Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @knitterjp Well, I’m starting the front so it’s relatively small now. If it were a big piece, I couldn’t do it.

    Hey Twitter, can I substitute Triple Sec for Grand Marnier in a recipe? My MANGOMISU DEPENDS ON IT.

    @tinkabel It’s on the cover of this month’s Delicious: 🙂

    I am headed into the abyss. (Man, I hate Coles.)

    Coles is insane. The only things preventing a riot are those giant air conditioning units.

    Just completed a 5.14 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Charlie is back! My favorite graffiti in Chippo.

    Christmas Eve fireworks? Sydney has a lot of fireworks.

    Still waking up. You early risers are cah-RAZY.

    Family: Skype is on if you want to get in touch! I am now going to commence knitting and TV, and I don’t plan on moving for hours.

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    RT @VenessaHunt: Check out new promo… – to schedule your New Years Msg’s for free…

    Tried several times to check in at Crossroads Bar, Swissotel Sydney. @foursquare fail?!

    @glittertrash I noticed that last weekend! I wasn’t sure if it was chard or beetroot, but yeah, definitely edible.

    GAH. I did it again! I did short rows on St. Brigid shoulder, forgot that it has saddles, thus no 3-needle bindoff. (Did same on Na Craga.)

    Phew. Back of St. Brigid is successfully casted off. Now to start the front. (5 days off; how much can I get done? Place bets now!)

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    @redambition Cute! Loving that fringe. 🙂

    HOLY CRAP. Do Huntsmen spiders make webs? Because there is a hairy spider the size of a golf ball in my garden in a humongous web.

    Crap. Huntsmans don’t make webs. WHAT IS IT?

    RT @redambition: @web_goddess Sounds like a Garden Orb Weaver. // I think that’s it. PHEW! Thanks…

    @redambition Yeah, and this one’s built his web at head height right outside the backdoor. I nearly walked into him face first!

    I blogged the GIANT SPIDER. I’m calling her Shelob.

    @alyshajane Hm. If she’s eating wasps, she’s welcome to stay!

    This morning the spider web is gone. I hope a bird didn’t eat Shelob.

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    @carbolicious Did you see him on 30 Rock? LOVE.

    Hall & Oates sing “Jingle Bell Rock”. (This one’s for @carbolicious.)

    @twelveeyes Oh man! The Tramcar is a dream of mine. We need a review afterwards…

    @ozgamer Dude, does ‘New Toy Syndrome’ last for 2.5 years? Because that’s a long time for a gadget.

    @DianneKing They’re uncommon here but not unknown. In fact, I got some in a gift swap two weeks ago from an Aussie!

    Re-redding the hair. I sit in a funk of ammonia and hair dye.

    Just completed a 8.18 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Just completed a 5.88 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Hey Twitter. If you have a cleaner, do you tip them for Christmas? And how much? (We want to know if we’re cheapskates.)

    @toastman W00t. Hahahaha… Okay, so I feel better now. Especially considering we have the SAME CLEANER.

    @VenessaHunt See, my red hair makes me look much more interesting than I actually am. Opposite of your classy bob! 😛

    Cleaner responses ranged from nothing to two weeks full pay + gift! Feeling better about my $20 and homemade cookies. Thanks everybody…

    @bellsknits I got a thank you plus an SMS later saying how much her son was enjoying the cookies. Very sweet! Love our cleaner.

    @VenessaHunt More like a bob CAN be boring, if the wearer needs camoflage. The red is harder to disguise.

    Just completed a 5.22 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

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    Okay, all 178 rows of St. Brigid back are complete. As I’m still 10+cm short… yeah. Doing another repeat.

    After five long years… we have wedding rings! And they’re the geekiest rings ever. 🙂

    Baking Christmas snickerdoodles. Yum.

    @imdominating Nah, sorry, I know shit all about WordPress…

    Christmas snickerdoodles!

    @redambition I saw those at Glebe Markets last weekend! Very cute, if I didn’t already have a zillion eco bags.

