Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    EEK – My Newton lugs are worn down after 4 months! @sirisaac, is this normal? What’s expected replacement mileage/time? (cc @IronBrandon)

    Hm. Actually, it looks like I got my Newtons at the end of August. So it’s really been more like 5 months. (@sirisaac @IronBrandon)

    @Opheli8 Pan flutes and holes in reality?

    I see lightning!

    @brodrigu Ack! Didn’t mean to decline your rematch. Hit the wrong button!

    Inaugural episode of Geek Girl Runner podcast is up! It’ll be in iTunes soon. I hope you like it!

    @steverunner @IronBrandon @runjohnerun Inaugural episode of Geek Girl Runner podcast is up! It’ll be in iTunes soon!

    @agyorke Inaugural episode of Geek Girl Runner podcast is up! It’ll be in iTunes soon. I hope you like it!

    Now to bed so I can get up bright and early for SPARKLE EMO VAMPIRE LURVE.

    @randomknits George St. Cinemas. 9:45am. Sparkle emo vampire lurve. (If you can sit through it again.)

    My new running podcast Geek Girl Runner is now listed in the iTunes Music Store!

    @DDsD IIRC white has had coating removed and is therefore a little hotter. But it’s mostly used in dishes where black specks aren’t wanted.

    @Alegrya Gotcha. It’s cool. I’m like 2 minutes away on the bus.

    I just unlocked the “Zoetrope” badge on @foursquare!

    Sparkle emo vampire lurve, here we go! (@ Event Cinemas)

    @misswired @Alegrya @dancingman I’m waiting at the theater, which has no lights right now.

    Saturday morning at the cinema appears to be single dad + kid time. At least it’s cool and quiet.

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    @discoknitter Don’t have it. But “teenage girl falls in love with stalkery sparkly R.Pattz” is really all the summary you need.

    @Alegrya Holy crap, it’s $17 otherwise! Yeah, I’ll be doing that. Thanks for the link! (@misswired @dancingman)

    @Alegrya @misswired @dancingman I have booked. You pick seats?! I picked row Q, middle section. Not sure it will matter on the day.

    @discoknitter Be sure to use this link: . Makes the ticket $7.50 instead of $17! We’re in row Q in the middle.

    @Diepdin Yeah, I debated calling Fin up, but I think once was enough to torture him. šŸ™‚

    My music is here! And now for some closet podcasting. I mean, literally in my closet.

    Podcast complete. But ha, so much for recording in my closet. I sound like I’m IN A CATHEDRAL. I really need a better microphone.

    Just completed a 5.56 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    I’m entering @Crust_Pizza #CrustFreePizzaFriday because I’m an eternal optimist.

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    Whoa! Cafe Otto in Glebe burned down last night!

    @_brigita_ I sent him a fan letter in high school. He was always with the danger and the flannel shirts in some war zone on Channel 1.

    @_brigita_ Nah, it was fairly jokey and stalkery, with some snotty remarks about Rawley Valverde thrown in. (He never left the Hacienda!)

    @stufromoz That’s me. Yoga was the worst. She’d be telling us not to have any thoughts, and I’d be thinking “MMM, CHICKEN SOUNDS SO GOOD!”

    @Opheli8 THE GAP IS COMING?! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet.

    RT @jchyip: Managers blame developers for “poor” estimates for the same reason that people blame meteorologists for poor weather

    Check out the 2.55 km run I did with @runkeeper #RunKeeper

    AH! The solution to the echo problem for my podcast: recording in the closet! Genius!

    @bellsknits Just waiting for my music guy to send me his files. Hopefully tomorrow!

    @wooliewombat @Diepdin @bellsknits It’ll be up on That should give you the idea. šŸ™‚

    @thisismywww Good tip! Funny thing is: I just relistened to my take from the other night, and I kinda like it! So I’ll leave it. šŸ™‚

    Just completed a 5.16 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Bad sleep. Crappy run. Forgot to drink the coffee Snook made me. What else can go wrong? BRING IT, THURSDAY.

