Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @bellsknits Then don’t click on any links in my next tweet!

    SPOILER ALERT! Don’t click on this link if you’re waiting for your @knitabulous yarn club package…

    @bellsknits @kms12 Hahaha, just caught up on the discussion. Can’t believe Bells caved! I’m enjoying one of the treats RIGHT NOW.

    I just unlocked the “Super User” badge on @foursquare!

    Tip: When checking in beside a fountain, beware sudden wind shifts. @foursquare fail. (Yeah, I’m a little damp.)

    Wow. The Miss Violet yarn club DRAMA is like a rabbit-hole that keeps going! Must remove that podcast from my Knitternet presentation.

    @witty_knitter These blog posts help too…

    @alyshajane Try these…

    Catching your boss reading Twitter during a meeting? Priceless. (Hi @venks79!)

    @acatinatree My husband sent that to me this morning… My husband wearing his Three Keyboard Cat Moon T-shirt. *facepalm*

    My heart rate monitor is here! Now to calculate MHR. Depending on the formulate, I get a range from 180-193. Guess I’ll split the difference

    Just completed a 2.68 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Get ready, Sydney. Not only am I wearing a frock for the Knitters’ Xmas Tea tomorrow, it’s VINTAGE! Very Mad Men, in fact.

    (You’re not a vintage hipster if your mother-in-law buys the dress for you at her local op shop.)

    @IronBrandon The Aussies are just waking up! Sure, I can help; I have to send them to my US fam all the time. DM or email me.

    Did 1st run w/ Timex HRM. Warm day; had to slow speed and walk hills to stay 70-80% of max HR. Sound right? @runjohnerun @IronBrandon

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    Just completed a 6.57 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    iPhone app review: Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock. Fun for crappy sleepers and fans of pseudo-scientific self-hackery.

    @steven_noble Tempted. Sorely tempted. Unfortunately the Snook points out we don’t have a basement (i.e. prime spot for foosball).

    I have lived in Sydney for eight years now… and I am, at this moment, eating my first ever sushi roll.

    @bellsknits So good! It was the seaweed that put me off. Never liked it growing up. But with soy and wasabi… YUM. New lunch options, yay!

    @tinkabel I’ve had rice + fish many times before; it’s just the nori rolls that I avoided. But no more! I’m a convert.

    @gadgetgirl70 Oddly, we were probably only house in IN that DID have sushi (albeit Korean-style) on a regular basis. I just didn’t like it.

    @supercres Give it a couple days; apparently it has to “calibrate” the first couple nights. Let me know how you go!

    Wow, I’m in love with these @EyeBuyDirect frames: Wonder if they’d ship to Australia…?

    @supercres Just saw that version 2.0 came out yesterday! Did you get it? I got sleep graphs…

    @TimBags I’ve got a heart rate monitor on order from US. Having more nerd data always motivates me to run! (Thinking of marathon in 2010!)

    @knitterjp So jealous! Not here yet. Actually, maybe I put work address??

    Ack! Stupid PayPal had my old address from 2yrs ago! Will have to wait for neighbours to deliver wool. šŸ™

    GOODGRIEF. There’s a rock-n-roll Santa playing the piano in the Westfield Bldg. I haven’t had enough caffeine to process that.

    @TimBags More like six. šŸ™

    Our custom wedding rings are taking shape. Titanium is heavy!

    There is nothing funnier than watching five grown IT nerds try to break in to a locked office.

    Especially when the designer solves the problem by the unheard-of method of simply PUSHING ON THE DOOR.

    Durrrrr. Rings are platinum, not titanium. Brain not working. I blame Jazz Santa.

    Iā€™m entering @Crust_Pizza #Crustfreepizzafriday

    IT’S A KNITTING MIRACLE! I evidently DID give @knitabulous my work address, so I just got my sock club kit! It’s gorgeous…

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    I just unlocked the “Explorer” badge on @foursquare!

    Searched Twitter to see if any other bloggers got spammed by Balsam Hill, and found loads of ppl shilling for them. Depressing.

    @carbolicious Ahhh, so you’re sad about leaving? That’s the basis for the FB posting? (I just sent you an email.)

