Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    I am having fun brandishing my CLUESTICK today!

    @Bevfam Scoring some righteous victories against idiots on the Internet. 🙂

    I feel like I’m being pulled in 50 different directions today. Very hard to concentrate on anything for more than 5 minutes.

    @MetalheadMick Or 421… #StarWarsGeek

    We missed @SallyPompom at knitting tonight! There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I assure you.

    Adidas QVB sold out of orange Rogue Squadron SW hightops on 1st day! SOB. Seriously debated dropping $180 on purple Slave Leia kicks tho.

    @SallyPompom Oh, it was on the cards anyway. But we could’ve bought you a few drinks! 🙂

    @twelveeyes They were very limited edition. I only knew because Snook spotted than last week. Only in the “concept store,” I think. 🙁

    Icing my foot. It’s been hurting more. Starting to fear the dreaded P.f. diagnosis…

    @bellsknits @witty_knitter And I got to meet her in Tapestry Craft a few years ago! My inner 16yo was very happy.

    On one hand, I appear to get to stop work at 3pm. On the other hand, it’s so my desk can be moved for this weekend’s asbestos removal.

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    If you’re wondering about my avatar, download ToonPAINT for your iPhone. My favorite new app. Will blog a review shortly.

    ToonPAINT review is available: Great iPhone app; well worth $2.50.

    @Opheli8 But… but… it’s awesome! I’ll make you a Mija-as-painted-by-Andy-Warhol icon!

    @alyshajane That’s me the Maybelle wig I borrowed from @randomknits at Halloween. I am starting to think I look good with a perm.

    @steven_noble I’ve got the skillset but no time. I’ll ask around though…

    @steven_noble Figured as much. I forwarded to designer friend: She’d be very well suited & I could assist with dev.

    Had my first double workout day in a long time. 6km run this morning then Spudds at lunch. Got 101m on the rower, but felt shattered after.

    Stephanie Alexander’s Buttered Beetroot FTW.

    Every time I see a “Silent Witness” advert, I think – “Georgiana Darcy, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR!”

    @AusVintageGrrl What a birthday! Poor Roh. Hugs to all.

    Google Buzz has arrived. Sounds like a lot of other folks at work got it. So far it’s kind of a firehose. Need to figure out how to filter.

    @stufromoz I was! Where were you? Were you the guy with the briefcase who kept bumping me? 🙂

    @stufromoz Ha! No, current knitting is too complicated for the bus. Instead I’ve been playing Words with Friends (i.e. Scrabble) on commute.

    Congrats to @kunaal84 on his new job… 🙂

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    @imdominating This is SO for you: 🙂

    @gilmae I have jealously guarded my goatse virginity for more than a decade. Since you know, I can no longer click your links. Ever.

    I have received the “It’s 90210 Day!” email from 3 different Aussies. Did everyone get it, or is it because I’m the token Yank?

    @venks79 That’s what mine is, but that’s recorded first thing in the morning before I even sit up in bed.

    Just completed a 6.00 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @Bevfam Heh. I was playing with an iPhone app called ToonPAINT. The wig is from Halloween. 🙂

    Felt aching/pulling along my arch during this morning’s run so I walked latter half. No heel pain so I don’t think it’s plantar. Any ideas?

    @IronBrandon Do you think I need to replace my Newtons? I’m at ~220mi. Would wear on the lugs have a that effect, do you think?

    @IronBrandon That’s what I was thinking. So might just be a little of an overuse injury, I guess. Will try ice and staying barefoot. Thanks!

    @AusVintageGrrl HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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    @cdeagle RunKeeper is good stuff. One of the best apps I’ve bought for my iPhone. Now I just need that fancy Withings scale… 🙂

    @Fifikins You’d have to jailbreak it. iPhones OS doesn’t allow apps (other than email) to save anything but images.

    I always think I’m going to go to the gym after work, and it’s always a bad plan because I turn into a slacker and don’t want to go.

    @crumpet Oh no. Are you a Warcraft widow too? Has @squozen started using silly words like “tank” and “DPS”? 🙂

    Shattered from Spudds. Peak HR 178bpm and 100m on rower. Closest I’ve come to puking yet. Feel a bit like an Amazon!

    @sharre Awww, but IC will still be fun! I guarantee it. 🙂

    @redambition CRAP. Guild forum? Somebody else had the same problem.

    @redambition Did it take you a while to write? The session may be timing out. It was set to 15 minutes; I just bumped it to 60.

    @redambition I’m so sorry; that was my bad. I didn’t realise it was set so short.

    Podcast audience: Geek Girl Runner Ep 3 won’t be up til next weekend. I’ve just had a really busy weekend and the week looks the same!

    Drawbacks of iPhone Scrabble. Me: “You made KUDO? That’s not a word!” Him: “Well, I wanted to make WANKED but it wouldn’t let me have it.”

    Hooray! After 5.5 years of allergy desensitization (75+ injections), my doctor says this can be my graduation batch. At last.

    @cdeagle Dust mites and a couple grasses. I used to take a Zyrtec every day; I’m down to 1 per week (or less) now.

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    In case anybody missed it, Atholie has posted her next installment: Screw this stuff; I’m goin’ for a run. 🙂

    Just completed a 6.65 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    The cats appear to have made an unholy alliance with the bus drivers’ union to RUIN MY DAY.

