to make friends with an awesome chick, look her up.

    @tinkabel All the in-ear ones fall out on me. I got these from Dick Smith: That’s the only thing that stays on!

    @uknick50 Done! 🙂

    @squozen I got one today too. Are you an affiliate, or was somebody just extra nice?

    Sleepy Snook + hotplate mistakenly left on all night = OUCH! We can haz induction now pleaz?

    @DDsD Old Southern US attitude that even a drop of African blood made one black. Seriously.

    @randomknits CRAP. Guess I really need to finish my project!

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    Thinking of going for my first run in 10 days. I may actually cough up a lung.

    Just completed a 2.54 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Just completed a 5.06 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @venks79 Thanks. It wasn’t great, but I did it.

    @witty_knitter That wasn’t a DM, M-H. 🙁