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    @venks79 It was a great year. Best job with the best folks! Thanks again for giving me the chance… 🙂

    Heading to SSK… if a Newtown bus ever turns up.

    Neat! Just spotted an anti-Scientology Anonymous protest marching up Broadway towards Glebe.

    I just unlocked the “Crunked” badge on @foursquare!

    We bought saltbush “lamb ham” (smoked cured lamb shoulder) at the markets today. It’s awesome. Plus LAMB HAM is fun to say. LAMB HAM.

    Just completed a 2.82 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Just completed a 5.78 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Looks like @runkeeper’s auto-tweets are backed up again. Runs out of sequence are messing up my @twunlog. (I didn’t run at 6am, btw.)

    @bellsknits Nah, that one’s from Thursday. I did do just shy of 6km last night, and I’m scheduled for 8km today!

    @bellsknits I should also mention that @gusseting headed out for a run before I actually got out of bed this morning. So she wins!

    Gingerbread girl from Sweetness the Patisserie. Yay!

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    @ozgamer CHEERS, MATE.

    I just unlocked the “Superstar” badge on @foursquare!

    Crap. Only been at Christmas party for an hour and I’m pissed. MUST REGULATE.

    Me and @venks79 at the Christmas party. It was one year ago today he offered me the job!

    Spit-roasted pork at Eveleigh Markets. Very festive here today!

    Me and @gusseting at the Eveleigh Markets this morning.

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    Bus strike tomorrow? Looks like I’ll be walkin’ to work!

    @tinkabel Quite possibly! I think perhaps the 461, 480, and 483 drivers missed the memo and started striking today.

    @Warlach Ugh. Or we could all, like, donate $5 or something. How does a flash mob help poverty other than by getting hipsters on the news?

    RT @DDsD: Why the language of #nocleanfeed dooms the movement to failure. **Updated** <- Updated with new conten …

    @carbolicious Are those the shoes with wheels on the bottom? Because I really do.

    @carbolicious Well, a car would be expensive & useless. Would take longer than walking, and the nearest parking is probably my houes anyway.

    I like my co-workers a lot, but man, it’s been impossible to focus on any task for more than 10 minutes this week without being interrupted.

    @Opheli8 Oh sure. You’ll hang tinsel but you won’t eat a peanut butter and bacon cookie???

    Crap. Forgot Open Air cinema tix went on sale today. ( Nearly everything sold out already. 🙁

    @VenessaHunt Woo! Deceptively demure. 🙂

    Looks like the strike is ON!

    @VenessaHunt I’ve seen your high heels! Girls in pageboy bobs don’t wear stilettos.

    First night alone in ages. Petey Cat missed the Snook, as evidenced by YOWLING ALL NIGHT.

    RT @redambition: #busstrike and rain? Not a good day for public transport people!

    #busstrike + no taxis + gridlock = a 25min walk to work in steady rain. I knew blow-drying my hair this morning was absurdly optimistic.

    Hm. All the other girls in the office are dressed up for the Christmas party. I’m wearing jeans and sneakers.

    @carbolicious You could bathe a baby in that!

    They’re making me wear a funny hat.

    A Birkenstocked Santa with some non-traditional elves, including a Kiwi and a secret Jew. (Attn: @Opheli8)

    @witty_knitter Awww, congratulate her from me and Snook!

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    Zyrtec managed to stop my running nose, but man, I’m so drowsy I think I’m going to pass out at my desk.

    Just completed a 1.03 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Apparently this 470 is designated for the carrying of oversized parcels. I missed that somehow. The dude with the surfboard is a nice touch.

    Snook left home 15 min after me, yet still caught me at Broadway waiting for my bus. And then his came, and I’m still waiting. THIS SUCKS.

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    @damana I’m a geek girl BA. (I was a former dev though if that matters.)

    @damana Weirdness. For some reason I wasn’t following you even though I had you on a list. Anyhoo, following and emailing.

    @shanea Yikes! Did Quackies scare them away?