    The crowds have dissipated, and no one we know will see us there. Who’s up for New Moon on Saturday morning at George Street cinemas?

    You can DM me if you’re TOO EMBARRASSED to let the world know that you’re going to a TEEN VAMPIRE MOVIE with me. Wimps.

    @misswired @Alegrya It’s only playing at 9:45am… Floppy hats and disguises are definitely encouraged. šŸ™‚

    @stufromoz They’re too young for me too! Come on, be a perv. šŸ™‚

    @brodrigu Ha. The teen drama is the only thing I LIKE about the series. šŸ™‚

    @misswired Nah, not playing there anymore (according to the website). Only at Greater Union George St, I think.

    @misswired Somehow missed this. Email the Snook. He gets his homebrew gear from Dave’s and can advise on everything.

    @misswired @Alegrya @dancingman Done! See you all at 9:30 ish on Saturday morning then…

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    Have sourced awesome original music for my forthcoming podcast. Yay! Nearly there.

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    Listening to @lotsofco’s Lady Gaga Megamix. I feel more productive already.

    The stupid cougar ad has been posted in three separate work chats today. WE GET IT, MEN. YOU THINK SEXUALLY ACTIVE ADULT WOMEN ARE GROSS.

    @gilmae You didn’t see it? I’m not linking it. Stupid Air New Zealand ad campaign with FUNNY GROSS COUGARS STALKING YOUNG MEN. Har. Har.

    @gadgetgirl70 I hope it’s the one where he makes the music video for the daughter. Best. ALF. Ever.

    About to record my first ever podcast. EEEEEEP!

    Took me one hour to record 18 minutes. Yikes. Looks like I’ll be editing and uploading tomorrow…

    @thisismywww Tried using Garage Band. May give Audacity a go next time.

    @miftik Running! Running for very slow people. šŸ™‚

    Just completed a 5.54 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    RT @ravelry: Poll: What mobile device do you use (most often) when browsing Ravelry?

    @lukerides I got Super Mayor on the weekend. šŸ™‚

    @crumpet Nah. Apple shares go up on rumors, down on actual news.

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    Just bought beach chairs at Ray’s Outdoors for Opera in the Domain with @AusVintageGrrl. šŸ™‚

    RT @johnvaughn: Let’s show our support for @Steverunner If you like Phedip retweet this…#showintheloveforPHEDIP

    Heading out for a 5-miler on a beautiful day…

    Just completed a 8.00 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Super productive awesome weekend. Big things are coming!

    Universal truth: No matter how early you get to the Apple Store, some wanker in a Bluetooth earpiece will be in the queue ahead of you.

    Head down. I am going to finish this spec today if it kills me.

    @Justacogitating Nice! I just added you as a foursquare friend. Now turn off your tweets, you noob! šŸ˜›

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    Grrr. Anyone want to buy a dead iMac G5? Capacitors are blown. Going cheap.

    I just unlocked the “Super Mayor” badge on @foursquare!

    @stufromoz It’s 4 years old. Genius Bar basically told me “Tough luck, kid.”

    A woman got out of her LandRover on Broadway and threw a banana peel in the street. I yelled at her. Do I get my old lady badge yet?

    HAPPY DAY! Humongous, huge thanks to @stufromoz for his advice. My iMac is being fixed, free of charge! Woooohooo!

    @stufromoz Hahaha… I could only confirm from your custom URL, which matches. (I just friended you, BTW. And I definitely owe you a beer.)

    Hm. I yell at a litterer, and an hour later I get told my computer will be fixed. Evidently the universe WANTS me to be a grumpy old woman!

    We tried out our new kite in Vic Park:

    Finished one UFO; now working on a special sample square. Bobbles. Why did I have to pick bobbles?

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    @yourshoesdaily Sure, go right ahead. You can throw in a plug to my blog – – if you like.

    Just ate a massive, awesome brownie from Sweet Infinity. Sheesh. And I wonder how come I never lose weight, despite all the running… šŸ™‚

    I just sent out the Inner City Knitters Guild calendar for 2010. I hope everybody likes it…

    @randomknits I don’t see you on the list at all. Hm. What address do you want it to go to? I’ll add you now.

    @randomknits Weird. I have to approve new folks, and your address wasn’t in the approval queue. Anyway, you’re added now!

    @drkknits Go for it. I’ll watch the approval queue…

    @drkknits @randomknits The system sends you an email back to confirm your address. Maybe it went into spam folder?

    @drkknits Got it this time! You’re in now. šŸ™‚

    @drkknits I’ll forward you the email from today.

    The Snook and I are both stumped by today’s xkcd: Anybody care to explain it?

    Nevermind. We got it!

    @lahondaknitter @Alegrya It’s a robotics competition. One team wins by triggering the sprinkler and shorting out the other robot.

    @sharre Oh good. I was paranoid that everybody would think it sucked or not be happy with it.

    @knitabulous I mostly listen to podcasts. Phedippidations (by @steverunner) is a personal fave. I’m hoping to start my own this weekend. šŸ™‚

    @sharre Awesome! (If folks are having trouble getting on the list, tell them to check their spam folder. Seen that with other folks today.)

    @knitterjp Phew! Glad you liked it. šŸ™‚

    @randomknits Shit. Sorry to hear it.

    My first chawan-mushi: VERY NICE.

    My review of Masaka Japanese Dining: I ate chawan-mushi and loads of raw fish! I’m as surprised as you are!

    Also, if @grabyourfork wants to review Masaka and needs some extra eaters, just say the word. šŸ™‚

    @explainxkcd That. Is. Brilliant. Bookmarked!

    Sick of Firefox crashing my MacBook, so I’m trying out Google Chrome. (I hope it was Firefox, anyway.)

    @stufromoz Nah, 10.5.8. The Snook suspects it’s Flash. Just beachballs every now and then and I have to hard-reboot.

    @stufromoz Force-quitting doesn’t work; whole machine goes unresponsive. (That’s why I’m hoping it’s not a bigger issue.)

    @thisismywww I don’t mind Safari; used it exclusively back in the day. Just heard good things about Chrome lately.

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    Found the shoes I wanted at Kumfs! Actually attractive! Seemingly impossible task accomplished.

    Snook’s homebrew is potent. One pint and I’m down for the count.

    @shanea It was a double batch. We’ve got plenty. Have you moved to the neighbourhood yet?

    Just completed a 5.09 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Iā€™m entering @Crust_Pizza #Crustfreepizzafriday because I’m too lazy to cook. And pizza is good.

    My new shoes: (And yes, I cuffed my jeans today to show them off better. Shameless, really.)

    These are the shoes, if you’re so inclined: (@yourshoesdaily @liedra @zephyrama)

    @DianneKing Nah, there’s a shop here in Sydney. Not cheap: $220. But I’ve had Kumfs before and they’re good quality. Last for years.

    @lelak Ooh, I like the Vibrams. Been thinking about it. I’ve been running in Newtons for a few months now…

    Excellent video explaining use cases: There are a whole bunch more BA/OO/UML videos here:

    RT @kevincmurphy: Doomsday Savings Time: We’ve gained a minute: // Phew! Thought we were going the other way.

    RT @ScottRhodie: I’m going to repost this link – Put a smile on your face this Friday // So sweet. Loved it.

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    @eileenDCoE Still keepin’ tabs on you… I bet she orders you to do some recycling. šŸ™‚

    My pretty new wallet: Thanks to those who suggested Strandbags. It was on sale!

    Wedding ring + rowing machine = OUCH! Lesson learned.

    @bellsknits Most of the sale ones were pretty cheap looking. The nice leather ones were all $50+. Luckily this one was marked down to $35!

    @witty_knitter St. Brigid waits for no injury. I shall persevere. (At least I’m using red wool. Will hide the blood.)

    @ozgamer Ha, yeah, I’m in. šŸ™‚

    Just completed a 5.50 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @Fiestywenchyone Phew! Great to hear it. Congratulations!