Category: Twitter Post

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    Today’s German class accomplishment: describing the plot of “The Castle” auf Deutsch:

    Der Flughafen wird größer! Der will das Haus der Familie kaufen! Aber die Familie liebt ihr Haus!


    RT @KenScambler: @web_goddess “Sag ihm, dass er träumt!” (Or so Google translate tells me)

    RT @codepo8: @KenScambler @web_goddess Das geht direkt in das Billiard Zimmer.

    @mark_sabbatical @StewGleadow I didn’t know that! I first saw it when I was living in London with Rodd, and then many times since we went to Sydney, of course.

    @KenScambler @joneaves @codepo8 LOL. @the_snook’s contribution was: “Ich habe ein loch gemacht. Es füllt mit Wasser.”

    RT @KenScambler: @joneaves @codepo8 @web_goddess Es ist Mabo, es ist die stimmung

    Many thanks to Lea at @salonahead for removing about a kilo of hair and letting my neck enjoy the summer breeze! 💇‍♀️❤️ @ Munich, Germany

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    RT @dw_sports: UEFA barred Munich’s Allianz Arena from lighting up in rainbow colors for Germany’s match against Hungary.

    This is how Germ…

    RT @ameeliah: Tonight’s internet rabbit hole reveals that Jack Black’s mum was an absolute badass: pioneer engineer in the space program, a…

    Running late to #CNCF Switzerland meetup. Joined just in time to hear Stepan from @ventuscloud describe Dapr as your application suiting up like Tony Stark in the Iron Man suit. 😂🤖 @vshn_ch

    It turns out that my strategy of being HORRENDOUSLY BAD AT THIS during my first appearance did not dissuade @mattstratton and @phrawzty from inviting me back. Ugh. They’ll probably make me draw “thought leadership” again. 🙃 #baskinmyfailure #growthmindset #beerwillhelp

    @SecondeJ @mattstratton @phrawzty Oh god. See, as soon as you SAY it, my mind goes completely blank.

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    😳 The Bavarian government really wanted to make sure I didn’t miss that I’m eligible for a vaccination appointment! (I already got one from my GP a month ago, so I’ve now deleted my account.)

    Good grief! They’ve also sent me multiple messages via email too. I wonder if some intern is going to get blamed…

    If you use app notifications to spam me, I delete your app. (/me glares at @gorillasapp)

    Ooh, love it! But I reckon I love the ATARI ASCII SCARF even more. ❤️🧣

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    RT @Vel12171: It’s been so great to get to chat with various members of the #awscommunity over the last few weeks. First up is a conversati…

    @Vel12171 @jeffbarr False advertising! Pretty sure @jeffbarr isn’t still rocking the purple ‘do. 😂

    @chixors GENIUS.

    Blog post: Darlow Pants! All about how I assembled the Darlow Pants from In the Folds. 👖🪡🧵

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    @johnallsopp I’m 44 and I got my 1st AZ shot a few weeks back. No hesitation whatsoever.

    Not only is this a really cool (although depressing) knitted data visualisation, it’s stylish and warm too! ❤️🧶

    If I knitted the NSW stripes into something, I could just point to it whenever someone asks “Why did you want to move to Germany?” (Not to mention the fact that it’s often to hot to wear knitting in Sydney.) 🙁 #ShowYourStripes #ClimateAction

    RT @astroehlein: For Germany-Hungary match in #EURO2020 on Wednesday, Munich city council is asking @UEFA to light the stadium in rainbow c…

    This is *extremely* relevant to my interests! Can’t wait to try it out… Thanks @WilcockPete!

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    Guess what? I sewed PANTS! 🪡🧵👖 #darlowpants @ Munich, Germany

    We found craft beer, hot dogs, and a new beer buddy for the Snook! @ HopDog

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    Blog post: Wolfie! A Trip to Salzburg. In which we visit the Salzburg Altstadt, Mozart’s birthplace, and the Hohensalzburg Fortress… ❤️

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    @nikkiricks BA and then manager for me (with a heap of disillusionment on the side), long time ago. Mostly because I was fed up working with and for jerks.

    @nikkiricks Oh, I still had to work with jerk developers. But the gender balance in the BA world is much more even, so I felt like I had more support and wasn’t on my own.

    @lynnlangit @awscloud Really hoping to be!!

