Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Started my Monday with a marathon 3-hour meeting that systematically destroyed a 20+ page spec. FML.

    Best follow-up to 3hr meeting is realizing you’re sick and having to rush home to take antibiotics ASAP. This sucks and I feel like crap.

    Just completed a 5.47 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    GeekGirlRunner Episode 002 is now available! Should be available in your feed reader or iTunes soon…

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    Met up with a bunch of folks for impromptu kite festival at Sydney Park.

    @Bevfam Thanks! Saw your tweets about cheering on the Irish. I’m a Domer myself, class of ’99. 🙂

    Just completed a 7.61 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    In case you, like me, were wondering about the frenetic pace and odd editing of The Biggest Loser, this is why:

    Celeb spotting! Ran past Ryan Shelton on Enmore Rd. Couldn’t remember his name; had to browse thru 100 Spicks & Specks ep descs to find him.

    @knitabulous Nope, completely cut out. No group shots at weigh in. I bet they’ll rush thru 1st two weeks in a couple eps & then slow down.

    @sharre A friend referred to her unemployment as The Summer of George. Make the most of it!

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    Sun is shining and I’m on my way to #operainthedomain!

    Just got report that Domain is covered on fences?! Will they take them down before the opera starts? #operainthedomain

    The Knitters’ Camp has been established! #operainthedomain

    The view from my sun shade at #operainthedomain!

    Knitting in the sun at #operainthedomain.

    The first two ppl at the Little Creatures Bar were Knitters. Hells yeah.

    In spite of sunshades and SPF 30+, I have bright pink arms, legs, and cleavage. 🙁

    @misswired Complete brain meltdown. Did not register that @dancingman the knitter was @dancingman the Tweeter. I blame Vampire Bedazzlement.

    At the Opera in the Domain! (@ The Domain)

    Three cheerc for Snookums, bringer of hot pizza and cold beer. #operainthedomain

    As an opera singer, Paul McDermott makes a good TV presenter. #operainthedomain

    Sunburnt. Tired. On a fortunately empty Newtown bus headed home. #operainthedomain

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    @redambition That’s it! Time for lunch.

    @crumpet HAHAHAHA.Tell them you’re a guerilla scrapbooker, and you punch holes in stuff because that’s your SUBVERSIVE ART, MAN.

    @crumpet Several. Several.

    I am using both “sign up” and “top up” in a document. Hyphenate or not? Opinions?

    @toastman Dude. At least wait til beer o’clock before you make me miserable and contemplative.

    This is what I went with! RT @witty_knitter: only need hyphenation if they are forming a single adjective eg sign-up sheet.

    The Duck & Swan is packed out tonight! No one in Chippo feels like cooking.

    Getting supplies for #operainthedomain today. The weather’s not that bad!

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    @toastman I misread it as Space Farm eggs when I first saw them. And now that’s what I think of them as. SPACE FARM EGGS.

    Thinking about public nudity… in the name of art, of course.

    RT @cdeagle: @web_goddess just heard your first podcast. Good stuff! Keep ’em comin. // Thanks! Planning to do the 2nd one this weekend. 🙂

    Thank you! I’m loving the feedback. RT @bellsknits: Loving the new podcast Geek Girl Runner by @web_goddess – great to hear your voice kris.

    Just completed a 5.17 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Great run today. Decided to push HR into 150s to shake things up, and I think it worked! Felt like I was flying compared to yesterday.

    I’m entering @crust_pizza #CrustFreePizzaFriday because I ran 5K this morning and I DESERVE some pizza!

    @sharre Nice! The collective needs to assimilate newbies. 🙂

    @cdeagle That’s what I’m thinking. It would only be useful if it pointed at you, so you could do video conferencing…

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    @brodrigu *snort* I like the plywood coffin.

    @Jimbo_W Thanks for that! Saw your tweet about reading Born to Run. I switched to forefoot running late last year. Will discuss in next ep!

    Like 10 people piked on the gym today so I was only one at Spudds. 40min one-on-one training session. I feel TOUGH and yet WRECKED.