    @DDsD We have a Museum of Obsolete Technology including original Gameboy and original iPod.

    @steven_noble I don’t! I just remember the sign:

    @alyshajane I use Tweetdeck, mainly because I like using the same one on my desktop and phone and syncing columns across!

    @Opheli8 Eh, you’re all just Internet people to me. It’s the “vaguely work-related” column that scrolls by too fast to read everything. šŸ™‚

    @Opheli8 Duh! Obviously that list is PRIVATE.

    Operation Increased Base Mileage is in full swing.

    @runkeeper Some problem with auto-tweeting today? My latest run (about an hour ago) didn’t pubilsh, even after re-sending.

    @runkeeper Cool, no worries. Incidentally, Facebook didn’t publish it either…

    @WildChildinAUS The Knitters Guild only takes cheques for membership. Some of us think this is the DUMBEST THING IN THE WORLD.

    Just voted RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App #openwebawards

    @WildChildinAUS And guess how much a postal order costs? $4.50! Plus you’ve got to stand in line at the Post Office! The mind boggles.

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    Heart rate monitor sites are impenetrable! Runners: any suggestions for basic HRM? No GPS necessary. @steverunner @IronBrandon @runjohnerun

    @johnvaughn Any running store… in Australia? šŸ˜›

    Just updated Tweetdeck, now with support for lists and new retweets. Exporting my groups as lists now!

    @Gin_ev_ra Are they in red T-shirts? Saw a few heading out this morning at Broadway. They looked vaguely sheepish and embarrassed.

    Just voted RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App #openwebawards

    Come one, come all to the dog and pony show!

    @SMinney I never had any problems with desktop version, so yeah, stable. Hope iPhone update comes soon…

    My swatch for St. Brigid is dry. Folks, it begins TONIGHT!

    Hm. The Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran has grown somewhat. Getting 19st/10cm instead of 21.

    Knitting progress is halted in favour of a very early night. I feel like crap.

    Just completed a 5.04 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Great. This ( makes me second-guess running a marathon. I’d have aimed for 5:30, which is too slow for some snobs. šŸ™

    Congrats to @EileenDCoE on her job offer in Melbourne! Looks like a few visits to Melbs are in order for 2010.

    @Warlach Savant. She said some stupid things about knitting 6mo ago and we invited her to come to a Guild meeting, but she never replied.

    @eileenDCoE Yay! Start following @crumpet and @gusseting to get the Melbourne news. šŸ™‚

    @Warlach @ozgamer got a free salad from Collier’s in East Sydney. Not an official reward; he had to tell them what @foursquare was. šŸ™‚

    P&P&Z to become a miniseries: (Attention @bellsknits!)

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    I really want to know which Sydney office this passive-aggressive gem comes from:

    Changed my cardigan and shoes for the journey home. I feel like Mr. Rogers.

    Check out the 2.67 km walk I did with @runkeeper #RunKeeper

    New “keep cups” at @tobysestate! Had to get one since I’m their @foursquare mayor. Yay for reusability!

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    Just completed a 9.82 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Trying out Amano Gelato, new gelato place on Glebe Pt Rd. Yummy.

    Thinking about doing my first marathon next year. I blame @steverunner and @runkeeper.

    @Warlach I’m logged in, but it hasn’t updated in 6hr and I can’t check in to Chippo because search results aren’t coming up. @foursquare

    @steverunner Can you point me towards Phedip ep or article re: appropriate base mileage for 1st time (slow) marathoner? I’m reading 25+…

    @steverunner Found it! Fdip126. Thought there had to have been one. Thanks for that! Downloading now… šŸ™‚

    Finally fixed buggy iPhone app update notifications with a hard reset as per:

    @runjohnerun Will do! I recently switched to forefoot running & I’m doing about 12mi/wk now. Aiming for possible marathon in 10 months!

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    Great session at Pennant Hills Library. 20some knitters inspired to get online! Then lunch courtesy of GrandmaFlea, lovely as ever.

    Neat – we had delivery from @crust_pizza last night! Sooooo good. Had no idea they were on Twitter.

    @alyshajane Just the plain ol’ Hawaiian. It was good!

    What’s with the fireworks??