    The inspiring @LoveAndMaths kicking off today’s @codelikeagirlau session. I forgot how much I missed hearing Acknowledgement of Country. ❤️🇦🇺

    RT @codelikeagirlau: First panellist is Kris Howard (@web_goddess) of @AWS Developer Relations Team, coming in from Germany: “My mom was in…

    @codelikeagirlau @canva As part of the epic 2016 Hackathon. ❤️

    RT @codelikeagirlau: One very cool claim-to-fame for Kris: “I was the first woman to contribute to the code base at @canva.” 🤩

    @joneaves @envato Congrats! Seems like they have a lot of great folks working there these days. 🙂

    @the_nathanjones @joneaves @envato OH YOU TWO. You know you’re both the Best, right? 😍

    Thanks for having me, @codelikeagirlau! Gosh, I miss hearing Aussie accents. ❤️ What an amazing group of tech folks. I can’t wait to see what you all accomplish in the future… #CrackingTech

    A 31-degree day? I’ve forgotten what this feels like!! ☀️☀️❤️❤️

    @Malarkey Interesting. I found it really hard to identify with Don. Relatedly, I have Peggy figurine with the sunnies, box, and cigarette sitting below my computer monitor, reminding me every day to kick ass.

    @Malarkey With special thanks to friends @gilmae and @randomknits for getting it for me. ❤️😎

    @Malarkey @gilmae @randomknits Ooh, she needs a dusting…

    @Malarkey For several years running, I gave a talk at Girl Geek Sydney’s events entitled “Presenting Your Hack: Channeling Your Inner Peggy Olson” with tips for crafting a memorable pitch. I even dressed up as her. I ❤️ PEGGY FOREVER.

    @Malarkey @gilmae @randomknits Zero regrets, my friend.

    RT @pachicodes: Do I know any women or non binary friends looking for a senior role in #devrel?

    KNITTERS – they’re bringing out @SchittsCreek YARN and PATTERNS! 😍🧶 This is amazing. Well done @LionBrandYarn! Absolutely genius. I can’t wait to knit my own David Rose sweater…

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    Just received my stunning kit for @sawdustbear’s game “A Mending.” I’m actually very far from all my dearest friends right now, and if only I could walk through these beautiful woods to visit them! ❤️🌳🧵🪡

    Both @darkosubotica and @Vel12171 from my team will be speaking at this event today! Still time to register. 😍

    @darkosubotica duckyPad!! 🦆❤️

    And they worked great! I remember having passionate debates about that Webmonkey article about how best to nest your tables for optimal performance. Ahh, good times. (Tagging @codepo8 as I’m pretty sure I even have some dodgy team photos of him from those days…)

    Excited to (virtually) attend my first @blndevops meetup tonight! First up is Elmar Weber, CTO at @ambossmed, starting his talk on driving culture through infrastructure by remind us how things used to work in the Waterfall days…

    @blndevops @ambossmed Elmar says that @ambossmed’s plan for their development platform got thrown out the window when the team grew 4x as large as expected! So they spent time to plan and define goals, such as allowing a new engineer to deploy a new service within minutes.

    @blndevops @ambossmed Lots of good takeaways from this talk, but I especially liked how Elmar made sure to hit “Don’t ever build your own Kubernetes cluster if you can avoid it” multiple times. 😂

    @der_rehan @Vel12171 That’s really cool Rehan, nice job!! 👏

    The advent of the Cloud and virtualisation has enabled the rise of dev and the concept of “shifting left,” says @yishaibeeri from @LinearB_Inc, ultimately leading to code eating the world… @blndevops

    @yishaibeeri @LinearB_Inc @blndevops Useful Dos and Don’ts of shifting left – automate mundane steps; fail early with quick feedback; and don’t rely on metrics you look at once a month to tell you when something goes wrong.

    RT @nocontextmiller:

    @codepo8 Well said…

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    Freshly baked apricot crisp for breakfast al fresco… on a Tuesday?! 😍🍑 @ Theresienhöhe

    @DgtlNmd It’s Berlitz Level A2.3, but the teacher is slipping in some refresher material for things we’ve told her we need to review. (I was pretty conversational 25 years ago, but a lot of the grammar is very rusty now!)

    @mirabeladd Thanks for the recommendation! I’m doing a Berlitz course through work, but will definitely keep it in mind for after. 🙂

    @FrankPrechtel @dnsmichi OOHHH, truth be told Würste > Kekse in my house, so I am looking forward to that Frank!!

    We had a team caricaturing lesson. I am… not good at this. #growthmindset 🎨🤪 @ Theresienhöhe

    Me, riding through the Munich city center tonight: “Why are there so many police cars around?!” Oh. Apparently France are playing Germany tonight. 😂⚽️ #Euro2020 🇩🇪 GO DEUTSCHLAND!

    @dnsmichi Awww, böse Michi! 😂

    @dnsmichi We didn’t watch either. Only realised tonight that we’ve never actually tuned the TV to local channels! 😂