Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    My wallet is falling apart. I need a new one. Where to get cool, funky yet functional women’s wallet? (Prefer folded to the long ones.)

    Sounds like Strandbags it is! Thanks to @sharre @Ascasewwen @redambition @DrCris for suggestions.

    Finally listening to Best of @clubbootie 2009. AWESOME. There’s a Glee sample like 10 seconds in!

    @randomknits There are girls I went to high school with who are GRANDMOTHERS. (Indiana = hotbed of teen pregnancy.)

    Chilli harvest, straight from the garden and about to become salsa!

    I’ve always thought that Jay Leno was one of the dumbest, unfunniest men on television. I’m firmly on #teamconan.

    Wowl. Google reviewing their approach to China. Sad that it took a breach to get to that point.

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    @gilmae Are you talking about our game? Because I do that all the time.

    @gilmae Lucky for you my set of letters is only useful for making words in Russian. MY KINGDOM FOR A FRICKIN’ VOWEL!

    I hate when the doctor’s reception “forgets” to tell me he’s running an hour late. I didn’t have to leave work early after all.

    Just completed a 5.40 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Breakfast treat: mulberry tart from Sweet Infinity.

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    Just completed a 6.56 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Someone set fire to a tree in Chippo today. Why?

    The thing that occupied my afternoon: Yep. 200L of manure.

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    Came home from Guild meeting, had some lunch, and conked out on the couch for like 3 hours. Whoops.

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    @Fiestywenchyone As one of the few Americans who understands cricket, I didn’t see anything offensive about the ad.

    I am 3-for-8 so far on Words With Friends games. I suck at Scrabble.

    @brodrigu Oh you are going DOWN, mister!

    @spycoredotnet Who’s your vet? The kitties go to Glebe now, and I like Dr. Tony there.

    I haz a microphone for top sekrit purposes.

    Time to pack up for tomorrow’s Guild meeting and hit the sack.

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    @DianneKing It’s a 4ply. 50% wool, 50% silk. Knitabulous FiftyFifty if you’re on Ravelry…

    @knitterjp Good grief! You ARE early! I won’t be there for ages. šŸ™

    Just completed a 5.95 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @nis_ Nope, mine went out about 9 hours late today. #runkeeper

    @captain_beef I plan on being the very last holdout who has NOT seen it. You’re welcome to join me.

    @imdominating I think I may have a submission for that site this weekend.

    Just completed a 5.30 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @DianneKing Trying desperately to keep from getting sucked in to Small Shawl Addiction. So maybe a scarf?

    Him: “I feel like these pants somewhat highlight my package.” Me: “That’s the whole point of slim fit trousers for men. Hello, Mr. Darcy!”

    @DianneKing NO! They’re way too frilly and girly from me. They don’t suit my wardrobe at all. I’ve knitted too many things I never wear.

    Iā€™m entering @Crust_Pizza #Crustfreepizzafriday

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    GAH. Self: There’s no point to downloading Best of Bootie 2009 at home if you don’t bother to transfer it to the iPhone.

    @imdominating I do have the 2007 and 2008 versions here though. šŸ™‚

    @runjohnerun Thanks for that. So your suggested training range is 145-160? or max on easy days is 145?

    @ozquokka RUB IT IN, WHY DON’T YOU? šŸ˜›

    Confession: I just listened to Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” for the first time. Realised I only know like 4 seconds of it from a TV commercial.

    @traceyh It was the best thing I’ve done! I’m much happier now.

    @bellsknits @spycoredotnet I didn’t think I knew any, but I recognised a bit. I think not having a radio or MTV helps.

    @Warlach You are giving me flashbacks to a Meatloaf-loving high school boyfriend. Just… don’t.

    Yay! @knitabulous yarn club package just landed on my desk. Now for the all important unboxing…

    Knitabulous yarn package #2:

    @purple_velvet Yeah… Unfortunately licorice is my NEMESIS. This think looks like concentrated evil.

    @codepo8 Niiiice. I need to get me one of those too. Need to join the social media guru herd. šŸ™‚

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    Recalculated my target HR zone for base training. Turns out I really was going too slow! (cc @IronBrandon @runjohnerun)

    @carbolicious I got a kite too, but it’s been so rainy we haven’t been able to fly it.

    @rhagern Consider yourself challenged! (I suck at Scrabble, btw.)

    @rhagern That was just really, really lucky!

    My face is feeling better. Hooray for the miracle of antibiotics!

    Let’s play Words With Friends on the iPhone! (It’s Scrabble.) My username is ‘web-goddess’.

    @Alex_Manchester Glebe Point Diner? That was nice. (Although I liked the Boathouse better, but you said no seafood…)

    Tonight: Crispy Black Bean Tacos with Feta and Cabbage Slaw. Recipe: Photo: SOOO GOOOOD.

    @Opheli8 Vego AND kosher! Well, wait. Is feta kosher?

    @runjohnerun Do you think I should stick with the old numbers based just on Max HR?

    Okay, no more Words with Friends games, people! I’m playing SEVEN AT ONCE.

    Just completed a 5.81 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Just completed a 2.55 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @ozgamer No, still in bed. Runkeeper’s Twitter API slays gets backed up these days

    @runjohnerun 33yo female. I got a range of different MHRs depending on the formula, but 185 was about the average.

    @crumpet I use Tweetdeck on both iPhone and Mac, but it seems divisive. Folks love it or hate it. I love it.

    @runjohnerun 5’10. I’m a pretty big girl!

    @runjohnerun Doesn’t make much difference to my original zone calc. Do you disagree with factoring in the RHR? Because that adds like 20bpm!

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    Just completed a 5.12 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    My blog is 9 today. I was proud of that til I remembered there are chicks from my high school class who have GRANDKIDS.

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    My cheek/jaw has been sore for 2 days, like I got punched (but I didn’t). Who wants to diagnose me? I can’t get appt at my doc til tomorrow.

    @Justacogitating Just on one side? It’s high up, right below the point of my cheekbone.

    @zephyrama @carbolicious Yeah, could be sinusitis. Hope so, that’s easy to fix.

    @witty_knitter Teeth feel fine. I don’t think I grind. Some folks online ended up with a surprise root canal, which would suck.

    I had all my wisdom teeth out a few years, so I don’t think it’s that.

    At the Myer men’s fitting rooms. There is a 1:1 ratio of girlfriends/wives to male shoppers.

    Back to work… except I’m sitting in a PACKED doctor’s office. Joy.

    Doc says no to sinusitis, TMJ, teeth, etc. Appears to be random soft tissue infection. Starting antibiotics. And now to work!