    Over the city somewhere. Big crazy booms; finished like 10 minutes ago. Concert or sporting event?

    @DDsD Few years ago we went to a “Rebels” party as Leia and Han. Half the guests came as sluts then too.

    Surprisingly revelation from this morning’s preso: many older users don’t know that you can have more than one email address!

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    Snook is at the #photon conference, which is hosted by Wil Anderson. Man, the dot-com boom really never ended for some folks, did it?

    @gilmae Are you a PHOTONER too? Suddenly you seem so much more bleeding-edge! šŸ™‚ #photon

    @gilmae Ahhh, but are you going to the big Christmas party tonight? (The Snook isn’t. He’s not bleeding-edge enough.)

    @gilmae You are sounding dangerously un-web-2.0. You need to report to your local processing center for re-education.

    Sitting at Tsukasa by myself putting the final nail in my fish phobia. Mmmm, sushi. (Snook says I’m hardcore now.)

    @Warlach Happened to @ozgamer yesterday. Think it means you’ve been flagged as possible cheater. Wore off after 24hrs.

    Why the Twitter backchannel behind speakers at conferences really sucks: Totally agree.

    Just voted RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App #openwebawards

    Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. So needed.

    Crust Pizza delivery on the way….

    Knitternet preso updated for talk at Pennant Hills library tomorrow. I am bringing the Good Word of the Internet to the knitting heathens!

    Train has stopped 100m outside station. This does not bode well.

    GrandmaFlea is giving my introduction.

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    @tinkabel Ravelry is the font of all knitting weirdness!

    I am thankful I live and run in such a beautiful city.

    Just completed a 6.08 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    I hearby nominate “advergame” as the Worst Neologism of the Century. Yeah, that’s right, THIS CENTURY. *shudder* It’s worse than “mobisode.”

    @gilmae No. It’s “advertisement + game”. One of those crappy branded casual games on a website.

    FRACK. I appear to be on the L38, which is the ONE bus that doesn’t stop at our street. Looks like I’ll be backtracking from Glebe.

    I just unlocked the “Bender” badge on @foursquare!

    @imdominating HA! Just woke up, not even out of bed yet, and I LOLed. Brilliant!

    @Justacogitating Yep, Aussies love beets… to the point of putting pickled beets on hamburger. I KNOW!

    I want to know who the people on the 470 bus route bribed to get, like, 75 buses every morning. There were FOUR stopped @ Broadway just now.

    My review of the Boathouse at Blackwattle Bay, with pics: Verdict: Snapper Pie FTW.

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    I just unlocked the “Adventurer” badge on @foursquare!

    @WildChildinAUS There’s a setting for automatic tweeting. Off by default, I think, and most – like me – leave it that way! #foursquare

    @WildChildinAUS You don’t. It’s just a game. People earn points and unlock badges for going new places. Kind of fun! #foursquare

    @shanea I turned a bunch of them off! The only ones that still show are badges. šŸ™‚

    @tinkabel There were seven knitters at my house Monday night, all of whom had iPhones and would say YES.

    I just unlocked the “Local” badge on @foursquare!

    RT @DDsD: WakeMate: $50 Wristband syncs with your mobile & otpimises your wake time. // I WANT THIS.

    @traveller0112 Well, he’s Russian so they probably used to exchange waves from their front porches. šŸ™‚

    @imdominating That is like TWO BLOCKS from my house! But my hair is red now. šŸ™‚

    I may be getting a cold, and I accidentally just dipped my bus ticket twice. Happy friggin’ Thanksgiving.

    @kms12 I do! I may feel like crap, but my house is gonna smell goooood tonight. šŸ™‚

    Pumpkin Spiced and Iced Cookies ( are cooling on the counter.

    @Justacogitating I like beets!

    We are thankful for cat grass. OM NOM NOM!!

    We are thankful for Pumpkin Spiced and Iced Cookies!

    Now here’s a possibility for the Easter Show: Crocheted Childbirth Education Doll. The judges would have nightmares!

    Discovery: pumpkin cookies are strange to Aussies, and some of my usual baked-good-fans are being scaredy cats and not trying. More for me!

    @gilmae Haha, sure! There are still plenty left.