    Some of us are at work! RT @scrubbles: Most of my twitterees are not watching that thing that everybody else is watching today…

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    This grey and rainy weather is really emphasizing the cloak-and-dagger tone my day has taken.

    @Opheli8 @trib Sewing people? Yeah, I’d classify most as nerds. It’s not a very sexy hobby at the moment. Knitting is where it’s at. 🙂

    @cdeagle Yeah, but you get extra KICKASS POINTS for doing it in the rain. Great job!

    Going by the pattern, I’m 2/3 done with St. Brigid sleeves. Going by the length of my actual Gigantor arms, I’m only 1/2 done. *sigh*

    Stuffed baby eggplant: YUM. I am a domestic goddess.

    Jenny C has posted about the Guild situation on Ravelry, so those of you who aren’t members, head there to comment and ask ?’s.

    @Alacaeriel The Constitution is on the Guild website…

    @bellsknits Yes. She hasn’t posted the contents of the letter, so non-Guild members should ask her to clarify.

    You know what would make all this better? PAJAMA JEANS. That is the most genius invention of all time.

    It’s not every day you find a perfectly good plastic skull in a skip on Clarence St: We think it may even BLINK!

    @crumpet Quite. Tho the jaw is broken and thus separated. Mandibles O’ Death, I call him.

    Since it looks like it’s going to rain all day AGAIN, the only question is whether to run in the rain now or later.

    @cdeagle I don’t get the nipple problem – hooray for sports bras – but some guys swear by Body Glide. Lube ’em up next time!

    @cdeagle Good questions! I’ll definitely work them into Ep 3, hopefully in the next day or two…

    @cdeagle Related question: How do you prefer me to read your twitter name? CD-eagle, or C-deagle?

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    Got fantastic email from Debra in So. California this morning about my podcast. Thanks Debra! You resurrected my Friday. 🙂

    @drkknits Inner City will be drama free, trust me. G, R, and I guarantee it. 🙂

    Woo! @Kat13v and the Firefly quote FTW. I feel stirred up and inspired. 🙂

    Just completed a 2.68 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @stufromoz Ran this morning. The walking home was just to feel virtuous enough to make up for the beer at lunch. 🙂

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    Holy crap… iiNet WON THEIR CASE? That’s awesome!

    Thanks to everyone’s opinions… We went with the Lovebird Suite. Bring on the big spa bath!

    Sydney and Melbourne: not as different as you’d think.

    Next question: What’s the verdict on Jambaroo? Worth going? Will I really get to control the action?

    RT @likeomg: from here on out, anyone who creates a word with the prefix “tw-” in the hopes of being seen as cutting edge gets a courtes …

    @chrisgander This Seppo is a full convert. Pineapple all the way.

    @Jimbo_W I really want to do the Striders series, but I’m not at a 60min 10K just yet. 🙁 #running

    My clients are all internal. Hm -> RT @gilmae: I think we should kill our client and steal all their money. It will be win win for everyone.

    Realisation: The “Out of Scope” section is my favourite part of writing a spec, by far.

    Just completed a 5.62 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    I’m entering @Crust_Pizza #CrustFreePizzaFriday because evidently I’m a glutton for disappointment.

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    The truth is that I’m still ambivalent about the iPad. But raving frothing haters are turning me into an iPad-supporter, just out of spite.

    Apple just sent me a survey about my recent repair. The punchline is, NextByte haven’t even called me about it yet. It’s not done, AFAIK.

    @stufromoz The repair. Asks me about the technical ability of person who did the repair, etc. Needless to say, I can’t answer! 🙂

    Bit of a surprise to see @acatinatree’s lovely visage pop up in my Google Reader! Congrats to @Readingroom_Au…

    @acatinatree The Mumbrella story with your piccy! Well done. I was getting worried you were going to be deported… 🙂

    Wow. GGR Episode 2 has had over 100 downloads in the first day. It took Episode 1 four days to reach that!

    @Bevfam Puh-leeze… I don’t need an even bigger head about this than I already have! 😛

    Tegan and Sara coming to Oz: Anybody want to go to the Sydney show in May with me?

    Just completed a 5.53 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @kaztx I don’t have a problem with forefoot running – and I’m slow! But I started out alternating run/walks for several weeks to build up.

    Planning a weekend getaway to Kiama. Is it worth $100 extra to get the “Lovebird Suite” with the big corner spa?

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    @Bevfam @Jimbo_W Thanks for the RTs – and the listens! I’m just annoyed it’s not up in iTunes yet. Grrr.

    Ah! The latest GGR episode isn’t listed in iTunes yet, but it’s there if you subscribe. Guess it just takes a while for main page to update.

    @Bevfam Weird. I don’t see the review! Wonder if it caches them in various locations or something.

    @Bevfam Ahhh, reviews are listed *per country*. I need to figure out how to see reviews in other countries!

    I feel like I want some big giant headphones at work so I can feel even more isolated over here in my corner. 🙂

    @redambition The Mother’s Day Race? Yay! It’s a really fun event. I’ll be doing it too!

    Sarah McLachlan followed by the Spin Doctors? Evidently my iPod is having some mid-90’s nostalgia today. I feel like I’m back in college.

    Still feeling run down. Yawning and in bed by 9.30 tonight.

    RT @coachprs: I feel this is important enough info to put out there again. Forefoot v Heel Strike Hmmm?