    @trevoryoung @GuyKawasaki MetaFilter on photos: Many are stolen without attribution. Site is Scientology shill too.

    @gilmae I kinda feel the same. Have had many people telling me about it as FACT, when Job has said zilch. I hope he just points and laughs.

    LazyTweet request: How much would you expect to pay for an undercover secure car space in the Inner West?

    @venks79 Thanks for the tip! I was thinking $40/wk, and that seems mid to low for the area. Good to know.

    I don’t know if you know this, but my husband’s kind of a genius. (He’s helping me write a perl script to analyse my podcast downloads.)

    Just completed a 5.44 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @bellsknits No, they definitely say pad.

    @bellsknits Sanitary napkin might be printed on vending machines at airports and stuff, but no one would ever say that. Ewww!

    @Opheli8 @VenessaHunt *snort* Soon the bad girls will have to hang out and tweet from the bathroom. 🙂

    Personally, I think that manipulating a spreadsheet w/ touch gestures would make me feel like a SUPER SPY FROM TOMORROW. But that’s just me.

    @steven_noble Just saw your LIC post. Did you see the new SEVEN aerobins in Peace Park this morning? When did they arrive?!

    Very happy to discover 7 new Aerobins in Chippendale Peace Park this morning: Thanks to whoever sponsored that!

    @drkknits Nothing wrong with a book. But being able to carry 10(thousand) books is even better!

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    How’s that for multiculturalism? A bento box shaped like a Vegemite jar!

    I made a lamingtonmisu for dessert! It was somehow more than the sum of its parts. Recipe:

    Everyone was dubious on the lamingtonmisu, yet ALL THE PLATES WERE CLEAN. Storebought lams and Iced Vovos FTW!

    @NotQuiteNigella I needed a last minute dessert for today’s barbie, so I went for the lamingtonmisu! BRILLIANT!

    Lamingtonmisu for breakfast… Maaaaaaybe not such a good idea. Bleurgh.

    @lahondaknitter A new dessert that @NotQuiteNigella invented: I made one yesterday:

    @AusVintageGrrl Eek, how come?!

    Having Tuesday off really means that the week has two Mondays. And that sucks.

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    Requested in Skype chat for ppl to stop using ‘gay’ to mean ‘stupid’. Say hello to the tech team killjoy! I should get that on my biz cards.

    @seggr But there are 3 Aussie business listed on the site?

    @IronBrandon WAY TO GO! Great job, congrats.

    @imdominating WHAT ARE YOU SAYING TO MY LITTLE SISTER, YOU CORRUPTER?! If I catch @carbolicious writing fan fic, I swear…

    @henrytapia You forget how warm and inclusive of minorities the IT industry in Australia is. /sarcasm

    @CleaSan She had it a few months ago. SBS is way behind. 🙁

    @AusVintageGrrl WOOOO! Adrenaline rush. Way to go! 🙂

    Alarming trend of lace projects revolting against their owners. First Jane, now @bellsknits. I told you all lace was evil. 🙂

    @codepo8 We have those Lego Star Wars magnets on our fridge. 🙂

    @liedra Looking at your recipe. Does it make them chewy or crispy?

    On a run. So hot. HR too high. (@ Newtown)

    Just completed a 5.61 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Sun came out so I had a TERRIBLE run. Too hot. Kept getting angry at my high heart rate, which doesn’t help. No patience for this training.

    @mrs_sockvictim I know. It’s just frustrating to have to walk to stay within limit when I know I could go so much faster. 🙁

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    An amazing raspberry chocolate pavlova courtesy of the Snook.

    @misswired @VenessaHunt HA! Fat chance. It took me six years to get him to comment on my blog.

    @DianneKing It’s this one from Nigella Lawson:

    The air conditioner in the office isn’t on. I don’t miss the cold air as much as the white noise. It’s eerily quiet in here.

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    New Moon was precisely as ridiculous and AWESOME as I’d hoped. Thanks to @misswired for coining ‘DILF’. Team Charlie all the way!

    @stufromoz Dad. Charlie Swan rocks the tache. 🙂

    Just completed a 7.13 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper